Final functor

From HandWiki

In category theory, the notion of final functor (resp. initial functor) is a generalization of the notion of final object (resp. initial object) in a category. A functor [math]\displaystyle{ F: C \to D }[/math] is called final if, for any set-valued functor [math]\displaystyle{ G: D \to \textbf{Set} }[/math], the colimit of G is the same as the colimit of [math]\displaystyle{ G \circ F }[/math]. Note that an object d ∈ Ob(D) is a final object in the usual sense if and only if the functor [math]\displaystyle{ \{*\} \xrightarrow{d} D }[/math] is a final functor as defined here.

The notion of initial functor is defined as above, replacing final by initial and colimit by limit.


See also