Tutorial:JMathLab/2 Getting Help
Getting help
jMathLab has it's own help system. All programming modules are arranged in groups. You can list all functions which come with the program executing this statement:
<jc lang="math"> path </jc>
It print all modules and functions. Functions typically ends with ".m" (MatLab scripts) or ".java" (Java-implemented functions). You can get help and examples on a particular function as:
<jc lang="math"> help("acosh") </jc> where "acosh" is the name of the function. This will generate a dialog which shows how to use this function. You can add a new directory with your ".m" files using addpath methods.
Exercise: Try to see what "help" function is doing by replacing "acosd" with "help" |
To view variables which exist in the memory of the program, use who:
<jc lang="math"> a=2 b=3 who </jc>
Determining object type
You can determine the type of the object using the "type" method. Try this example which prints the type of the symbolic expression "z*y":
<jc lang="math"> syms x,y a=x*y disp(type(a)) </jc>
Online help
There are more than 100 built-in functions included with jMathLab. They are implemented as a external MatLab functions (with the extension .m) or as a Java classes. You can look at them using the command path. Look at the reference manual Reference manual.