Biography:John Hartnett (physicist)

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John Gideon Hartnett
Born (1952-03-24) 24 March 1952 (age 72)
Manjimup, Western Australia
EducationSchool of Physics at the University of Western Australia, BSc (Hons) and PhD
Alma materUniversity of Western Australia
EmployerUniversity of Adelaide, Adelaide, South Australia
Known forCreationist cosmologies
AwardsHartnett was announced as the winner of the 2010 W.G. Cady award by IEEE Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control Society.[1][2]

John G. Hartnett (born 24 March 1953 in Manjimup, Western Australia), is an Australian young Earth creationist and cosmologist. He has been active with Creation Ministries International and is known for his opposition to the Big Bang theory[3] and criticism of the dark matter and dark energy hypotheses.[3]

He received both his BSc (Hons) (1973) and PhD with distinction (2001) from the School of Physics at the University of Western Australia (UWA). He currently works as a Research Fellow at the University of Adelaide, South Australia. He has published more than 200 papers in scientific journals, book chapters and conference proceedings, holds one patent,[4] works on the development of ultra-stable cryocooled sapphire oscillators[5] and participated on a Sapphire Clock Ensemble project (Atomic Clock Ensemble in Space Mission) run by the European Space Agency.[6] He also has written articles for several creationist journals[7] and, according to Creation Ministries International, Hartnett "believes that God is the real creator of the universe as the Bible says."[8]

Research interests

His research interests include ultra low-noise radar and ultra high stability cryogenic microwave oscillators and clocks based on a pure single-crystal sapphire resonators. Applications for the latter are to provide low noise local oscillators to atomic physics labs, time and frequency atomic fountain standards, and very high frequency VLBI (Very-Long-Baseline-Interferometry) radio-astronomy. The terrestrial clock technology co-developed by him is claimed to be the most stable in the universe, with Hartnett et al. stating that it outperformed the stability of signals generated by pulsars (rotating neutron stars that produce highly periodic bursts of radio waves; such astronomical sources are then used as natural clocks e.g. for tests of physics).[9][10] Further on, he is interested in the development of cryocooled CSO resonators, detection of WISPs using low noise microwave techniques, tests of the fundamental theories of physics, such as special and general relativity, measurement of drift in fundamental constants[11] and their cosmological implications and cosmology and the large scale structure of the universe.[4][12] He is also part of a team of scientists who are building liquid helium-cooled oscillators used by sapphire clocks for the National Metrology Institute of Japan in Tsukuba, Japan.[13]

According to Moshe Carmeli, Professor of Theoretical Physics at Ben Gurion University in Beer Sheva, Israel,[14] Hartnett asserted in his theory that there is no need to assume the existence of dark matter in the universe.[15]


John Hartnett is the author of the book "Starlight, Time and the New Physics" (2007).[16][17] and co-author of the book "Dismantling the Big Bang".[3][18]


  • P1 "Temperature Compensated Oscillator"; US Patent Number 7,046,099, issued 16 May 2006. Obtained from US patent search.[19]

See also

  • Russell Humphreys, an American physicist and creationist author.


  1. Wieland, Carl (3 June 2010). "It's about time. Secular researchers agree: creationist helps develop the most precise clocks in the universe". Creation Ministries International. "Dr Hartnett (at left) receiving the Cady Award in Newport Beach Calif. on June 3rd, 2010. This award by the IEEE UFFC Society is for the development of ultra-stable cryogenic oscillators and their promotion in metrology labs and VLBI radioastronomy." 
  2. "Frequency control. Awards and fellows. IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium. The W. G. Cady Award". IEEE. 
  3. Jump up to: 3.0 3.1 3.2 ScienceNetwork WA (7 December 2008). "Big bang or bulldust?". ScienceAlert. "A fundamental problem with big bang theory is the weakness of the gravitational force between stars and galaxies. 'Dark' matter – which has never been detected – is needed to explain why so much of the universe (98 percent) is missing, or cannot be seen." 
  4. Jump up to: 4.0 4.1 "UWA Staff Profile: Professor John Hartnett". University of Western Australia. "Thesis: 1; Edited book: 1; Refereed Book Chapters: 9; Refereed Journal Papers: 105; Refereed Conference Papers: 3; Conference Papers: 88; Patents: 1 ; Web of Science Citation Report: Total citations: 924; Average: 9.06; h-index: 15" 
  5. Hartnett, John G.; Nand, Nitin R.; Lu, Chuan (2012). "Ultra-low-phase-noise cryocooled microwave dielectric-sapphire-resonator oscillators". Applied Physics Letters 100 (18): 183501. doi:10.1063/1.4709479. Bibcode2012ApPhL.100r3501H. [yes|permanent dead link|dead link}}]
  6. "University news". University of Western Australia. 
  7. "Dr John Hartnett, Physics, Cosmology (Australia), Biography". Creation Ministries International. 
  8. "Starlight, Time and the New Physics tour with Dr John Hartnett". 2012. 
  9. "Where Is the Best Clock in the Universe?". arXiv blog. MIT Technology Review. "The widespread belief that pulsars are the best clocks in the universe is wrong, say physicists." 
  10. Hartnett, John; Luiten, Andre (2011). "Colloquium: Comparison of Astrophysical and Terrestrial Frequency Standards". Reviews of Modern Physics 83 (1): 1–9. doi:10.1103/RevModPhys.83.1. Bibcode2011RvMP...83....1H. "We have re-analyzed the stability of pulse arrival times from pulsars and white dwarfs using several analysis tools for measuring the noise characteristics of sampled time and frequency data. We show that the best terrestrial artificial clocks substantially exceed the performance of astronomical sources as time-keepers in terms of accuracy (as defined by cesium primary frequency standards) and stability. ...we show that detailed accuracy evaluations of modern terrestrial clocks imply that these new clocks are likely to have a stability better than any astronomical source up to comparison times of at least hundreds of years.". 
  11. Hartnett, John. "Quantized quasar redshifts in a creationist cosmology". 
  12. Hartnett, John, chapter in Carmeli, Moshe (2008). Relativity: modern large-scale spacetime structure of the cosmos. London, UK: World Scientific Publishing. p. 363. ISBN 978-981-281-375-6. Retrieved 2011-11-18. 
  13. {{cite web | last = Amalfi | first = Carmelo | title = Keeping time. Science Features (ABC Science) | date = 18 December 2008 | publisher = Australian Web Archive | work = Australian Broadcast Corporation, | url = | archive-url = | url-status = dead | archive-date = 14 July 2009 | quote = ...says University of Western Australia physics professor and super-clock maker, John Hartnett. Hartnett is part of a team of scientists...building liquid astronomy. | access-date = 2011-11-27
  14. "Moshe Carmeli". Ben Gurion University. 
  15. Carmeli, Moshe (2006). Cosmological relativity: the special and general theories of the structure. Danvers, MA, USA: World Scientific Publishing Co.. ISBN 981-270-075-7. Retrieved 2011-11-25. "It was shown by Dr. John G. Hartnett that there is no need to assume the existence of dark matter in the universe." 
  16. Hartnett, John (2007). Starlight, Time and the New Physics. Creation Ministries International. p. 34. ISBN 978-0-949906-68-7. "'Dark Matter' -today's 'fudge' factor; Technical Appendices: App.1: The large scale structure of the universe does not need 'dark' matter or 'dark' energy; App.6: Light-travel-time problem solved" 
  17. Hopkins, Amanda. "Creation vs Evolution debate on GOD TV". The Way. 
  18. Hartnett, John; Williams, Alex (2005). Dismantling the Big Bang. Master Books. Cover. ISBN 978-0-89051-437-5. "As a way of explaining the universe we see, big-bang theory doesn't work. Not only does it lack a credible and consistent mechanism, but even given the credit of every possible doubt, the best it can produce is an expanding cloud of gas." 
  19. "Temperature compensated oscillator".,046,099.PN.&OS=PN/7,046,099&RS=PN/7,046,099. 
