Biology:Graphical timeline of pterosaurs
From HandWiki
Timeline showing the development of the extinct reptilian order Pterosauria from its appearance in the late Triassic period to its demise at the end of the Cretaceous, together with an alphabetical listing of pterosaur species and their geological ages.
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bar:NAM30 from:-152 till:-145 text:Altmuehlopterus color:latejurassic bar:NAM32 from:-150 till:-149 text:Lusognathus color:latejurassic bar:NAM33 from:-150 till:-148 text:Anurognathus color:latejurassic bar:NAM34 from:-150 till:-148 text:Germanodactylus color:latejurassic bar:NAM35 from:-150 till:-148 text:Pterodactylus color:latejurassic bar:NAM36 from:-150 till:-148 text:Rhamphorhynchus color:latejurassic bar:NAM37 from:-150 till:-148 text:Balaenognathus color:latejurassic bar:NAM38 from:-150 till:-145 text:Gnathosaurus color:latejurassic bar:NAM39 from:-150 till:-149 text:Herbstosaurus color:latejurassic bar:NAM40 from:-150 till:-145 text:Petrodactyle color:earlycretaceous bar:NAM41 from:-149 till:-139 text:Plataleorhynchus color:earlycretaceous bar:NAM42 from:-144 till:-100 text:Domeykodactylus color:earlycretaceous bar:NAM43 from:-140 till:-136 text:Coloborhynchus color:earlycretaceous bar:NAM44 from:-140 till:-100 text:Noripterus color:earlycretaceous bar:NAM45 from:-139 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text:Chaoyangopterus color:earlycretaceous bar:NAM60 from:-120 till:-119 text:Huaxiapterus color:earlycretaceous bar:NAM61 from:-120 till:-119 text:Liaoningopterus color:earlycretaceous bar:NAM62 from:-120 till:-119 text:Liaoxipterus color:earlycretaceous bar:NAM63 from:-120 till:-119 text:Nemicolopterus color:earlycretaceous bar:NAM64 from:-120 till:-119 text:Nurhachius color:earlycretaceous bar:NAM65 from:-120 till:-119 text:Sinopterus color:earlycretaceous bar:NAM66 from:-115 till:-113 text:Arthurdactylus color:earlycretaceous bar:NAM67 from:-112 till:-111 text:Brasileodactylus color:earlycretaceous bar:NAM68 from:-112 till:-110 text:Cearadactylus color:earlycretaceous bar:NAM69 from:-112 till:-110 text:Ludodactylus color:earlycretaceous bar:NAM70 from:-112 till:-110 text:Tapejara color:earlycretaceous bar:NAM71 from:-112 till:-110 text:Tropeognathus color:earlycretaceous bar:NAM72 from:-112 till:-110 text:Tupandactylus color:earlycretaceous bar:NAM73 from:-112 till:-110 text:Tupuxuara color:earlycretaceous bar:NAM74 from:-112 till:-94 text:Cimoliopterus color:earlycretaceous bar:NAM75 from:-112 till:-92 text:Anhanguera color:earlycretaceous bar:NAM76 from:-110 till:-109 text:Ornithostoma color:earlycretaceous bar:NAM77 from:-110 till:-109 text:Thalassodromeus color:earlycretaceous bar:NAM78 from:-105 till:-104 text:Pterodaustro color:earlycretaceous bar:NAM79 from:-105 till:-100 text:Ornithocheirus color:latecretaceous bar:NAM80 from:-95 till:-94 text:Lonchodectes color:latecretaceous bar:NAM81 from:-92 till:-90 text:Azhdarcho color:latecretaceous bar:NAM82 from:-89 till:-88 text:Muzquizopteryx color:latecretaceous bar:NAM83 from:-88 till:-80 text:Pteranodon color:latecretaceous bar:NAM84 from:-87 till:-82 text:Nyctosaurus color:latecretaceous bar:NAM85 from:-85 till:-84 text:Aralazhdarcho color:latecretaceous bar:NAM86 from:-85 till:-84 text:Bakonydraco color:latecretaceous bar:NAM87 from:-81 till:-80 text:Zhejiangopterus color:latecretaceous bar:NAM88 from:-75 till:-74 text:Montanazhdarcho color:latecretaceous bar:NAM89 from:-70 till:-66 text:Arambourgiania color:latecretaceous bar:NAM90 from:-68 till:-66 text:Hatzegopteryx color:latecretaceous bar:NAM91 from:-68 till:-66 text:Phosphatodraco color:latecretaceous bar:NAM92 from:-68 till:-66 text:Quetzalcoatlus
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- Angustinarhipterus longicephalus: Bathonian-Callovian
- Anhanguera blittersdorffi: Aptian-Albian
- Anhanguera cuvieri: Albian
- Anhanguera cuvieri: Cenomanian-Turonian
- Anhanguera cuvieri: Late Albian
- Anhanguera fittoni: late Albian
- Anhanguera santanae: Aptian-Albian
- Anurognathus ammoni: Tithonian
- Aralazhdarcho bostobensis: Santonian-early Campanian
- Arambourgiania philadelphiae: Maastrichtian
- Arcticodactylus cromptonellus: Norian–Rhaetian
- Arthurdactylus conandoylei: Late Aptian-early Albian
- Austriadactylus cristatus: Middle to late Norian
- Azhdarcho sp.: Early Santonian
- Azhdarcho lancicollis: Middle-late Turonian
- Bakonydraco galaczi: Santonian
- Batrachognathus volans: Oxfordian-Kimmeridgian
- Beipiaopterus chenianus: Late Barremian – early Aptian
- Boreopterus cuiae: late Barremian – early Aptian
- Brasileodactylus araripensis: Aptian-Albian
- Cacibupteryx caribensis: Middle-late Oxfordian
- Cathayopterus grabaui: late Barremian – early Aptian
- Campylognathoides sp.: Early Toarcian
- Campylognathoides indicus: Pliensbachian-Toarcian
- Campylognathoides liasicus: Early Toarcian
- Campylognathoides zitteli: Early Toarcian
- Caulkicephalus trimicrodon: Barremian
- Caviramus schesaplanensis: Late Norian or early Rhaetian
- Cearadactylus atrox: Aptian-Albian
- Chaoyangopterus zhangi: Aptian
- Coloborhynchus clavirostris: Late Berriasian – Valanginian
- Coloborhynchus moroccensis: Early Cenomanian
- cf. Coloborhynchus sp: Late Cenomanian
- Coloborhynchus robustus: Aptian-Albian
- Coloborhynchus sedgwickii: Late Albian
- Coloborhynchus spielburgi: Aptian-Albian
- Coloborhynchus wadleighi: Late Albian
- Ctenochasma elegens: Tithonian
- Ctenochasma roemeri: Berriasian
- Ctenochasma taqueti: Early Tithonian
- Cycnorhamphus canjuersensis: Early Tithonian
- Cycnorhamphus suevicus: Late Kimmeridgian
- Cycnorhamphus suevicus: Tithonian
- Dendrorhynchoides curvidentatus: Late Barremian – early Aptian
- Dimorphodon macronyx: Late Sinemurian
- Dimorphodon weintraubi: Early Middle Jurassic
- Domeykodactylus ceciliae: Lower Cretaceous
- Dorygnathus cf. D. banthensis: Early Toarcian
- Dorygnathus banthensis: Early Toarcian
- Dorygnathus mistelgauensis: Early Toarcian
- Dsungaripterus weii: ?Valanginian-Albian
- Eosipterus yangi: late Barremian – early Aptian
- Eudimorphodon cf. E. ranzii: Middle to late Norian
- Eudimorphodon ranzii: Late Norian
- Eudimorphodon rosenfeldi: Late Norian
- Eudimorphodon sp.: Late Carnian
- Feilongus youngi: late Barremian – early Aptian
- Gegepterus changi: late Barremian – early Aptian
- Germanodactylus: Kimmeridgian
- Germanodactylus cristatus: Tithonian
- Germanodactylus rhamphastinus: Tithonian
- Gnathosaurus macrurus: Berriasian
- Gnathosaurus subulatus: Tithonian
- Haopterus gracilis: late Barremian – early Aptian
- Hatzegopteryx thambema: Late Maastrichtian
- Herbstosaurus pigmaeus: Middle-late Tithonian
- Huanhepterus quingyangensis: Late Jurassic
- Huaxipterus benxiensis: Aptian
- Huaxipterus corollatus: Aptian
- Istiodactylus latidens: Barremian
- Istiodactylus sinensis: Aptian
- Jeholopterus ningchengensis: Bathonian-Callovian
- Jidapterus edentus: Aptian
- Kepodactylus insperatus: Kimmeridgian-Tithonian
- Liaoningopterus gui: Aptian
- Liaoxipterus brachyognathus: Aptian
- Lonchodectes compressirostris: Cenomanian-Turonian
- Lonchodectes compressirostris: Late Albian
- Lonchodectes giganteus: Cenomanian-Turonian
- Lonchodectes microdon: Late Albian
- Lonchodectes platystomus: Albian
- Lonchodectes platystomus: Late Albian
- Lonchodectes sagittirostris: Late Berriasian – Valanginian
- Lonchognathosaurus acutirostris: ?Aptian-Albian
- Ludodactylus sibbicki: Late Aptian-early Albian
- Mesadactylus ornithosphyos: Kimmeridgian-Tithonian
- Montanazhdarcho minor: Middle-late Campanian
- Muzquizopterix coahuilensis: Early Coniacian
- Nemicolopterus crypticus: Aptian
- Nesodactylus hesperius: Middle-late Oxfordian
- Noripterus complicidens: ?Valanginian-Albian
- Normannognathus wellnhoferi: Late Kimmeridgian
- Nurhachius ignaciobritoi: Aptian
- Nyctosaurus gracilis: Late Santonian-early Campanian
- Nyctosaurus lamegoi: Maastrichtian
- Nyctosaurus nanus: Late Coniacian-early Santonian
- Ornithocheirus sp.: Albian
- cf. Ornithocheirus sp.: Early Barremian
- Ornithocheirus sp.: Early Cenomanian
- Ornithocheirus mesembrinus: Aptian-Albian
- Ornithocheirus simus: Late Albian
- Ornithostoma sedgwicki: Late Albian
- Parapsicephalus purdoni Early Toarcian
- Peteinosaurus zambelli: Late Norian
- Phosphatodraco mauritanicus: Maastrichtian
- Plataleorhynchus streptorophodon: Berriasian
- Preondactylus buffarinii: Late Norian
- Pteranodon sternbergi: Late Coniacian-early Santonian
- Pteranodon longiceps: Late Santonian-early Campanian
- Pteranodon longiceps: Early Campanian
- Pterodactylus antiquus: Tithonian
- Pterodactylus longicollum: Late Kimmeridgian
- Pterodactylus longicollum: Tithonian
- Pterodactylus micronyx: Tithonian
- Pterodaustro guinazui: Aptian
- Pterodaustro guinazui: Albian
- Pterorhynchus wellnhoferi: Bathonian-Callovian
- Quetzalcoatlus: Late Maastrichtian
- Quetzalcoatlus northropi: Late Maastrichtian
- Rhamphinion jenkinsi: Sinemurian-Pliensbachian
- Rhamphocephalus sp. Early Bathonian
- Rhamphocephalus sp.: Middle Bathonian
- Rhamphocephalus bucklandi: Early Bathonian
- Rhamphocephalus bucklandi: Middle Bathonian
- Rhamphocephalus sp.: Late Bathonian
- Rhamphorhynchus sp.: Late Callovian
- Rhamphorhynchus muensteri: Late Kimmeridgian
- Rhamphorhynchus muensteri: Tithonian
- Scaphognathus crassirostris: Tithonian
- Sinopterus dongi: Aptian
- Sinopterus gui: Aptian
- Sordes pilosus: Oxfordian-Kimmeridgian
- Tapejara wellnhoferi: Aptian-Albian
- Tendaguripterus recki: : Late Kimmeridgian-Tithonian
- Thalassodromeus sethi: Aptian-Albian
- Tupundactylus imperator: Late Aptian-early Albian
- Tupundactylus navigans: late Aptian-early Albian
- Tupuxaura leonardi: Aptian-Albian
- Tupuxuara longicristatus: Aptian-Albian
- Zhejiangopterus linhaiensis: Early Campanian
See also
- Barrett PM, Butler RJ, Edwards NP, Milner AR. Pterosaur distribution in time and space: an atlas. Zitteliana. 2008:61–107.
Original source: timeline of pterosaurs.
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