Astronomy:Norman (crater)

From HandWiki
Short description: Crater on the Moon
Norman crater 4132 h2.jpg
Diameter10 km
Depth2.0 km
Colongitude30° at sunrise
Selenochromatic Image(Si) of the crater area(bottom right)
Oblique view from Apollo 16, at a low sun angle

Norman is a small lunar impact crater on the Oceanus Procellarum, to the south and slightly west of the crater Euclides. To the west-southwest is Herigonius. There are few other features of note in the vicinity, apart from some minor wrinkle ridges in the surface of the mare.

Norman is a circular, bowl-shaped formation with a small floor at the midpoint of the sloping inner walls. This feature was previously designated Euclides B prior to being renamed by the IAU.
