List of mathematicians (J)
From HandWiki
- Jabotinsky, Eri (Israel, 1910–1969)
- Jack, Henry (Scotland, 1917–1978)
- Jack, William (Scotland, 1834–1924)
- Jackson, David M. (Canada, ?–?)
- Jackson, Dunham (USA, 1888–1946)
- Jackson, F. H. (England, 1870–1960)
- Jackson, James R. (USA, 1924–2011)
- Jackson, John David (USA/Canada, born 1925)
- Jackson, John Meadows (Scotland, 1907–1998)
- Jackson, Steve (USA, ?–?)
- Jackson, Trachette (USA, born 1972)
- Jaco, William (USA, born 1940)
- Jacobi, Carl Gustav Jacob (Germany, 1804–1851)
- Jacobs, Jessie Marie (USA, 1890–1954)
- Jacobson, Michael Scott (USA, ?–?)
- Jacobson, Nathan (USA, 1910–1999)
- Jacobsthal, Ernst (Germany, 1882–1965)
- Jacquet, Hervé (France, born 1939)
- Jacquier, François (France, 1711–1788)
- Jaeckel, Peter (Britain, ?–?)
- Jaeger, John Conrad (Australia, 1907–1979)
- Jaffe, Arthur (USA, born 1937)
- Jaffray, Jean-Yves (France, ?–?)
- Jagannatha (India, 1652–1744)
- Jagannathan, Ravi (?, ?–?)
- Jäger, Willi (Germany, born 1940)
- Jahnke, Eugen (Germany, ?–?)
- Jakeman, Eric (Britain, born 1939)
- Jakobsen, Thomas (Denmark, ?–?)
- James, Bill (?, born 1949)
- James, Ioan (England, born 1928)
- James, Ralph Duncan (Canada, 1909–1979)
- Le Jan, Yves (France, born 1952)
- Janeček, Karel (Czech Republic, born 1973)
- Janiszewski, Zygmunt (Poland, 1888–1920)
- von Janko, Paul (Hungary, 1856–1919)
- Janko, Zvonimir (Croatia, born 1932)
- Jánossy, Lajos (Hungary, 1912–1978)
- Janson, Svante (Sweden, born 1955)
- Janssen, Marco (Netherlands, born 1969)
- Jantzen, Jens Carsten (Germany, born 1948)
- Januškevičius, Romanas (Lithuania/Soviet Union, born 1953)
- Jarden, Moshe (Israel, born 1942)
- Jardine, James (Scotland, 1776–1858)
- Jardine, Rick (Canada, born 1951)
- Jarník, Vojtěch (Czech Republic, 1897–1970)
- Jaśkowski, Stanisław (Poland, 1906–1965)
- Jaworowski, Jan (Poland/USA, 1928–2013)
- Jayadeva (Ancient India, ?–?)
- Jaynes, Edwin Thompson (USA, 1922–1998)
- al-Jayyānī, Ibn Muʿādh (Medieval Spain/Medieval Arabia, 989–1079)
- al-Jazari, Ismail (Medieval Arabia, 1136–1206)
- Jeake, Samuel (England, 1623–1690)
- Jeanblanc, Monique (France, born 1947)
- Jeans, James Hopwood (England, 1877–1946)
- Jech, Thomas (Czech Republic, born 1944)
- Jeffery, George Barker (England, 1891–1957)
- Jeffery, Ralph Lent (Canada, 1889–1975)
- Jefferys, William H. (USA, born 1940)
- Jeffrey, Lisa (Canada, ?–?)
- Jeffreys, Harold (England, 1891–1989)
- Jeffreys, John R.F. (Britain, 1918–1944)
- Jellett, John Hewitt (Ireland, 1817–1888)
- Jellinek, E. Morton (USA, 1890–1963)
- Jenkins, Carrie Ichikawa (Canada, ?–?)
- Jenkins, Gwilym (Wales, 1933–1982)
- Jennings, Stephen Arthur (?, 1915–1979)
- Jensen, Johan (Denmark, 1859–1925)
- Jensen, Ronald (USA, born 1936)
- Jeřábek, Václav (Czech Republic, 1845–1931)
- Jerison, David (USA, ?–?)
- Jerison, Meyer (USA, 1922–1995)
- Jerrard, George (England, 1804–1863)
- Jerri, Abdul (Iraq, born 1932)
- Jessen, Børge (Denmark, 1907–1993)
- Jesson, David (England, born 1935)
- Jessop, Charles Minshall (England, 1861–1939)
- de Jesús Martínez, José (?, 1930s–1991)
- Jevons, William Stanley (England, 1835–1882)
- Ji, Lizhen (USA, born 1964)
- Jiang, Dihua (?, born 1958)
- Jiangong, Chen (China, 1893–1971)
- Jianshu, Li (China, born 1959)
- Jimbo, Michio (Japan, born 1951)
- Jitomirskaya, Svetlana (Ukraine, born 1966)
- Jiushao, Qin (Medieval China, 1201–1261)
- Joachimsthal, Ferdinand (Germany, 1818–1861)
- Jockusch, Carl (USA, born 1941)
- Johansson, Ingebrigt (Norway, 1904–1987)
- Johansson, Kurt (mathematician) (Sweden, born 1960)
- John of London (?, ?–?)
- John of Tynemouth (?, ?–?)
- John, Fritz (USA, 1910–1994)
- Johnson, Alexander (?, 1830–1912)
- Johnson, Barry Edward (England, 1937–2002)
- Johnson, Charles Royal (USA, born 1948)
- Johnson, Elgy (?, 1912–1987)
- Johnson, George (Britain, 1808–1881)
- Johnson, Katherine (USA, born 1918)
- Johnson, Neil F. (?, born 1961)
- Johnson, Norman (?, 1930–2017)
- Johnson, Norman Lloyd (England, 1917–2004)
- Johnson, Robert E. (scientist) (USA, ?–?)
- Johnson, Selmer M. (USA, 1916–1996)
- Johnson, William B. (USA, born 1944)
- Johnson, William Woolsey (?, 1841–1927)
- Johnsonbaugh, Richard (USA, ?–?)
- Johnston, Robert Mackenzie (Australia, 1843–1918)
- Johnstone, Iain M. (?, born 1956)
- Johnstone, Peter (?, born 1948)
- Jolliffe, Arthur (Britain, 1871–1944)
- von Jolly, Philipp (Germany, 1809–1884)
- Joly, Charles Jasper (Ireland, 1864–1906)
- Jones-Parry, Tristram (?, ?–?)
- Jones, Burton Wadsworth (USA, 1902–1983)
- Jones, Douglas Samuel (Britain, 1922–2013)
- Jones, Edward (USA, 1856–1920)
- Jones, Eleanor (USA, born 1929)
- Jones, F. Burton (USA, 1910–1999)
- Jones, Hugh (?, 1691–1760)
- Jones, John Viriamu (Wales, 1856–1901)
- Jones, Lowell Edwin (USA, born 1945)
- Jones, Peter (USA, born 1952)
- Jones, Robert (aerodynamicist) (Wales, born 1962)
- Jones, Roger (USA, ?–?)
- Jones, Thomas (Wales, 1756–1807)
- Jones, Vaughan (New Zealand, born 1952)
- Jones, William (Wales, 1675–1749)
- de Jong, Aise Johan (Belgium, born 1966)
- de Jonge Stampioen, Jan Jansz (Netherlands, 1610–1653)
- de Jongh, Dick (Netherlands, born 1939)
- Jonoska, Nataša (?, ?–?)
- de Jonquières, Ernest (France, 1820–1901)
- Jónsson, Bjarni (Iceland, born 1920)
- Jordan, Artishia Wilkerson (?, 1901–1974)
- Jordan, Camille (France, 1838–1922)
- Jordan, Wilhelm (Germany, 1842–1899)
- Jordanus, Marcus (Denmark, ?–?)
- Jöreskog, Karl Gustav (Sweden, born 1935)
- Jörgens, Konrad (Germany, 1926–1974)
- Jørgensen, Bent (Denmark, 1954–2015)
- Jørgensen, Troels (Denmark, ?–?)
- Joseph of Spain (?, ?–?)
- Joshi, Aravind (India, born 1929)
- Joshi, Nalini (Australia, ?–?)
- Jost, Jürgen (Germany, born 1956)
- Jouffret, Esprit (France, born 1837)
- Jourdain, Philip (Britain, 1879–1919)
- Joyal, André (Canada, born 1943)
- Joyce, Dominic (Britain, born 1968)
- Jozsa, Richard (Australia, born 1953)
- Juan, Luis Davidson San (Cuba, 1921–2011)
- Jucys, Adolfas (Lithuania/Soviet Union, 1904–1974)
- Jucys, Algimantas Adolfas (Lithuania, 1936–1997)
- al-Jud, Abu (Medieval Persia, ?–?)
- Juel, Christian (Denmark, 1855–1935)
- Juhász, István (?, ?–?)
- Julia, Gaston (France, 1893–1978)
- Julong, Deng (China, 1933–2013)
- Jun, Ge (China, born 1964)
- Jung-hee, Cheon (South Korea, ?–?)
- Jung, Heinrich (Germany, 1876–1953)
- Jungius, Joachim (Germany, 1587–1657)
- Jungnickel, Dieter (Germany, born 1952)
- Juraev, Abduhamid (Tajikistani, 1932–2005)
- al-Jurajani, Abu Sa'id al-Darir (Persia, ?–845)
- Juran, Joseph M. (USA, 1904–2008)
- Jürgens, Hartmut (Germany, born 1955)
- Jurin, James (England, 1684–1750)
- Jurišić, Aleksandar (Slovenia, ?–?)
- Jutila, Matti (Finland, born 1943)
- Juvet, Gustave (Switzerland, 1896–1936)
- Jyeṣṭhadeva (India, 1500–1575)
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