Template:Planetary radius

From HandWiki
Size comparison
Jupiter Exoplanet
Jupiter Exoplanet


This template is to show size comparison of Jupiter, Neptune and the Earth alongside extrasolar planets that have their radial size confirmed.

{{Planetary radius
| radius = <!--simplified number of the radius (Jupiter equals 100px)-->

Some planets might have a radius that would be hard to compare to Jupiter. So the option to compare the planet to Earth is possible.

{{Planetary radius
| base = <!--base planet (between Jupiter and Earth [Jupiter automatic])-->
| radius = <!--simplified number of the radius (Jupiter or Earth equals 100px)-->

Other options include choosing which part of the page the template can be placed in, as well as the exoplanets name.

{{Planetary radius
| align = <!--The side of the page the box is on (left/right [left is automatic])-->
| Exoplanet = <!--name of the planet (optional)-->
| radius = <!--simplified number of the radius (Jupiter equals 100px)-->

Here is the full syntax

{{Planetary radius
| align = <!--The side of the page the box is on (left/right)(left is automatic)-->
| base = <!--Base planet (Earth, Neptune or Jupiter)-->
| Exoplanet = <!--name of the planet (pagename automatic)-->
| radius = <!--simplified number of the radius (Jupiter equals 100px)-->


Size comparison
Jupiter HD 209458 b
Jupiter Exoplanet
{{Planetary radius
| align = right
| Exoplanet = HD 209458 b
| radius = 135
Size comparison
Jupiter COROT-7 b
Jupiter Exoplanet
{{Planetary radius
| align = right
| Exoplanet = COROT-7 b
| radius = 15
Size comparison
Neptune COROT-7 b
Neptune Exoplanet
{{Planetary radius
| align = right
| base = Neptune
| Exoplanet = COROT-7 b
| radius = 043
Size comparison
Earth COROT-7 b
Small Earth.jpg Exoplanet
{{Planetary radius
| align = right
| base = Earth
| Exoplanet = COROT-7 b
| radius = 168
Size comparison
Sun HD 100546 b
The Sun Exoplanet
{{Planetary radius
| align = right
| base = Sun
| Exoplanet = HD 100546 b
| radius = 069
Size comparison
Sun GQ Lupi b
The Sun Exoplanet
{{Planetary radius
| align = right
| base = Sun
| Exoplanet = GQ Lupi b
| radius = 030