Earth:List of waste management acronyms

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The following article contains a list of acronyms and initials used in the waste management industry.[1]


  • AATF Approved Authorised Treatment Facility
  • ABPO Animal By-Products Order
  • ABPR Animal By-Products Regulations
  • ABS Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene
  • ACE Alliance of Beverage Cartons and the Environment
  • ACL Approved Carriers List
  • ACM Asbestos Containing Material
  • ACoP Approved Code of Practice
  • ACP Advisory Committee on Packaging
  • AD Anaerobic Digestion
  • ADBA Anaerobic Digestion & Biogas Association
  • ADI Acceptable Daily Intake
  • ADR Accord Europeen Relatif aux Transport International des Marchandises Dangereuses par Route European agreement concerning the international carriage of dangerous goods by road
  • AE Approved Exporter
  • AfOR Association for Organics Recycling
  • ALANI Association of Local Authorities in Northern Ireland
  • ALARP As Low As Reasonably Practicable
  • ALCO Association of London Cleansing Officers
  • ANPR Automatic Number Plate Recognition
  • APC Air Pollution Control
  • APCR Air Pollution Control Residue
  • APSRG Associate Parliamentary Sustainable Resource Group
  • AR Accredited Reprocessor
  • ARF Advanced Recycling Fee
  • ARM Alternative Raw Material
  • ASBO Anti Social Behaviour Order
  • ASR Automotive Shredder Residue
  • ASSURE Association for Sustainable Use and Recovery of Resources
  • ATEX Atmosphères Explosives Directive 94/9/EC
  • ATF Authorised Treatment Facility (e.g. for the treatment of end-of-life vehicles (see ELV) and waste electrical and electronic equipment (see WEEE))
  • ATT Advanced Thermal Treatment
  • AV Abandoned Vehicle/s
  • AVAC Automated Vacuum Collection
  • AWC Alternate Weekly Collections
  • AWCS Automated Waste Collection System
  • AWTT Alternative Waste Treatment Technologies
  • AWP Area Waste Plan


  • BAN Basel Action Network
  • BANANA Build absolutely nothing anywhere near anything
  • BAT (NEEC) Best available technique (not entailing excessive costs)
  • BATRRT Best Available Treatment Recycling and Recovery Technology
  • BCS Batteries Compliance Scheme
  • BDF Biodiesel fuel
  • BFR Brominated Flame Retardant
  • BIFM British Institute of Facilities Management
  • BMRA British Metals Recycling Association
  • BMT Biological Mechanical Treatment
  • BMW Biodegradable Municipal Waste
  • BOD Biological Oxygen Demand
  • BOO Build Own Operate
  • BOT Build Operate Transfer
  • BPEO Best Practicable Environmental Option
  • BPF British Plastics Federation
  • BPPO Best Practicable Planning Option
  • BRBA Buy Recycled Business Alliance (Australia)
  • BREEAM Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method
  • BREF BAT Reference Note
  • BREW(p) Business Resource Efficiency and Waste programme
  • BRITE Better Regulation in the Environment (Environment Agency initiative)
  • BRE Building Research Establishment
  • BSI British Standards Institute
    • BSI PAS 100 Specification for composted materials
    • BSI PAS 101 Recovered container glass: Specification for quality and guidance for good practice in collection
    • BSI PAS 102 Specification for processed glass for selected secondary end markets
    • BSI PAS 103 Collected waste plastics packaging: Specification for quality and guidance for good practice in collection and preparation for recycling
    • BSI PAS 104 Wood recycling in the panelboard manufacturing industry: Specification for quality and guidance for good practice for the supply of post consumer wood for consumption in the manufacture of panelboard products
    • BSI PAS 105 Recovered paper sourcing and quality for UK end markets
    • BSI PAS 107 Specification for the manufacture and storage of size reduced tyre materials
    • BSI PAS 108 Specification for the production of tyre bales for use in construction
    • BSI PAS 109 Specification for the production of recycled gypsum from waste plasterboard
    • BSI PAS 110 Specification for whole digestate, separated liquor and separated fibre derived from the anaerobic digestion of source-segregated biodegradable materials
    • BSI PAS 111 Specification for the requirements and test methods for processing waste wood
    • BSI PAS 141 Reuse of used and waste electrical and electronic equipment (UEEE and WEEE). Process management - Specification
  • BVPI Best Value Performance Indicator
  • BVPP Best Value Performance Plan


  • CA Civic amenity site
  • CAFÉ Clean Air For Europe programme
  • CATNAP Cheapest Available Technology Narrowly Avoiding Prosecution
  • CATNIP Cheapest Available Technology Not Involving Prosecution
  • CAVE Citizens against virtually everything
  • CBI Confederation of British Industry
  • CBM Compressed Biomethane
  • CCGT Combined cycle gas turbine
  • CCHP Combined cooling, heating and power
  • CCL Climate Change Levy
  • CCT Compulsory Competitive Tendering
  • C&D Construction and demolition (e.g. C&D waste)
  • CDG(CPL) Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road and Rail (Classification, Packaging and Labelling) Regulations 1994
  • CEC Commission of the European Communities
  • CEMP Construction Environmental Management Plan
  • CEN Comite Europeen de Normalisation (European Committee for Standardization)
  • CEWEP Confederation of European Waste-to-Energy Plants
  • CFC Chlorofluorocarbon
  • CfSH Code for Sustainable Homes
  • CHEM Container Handling Equipment Manufacturers
  • CHIP Chemicals (Hazard Information and Packaging for Supply) Regulations
  • CHP Combined heat and power
  • CHPA Combined Heat and Power Association
  • C&I Commercial and industrial (e.g. C&I waste)
  • CIPFA Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy
  • CIWEM Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management
  • CIWM Chartered Institution of Wastes Management
  • CIWMB California Integrated Waste Management Board
  • CL:AIRE Contaminated Land: Application In Real Environments CLAIRE
  • CLEA Contaminated Land Exposure Assessment
  • CLO Compost-like output
  • CLR Contaminated Land Register
  • CNEA Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act
  • COD Chemical oxygen demand or certificate of destruction
  • COMAH Control of Major Accident Hazards
  • COPA Control of Pollution Act
  • COPLR Code of Practice for Litter and Refuse
  • CoRWM Committee on Radioactive Waste Management
  • COSHH Control of Substances Hazardous to Health
  • CoTC Certificate of Technical Competence
  • CPA Comprehensive Performance Assessment
  • CRC CRC Energy Efficiency Scheme (formerly the Carbon Reduction Commitment)
  • CRC Community recycling centre
  • CRN Community Recycling Network
  • CRNS Community Recycling Network for Scotland
  • CRR Campaign for Real Recycling
  • CRT Cathode-ray tube
  • CSER Corporate, social and environmental responsibilities
  • CSR Corporate social responsibility
  • CSTR Continuous stirred-tank reactor
  • CV Calorific value
  • CWMRE Creating Welsh Markets for Recyclates
  • CWP Cheshire Waste Partnership
  • CWR Controlled Waste Regulations


  • DAC Dense Asphaltic Concrete
  • DBFO Design Build Finance and Operate
  • DCF Designated Collection Facility
  • DCLG Department for Communities and Local Government
  • DECC Department of Energy and Climate Change
  • DECLG Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government (Ireland)
  • DEFRA Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
  • DGXI Directorate General of the European Commission responsible for the Environment
  • DLGE Department of Local Government and the Environment (Isle of Man)
  • DMR Dry Mixed Recyclables
  • DoC Duty of Care
  • DOENI Department for the Environment (Northern Ireland)
  • DRI Dynamic Respiration Index
  • DSD Duales System Deutschland
  • DSO Direct Service Organisation
  • DTI Department of Trade and Industry
  • DTLR Department for Transport, Local Government and the Regions
  • DTS Distributor Takeback Scheme
  • DWP Dorset Waste Partnership


  • EA Enforcement Agency
  • EBRA European Battery Recycling Association
  • ECN European Compost Network
  • EDIE Environmental Data Interactive Exchange
  • eDoC Electronic Duty of Care
  • EEA European Environment Agency
  • EfW Energy-from-Waste
  • EGSB Expanded Granular Sludge Bed
  • EHO Environmental health officer
  • EHS Environment & Heritage Service (Northern Ireland)
  • EIA Environmental Impact Assessment
  • EIC Environmental Industries Commission
  • EIR Environmental Information Regulations
  • ELSEF East London Sustainable Energy Facility
  • ELV End of Life Vehicles
  • ELWA East London Waste Authority
  • EMAS Eco-Management and Audit Scheme
  • EMS Environmental Management System
  • ENTRUST The European Trust Scheme Regulatory Body
  • ENCAMS Environmental Campaigns (umbrella name for former Going for Green and Tidy Britain Group)
  • EP Environmental Permit
  • EPA Environmental Protection Act or Environmental Protection Agency
  • EPERN Electronic Packaging Waste Export Recovery Notes
  • EPOW European Pathway to Zero Waste
  • EPR Environmental Permitting Regulations
  • EPRN Electronic Packaging Waste Recovery Notes
  • EPS Expanded Polystyrene
  • ERFO European Recovered Fuels Organisation
  • ERI Energy Recovery Incineration
  • ES Environmental Statement
  • ESA Environmental Services Association
  • ESWET European Suppliers of Waste-to-Energy Technology
  • ETBC Electronics TakeBack Coalition
  • ETRMA European Tyre & Rubber Manufacturers' Association
  • ETS Emissions Trading Scheme
  • ETSU Energy Technology Support Unit
  • EUHWL EU Hazardous Waste List (now incorporated into EWC)
  • EUROPEN European Organization for Packaging and the Environment
  • EWC European Waste Catalogue
  • EWP Essex Waste Partnership


  • FABRA Foodchain & Biomass Renewables Association
  • FAPP Fit And Proper Person
  • FBA Furnace Bottom Ash
  • FCC Fomento de Construcciones y Contratas
  • FEAD Fédération Européenne des Activités du Déchet et de l’Environnement European Federation of Waste Management and Environmental Services
  • FEL Front End Loader
  • FGT Flue Gas Treatment
  • FOE Friends of the Earth
  • FORWARRD Forum for Waste and Resource Research and Development
  • FPN Fixed Penalty Notice
  • Frag Fragmentised Waste (e.g. from the vehicle recycling industry)
  • FTE Full-time equivalent
  • FWD Food Waste Disposer




  • IBA Incinerator Bottom Ash
  • IBAA Incinerator Bottom Ash Aggregate
  • ICE Institution of Civil Engineers
  • ICER Industry Council for Electronic Equipment Recycling
  • ICW International Catering Waste (catering waste from means of transport operating internationally)
  • IED Industrial Emissions Directive
  • ILW Intermediate Level Waste
  • INCPEN Industry Council for Packaging and the Environment
  • IPP Integrated Product Policy
  • IPPC Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control
  • ISRI Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries
  • ISWA International Solid Waste Association
  • IVC In-vessel Composting
  • IWM Integrated Waste Management or Institute of Wastes Management


  • JMWMS Joint Municipal Waste Management Strategy
  • JWA Joint Waste Authority


  • KAT Kerbside Assessment Tool


  • LA Local Authority
  • LAAPC Local Authority Air Pollution Control
  • LACMW Local Authority Collected Municipal Waste (household and commercial waste where collected by the local authority and which is similar in nature and composition as required by the Landfill Directive)
  • LACW Local Authority Collected Waste (all waste collected by the local authority. This is a slightly broader concept than LACMW as it would include both this and non-municipal fractions such as construction and demolition waste)
  • LAPC Local Air Pollution Control
  • LARAC Local Authority Recycling Advisory Committee
  • LAS Landfill Allowance Scheme
  • LASU Local Authority Support Unit
  • LATS Landfill Allowance Trading Scheme
  • LAWAS Local Authority Waste Arisings Survey
  • LAWDC Local Authority Waste Disposal Company
  • LCA Life Cycle Analysis/Assessment
  • LCF Landfill Communities Fund
  • LCW Low Carbon Waste
  • LCPD Large Combustion Plant Directive
  • LDPE Low Density Polyethylene
  • LEA Local Enforcement Agency
  • LEL Lower Explosive Limit
  • LFD Landfill Directive
  • LFG Landfill Gas
  • LFT Landfill Tax
  • LGA Local Government Association
  • LHIP Landfill and Hazardous Waste Implementation Programme
  • LIM Loose Incinerator Metals
  • LLDPE Linear Low Density Polyethylene e.g. plastic wrap and stretch wrap
  • LLW Low Level Waste
  • LOLER Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998
  • LOW List of Wastes
  • LPSA Local Public Service Agreement
  • LTCS Landfill Tax Credit Scheme
  • LWaRB London Waste and Recycling Board


  • MTD Metric Ton per Day
  • MAC Maximum Allowable Concentration
  • MBI Mass Burn Incineration
  • MBT Mechanical Biological Treatment
  • MCA Municipal Collection Authority
  • MCERTS Monitoring Certification Scheme
  • MCDA Multi Criteria Decision Analysis
  • MDC Metropolitan District Council
  • MDR Mixed Dry Recyclables
  • MEL Maximum Exposure Limit
  • MHSWR Management of Health & Safety at Work Regulations
  • MHT Mechanical Heat Treatment
  • MMRCV Multi-Modal Refuse Collection Vehicle
  • MREC Materials Recovery and Energy Centre
  • MRF Materials Recovery Facility (or Recycling or Factory)
  • MRWA Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority formerly known as Merseyside Waste Disposal Authority
  • MSW Municipal Solid Waste
  • MSWI Municipal Solid Waste Incineration
  • MVDA Motor Vehicle Dismantlers Association
  • MWDA Merseyside Waste Disposal Authority as of December 2011 renamed as Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority
  • MWLP Minerals and Waste Local Plan
  • MWMS Municipal Waste Management Strategy


  • NAWDO National Association of Waste Disposal Officers
  • NCAS National Compliance Assessment Service
  • NCH National Clearing House
  • NCV Net calorific value
  • NELVS Natural End of Life Vehicles
  • NFFO Non-Fossil Fuel Obligation
  • NGG New Generation Group (CIWM programme renamed New Member Network)
  • NGO Non-Governmental Organisation
  • NHHWF National Household Hazardous Waste Forum
  • NIEA Northern Ireland Environment Agency
  • NIMBY Not In My Back-Yard
  • NISP National Industrial Symbiosis Programme
  • NLWA North London Waste Authority
  • NOF New Opportunities Fund
  • NPWD National Packaging Waste Database
  • NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission (US)
  • NSIP Nationally significant infrastructure project
  • NVQ National Vocational Qualification
  • NWMRF National Waste Minimisation & Recycling Fund
  • NWP National Waste Plan or Norfolk Waste Partnership
  • NWPA Nuclear Waste Policy Act
  • NEST Nigerian Environmental Study Action Team


  • OBB Old Boxboard
  • OCC Old Corrugated Containers
  • ODPM Office of the Deputy Prime Minister
  • ODS Ozone Depleting Substance
  • OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
  • OFGEM Office of Gas and Electricity Markets (Great Britain)
  • OFWAT Office of Water Services (England and Wales)
  • OJEU Official Journal of the European Union
  • OMA Operator Monitoring Assessment
  • OPRA Operator Pollution Risk Appraisal
  • ORA Oil Recycling Association
  • OWP Oxfordshire Waste Partnership


  • PAFA Packaging and Films Association
  • pams Periodicals and Magazines
  • PAS Publicly Available Specification
  • PAYT Pay As You Throw
  • PCB Polychlorinated Biphenyl
  • PCS Producer Compliance Scheme
  • PELVs Premature End of Life Vehicles (relatively new cars which have not survived the expected life span that most vehicle manufacturers build into their vehicles)
  • PERN Packaging Export Recovery Note
  • PET Polyethylene Terephthalate
  • PFI Private Finance Initiative
  • PIU Performance and Innovation Unit
  • PM Particulate Matter, airborne (e.g. PM 10 ~ particles under 10 micrometres)
  • PP Polypropylene
  • PP Proximity Principle
  • PPC Pollution Prevention and Control Act
  • PPE Personal Protective Equipment
  • PPG Planning Policy Guidance Notes (e.g. PPG 10 for waste management)
  • PPP Public Private Partnership or Polluter-pays principle
  • PPS Planning Policy Statement
  • PR Producer Responsibility
  • PRF Plastics Reclamation Facility
  • PRN Packaging Recovery Note
  • PS Polystyrene
  • PSA Public Service Agreement
  • PUWER Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations
  • PVB Polyvinyl Butyral
  • PVC Polyvinyl Chloride


  • QMS Quality Management System
  • QP Quality Protocol
  • QUANGO Quasi Autonomous Non-Governmental Organisation
  • QESH Quality, Environment, Safety and Health
  • QUENSH QUality, ENvironment, Safety and Health


  • 3Rs Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
  • RAD Rotary Aerobic Digestion
  • RAG Recycling Advisory Group, Scotland
  • RCE Regional Centre of Excellence
  • RCEP Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution
  • RCRA Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (US)
  • RCV Refuse Collection Vehicle
  • RDA Regional Development Agency (all abolished in England on 31 March 2012)
  • RDF Refuse Derived Fuel
  • REACH Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals
  • RECAP Recycling in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough
  • RECOUP Recycling Of Used Plastics
  • REL Rear End Loader
  • REMADE Recycled Market Development
  • REPAC Regional Environmental Protection Advisory Committee
  • RFID Radio Frequency Identification
  • RIA Regulatory Impact Assessment
  • RID Regulations concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Rail
  • RIDDOR Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995
  • RGN Regulatory Guidance Note
  • RMA U.S. Rubber Manufacturers Association
  • RO Renewables Obligation
  • ROC Renewables Obligation Certificates
  • RoHS Restriction of Hazardous Substances
  • RoRo Rolonof/Roll-on Roll-off, demountable container system
  • ROTATE Recycling and Organic Technology Advisory Team
  • RSA Recycled & Secondary Aggregate
  • RSA Restoring Sustainable Abstraction
  • RTAB Regional Technical Advisory Body
  • RVM Reverse Vending Machine
  • RWM Recycling and Waste Management Exhibition
  • RWMO Radioactive Waste Management Organisation


  • SEA Strategic Environmental Assessment
  • SEI Sustainable Electronics Initiative
  • SELCHP South East London Combined Heat and Power
  • SEPA Scottish Environment Protection Agency
  • SGV Soil Guideline Value
  • SIG Special Interest Group of CIWM
  • SLF Secondary Liquid Fuel
  • SLWP South London Waste Partnership
  • SMDSA Sanitary Medical Disposal Services Association
  • SNIFFER Scotland and Northern Ireland Forum for Environmental Research
  • SNRHW Stable Non-Reactive Hazardous Wastes
  • SocEnv Society for the Environment
  • SRB Single Regeneration Budget
  • SRF Secondary Recovered Fuel or Solid or Specified
  • SSWAT Site Specific Waste Analysis Tool
  • STA Source Testing Association
  • SWA Solid Waste Analysis
  • SWAG Scottish Waste Advisory Group
  • SWCN Special Waste Consignment Note
  • SWDF Solid Waste Disposal Facilities
  • SWDWP South West Devon Waste Partnership
  • SWEN Special Waste Explanatory Note
  • SWF Strategic Waste Fund (Scotland)
  • SWM Sustainable Waste Management
  • SWMA Strategic Waste Management Assessment
  • SWMP Site Waste Management Plan
  • SWP Shropshire Waste Partnership or Somerset Waste Partnership or Surrey Waste Partnership



  • UA Unitary Authority
  • UASB Upflow anaerobic sludge blanket digestion
  • UBC Used Beverage Can
  • UDP Unitary Development Plan
  • UEL Upper Explosive Limit
  • UEEE Used Electrical and Electronic Equipment
  • UKELA UK Environmental Law Association
  • UKWIN United Kingdom Without Incineration
  • UNEP United Nations Environment Programme
  • UROC United Resource Operators Confederation



  • WAC Waste Acceptance Criteria
  • WAG Welsh Assembly Government
  • WAMITAB Waste Management Industry Training & Advisory Board
  • WARRAG Waste And Resources Research Advisory Group
  • WCA Waste Collection Authority
  • WDA Waste Disposal Authority
  • WDF WasteDataFlow (web-based system for municipal waste data reporting by UK local authorities)
  • WEEE Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment
  • WET Waste and Emissions Trading Act 2003
  • WFD Waste Framework Directive
  • WID Waste Incineration Directive
  • WIP Waste Implementation Programme
  • WIPP Waste Isolation Pilot Plant
  • WISARD Waste Integrated Systems Assessment for Recovery and Disposal
  • WLP Waste Local Plan
  • WLWA West London Waste Authority
  • WM2 Technical Guidance WM2 Hazardous Waste: Interpretation of the definition and classification of hazardous waste
  • WMF Waste Management Facility
  • WML Waste Management Licence (replaced by Environmental Permits)
  • WMP Waste Management Plan
  • WMPEG Waste Minimisation Performance and Efficiency Grant
  • WMS Waste Management Strategy
  • WRAP Waste and Resources Action Programme
  • WRATE Waste and Resources Assessment Tool for the Environment
  • WRG Waste Recycling Group
  • WRWA Western Riverside Waste Authority
  • WS2007 Waste Strategy for England 2007 (superseded by the Waste Management Plan for England (2013))
  • WSA Waste Strategy Area (e.g. 11 WSAs in Scotland)
  • WtE Waste-to-Energy
  • WTF Waste Transfer Facility
  • WTN Waste Transfer Note



  • YNYWMP York and North Yorkshire Waste Management Partnership


  • ZWS Zero Waste Scotland

See also

  • Chartered Institution of Wastes Management
  • List of waste management concepts


External links