Biography:Dragoș Protopopescu

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Dragoș Protopopescu (1892, Călăraşi – 1948) was a Romanian writer, poet, critic and philosopher. He was professor at the University of Chernivtsi. Politically Protopopescu supported the fascist and antisemitic organization known as the Iron Guard, and he published the newspaper Buna Vestire, which was aligned with the Guard. He also actively contributed to other Romanian newspapers such as Flacăra, Vieaţa Nouă, Cuget Românesc, Cuvântul, Gândirea, Lumea Nouă, Cuvântul Studențesc, Vremea and Porunca Vremii.

Protopopescu was the director of the National Theater in Chernivtsi (1926-1927), and also a press attaché at the Romanian Legation in London (1928-1930).[1]

Protopopescu was arrested and imprisoned in spring 1938 during the crackdown on the Iron Guard by King Carol II's dictatorship. In 1948 he was arrested again by the communist authorities. He tried to commit suicide by cutting his veins. He was sent to a hospital and then arrested again. He made a new and successful attempt at suicide: leaning over an elevator shaft, he was decapitated by the cabin.

A holder of a PhD in English studies (with a thesis about William Congreve[2]) from the Paris University, he was for a while dean of the School of English Language and Literature, Department of Letters, University of Bucharest.[3]


  • Pagini engleze, București, Editura Cultura Națională, 1925
  • Fenomenul englez: studii și interpretări, București, Fundația pentru Literatură și Artă „Regele Carol II”, 1936 (reed. 1996; 2003)
  • Shakespeare: viața și opera, ediție îngrijită de Fabian Anton, București, Editura Eurosong & Book, 1998
  • Shakespeare. Romanul englez, Editura Albatros, 2000
