Biology:List of Tricholoma species

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Tricholoma equestre is the type species of genus Tricholoma.

This is a list of species in the agaric genus Tricholoma. (As of September 2021), Index Fungorum lists 379 species in the genus.[1]



Tricholoma aurantium


Tricholoma batschii


Tricholoma colossus
  • Mycomorphbox Edible.png Tricholoma caligatum (Viv.) Ricken 1914
  • Tricholoma carbonicum Velen. 1920[2] – Europe
  • Tricholoma carneoflavidum (Kalchbr.) McAlpine 1895
  • Tricholoma cartilagineum (Bull.) Quél. 1872
  • Tricholoma catulus E.H.L.Krause 1928
  • Tricholoma cavipes Corner 1994[3]
  • Tricholoma cedretorum (Bon) A.Riva 2000
  • Tricholoma cedrorum Maire 1914
  • Tricholoma ceriniceps Pegler 1983
  • Tricholoma cheilolaminum Ovrebo & Tylutki 1975
  • Tricholoma chrysophyllum A.Riva, C.E.Hermos. & Jul.Sánchez 1998
  • Tricholoma cifuentesii Courtec. 1985
  • Tricholoma cingulatum (Almfelt ex Fr.) Jacobashch 1890
  • Tricholoma cinnamomeum (Murrill) Murrill 1914
  • Tricholoma clavipes Riedl 1976
  • Tricholoma clavocystis Musumeci & Contu 2008[8] – Europe
  • Tricholoma coffeaceum Velen. 1920[2] – Europe
  • Tricholoma collybiiformis Velen. 1920[2] – Europe
  • Tricholoma colossus (Fr.) Quél. 1872
  • Mycomorphbox Edible.png Tricholoma columbetta (Fr.) P.Kumm. 1871
  • Tricholoma concolor (Delile ex De Seynes) P.-A.Moreau, Bellanger & Courtec. 2011
  • Tricholoma confragipes Iwade 1944
  • Tricholoma cookeanum Bertault & Malençon 1975
  • Tricholoma cordae Velen. 1920[2] – Europe
  • Tricholoma cortinatellum Singer 1954
  • Tricholoma cortinatum Singer 1952[9]
  • Tricholoma crenulatum Horniček 1977
  • Tricholoma crepidotoides Corner 1994[3]
  • Tricholoma crucigerum (St.-Amans) Sacc. & Trotter 191
  • Tricholoma cuneifoloides (Fr.) P.Kumm. 1871
  • Tricholoma cutifractum Corner 1994[3]
  • Tricholoma cyclophilum (Lasch) Sacc. & Trotter 1912
  • Tricholoma czuicum (Singer) Singer, 1951


  • Tricholoma dermolomoides Corner 1994[3]
  • Tricholoma diabolicum Rick 1926
  • Tricholoma diemii Singer 1954
  • Tricholoma distantifoliaceum E.Ludw. & H.Willer 2012
  • Tricholoma distinguendum S.Lundell 1942
  • Tricholoma dulciolens Kytöv. 1989
  • Tricholoma duriusculum R.Schulz 1927
  • Tricholoma durum Velen. 1939[7] – Europe


  • Tricholoma edentulum Velen. 1920[2] – Europe
  • Tricholoma elegans G.Stev. 1964[10] – New Zealand
  • Tricholoma elvirae Singer 1969
  • Tricholoma eosinobasis Babos, Bohus & Vasas 1991
  • Tricholoma equestre (L.) P.Kumm. 1871
  • Tricholoma evenosum (Sacc.) Rea 1932
  • Tricholoma ezcarayense C.E.Hermos. & Jul.Sánchez 1994


Tricholoma fulvum
  • Tricholoma fagineum Velen. 1925
  • Tricholoma fagnani Singer 1952[9]
  • Tricholoma farinolens E.Horak 1964
  • Tricholoma ferrugineimelleum Corner 1994[3]
  • Tricholoma fiherensis L.M.Dufour & H.Poiss. 1927
  • Tricholoma filamentosum (Alessio) Alessio 1988
  • Tricholoma fissilifolium Corner 1994[3]
  • Tricholoma flammulaecolor Beeli 1927
  • Tricholoma flavifolium Velen. 1920[2] – Europe
  • Tricholoma focale (Fr.) Ricken 1914
  • Tricholoma foliicola Har.Takah. 2001
  • Tricholoma forteflavescens Reschke, Popa, Zhu L. Yang & G. Kost, 2018
  • Tricholoma fracticum (Britzelm.) Kreisel 1984
  • Tricholoma fractipes Velen. 1920[2] – Europe
  • Tricholoma frondosae Kalamees & Shchukin 2001
  • Tricholoma fuegianum Courtec. 1985
  • Tricholoma fuliginea Beeli 1927
  • Tricholoma fulvimarginatum Ovrebo & Halling 1986
  • Tricholoma fulvocastaneum Hongo 1960
  • Tricholoma fulvum (DC.) Bigeard & H.Guill. 1909
  • Tricholoma fumidellum (Peck) Sacc. 1887
  • Tricholoma furcatifolium Corner 1994[3]
  • Tricholoma fuscinanum Corner 1994[3]
  • Tricholoma fusipes E.Horak 1964
  • Tricholoma fusisporum Singer 1943


Tricholoma griseoviolaceum
  • Tricholoma gallaecicum (Blanco-Dios) Blanco-Dios, 2009
  • Tricholoma gausapatum (Fr.) Quél. 1872
  • Tricholoma glareosum Velen. 1927
  • Tricholoma glatfelteri (Murrill) Murrill 1914
  • Tricholoma goliath (Fr.) S.Lundell & Nannf. 1942
  • Tricholoma goossensiae Beeli 1933
  • Tricholoma graminicola Velen. 1920[2] – Europe
  • Tricholoma grande Peck 1891
  • Tricholoma granulosum Lebedeva 1949
  • Tricholoma griseipileatum Corner 1994[3]
  • Tricholoma griseoviolaceum Shanks 1996[11] – United States
  • Tricholoma groanense Viola 1959
  • Tricholoma grossulariodorum E.Horak 1964
  • Tricholoma guldeniae Mort.Chr. 2009


  • Tricholoma hathorae Velen. 1939[7] – Europe
  • Tricholoma hebeloma (Peck) Sacc. 1887
  • Tricholoma hebelomoides E.Horak 1964
  • Tricholoma hemisulphureum (Kühner) A. Riva ex Boffelli, 2016
  • Tricholoma henningsii Sacc. & Trotter 1912
  • Tricholoma hirtellum Peck 1907
  • Tricholoma holici Velen. 1920[2] – Europe
  • Tricholoma horakii Raithelh. 1972
  • Tricholoma hortorum Velen. 1925
  • Tricholoma humosum (Quél.) S.Imai 1938
  • Tricholoma huronense A.H. Sm., 1942
  • Tricholoma hygrophanum Velen. 1939[7] – Europe


Tricholoma intermedium


  • Tricholoma jalapense (Murrill) Sacc. & Trotter 1925
  • Tricholoma jamaicensis (Murrill) Sacc. & Trotter 1925
  • Tricholoma joachimii Bon & A.Riva 1985
  • Tricholoma josserandii Bon 1975



  • Tricholoma laricicola Velen. 1939[7] – Europe
  • Tricholoma lascivum (Fr.) Gillet 1874
  • Tricholoma latifolium Speg. 1898
  • Tricholoma lavendulophyllum F.Q.Yu 2006
  • Tricholoma leoninum Velen. 1939[7] – Europe
  • Tricholoma leucophyllum Ovrebo & Tylutki 1975
  • Tricholoma leucoterreum Mariotto & Turetta 1996
  • Tricholoma lilacinocinereum Métrod ex Bon 1990
  • Tricholoma lobatum Velen. 1939[7] – Europe
  • Tricholoma losii Kavina 1926
  • Tricholoma luridum (Schaeff.) P.Kumm. 1871
  • Tricholoma luteomaculosum A.H. Sm., 1942


Matsutake (Tricholoma matsutake) is a choice edible species.


  • Tricholoma naranjanum Dennis 1951
  • Tricholoma nigripes Velen. 1920[2] – Europe
  • Tricholoma nigrum Shanks & Ovrebo 1996[11] – North America
  • Tricholoma nobile Peck 1889


Tricholoma odorum
  • Tricholoma oblongisporum Bissett 1992
  • Tricholoma obscurum Velen. 1920[2] – Europe
  • Tricholoma ochraceorobustum E.Horak 1964
  • Tricholoma odorimutabile Corner 1994[3]
  • Tricholoma olens Velen. 1939[7] – Europe
  • Tricholoma olgae Velen. 1920[2] – Europe
  • Tricholoma olidum Velen. 1920[2] – Europe
  • Tricholoma olivaceobrunneum Ovrebo 1986
  • Tricholoma olivaceoflavum (Murrill) Sacc. & Trotter 1925
  • Tricholoma olivaceoluteolum Reschke, Popa, Zhu L. Yang & G. Kost, 2018
  • Tricholoma olivaceotinctum Heilm.-Claus. & Mort. Chr. 2009
  • Tricholoma olivaceum Reschke, Popa, Zhu L. Yang & G. Kost, 2018
  • Tricholoma oliveum Farl. & Burt, 1929
  • Tricholoma opiparum (Fr.) Bigeard & H. Guill. 1909
  • Mycomorphbox Edible.png Tricholoma orirubens Quél. 1872
  • Tricholoma orlosii Pilát 1950


Tricholoma pardinum
Tricholoma psammopus


  • Tricholoma quercetorum Contu 2004
  • Tricholoma quercicola (Murrill) Murrill 1949


Tricholoma roseoacerbum
  • Tricholoma radicans Hongo 1968[12] – Japan
  • Tricholoma radotinense Peck 1903
  • Tricholoma ramentaceum (Bull.) Ricken 1915
  • Tricholoma rauli Garrido 1988
  • Tricholoma rhizophoreti Corner 1994[3]
  • Tricholoma rigidovelatum Raithelh. 1991
  • Tricholoma rimosoides Dennis 1951
  • Tricholoma robiniae Velen. 1925
  • Tricholoma robustum (Alb. & Schwein.) Ricken 1915
  • Tricholoma romagnesii Singer 1943
  • Tricholoma roseoacerbum A.Riva 1984 – Europe, North America
  • Tricholoma rostratum Velen. 1920[2] – Europe
  • Tricholoma rubescens Velen. 1920[2] – Europe
  • Tricholoma rufenum P.Donati 1994
  • Tricholoma rufulum R.Heim 1934
  • Tricholoma rugulicinctum Corner 1994[3]


Tricholoma saponaceum
Tricholoma sulphurescens
  • Tricholoma sanguinescens Velen. 1925
  • Mycomorphbox Inedible.png Tricholoma saponaceum (Fr.) P.Kumm. 1871
  • Tricholoma scabrum L.M.Dufour 1913
  • Tricholoma scalpturatum (Fr.) Quél. 1872
  • Tricholoma schustleri Velen. 1920[2] – Europe
  • Tricholoma sciodes (Pers.) C.Martín 1919
  • Tricholoma sejunctum (Sowerby) Quél. 1872
  • Tricholoma sericeum Rick 1920
  • Tricholoma sienna (Peck) Sacc. 1887
  • Tricholoma silvaticum Peck 1889
  • Tricholoma singaporense Corner 1994[3]
  • Tricholoma sinoacerbum T.H. Li, Hosen & Ting Li, 2015
  • Tricholoma sinopardinum Zhu L. Yang, X.X. Ding, G. Kost & Rexer, 2017
  • Tricholoma sinoportentosum Zhu L. Yang, Reschke, Popa & G. Kost, 2018
  • Tricholoma smithii Ovrebo & K.W. Hughes, 2018
  • Tricholoma solitarium (Alessio) Contu 2009
  • Tricholoma sparsifolium Velen. 1925
  • Tricholoma sphagnicola Hruby 1930
  • Tricholoma spongiosum Petch 1917
  • Tricholoma stanekii Pilát 1953
  • Tricholoma stans (Fr.) Sacc. 1887
  • Tricholoma stiparophyllum (N.Lund) P.Karst. 1879
  • Tricholoma stipitirufescens Corner 1994[3]
  • Tricholoma striatifolium (Peck) Sacc. 1887
  • Tricholoma striatum (Schaeff.) Quél. 1872
  • Tricholoma subamarum Herp. 1912
  • Tricholoma subannulatum (Peck) Zeller 1922
  • Tricholoma subargillaceum (Murrill) Sacc. & Trotter 1925
  • Tricholoma subaureum Ovrebo 1986
  • Tricholoma subcinerascens Rick 1939
  • Tricholoma subcinereiforme (Murrill) Sacc. & Trotter 1925
  • Tricholoma subclytocybe Velen. 1925
  • Tricholoma subcuneifolium Corner 1994[3]
  • Tricholoma subfuscum Velen. 1920[2] – Europe
  • Tricholoma subglobisporum Bon 1976[4] – Europe
  • Tricholoma subimbricatum Velen. 1920[2] – Europe
  • Tricholoma sublatum Murrill 1942
  • Tricholoma subluteum Peck, 1904
  • Tricholoma subniveum Velen. 1925
  • Tricholoma subresplendens (Murrill) Murrill, 1914
  • Tricholoma subsulphureum (Britzelm.) Sacc. & Traverso 1911
  • Tricholoma subumbrinum A.H.Sm. 1944[5] – North America
  • Tricholoma sudum (Fr.) Quél. 1873
  • Tricholoma sulcatum Velen. 1920[2] – Europe
  • Tricholoma sulphurellum Rick 1919
  • Tricholoma sulphurescens Bres. 1905
  • Mycomorphbox Poison.png Tricholoma sulphureum (Bull.) P.Kumm. 1871


Tricholoma terreum
  • Tricholoma tanzanianum Pegler 1977[13]
  • Tricholoma tenacifolium Corner 1994[3]
  • Tricholoma tenue P.W.Graff 1914
  • Mycomorphbox Edible.png Tricholoma terreum (Schaeff.) P.Kumm. 1871
  • Tricholoma testaceum G.Stev. 1964[10] – New Zealand
  • Tricholoma thalliophilum Rob.Henry 1956
  • Tricholoma tigrinum (Schaeff.) Gillet 1874
  • Tricholoma transmutans (Peck) Sacc., 1887
  • Tricholoma tridentinum Singer 1943
  • Tricholoma triste (Scop.) Quél. 1872
  • Tricholoma tristiforme Kauffman 1921
  • Tricholoma tucumanense Speg. 1919
  • Tricholoma tumidum (Pers.) Ricken 1915
  • Tricholoma turbinipes (Kalchbr.) McAlpine 1895



Tricholoma virgatum


  • Tricholoma weizianum Reichert & Aviz.-Hersh. 1959


  • Tricholoma zangii Z.M.Cao, Y.J.Yao & Pegler 2003[15] – China
  • Tricholoma zelleri (D.E.Stuntz & A.H.Sm.) Ovrebo & Tylutki 1975
  • Tricholoma zonatum Velen. 1939[7] – Europe
  • Tricholoma zvarae Velen. 1922


  1. Kirk PM.. "Species Fungorum (version 14th September 2021). In: Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life". 
  2. 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 2.16 2.17 2.18 2.19 2.20 2.21 2.22 2.23 2.24 2.25 2.26 2.27 2.28 2.29 2.30 Velenovský J. (1920). Ceske Houby. 2. Prague. pp. 201–424. 
  3. 3.00 3.01 3.02 3.03 3.04 3.05 3.06 3.07 3.08 3.09 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 3.16 3.17 3.18 3.19 3.20 3.21 3.22 3.23 3.24 3.25 3.26 3.27 3.28 3.29 3.30 3.31 3.32 3.33 3.34 3.35 3.36 3.37 3.38 3.39 3.40 Corner EJH. (1994). "Agarics in Malesia. I. Tricholomatoid. II Mycenoid". Beihefte zur Nova Hedwigia 109: 1–271. 
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 Bon M. (1976). "Tricholomes de France et d'Europe occidentale - 4 - Partie descriptiv" (in fr). Documents Mycologiques 6 (22–23): 165–304. 
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 Smith AH. (1944). "New North American Agarics". Mycologia 36 (2): 242–62 (see pp. 256–60). doi:10.2307/3754821. 
  6. "Tricholoma borgsjoeënse, a new species from a boreal coniferous forest in Fennoscandia". Mycotaxon 95: 195–200. 2006. 
  7. 7.00 7.01 7.02 7.03 7.04 7.05 7.06 7.07 7.08 7.09 7.10 7.11 7.12 7.13 Velenovský J. (1939) (in la). Novitates mycologicae. Prague: L. Souc̆ek. 
  8. "Tricholoma clavocystis (Agaricomycetes, Basidiomycota), una nuova specie della sezione Tricholoma osservata in Svizzera" (in it). Bollettino dell'Associazione Micologica ed Ecologica Romana 73–74: 47–55. 2008. 
  9. 9.0 9.1 Singer R. (1952). "The agarics of the Argentine sector of Tierra del Fuego and limitrophous regions of the Magallanes area". Sydowia 6 (1–4): 165–224. 
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 Stevenson G. (1964). "The Agaricales of New Zealand. V. Tricholomataceae". Kew Bulletin 19 (1): 1–59. doi:10.2307/4108283. 
  11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 Shanks KM. (1996). "New species of Tricholoma from California and Oregon". Mycologia 88 (3): 497–508. doi:10.2307/3760890. 
  12. Hongo T. (1968). "Notulae mycologicae (7)". Memoirs of Shiga University 18: 47–52. 
  13. Pegler DN. (1977). "A preliminary Agaric flora of East Africa". Kew Bulletin, Additional Series 6: 89. 
  14. Kalamees K. (2001). "Taxonomy and ecology of the species of the Tricholoma equestre group in the Nordic and Baltic countries". Folia Cryptogamica Estonica 38: 13–26. 
  15. "Tricholoma zangii, a new name for T. quercicola M. Zang (Basidiomycetes: Tricholomataceae)". Mycotaxon 85: 159–164. 2003. 

General references

  • Kibby G. (2013). The genus Tricholoma in Britain. 
  • The genus Tricholoma. Fungi of Northern Europe. 4. 2013. ISBN 9788798358183. 
  • Tricholomas of North America. University of Texas Press. 2013. ISBN 978-0-292-74233-8. 
  • Riva A. (2003) (in it). Tricholoma. Fungi Europaei. 3. ISBN 978-8890105715. 
  • Riva A. (2003) (in it). Tricholoma (Fr.) Staude Supplemento. Fungi Europaei. 3A. ISBN 978-8890105708.