Physics:Two-body kinematics

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Given two four-momenta Hepb img323.gif . There are two one-particle Lorentz invariants, the squares of the masses

Hepb img645.gif

and one two-particle invariant

Hepb img646.gif

From these, other Lorentz invariants can be formed such as

Hepb img647.gif

Hepb img648.gif , often denoted E*, is the total energy in the ``centre-of-mass reference system defined by Hepb img649.gif . Hepb img650.gif is also the ``effective mass of the two-particle system. Q2 is most interesting when one of the particles is incoming and the other outgoing, in a collision process. It is called the momentum transfer and also denoted t. F is called Möller's invariant flux factor; it is given by the area (with respect to the Minkovski metric) of the parallelogram spanned by the two four-momenta p1 and p2.

If particle 2 is the target particle at rest, in a collision, i.e. Hepb img651.gif , its rest system is called the laboratory system. We have

Hepb img652.gif


Hepb img653.gif

If the total four-momentum Hepb img654.gif is given, in an arbitrary reference system, the velocity of the centre-of-mass system is

Hepb img655.gif

Then Hepb img656.gif lies on an ellipsoid with principal half axes Hepb img657.gif , Hepb img657.gif and Hepb img658.gif Hepb img659.gif , and with the centre at Hepb img660.gif , where

Hepb img661.gif

Define the angles Hepb img662.gif and Hepb img663.gif by

Hepb img664.gif

The polar equation for the ellipsoid is

Hepb img665.gif

In the special case Hepb img666.gif one solution is Hepb img667.gif and the other solution is given by

Hepb img668.gif

If in addition m1 = m2, then

Hepb img669.gif

This relation applies to the final state in elastic scattering for two particles with equal masses, and one particle at rest in the initial state.  also Mandelstam Variables Hepb img34.gif also Mandelstam Variables and Barnett96.