Template:Infobox body of water/Bookmarklet

From HandWiki

The following bookmarklet adds {{infobox body of water}} in preview mode after prompting you for:

  • name (prefilled with article title)
  • basin countries
  • location
  • lake type

javascript:with(document.forms[0]){void(nt=prompt('Name ',wgTitle));void(ta=prompt('Basin countries ',''));void(loca=prompt('Location ',''));void(typ=prompt('Type ',''));void(wpSummary.value+='+[[Template:Infobox body of water|infobox]] (see [[Template:Infobox_lake#Parameters|description of fields]], [[Wikipedia:WikiProject Lakes|WikiProject Lakes]]');void(wpTextbox1.value='{{Infobox body of water\n | lake_name = '+nt+'\n | image_lake = \n | caption_lake = \n | image_bathymetry = \n | caption_bathymetry = \n | location = '+loca+'\n | coords = \n | type = '+typ+'\n | inflow = \n | outflow = \n | outflow1 = \n | catchment = \n | basin_countries = '+ta+'\n | length = \n | width = \n | area = \n | depth = \n | max-depth = \n | volume = \n | residence_time = \n | shore = \n | elevation = \n | islands = \n | cities = \n | frozen = \n}}\n'+wpTextbox1.value);void(wpPreview.click())}