
From HandWiki
Short description: Time zone in Australia
Time zone
UTC offset
Current time
21:34, 19 July 2024 UTC+08:45 [refresh]
Central meridian
131.25 degrees E
Date-time group
Eucla is located in Australia
Location of Eucla in Australia, UTC+08:45 is observed here and in some other localities on the highway
Sign on the Eyre highway indicating the start of the unofficial Australian Central Western Time Zone

UTC+08:45 is an identifier for a time offset from UTC of +08:45.

As standard time (Southern Hemisphere winter)

Principal town: Eucla


Pacific Ocean

  • Australia - Central Western Standard Time
    • Western Australia
      • Caiguna
      • Cocklebiddy
      • Eucla
      • Madura
      • Mundrabilla
    • South Australia
      • Border Village


UTC+08:45 is used as a time in Australia (Central Western Time, or CWT). It is used by some roadhouses along the Eyre Highway in Western Australia and South Australia. Although not legally defined by the state or federal governments,[1] the boundaries where it commences and ends are clearly understood and recognised by the Shire of Dundas local government[2] and are frequently shown on road maps of the area. Road signs at the western end of the time zone on the Eyre Highway advise travellers to reset their clocks by 45 minutes.[3]

UTC+08:45 is used in five places in Australia, including Border Village in South Australia, as well as Cocklebiddy, Eucla, Madura and Mundrabilla in Western Australia. It runs from just east of the South Australian border to shortly east of Caiguna. It is included in the tz database with designator Australia/Eucla.

See also


External links