Organization:China Association for Science and Technology

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The China Association for Science and Technology (CAST) is a non-profit, non-governmental organization of China scientists and engineers, which is composed of 167 national professional societies and hundreds of local branches at various levels.[1][2] The major tasks of CAST are: i) to promote the advancement of science by means of scientific exchanges; ii) to popularize scientific knowledge among the general public; iii) to safeguard the legitimate rights of scientists and engineers and organize them to participate in the political life of the state; iv) to award scientists and engineers with outstanding contributions; v) to provide decision-making advice and other services to the government and industry on science and technology-related problems so as to contribute to the nation’s economic development; vi) to develop cooperative relations with the international science and technology communities; and vii) to develop continued education through various training programs. At present, CAST and its affiliated societies are members of more than 250 international scientific and engineering organizations.[3]


Science & Technology Review was begun in 1980 in the United States and now is the journal of China Association for Science & Technology (CAST). Charged by CAST, Science & Technology Review is edited and published by Science & Technology Review Society.[4]

Further reading


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