From HandWiki
< Template:Inflation | doc
This sub-template returns the associated country's CPI for a specific year. It's used by {{Inflation/doc}} for calculating the inflation rate between two given years, which in turn is used by {{Inflation}} to calculate inflated values. It usually isn't meant to be called directly. The information in this dataset is input from "Japan Historical Consumer Price Index (CPI) - 1970 to 2014". http://www.rateinflation.com/consumer-price-index/japan-historical-cpi. Retrieved 30 July 2014. and "昭和戦後史". http://shouwashi.com/transition-consumerprice.html. Retrieved 2015-01-24..
Providing no parameter or providing an invalid parameter will result in the "default" CPI, what usually means the latest one.
See also
- {{Inflation}}
- {{Inflation/doc}}