Eilenberg–Zilber theorem

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Short description: Links the homology groups of a product space with those of the individual spaces

In mathematics, specifically in algebraic topology, the Eilenberg–Zilber theorem is an important result in establishing the link between the homology groups of a product space X×Y and those of the spaces X and Y. The theorem first appeared in a 1953 paper in the American Journal of Mathematics by Samuel Eilenberg and Joseph A. Zilber. One possible route to a proof is the acyclic model theorem.

Statement of the theorem

The theorem can be formulated as follows. Suppose X and Y are topological spaces, Then we have the three chain complexes C(X), C(Y), and C(X×Y). (The argument applies equally to the simplicial or singular chain complexes.) We also have the tensor product complex C(X)C(Y), whose differential is, by definition,


for σCp(X) and X, Y the differentials on C(X),C(Y).

Then the theorem says that we have chain maps


such that FG is the identity and GF is chain-homotopic to the identity. Moreover, the maps are natural in X and Y. Consequently the two complexes must have the same homology:


Statement in terms of composite maps

The original theorem was proven in terms of acyclic models but more mileage was gotten in a phrasing by Eilenberg and Mac Lane using explicit maps. The standard map F they produce is traditionally referred to as the Alexander–Whitney map and G the Eilenberg–Zilber map. The maps are natural in both X and Y and inverse up to homotopy: one has


for a homotopy H natural in both X and Y such that further, each of HH, FH, and HG is zero. This is what would come to be known as a contraction or a homotopy retract datum.

The coproduct

The diagonal map Δ:XX×X induces a map of cochain complexes C(X)C(X×X) which, followed by the Alexander–Whitney F yields a coproduct C(X)C(X)C(X) inducing the standard coproduct on H(X). With respect to these coproducts on X and Y, the map

H(X)H(Y)H(C(X)C(Y))  H(X×Y),

also called the Eilenberg–Zilber map, becomes a map of differential graded coalgebras. The composite C(X)C(X)C(X) itself is not a map of coalgebras.

Statement in cohomology

The Alexander–Whitney and Eilenberg–Zilber maps dualize (over any choice of commutative coefficient ring k with unity) to a pair of maps


which are also homotopy equivalences, as witnessed by the duals of the preceding equations, using the dual homotopy H. The coproduct does not dualize straightforwardly, because dualization does not distribute over tensor products of infinitely-generated modules, but there is a natural injection of differential graded algebras i:C(X)C(Y)(C(X)C(Y)) given by αβ(στα(σ)β(τ)), the product being taken in the coefficient ring k. This i induces an isomorphism in cohomology, so one does have the zig-zag of differential graded algebra maps

C(X)C(X) i (C(X)C(X)) G C(X×X)C(Δ)C(X)

inducing a product :H(X)H(X)H(X) in cohomology, known as the cup product, because H(i) and H(G) are isomorphisms. Replacing G with F so the maps all go the same way, one gets the standard cup product on cochains, given explicitly by


which, since cochain evaluation Cp(X)Cq(X)k vanishes unless p=q, reduces to the more familiar expression.

Note that if this direct map C(X)C(X)C(X) of cochain complexes were in fact a map of differential graded algebras, then the cup product would make C(X) a commutative graded algebra, which it is not. This failure of the Alexander–Whitney map to be a coalgebra map is an example the unavailability of commutative cochain-level models for cohomology over fields of nonzero characteristic, and thus is in a way responsible for much of the subtlety and complication in stable homotopy theory.


An important generalisation to the non-abelian case using crossed complexes is given in the paper by Andrew Tonks below. This give full details of a result on the (simplicial) classifying space of a crossed complex stated but not proved in the paper by Ronald Brown and Philip J. Higgins on classifying spaces.


The Eilenberg–Zilber theorem is a key ingredient in establishing the Künneth theorem, which expresses the homology groups H(X×Y) in terms of H(X) and H(Y). In light of the Eilenberg–Zilber theorem, the content of the Künneth theorem consists in analysing how the homology of the tensor product complex relates to the homologies of the factors.

See also
