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A polynomial of degree n in z is a function
where z and the coefficients ai can be real or complex. Two important application domains are the following:
- 1) Polynomial approximation, including data-fitting, interpolation, and computer representations of functions. One may use either a single polynomial for the whole range of the argument, or a family of polynomials each defined only over a subinterval, with continuity of a specified order of derivative at the junction points (
Spline Functions).
- 2) Many problems, e.g. eigenvalue computation, can be reduced to finding the roots of a polynomial equation Pn(z) = 0. Methods of solving these are of two kinds: global, which find all the roots at once; or simple, which find a single root a and then ``deflate the polynomial by dividing it by z-a before repeating the process.
also Interpolation, Neville Algorithm,
Pade Approximation. Some polynomials are ill-conditioned, i.e. the roots are very sensitive to small changes like truncation errors in the coefficients ai, or the determination of the ai suffers from their correlations. The use of orthogonal polynomials can overcome this. For practical fast computation of polynomial expressions,
Horner's Rule.