Social:Index of urban sociology articles

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Urban sociology is the sociological study of social life and human interaction in metropolitan areas. It is a normative discipline of sociology seeking to study the structures, processes, changes and problems of an urban area and by doing so providing inputs for planning and policy making.


abandonment — accessibility — Active Living — activity centre — adaptive reuse — Administration for Children and Families — Acid Rain Program(EPA) — achievement gap in the United States — affirmative action — African American — Aid to Families with Dependent Children(AFDC) — air quality(indoor) — Air Pollution Index — air quality indexalienation — amalgamation — annexationanomiearcology — arson — asset-based community development — Asian American — Athens Charter — automobile — automobile dependencyautonomy


bureaucracybirth rate — block grant — budget — bus — business cyclebusiness park


capitalismcapital improvement plancarpoolcarsharing — central business district — central place theory — charter school — City Beautiful movementCity of Light Developmentcity rhythm — civil rights — class stratification — clean air act — communal gardenCommunities Directorycommunity developmentcommunity land trustcommunity of place — Community Reinvestment Act — commuting — complete streets — concentric zone model — conservation easement — Context Sensitive Solutions — context theory — Copenhagenization (bicycling) — core frame model — corporationcost of living(U.S.) — counter urbanization — crime — criminal justice — cultural biasculture of poverty -The Coons Effect


de facto segregation — de jure segregation — death rate — decentralizationdevolutiondisabilitydisinvestmentdivision of labour


economic developmenteconomic growthelitismemission standard — employment — empowerment zone — enterprise zone — entertainment center — entrepôt — ethnic enclave


Federal Housing Administration — FHA loan — fragmentation


gang — gentrification — globalizationgovernment — great depression — gridlock — growth management


habitability — highway — Hispanic Americans — historic preservation — Home Mortgage Disclosure Act — homelessness — homeowners' association — Housing Act of 1937 — Housing Act of 1949 — Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008 — HOPE VI — human ecology — Department of Housing and Urban Development(H.U.D.) — hyperghettoization


immigration — inclusionary zoning — incomeindoor air pollution in developing nations — industrial ecology — industrialization — inequalityinfrastructure — interest group





land use — landfill — leapfrogging


magnet school — methanol — middle class — migration — modernization — Moving to Opportunity — multiple nuclei model


National Ambient Air Quality Standards — neighborhood — Neo-Marxism — nuclear family


organized crime — overcrowding


parochialism — Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act — Phase I Environmental Site Assessment — polarization — police brutality — pollution — poverty — poverty line — privatizationpublic transport — psychological stress — public housing — public school — public transport



racial discrimination — racial integration — racism — rail system — recycling — regime theory — revenue sharing — rural


savings and loan crisis — scholarshipsegregation — single parent — smart growthsocial complexity — social disorganization theory — social housing — social solidarity — social work — social welfare provision — Socialism — solidarity — Soviet Union — steam enginestreetcar — street children — suburbanizationsuburb — sun belt


taxes — technology — Times Square Red, Times Square Blue —TANF — third world


underemployment — underground economy — unemployment — Uniform Crime Report — unionization — urban decay — Urban Mass Transportation Act of 1964 — urban renewal — urban sprawlurbanization


Vice Lords — violencevolunteer — voting bloc


Wage — war on poverty — waste disposal — water supply — welfarewelfare reform — white flight — white collar crime — workfare






Urban-Related Lists

List of United States cities by population

See also

List of U.S. metropolitan areas with large African-American populations

List of air-filtering plants

Further reading

Flanagan, William G. (2001). Urban Sociology : Images and Structure, Prentice Hall, ISBN:0-205-33532-2

Keiser, R. Lincoln. (1969). The Vice Lords: Warriors of the Streets, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, ISBN:0-03-080361-6

Shannon, Thomas R. (2001). Urban Problems in Sociological Perspective, Waveland Press Inc, ISBN:1-57766-195-8

Spradley, James P. (1999). You Owe Yourself a Drunk: An Ethnography of Urban Nomad, Waveland Press Inc, ISBN:1-57766-085-4

Vargas, Joao H. Costa. (2006). Catching Hell in the City of Angels: Life And Meanings of Blackness in South Central Los Angeles, University of Minnesota Press, ISBN:0-8166-4169-2

Williams, Terry. (1992). Crackhouse: Notes from the End of the Line, Penguin Group(USA), ISBN:0-14-023251-6