Astronomy:Las Campanas Redshift Survey

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Las Campanas Redshift Survey

The Las Campanas Redshift Survey is considered the first attempt to map a large area of the universe out to a redshift of z = 0.2. It was begun in 1991 using the Las Campanas telescope in Chile to catalog 26418 separate galaxies.[1] It is considered one of the first surveys to document the so-called "end of greatness" where the Cosmological Principle of isotropy could be seen. Superclusters[2][3][4][5][6][7] and voids are prominent features in the survey.


  1. "The Las Campanas Redshift Survey". Archived from the original on 2012-06-30. Retrieved 2016-12-26. 
  2. Shandarin, Sergei F.; Yess, Capp (1998). "Detection of Network Structure in the Las Campanas Redshift Survey". The Astrophysical Journal 505 (1): 12–17. doi:10.1086/306135. Bibcode1998ApJ...505...12S. 
  3. Bharadwaj, S.; Gupta, A. K.; Seshadri, T. R. (1999). "Nature of clustering in the Las Campanas redshift survey". Astronomy and Astrophysics 351: 405–412. Bibcode1999A&A...351..405B. 
  4. Einasto, J.; Einasto, M.; Hütsi, G.; Saar, E.; Tucker, D. L.; Tago, E.; Müller, V.; Heinämäki, P. et al. (2003). "Clusters and Superclusters in the Las Campanas Redshift Survey". Astronomy and Astrophysics 410 (2): 425–443. doi:10.1051/0004-6361:20031105. Bibcode2003A&A...410..425E. 
  5. Bharadwaj, S., Sahni, V., Sathyaprakash, B.S., Shandarin, Sergei F., Yess, Capp (2000). "Evidence for Filamentarity in the Las Campanas Redshift Survey". The Astrophysical Journal 528 (1): 21–29. doi:10.1086/308163. Bibcode2000ApJ...528...21B. 
  6. Bharadwaj, Somnath; Bhavsar, Suketu; Sheth, Jatush V. (2004). "The Size of the Longest Filaments in the Universe". The Astrophysical Journal 606 (1): 25–31. doi:10.1086/382140. ISSN 0004-637X. Bibcode2004ApJ...606...25B. 
  7. Bharadwaj, Somnath; Pandey, Biswajit (2004). "Using the filaments in the LCRS to test the LambdaCDM model". The Astrophysical Journal 615 (1): 1–6. doi:10.1086/424476. ISSN 0004-637X.