Braille pattern dots-125

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Short description: Braille pattern

The Braille pattern dots-125 ( ) is a 6-dot braille cell with the top left and both middle dots raised, or an 8-dot braille cell with the top left and both upper-middle dots raised. It is represented by the Unicode code point U+2813, and in Braille ASCII with H.

Character information
Preview ⠓ (braille pattern dots-125)
Encodings decimal hex
Unicode 10259 0 0 0 U+2813
UTF-8 226 160 147 0 0 0 E2 A0 93 00 00 00
Numeric character reference ⠓��� ⠓���
Braille ASCII 72 48

Unified Braille

In unified international braille, the braille pattern dots-125 is used to represent guttural fricatives and approximants, such as /h/, /ħ/, or /ɦ/, and is otherwise assigned as needed. It is also used for the number 8.[1]

Table of unified braille values

French Braille H, "sur"
English Braille H
English Contraction have
German Braille H
Armenian Braille Հ
Bharati Braille ह / ਹ / હ / হ / ହ / హ / ಹ / ഹ / ஹ / හ / ہ ‎[2]
Icelandic Braille H
IPA Braille /h/
Russian Braille Х
Slovak Braille H
Arabic Braille ه
Persian Braille ه
Irish Braille H, dot accent
Thai Braille h
Luxembourgish Braille h (minuscule)


Other braille

Japanese Braille ri / り / リ [1]
Korean Braille t- / ㅌ [1]
Mainland Chinese Braille h/x [1]
Taiwanese Braille z / ㄗ
Two-Cell Chinese Braille xi- -ào / 要 yào
Nemeth Braille not an independent sign [3]
Algerian Braille د ‎[1]

Plus dots 7 and 8

Related to Braille pattern dots-125 are Braille patterns 1257, 1258, and 12578, which are used in 8-dot braille systems, such as Gardner-Salinas and Luxembourgish Braille.

Character information
Preview ⡓ (braille pattern dots-1257) ⢓ (braille pattern dots-1258) ⣓ (braille pattern dots-12578)
Encodings decimal hex decimal hex decimal hex
Unicode 10323 0 0 0 U+2853 10387 0 0 0 U+2893 10451 0 0 0 U+28D3
UTF-8 226 161 147 0 0 0 E2 A1 93 00 00 00 226 162 147 0 0 0 E2 A2 93 00 00 00 226 163 147 0 0 0 E2 A3 93 00 00 00
Numeric character reference ⡓��� ⡓��� ⢓��� ⢓��� ⣓��� ⣓���
dots 1257 dots 1258 dots 12578
Gardner Salinas Braille[4] H (capital) ∞ (infinity)
Luxembourgish Braille[5] H (capital)

Related 8-dot kantenji patterns

In the Japanese kantenji braille, the standard 8-dot Braille patterns 236, 1236, 2346, and 12346 are the patterns related to Braille pattern dots-125, since the two additional dots of kantenji patterns 0125, 1257, and 01257 are placed above the base 6-dot cell, instead of below, as in standard 8-dot braille.

Character information
Preview ⠦ (braille pattern dots-236) ⠧ (braille pattern dots-1236) ⠮ (braille pattern dots-2346) ⠯ (braille pattern dots-12346)
Encodings decimal hex decimal hex decimal hex decimal hex
Unicode 10278 0 0 0 U+2826 10279 0 0 0 U+2827 10286 0 0 0 U+282E 10287 0 0 0 U+282F
UTF-8 226 160 166 0 0 0 E2 A0 A6 00 00 00 226 160 167 0 0 0 E2 A0 A7 00 00 00 226 160 174 0 0 0 E2 A0 AE 00 00 00 226 160 175 0 0 0 E2 A0 AF 00 00 00
Numeric character reference ⠦��� ⠦��� ⠧��� ⠧��� ⠮��� ⠮��� ⠯��� ⠯���

Kantenji using braille patterns 236, 1236, 2346, or 12346

This listing includes kantenji using Braille pattern dots-125 for all 6349 kanji found in JIS C 6226-1978.

  • ⠯ (braille pattern dots-12346) - 分

Variants and thematic compounds

  • ⠧⠊ - り/分 + selector 1 = 今
  • ⠡⠮ - selector 5 + り/分 = 帚
  • ⢁⠮ - selector 6 + り/分 = 僉
  • ⢡⠮ - 数 + #8 = 八
  • ⠱⠮ - 比 + り/分 = 里

Compounds of 分

  • ⠇⠮ - い/糹/#2 + り/分 = 紛
  • ⡡⠮ - を/貝 + り/分 = 貪
  • ⡧⠮ - ち/竹 + り/分 = 雰
  • ⠕⠮ - お/頁 + り/分 = 頒
  • ⠧⡜ - り/分 + の/禾 = 粉
    • ⡵12px|alt=⠦⡜ - と/戸 + り/分 + の/禾 = 彜
  • ⠧⡨ - り/分 + を/貝 = 貧
  • ⡑12px|alt=⠦⠊ - や/疒 + り/分 + selector 1 = 岑
  • ⡗12px|alt=⠦⠊ - ね/示 + り/分 + selector 1 = 衾
  • ⡱12px|alt=⠦⠊ - よ/广 + り/分 + selector 1 = 矜
  • ⠷12px|alt=⠤⠮ - れ/口 + 宿 + り/分 = 吩
  • ⡑12px|alt=⠒⠮ - や/疒 + う/宀/#3 + り/分 = 岔
  • ⠧12px|alt=⠤⢬ - り/分 + 宿 + 心 = 忿
  • ⡷12px|alt=⠤⠮ - て/扌 + 宿 + り/分 = 扮
  • ⢥12px|alt=⣀⠮ - 心 + 龸 + り/分 = 枌
  • ⠧12px|alt=⣴⠊ - り/分 + も/門 + selector 1 = 氛
  • ⡇12px|alt=⠤⠮ - に/氵 + 宿 + り/分 = 汾
  • ⣣12px|alt=⠤⠮ - ま/石 + 宿 + り/分 = 竕
  • ⢓12px|alt=⠤⠮ - く/艹 + 宿 + り/分 = 芬

Compounds of 今

  • ⠷⠮ - れ/口 + り/分 = 吟
  • ⠧⠾ - り/分 + れ/口 = 含
    • ⢓12px|alt=⠦⠾ - く/艹 + り/分 + れ/口 = 莟
  • ⠧⢬ - り/分 + 心 = 念
    • ⢇12px|alt=⠦⢬ - き/木 + り/分 + 心 = 棯
    • ⡕12px|alt=⠦⢬ - の/禾 + り/分 + 心 = 稔
    • ⢷12px|alt=⠦⢬ - せ/食 + り/分 + 心 = 鯰
  • ⢧12px|alt=⠦⠊ - し/巿 + り/分 + selector 1 = 黔

Compounds of 帚

  • ⣓⠮ - ふ/女 + り/分 = 婦
  • ⣡⠮ - ん/止 + り/分 = 帰
  • ⡷⠮ - て/扌 + り/分 = 掃
  • ⢓12px|alt=⠠⠮ - く/艹 + selector 5 + り/分 = 菷
  • ⡧12px|alt=⠤⠮ - ち/竹 + 宿 + り/分 = 箒
  • ⣡12px|alt=⣠⠮ - ん/止 + ん/止 + り/分 = 歸

Compounds of 僉

  • ⡑⠮ - や/疒 + り/分 = 嶮
  • ⠧⢸ - り/分 + 氷/氵 = 斂
    • ⡇12px|alt=⠦⢸ - に/氵 + り/分 + 氷/氵 = 瀲
  • ⣡12px|alt=⢀⠮ - ん/止 + selector 6 + り/分 = 歛
  • ⡧12px|alt=⢀⠮ - ち/竹 + selector 6 + り/分 = 簽
  • ⢑12px|alt=⢐⠮ - 仁/亻 + 仁/亻 + り/分 = 儉
  • ⣵12px|alt=⠤⠮ - も/門 + 宿 + り/分 = 匳
  • ⢇12px|alt=⢆⠮ - き/木 + き/木 + り/分 = 檢
  • ⢅12px|alt=⠤⠮ - ⺼ + 宿 + り/分 = 臉
  • ⢣12px|alt=⢢⠮ - さ/阝 + さ/阝 + り/分 = 險
  • ⢵12px|alt=⢴⠮ - そ/馬 + そ/馬 + り/分 = 驗
  • ⠧12px|alt=⠶⠾ - り/分 + れ/口 + れ/口 = 龠
    • ⢃12px|alt=⠤⠮ - か/金 + 宿 + り/分 = 鑰

Compounds of 八

  • ⠓⠮ - う/宀/#3 + り/分 = 穴
    • ⠇12px|alt=⠒⠮ - い/糹/#2 + う/宀/#3 + り/分 = 穽
    • ⢕12px|alt=⠒⠮ - こ/子 + う/宀/#3 + り/分 = 窖
    • ⢃12px|alt=⠒⠮ - か/金 + う/宀/#3 + り/分 = 窩
    • ⣱12px|alt=⠒⠮ - 火 + う/宀/#3 + り/分 = 竃
    • ⢱12px|alt=⠒⠮ - 氷/氵 + う/宀/#3 + り/分 = 竅
    • ⡳12px|alt=⠒⠮ - つ/土 + う/宀/#3 + り/分 = 竇
    • ⣇12px|alt=⠒⠮ - ひ/辶 + う/宀/#3 + り/分 = 邃
  • ⣥⠮ - 囗 + り/分 = 興
    • ⣱12px|alt=⣤⠮ - 火 + 囗 + り/分 = 爨
    • ⢷12px|alt=⣤⠮ - せ/食 + 囗 + り/分 = 釁
  • ⠷12px|alt=⢠⠮ - れ/口 + 数 + り/分 = 叭
  • ⢃12px|alt=⢠⠮ - か/金 + 数 + り/分 = 釟

Compounds of 里

  • ⡱⠮ - よ/广 + り/分 = 厘
    • ⢃12px|alt=⡰⠮ - か/金 + よ/广 + り/分 = 甅
    • ⣣12px|alt=⡰⠮ - ま/石 + よ/广 + り/分 = 竰
    • ⢇12px|alt=⡰⠮ - き/木 + よ/广 + り/分 = 釐
  • ⣗⠮ - へ/⺩ + り/分 = 理
  • ⣣⠮ - ま/石 + り/分 = 童
    • ⠳⠮ - る/忄 + り/分 = 憧
    • ⢃⠮ - か/金 + り/分 = 鐘
    • ⡃12px|alt=⣢⠮ - な/亻 + ま/石 + り/分 = 僮
    • ⢧12px|alt=⣢⠮ - し/巿 + ま/石 + り/分 = 幢
    • ⡷12px|alt=⣢⠮ - て/扌 + ま/石 + り/分 = 撞
    • ⢇12px|alt=⣢⠮ - き/木 + ま/石 + り/分 = 橦
    • ⡇12px|alt=⣢⠮ - に/氵 + ま/石 + り/分 = 潼
    • ⣓12px|alt=⣢⠮ - ふ/女 + ま/石 + り/分 = 艟
  • ⣁⠮ - 龸 + り/分 = 重
    • ⡃⠮ - な/亻 + り/分 = 働
    • ⡕⠮ - の/禾 + り/分 = 種
    • ⣑⠮ - ゆ/彳 + り/分 = 衝
    • ⠧⡚ - り/分 + ぬ/力 = 動
      • ⠳12px|alt=⠦⡚ - る/忄 + り/分 + ぬ/力 = 慟
    • ⢅12px|alt=⣀⠮ - ⺼ + 龸 + り/分 = 腫
    • ⢓12px|alt=⣀⠮ - く/艹 + 龸 + り/分 = 董
    • ⣧12px|alt=⣀⠮ - み/耳 + 龸 + り/分 = 踵
    • ⢃12px|alt=⣀⠮ - か/金 + 龸 + り/分 = 鍾
  • ⡳⠮ - つ/土 + り/分 = 埋
  • ⣅⠮ - 日 + り/分 = 量
  • ⢷⠮ - せ/食 + り/分 = 鯉
  • ⠧⡞ - り/分 + ね/示 = 裏
  • ⠧⡸ - り/分 + よ/广 = 野
    • ⡳12px|alt=⠦⡸ - つ/土 + り/分 + よ/广 = 墅
  • ⡃12px|alt=⠰⠮ - な/亻 + 比 + り/分 = 俚
  • ⠷12px|alt=⠰⠮ - れ/口 + 比 + り/分 = 哩
  • ⡇12px|alt=⠰⠮ - に/氵 + 比 + り/分 = 浬
  • ⢗12px|alt=⠰⠮ - け/犬 + 比 + り/分 = 狸
  • ⡗12px|alt=⠰⠮ - ね/示 + 比 + り/分 = 裡
  • ⢵12px|alt=⠰⠮ - そ/馬 + 比 + り/分 = 貍
    • ⡧12px|alt=⠰⠮ - ち/竹 + 比 + り/分 = 霾

Other compounds

  • ⢑⠮ - 仁/亻 + り/分 = 倹
  • ⢇⠮ - き/木 + り/分 = 検
  • ⢣⠮ - さ/阝 + り/分 = 険
  • ⢵⠮ - そ/馬 + り/分 = 験
  • ⣡12px|alt=⠤⠮ - ん/止 + 宿 + り/分 = 鹸
  • ⢓⠮ - く/艹 + り/分 = 兵
    • ⡇⠮ - に/氵 + り/分 = 浜
    • ⢇12px|alt=⢒⠮ - き/木 + く/艹 + り/分 = 梹
    • ⢃12px|alt=⢒⠮ - か/金 + く/艹 + り/分 = 鋲
  • ⠧⠞ - り/分 + え/訁 = 会
    • ⢥⠮ - 心 + り/分 = 桧
  • ⠧⣼ - り/分 + も/門 = 余
    • ⠧⡼ - り/分 + と/戸 = 斜
    • ⠧⡬ - り/分 + ゑ/訁 = 叙
      • ⠃12px|alt=⠦⡬ - selector 1 + り/分 + ゑ/訁 = 敍
      • ⠧12px|alt=⠦⡬ - り/分 + り/分 + ゑ/訁 = 敘
    • ⡣12px|alt=⠦⣼ - た/⽥ + り/分 + も/門 = 畭
    • ⢥12px|alt=⠦⣼ - 心 + り/分 + も/門 = 荼
    • ⣳12px|alt=⠦⣼ - む/車 + り/分 + も/門 = 蜍
    • ⠧12px|alt=⠦⣼ - り/分 + り/分 + も/門 = 餘
    • ⠧12px|alt=⠦⣼ - り/分 + り/分 + も/門 = 餘
  • ⠧⢊ - り/分 + か/金 = 平
    • ⠧⡺ - り/分 + つ/土 = 坪
    • ⠗⠮ - え/訁 + り/分 = 評
    • ⡑12px|alt=⠦⢊ - や/疒 + り/分 + か/金 = 岼
    • ⠳12px|alt=⠦⢊ - る/忄 + り/分 + か/金 = 怦
    • ⡇12px|alt=⠦⢊ - に/氵 + り/分 + か/金 = 泙
      • ⢓12px|alt=⠦⢊ - く/艹 + り/分 + か/金 = 萍
    • ⡕12px|alt=⠦⢊ - の/禾 + り/分 + か/金 = 秤
    • ⢥12px|alt=⠦⢊ - 心 + り/分 + か/金 = 苹
    • ⢷12px|alt=⠦⢊ - せ/食 + り/分 + か/金 = 鮃
  • ⠧⣞ - り/分 + へ/⺩ = 全
    • ⡥⠮ - ゑ/訁 + り/分 = 詮
    • ⢇12px|alt=⠦⣞ - き/木 + り/分 + へ/⺩ = 栓
    • ⡑12px|alt=⠦⣞ - や/疒 + り/分 + へ/⺩ = 痊
    • ⡧12px|alt=⠦⣞ - ち/竹 + り/分 + へ/⺩ = 筌
    • ⢃12px|alt=⠦⣞ - か/金 + り/分 + へ/⺩ = 銓
    • ⣱12px|alt=⠤⠮ - 火 + 宿 + り/分 = 竈
  • ⠧⢌ - り/分 + ⺼ = 益
    • ⢱⠮ - 氷/氵 + り/分 = 溢
    • ⠗12px|alt=⠦⢌ - え/訁 + り/分 + ⺼ = 謚
    • ⢃12px|alt=⠦⢌ - か/金 + り/分 + ⺼ = 鎰
    • ⠧12px|alt=⠤⢾ - り/分 + 宿 + せ/食 = 鷁
  • ⠧⢾ - り/分 + せ/食 = 舎
    • ⠧⣜ - り/分 + ほ/方 = 舗
    • ⠧12px|alt=⠦⢾ - り/分 + り/分 + せ/食 = 舍
      • ⠧12px|alt=⠦⣜ - り/分 + り/分 + ほ/方 = 舖
    • ⠧12px|alt=⠐⡸ - り/分 + selector 4 + よ/广 = 舒
  • ⡣⠮ - た/⽥ + り/分 = 典
    • ⢇12px|alt=⡢⠮ - き/木 + た/⽥ + り/分 = 椣
    • ⢅12px|alt=⡢⠮ - ⺼ + た/⽥ + り/分 = 腆
  • ⢧⠮ - し/巿 + り/分 = 幌
  • ⢗⠮ - け/犬 + り/分 = 猪
    • ⡇12px|alt=⢖⠮ - に/氵 + け/犬 + り/分 = 潴
  • ⢗12px|alt=⠒⠮ - け/犬 + う/宀/#3 + り/分 = 豬
  • ⣷⠮ - め/目 + り/分 = 窺
  • ⢳⠮ - す/発 + り/分 = 罹
  • ⠧⠜ - り/分 + お/頁 = 倉
    • ⡑12px|alt=⠦⠜ - や/疒 + り/分 + お/頁 = 瘡
    • ⣓12px|alt=⠦⠜ - ふ/女 + り/分 + お/頁 = 艙
    • ⢓12px|alt=⠦⠜ - く/艹 + り/分 + お/頁 = 蒼
    • ⣧12px|alt=⠦⠜ - み/耳 + り/分 + お/頁 = 蹌
    • ⢃12px|alt=⠦⠜ - か/金 + り/分 + お/頁 = 鎗
    • ⠳12px|alt=⠦⠜ - る/忄 + り/分 + お/頁 = 愴
    • ⡷12px|alt=⠦⠜ - て/扌 + り/分 + お/頁 = 搶
    • ⢇12px|alt=⠦⠜ - き/木 + り/分 + お/頁 = 槍
    • ⡇12px|alt=⠦⠜ - に/氵 + り/分 + お/頁 = 滄
  • ⠧⡊ - り/分 + な/亻 = 傘
  • ⠧⢞ - り/分 + け/犬 = 兼
    • ⠳12px|alt=⠦⢞ - る/忄 + り/分 + け/犬 = 慊
    • ⣡12px|alt=⠦⢞ - ん/止 + り/分 + け/犬 = 歉
    • ⢥12px|alt=⠦⢞ - 心 + り/分 + け/犬 = 蒹
    • ⡡12px|alt=⠦⢞ - を/貝 + り/分 + け/犬 = 賺
  • ⠧⣬ - り/分 + 囗 = 合
    • ⠷12px|alt=⠦⣬ - れ/口 + り/分 + 囗 = 哈
    • ⣓12px|alt=⠦⣬ - ふ/女 + り/分 + 囗 = 姶
    • ⡑12px|alt=⠦⣬ - や/疒 + り/分 + 囗 = 峇
    • ⠳12px|alt=⠦⣬ - る/忄 + り/分 + 囗 = 恰
    • ⡷12px|alt=⠦⣬ - て/扌 + り/分 + 囗 = 拿
    • ⣡12px|alt=⠦⣬ - ん/止 + り/分 + 囗 = 歙
    • ⡇12px|alt=⠦⣬ - に/氵 + り/分 + 囗 = 洽
    • ⢅12px|alt=⠦⣬ - ⺼ + り/分 + 囗 = 盒
    • ⡧12px|alt=⠦⣬ - ち/竹 + り/分 + 囗 = 箚
    • ⡕12px|alt=⠦⣬ - の/禾 + り/分 + 囗 = 粭
    • ⢥12px|alt=⠦⣬ - 心 + り/分 + 囗 = 荅
    • ⣳12px|alt=⠦⣬ - む/車 + り/分 + 囗 = 蛤
    • ⡗12px|alt=⠦⣬ - ね/示 + り/分 + 囗 = 袷
    • ⣵12px|alt=⠦⣬ - も/門 + り/分 + 囗 = 閤
    • ⡵12px|alt=⠦⣬ - と/戸 + り/分 + 囗 = 鞳
    • ⣣12px|alt=⠦⣬ - ま/石 + り/分 + 囗 = 龕
    • ⠧12px|alt=⣲⠌ - り/分 + む/車 + selector 2 = 翕
    • ⠧12px|alt=⣀⢾ - り/分 + 龸 + せ/食 = 鴿
  • ⠧⢪ - り/分 + さ/阝 = 命
    • ⡷12px|alt=⠦⢪ - て/扌 + り/分 + さ/阝 = 掵
  • ⠧⣌ - り/分 + 日 = 昌
    • ⡃12px|alt=⠦⣌ - な/亻 + り/分 + 日 = 倡
    • ⣓12px|alt=⠦⣌ - ふ/女 + り/分 + 日 = 娼
    • ⢇12px|alt=⠦⣌ - き/木 + り/分 + 日 = 椙
    • ⢗12px|alt=⠦⣌ - け/犬 + り/分 + 日 = 猖
    • ⢥12px|alt=⠦⣌ - 心 + り/分 + 日 = 菖
  • ⠧⣾ - り/分 + め/目 = 穿
  • ⠧12px|alt=⠦⠞ - り/分 + り/分 + え/訁 = 會
    • ⢗12px|alt=⠦⠞ - け/犬 + り/分 + え/訁 = 獪
    • ⢅12px|alt=⠦⠞ - ⺼ + り/分 + え/訁 = 膾
    • ⢓12px|alt=⠦⠞ - く/艹 + り/分 + え/訁 = 薈
    • ⢷12px|alt=⠦⠞ - せ/食 + り/分 + え/訁 = 鱠
    • ⢥12px|alt=⢤⠮ - 心 + 心 + り/分 = 檜
  • ⠧12px|alt=⢐⠬ - り/分 + 仁/亻 + 宿 = 个
  • ⠧12px|alt=⠤⠬ - り/分 + 宿 + 宿 = 兜
  • ⠧12px|alt=⠤⣼ - り/分 + 宿 + も/門 = 兮
  • ⢵12px|alt=⢠⠮ - そ/馬 + 数 + り/分 = 尓
  • ⡇12px|alt=⡆⠮ - に/氵 + に/氵 + り/分 = 濱
  • ⠧12px|alt=⠤⢎ - り/分 + 宿 + き/木 = 禽
    • ⢥12px|alt=⠤⠮ - 心 + 宿 + り/分 = 檎

[6] [7] [8] [9]


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