Braille pattern dots-123456

From HandWiki
Short description: Braille pattern

The Braille pattern dots-123456 ( ) is a 6-dot braille cell with all six dots raised, or an 8-dot braille cell with both dots in the top three rows raised. It is represented by the Unicode code point U+283F, and in Braille ASCII with the equal sign.

Character information
Preview ⠿ (braille pattern dots-123456)
Unicode name BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-123456
Encodings decimal hex
Unicode 10303 0 0 0 U+283F
UTF-8 226 160 191 0 0 0 E2 A0 BF 00 00 00
Numeric character reference ⠿��� ⠿���
Braille ASCII 61 3D

Unified Braille

In unified international braille, the braille pattern dots-123456 is used to represent a voiced dental/alveolar fricative or aspirant, such as /ð/, /z/, or /dʰ/ when multiple letters correspond to these values, and is otherwise assigned as needed.[1]

Table of unified braille values

French Braille É, "quoi"
English Braille "for"
German Braille % and "es"
Bharati Braille ḍh / ढ / ঢ / ਢ / ઢ / ಢ / ఢ / ඪ / ଢ / ഢ / ڈھ ‎[2]
Icelandic Braille @
IPA Braille ɲ
Slovak Braille =
Arabic Braille ظ
Persian Braille ظ
Irish Braille É


Other braille

Japanese Braille me / め / メ [1]
Korean Braille ong / 옹 [1]
Mainland Chinese Braille wa, -ua [1]
Taiwanese Braille wen, -un / ㄨㄣ
Two-Cell Chinese Braille nü- -ǎi
Nemeth Braille Omission indicator [3]
Gardner Salinas Braille Quantity symbol [4]
Algerian Braille و ‎[1]

Braille pattern dots-123456 is also used for the tactile feature on Canadian banknotes.

Plus dots 7 and 8

Related to Braille pattern dots-123456 are Braille patterns 1234567, 1234568, and 12345678, which are used in 8-dot braille systems, such as Gardner-Salinas and Luxembourgish Braille.

Character information
Preview ⡿ (braille pattern dots-1234567) ⢿ (braille pattern dots-1234568) ⣿ (braille pattern dots-12345678)
Encodings decimal hex decimal hex decimal hex
Unicode 10367 0 0 0 U+287F 10431 0 0 0 U+28BF 10495 0 0 0 U+28FF
UTF-8 226 161 191 0 0 0 E2 A1 BF 00 00 00 226 162 191 0 0 0 E2 A2 BF 00 00 00 226 163 191 0 0 0 E2 A3 BF 00 00 00
Numeric character reference ⡿��� ⡿��� ⢿��� ⢿��� ⣿��� ⣿���
dots 1234567 dots 1234568 dots 12345678
Gardner Salinas Braille[4] large modifier ‡ (double dagger) ≡ (identity sign)
Luxembourgish Braille[5] é (minuscule) É (capital)

Related 8-dot kantenji patterns

In the Japanese kantenji braille, the standard 8-dot Braille patterns 235678, 1235678, 2345678, and 12345678 are the patterns related to Braille pattern dots-123456, since the two additional dots of kantenji patterns 0123456, 1234567, and 01234567 are placed above the base 6-dot cell, instead of below, as in standard 8-dot braille.

Character information
Preview ⣶ (braille pattern dots-235678) ⣷ (braille pattern dots-1235678) ⣾ (braille pattern dots-2345678) ⣿ (braille pattern dots-12345678)
Encodings decimal hex decimal hex decimal hex decimal hex
Unicode 10486 0 0 0 U+28F6 10487 0 0 0 U+28F7 10494 0 0 0 U+28FE 10495 0 0 0 U+28FF
UTF-8 226 163 182 0 0 0 E2 A3 B6 00 00 00 226 163 183 0 0 0 E2 A3 B7 00 00 00 226 163 190 0 0 0 E2 A3 BE 00 00 00 226 163 191 0 0 0 E2 A3 BF 00 00 00
Numeric character reference ⣶��� ⣶��� ⣷��� ⣷��� ⣾��� ⣾��� ⣿��� ⣿���

Kantenji using braille patterns 235678, 1235678, 2345678, or 12345678

This listing includes kantenji using Braille pattern dots-123456 for all 6349 kanji found in JIS C 6226-1978.

  • ⣿ (braille pattern dots-12345678) - 目

Variants and thematic compounds

  • ⣷⠊ - め/目 + selector 1 = 自
  • ⣷12px|alt=⡀⡈ - め/目 + selector 3 + selector 3 = 睿
  • ⣷⠘ - め/目 + selector 4 = 面
  • ⠃⣾ - selector 1 + め/目 = 真
    • ⠃12px|alt=⠂⣾ - selector 1 + selector 1 + め/目 = 眞
  • ⡁⣾ - selector 3 + め/目 = 乂
  • ⠑⣾ - selector 4 + め/目 = 牙
  • ⠡⣾ - selector 5 + め/目 = 黽
  • ⢁⣾ - selector 6 + め/目 = 弗
  • ⠱⣾ - 比 + め/目 = 亀
  • ⢡⣾ - 数 + め/目 = 百

Compounds of 目

  • ⣅⣾ - 日 + め/目 = 冒
    • ⢧⣾ - し/巿 + め/目 = 帽
    • ⣗12px|alt=⣄⣾ - へ/⺩ + 日 + め/目 = 瑁
  • ⣷⠬ - め/目 + 宿 = 見
    • ⠥⣾ - 宿 + め/目 = 寛
    • ⣗⣾ - へ/⺩ + め/目 = 現
    • ⣁⣾ - 龸 + め/目 = 覚
      • ⣁12px|alt=⣀⣾ - 龸 + 龸 + め/目 = 覺
      • ⡷12px|alt=⣀⣾ - て/扌 + 龸 + め/目 = 撹
    • ⣣⣾ - ま/石 + め/目 = 親
      • ⡗12px|alt=⣢⣾ - ね/示 + ま/石 + め/目 = 襯
    • ⢗⣾ - け/犬 + め/目 = 観
      • ⢗12px|alt=⢖⣾ - け/犬 + け/犬 + め/目 = 觀
      • ⢥12px|alt=⢖⣾ - 心 + け/犬 + め/目 = 欟
    • ⣷⠮ - め/目 + り/分 = 窺
    • ⣷⢘ - め/目 + 仁/亻 = 覗
    • ⡗⣾ - ね/示 + め/目 = 視
    • ⣷⢺ - め/目 + す/発 = 覧
      • ⡷12px|alt=⣶⢺ - て/扌 + め/目 + す/発 = 攬
      • ⢥12px|alt=⣶⢺ - 心 + め/目 + す/発 = 欖
      • ⠇12px|alt=⣶⢺ - い/糹/#2 + め/目 + す/発 = 纜
      • ⣷12px|alt=⣶⢺ - め/目 + め/目 + す/発 = 覽
    • ⡃12px|alt=⣶⠬ - な/亻 + め/目 + 宿 = 俔
    • ⣣12px|alt=⣶⠬ - ま/石 + め/目 + 宿 = 硯
    • ⡧12px|alt=⣶⠬ - ち/竹 + め/目 + 宿 = 筧
    • ⣳12px|alt=⣶⠬ - む/車 + め/目 + 宿 = 蜆
    • ⣁12px|alt=⣶⠬ - 龸 + め/目 + 宿 = 覓
    • ⠷12px|alt=⣶⠬ - れ/口 + め/目 + 宿 = 覘
    • ⢑12px|alt=⣶⠬ - 仁/亻 + め/目 + 宿 = 覡
    • ⣑12px|alt=⣶⠬ - ゆ/彳 + め/目 + 宿 = 覦
    • ⡵12px|alt=⣶⠬ - と/戸 + め/目 + 宿 = 覩
    • ⡑12px|alt=⣶⠬ - や/疒 + め/目 + 宿 = 覬
    • ⢇12px|alt=⣶⠬ - き/木 + め/目 + 宿 = 覲
    • ⣷12px|alt=⣶⠬ - め/目 + め/目 + 宿 = 靦
    • ⣷12px|alt=⠤⣺ - め/目 + 宿 + む/車 = 覯
    • ⣷12px|alt=⣶⠬ - め/目 + め/目 + 宿 = 靦
  • ⣓⣾ - ふ/女 + め/目 = 媚
  • ⠵⣾ - ろ/十 + め/目 = 直
    • ⡃⣾ - な/亻 + め/目 = 値
    • ⣕⣾ - ほ/方 + め/目 = 殖
    • ⢳⣾ - す/発 + め/目 = 置
    • ⣷⢎ - め/目 + き/木 = 植
    • ⡳12px|alt=⠴⣾ - つ/土 + ろ/十 + め/目 = 埴
    • ⠳12px|alt=⠴⣾ - る/忄 + ろ/十 + め/目 = 悳
    • ⣷12px|alt=⠴⣾ - め/目 + ろ/十 + め/目 = 矗
    • ⡕12px|alt=⠴⣾ - の/禾 + ろ/十 + め/目 = 稙
  • ⣇⣾ - ひ/辶 + め/目 = 遁
  • ⢇⣾ - き/木 + め/目 = 相
    • ⡧⣾ - ち/竹 + め/目 = 箱
    • ⡱12px|alt=⢆⣾ - よ/广 + き/木 + め/目 = 廂
    • ⡇12px|alt=⢆⣾ - に/氵 + き/木 + め/目 = 湘
  • ⡱⣾ - よ/广 + め/目 = 盾
    • ⣑⣾ - ゆ/彳 + め/目 = 循
    • ⢇12px|alt=⡰⣾ - き/木 + よ/广 + め/目 = 楯
  • ⢵⣾ - そ/馬 + め/目 = 省
  • ⠓⣾ - う/宀/#3 + め/目 = 督
  • ⣷⡬ - め/目 + ゑ/訁 = 叡
  • ⣷⠺ - め/目 + る/忄 = 懸
  • ⣷⡾ - め/目 + て/扌 = 攫
  • ⣷⣜ - め/目 + ほ/方 = 盲
  • ⣷⢾ - め/目 + せ/食 = 眉
    • ⡑12px|alt=⣶⢾ - や/疒 + め/目 + せ/食 = 嵋
  • ⣷⢊ - め/目 + か/金 = 看
  • ⣷⡌ - め/目 + ゐ/幺 = 県
    • ⣷12px|alt=⣶⡌ - め/目 + め/目 + ゐ/幺 = 縣
  • ⣷⣨ - め/目 + ん/止 = 眠
  • ⣷⠚ - め/目 + う/宀/#3 = 眺
  • ⣷⡘ - め/目 + や/疒 = 眼
  • ⣷⢼ - め/目 + そ/馬 = 着
  • ⣷⡎ - め/目 + に/氵 = 睡
  • ⣷⣺ - め/目 + む/車 = 睦
  • ⣷⢜ - め/目 + こ/子 = 睨
  • ⣷⢸ - め/目 + 氷/氵 = 瞥
  • ⣷⣈ - め/目 + 龸 = 瞬
  • ⣷⠼ - め/目 + ろ/十 = 瞭
  • ⣷⣪ - め/目 + ま/石 = 瞳
  • ⣷⣌ - め/目 + 日 = 瞼
  • ⣷⣊ - め/目 + は/辶 = 瞽
  • ⣷⡼ - め/目 + と/戸 = 算
  • ⣅12px|alt=⠤⣾ - 日 + 宿 + め/目 = 冐
  • ⠓12px|alt=⣶⠚ - う/宀/#3 + め/目 + う/宀/#3 = 鼎
  • ⣷12px|alt=⠤⢚ - め/目 + 宿 + く/艹 = 瞿
    • ⣷12px|alt=⠆⡬ - め/目 + い/糹/#2 + ゑ/訁 = 矍
      • ⢃12px|alt=⣶⣾ - か/金 + め/目 + め/目 = 钁
  • ⡷12px|alt=⠤⣾ - て/扌 + 宿 + め/目 = 攪
  • ⡇12px|alt=⠤⣾ - に/氵 + 宿 + め/目 = 泪
  • ⣷12px|alt=⠤⣼ - め/目 + 宿 + も/門 = 盻
  • ⣷12px|alt=⠤⠚ - め/目 + 宿 + う/宀/#3 = 眄
  • ⣷12px|alt=⣔⢼ - め/目 + ほ/方 + そ/馬 = 眇
  • ⣷12px|alt=⠤⣈ - め/目 + 宿 + 龸 = 眈
  • ⣷12px|alt=⢆⠘ - め/目 + き/木 + selector 4 = 眛
  • ⣷12px|alt=⡴⢘ - め/目 + と/戸 + 仁/亻 = 眤
  • ⣷12px|alt=⠤⠸ - め/目 + 宿 + 比 = 眥
  • ⣷12px|alt=⠰⠘ - め/目 + 比 + selector 4 = 眦
  • ⣷12px|alt=⣀⡌ - め/目 + 龸 + ゐ/幺 = 眩
  • ⣷12px|alt=⠤⢞ - め/目 + 宿 + け/犬 = 眷
  • ⣷12px|alt=⠠⣺ - め/目 + selector 5 + む/車 = 眸
  • ⣷12px|alt=⣐⠬ - め/目 + ゆ/彳 + 宿 = 睇
  • ⣷12px|alt=⠤⡺ - め/目 + 宿 + つ/土 = 睚
  • ⣷12px|alt=⢦⢾ - め/目 + し/巿 + せ/食 = 睛
  • ⣷12px|alt=⡢⢪ - め/目 + た/⽥ + さ/阝 = 睥
  • ⣷12px|alt=⠤⣪ - め/目 + 宿 + ま/石 = 睫
  • ⣷12px|alt=⡴⣌ - め/目 + と/戸 + 日 = 睹
  • ⣷12px|alt=⠤⣞ - め/目 + 宿 + へ/⺩ = 瞎
  • ⣷12px|alt=⣀⣌ - め/目 + 龸 + 日 = 瞑
  • ⣷12px|alt=⠤⣾ - め/目 + 宿 + め/目 = 瞞
  • ⣷12px|alt=⠤⣾ - め/目 + 宿 + め/目 = 瞞
  • ⣷12px|alt=⣀⡺ - め/目 + 龸 + つ/土 = 瞠
  • ⣷12px|alt=⣦⢸ - め/目 + み/耳 + 氷/氵 = 瞰
  • ⣷12px|alt=⡠⢎ - め/目 + を/貝 + き/木 = 瞶
  • ⣷12px|alt=⣀⠊ - め/目 + 龸 + selector 1 = 瞹
  • ⣷12px|alt=⠤⣌ - め/目 + 宿 + 日 = 瞻
  • ⣷12px|alt=⠤⢼ - め/目 + 宿 + そ/馬 = 矇
  • ⣷12px|alt=⡴⣮ - め/目 + と/戸 + み/耳 = 矚
  • ⢥12px|alt=⣀⣾ - 心 + 龸 + め/目 = 苜
  • ⣷12px|alt=⡲⡨ - め/目 + つ/土 + を/貝 = 覿
  • ⣷12px|alt=⠤⠎ - め/目 + 宿 + い/糹/#2 = 雎

Compounds of 自

  • ⠷⣾ - れ/口 + め/目 = 嗅
  • ⣷⢬ - め/目 + 心 = 息
    • ⣱12px|alt=⣶⢬ - 火 + め/目 + 心 = 熄
  • ⣷⢞ - め/目 + け/犬 = 臭
    • ⣵12px|alt=⣶⢞ - も/門 + め/目 + け/犬 = 闃
  • ⣷⡪ - め/目 + た/⽥ = 鼻
    • ⠷12px|alt=⣶⡪ - れ/口 + め/目 + た/⽥ = 嚊
    • ⣓12px|alt=⣶⡪ - ふ/女 + め/目 + た/⽥ = 嬶
    • ⢃12px|alt=⣶⡪ - か/金 + め/目 + た/⽥ = 鼾

Compounds of 睿

  • ⡇12px|alt=⣀⣾ - に/氵 + 龸 + め/目 = 濬

Compounds of 面

  • ⡇12px|alt=⣶⠘ - に/氵 + め/目 + selector 4 = 湎
  • ⠇12px|alt=⣶⠘ - い/糹/#2 + め/目 + selector 4 = 緬
  • ⡱12px|alt=⣶⠘ - よ/广 + め/目 + selector 4 = 靨
  • ⢳12px|alt=⣶⠘ - す/発 + め/目 + selector 4 = 麺
  • ⣷12px|alt=⣴⠌ - め/目 + も/門 + selector 2 = 靤

Compounds of 真 and 眞

  • ⠳⣾ - る/忄 + め/目 = 慎
    • ⠳12px|alt=⠲⣾ - る/忄 + る/忄 + め/目 = 愼
  • ⢃⣾ - か/金 + め/目 = 鎮
    • ⢃12px|alt=⢂⣾ - か/金 + か/金 + め/目 = 鎭
  • ⣷⠜ - め/目 + お/頁 = 顛
    • ⡑12px|alt=⠂⣾ - や/疒 + selector 1 + め/目 = 癲
  • ⠷12px|alt=⠂⣾ - れ/口 + selector 1 + め/目 = 嗔
  • ⡳12px|alt=⠂⣾ - つ/土 + selector 1 + め/目 = 填
  • ⢥12px|alt=⠂⣾ - 心 + selector 1 + め/目 = 槙
  • ⣷12px|alt=⠂⣾ - め/目 + selector 1 + め/目 = 瞋
  • ⣷12px|alt=⢶⠊ - め/目 + せ/食 + selector 1 = 鷆
  • ⣷12px|alt=⣀⢾ - め/目 + 龸 + せ/食 = 鷏

Compounds of 乂

  • ⢥⣾ - 心 + め/目 = 艾
  • ⣷⡚ - め/目 + ぬ/力 = 刈
    • ⢓12px|alt=⣶⡚ - く/艹 + め/目 + ぬ/力 = 苅
  • ⣷⡞ - め/目 + ね/示 = 刹
  • ⣷⢮ - め/目 + し/巿 = 希
    • ⠷12px|alt=⣶⢮ - れ/口 + め/目 + し/巿 = 唏
    • ⣅12px|alt=⣶⢮ - 日 + め/目 + し/巿 = 晞
    • ⣡12px|alt=⣶⢮ - ん/止 + め/目 + し/巿 = 欷
    • ⡕12px|alt=⣶⢮ - の/禾 + め/目 + し/巿 = 稀
    • ⢷12px|alt=⣶⢮ - せ/食 + め/目 + し/巿 = 鯑
  • ⣷⡜ - め/目 + の/禾 = 殺
  • ⣷⢌ - め/目 + ⺼ = 肴
    • ⡇12px|alt=⣶⢌ - に/氵 + め/目 + ⺼ = 淆
  • ⣥12px|alt=⣶⡜ - 囗 + め/目 + の/禾 = 弑
  • ⣷12px|alt=⣀⡮ - め/目 + 龸 + ち/竹 = 爻
    • ⣷12px|alt=⠠⢼ - め/目 + selector 5 + そ/馬 = 爼
    • ⡃12px|alt=⠤⣾ - な/亻 + 宿 + め/目 = 爽

Compounds of 牙

  • ⠧⣾ - り/分 + め/目 = 穿
  • ⢓⣾ - く/艹 + め/目 = 芽
  • ⠗⣾ - え/訁 + め/目 = 訝
  • ⣷⢪ - め/目 + さ/阝 = 邪
  • ⣷⠎ - め/目 + い/糹/#2 = 雅
  • ⠷12px|alt=⠐⣾ - れ/口 + selector 4 + め/目 = 呀
  • ⢱12px|alt=⠤⣾ - 氷/氵 + 宿 + め/目 = 冴
  • ⣷12px|alt=⡢⠊ - め/目 + た/⽥ + selector 1 = 谺
  • ⣷12px|alt=⠤⢾ - め/目 + 宿 + せ/食 = 鴉

Compounds of 黽

  • ⠇⣾ - い/糹/#2 + め/目 = 縄
    • ⠇12px|alt=⠆⣾ - い/糹/#2 + い/糹/#2 + め/目 = 繩
  • ⣳⣾ - む/車 + め/目 = 蝿
  • ⣳12px|alt=⠤⣾ - む/車 + 宿 + め/目 = 蠅
  • ⡕12px|alt=⠤⣾ - の/禾 + 宿 + め/目 = 龝

Compounds of 弗

  • ⢱⣾ - 氷/氵 + め/目 = 沸
  • ⣷⡨ - め/目 + を/貝 = 費
  • ⢑⣾ - 仁/亻 + め/目 = 仏
    • ⢑12px|alt=⢐⣾ - 仁/亻 + 仁/亻 + め/目 = 佛
  • ⡷⣾ - て/扌 + め/目 = 払
    • ⡷12px|alt=⡶⣾ - て/扌 + て/扌 + め/目 = 拂
  • ⡵12px|alt=⢀⣾ - と/戸 + selector 6 + め/目 = 髴
  • ⣑12px|alt=⠤⣾ - ゆ/彳 + 宿 + め/目 = 彿
  • ⠳12px|alt=⠤⣾ - る/忄 + 宿 + め/目 = 怫
  • ⢗12px|alt=⠤⣾ - け/犬 + 宿 + め/目 = 狒

Compounds of 亀

  • ⡕12px|alt=⠰⣾ - の/禾 + 比 + め/目 = 穐
  • ⠱12px|alt=⠰⣾ - 比 + 比 + め/目 = 龜
    • ⣵12px|alt=⠰⣾ - も/門 + 比 + め/目 = 鬮
  • ⣕12px|alt=⠰⣾ - ほ/方 + 比 + め/目 = 鼇
  • ⢱12px|alt=⠰⣾ - 氷/氵 + 比 + め/目 = 鼈

Compounds of 百

  • ⡃12px|alt=⢠⣾ - な/亻 + 数 + め/目 = 佰
  • ⣑12px|alt=⢠⣾ - ゆ/彳 + 数 + め/目 = 弼
  • ⢥12px|alt=⢠⣾ - 心 + 数 + め/目 = 栢
  • ⢃12px|alt=⢠⣾ - か/金 + 数 + め/目 = 瓸
  • ⣣12px|alt=⢠⣾ - ま/石 + 数 + め/目 = 竡
  • ⡕12px|alt=⢠⣾ - の/禾 + 数 + め/目 = 粨
  • ⢵12px|alt=⢠⣾ - そ/馬 + 数 + め/目 = 貊
  • ⢣12px|alt=⢠⣾ - さ/阝 + 数 + め/目 = 陌

Other compounds

  • ⡅⣾ - ゐ/幺 + め/目 = 綿
  • ⢥12px|alt=⠤⣾ - 心 + 宿 + め/目 = 棉
  • ⡅12px|alt=⠤⣾ - ゐ/幺 + 宿 + め/目 = 緜
  • ⢃12px|alt=⠤⣾ - か/金 + 宿 + め/目 = 錦
  • ⣥⣾ - 囗 + め/目 = 爾
    • ⡇12px|alt=⡆⣾ - に/氵 + に/氵 + め/目 = 滿
      • ⡇⣾ - に/氵 + め/目 = 満
        • ⠳12px|alt=⡆⣾ - る/忄 + に/氵 + め/目 = 懣
    • ⣷⣞ - め/目 + へ/⺩ = 璽
    • ⣑12px|alt=⣤⣾ - ゆ/彳 + 囗 + め/目 = 彌
      • ⢱12px|alt=⣤⣾ - 氷/氵 + 囗 + め/目 = 瀰
    • ⡇12px|alt=⣤⣾ - に/氵 + 囗 + め/目 = 濔
    • ⡗12px|alt=⣤⣾ - ね/示 + 囗 + め/目 = 禰
  • ⣧12px|alt=⠤⣾ - み/耳 + 宿 + め/目 = 蹣
  • ⠷12px|alt=⠤⣾ - れ/口 + 宿 + め/目 = 嚏
  • ⠷12px|alt=⠒⣾ - れ/口 + う/宀/#3 + め/目 = 嚔
  • ⢵12px|alt=⠤⣾ - そ/馬 + 宿 + め/目 = 牝
  • ⣇12px|alt=⣤⣾ - ひ/辶 + 囗 + め/目 = 迩

[6] [7] [8] [9]


  1. Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 "World Braille Usage". UNESCO. Retrieved 2012-04-19. .
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  3. "Nemeth Braille (Mathematics Braille)". Archived from the original on 2012-04-21. Retrieved 2012-04-25. 
  4. Jump up to: 4.0 4.1 "Index of Topics in Braille Section". Oregon State University Science Access Project Braille topics.. Archived from the original on 2012-04-20. Retrieved 2012-04-29. 
  5. UNESCO (2013). World Braille Usage. Washington, DC: National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped, Library of Congress. p. 88. ISBN 978-0-8444-9564-4. Retrieved 2013-12-19. 
  6. "ロービジョン相談と光学". Retrieved 31 January 2014. 
  7. "盲人と文字 -漢点字の世界". Retrieved 27 December 2013. 
  8. "漢点字". Retrieved 27 December 2013. 
  9. "漢点字入門". Archived from the original on 31 December 2013. Retrieved 30 December 2013.