Biology:Synergin gamma

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Synergin gamma also known as AP1 subunit gamma-binding protein 1 (AP1GBP1) is a protein that in humans is encoded by the SYNRG gene.[1][2]


This gene encodes a protein that interacts with the gamma subunit of AP1 clathrin-adaptor complex. The AP1 complex is located at the trans-Golgi network and associates specific proteins with clathrin-coated vesicles. This encoded protein may act to connect the AP1 complex to other proteins. Alternatively spliced transcript variants that encode different isoforms have been described for this gene.[2]


AP1GBP1 has been shown to interact with AP1G1[3][4] and SCAMP1.[5]


  1. "Gamma-synergin: an EH domain-containing protein that interacts with gamma-adaptin". J. Cell Biol. 146 (5): 993–1004. October 1999. doi:10.1083/jcb.146.5.993. PMID 10477754. 
  2. 2.0 2.1 "Entrez Gene: AP1GBP1 AP1 gamma subunit binding protein 1". 
  3. "Structural basis for the accessory protein recruitment by the gamma-adaptin ear domain". Nat. Struct. Biol. 9 (7): 527–31. July 2002. doi:10.1038/nsb808. PMID 12042876. 
  4. "Adaptor gamma ear homology domain conserved in gamma-adaptin and GGA proteins that interact with gamma-synergin". Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 271 (3): 719–25. May 2000. doi:10.1006/bbrc.2000.2700. PMID 10814529. 
  5. "SCAMP1 function in endocytosis". J. Biol. Chem. 275 (17): 12752–6. April 2000. doi:10.1074/jbc.275.17.12752. PMID 10777571. 

Further reading