
From HandWiki

PARATEC (PARAllel Total Energy Code) is a package that performs ab initio quantum mechanical total energy calculations using pseudopotentials and a plane wave basis set. PARATEC is designed primarily for a massively parallel computing platform, and can run on serial machines. Calculations of XANES within such a full-potential approach has been implemented within PARATEC.

The total energy minimization of the electrons can be done by two methods: (i) the more traditional self-consistent field (SCF) method and (ii) direct minimization (currently only implemented for systems with a gap) of the total energy.


  • Taillefumier, Mathieu; Cabaret, Delphine; Flank, Anne-Marie; Mauri, Francesco (2002-11-18). "X-ray absorption near-edge structure calculations with the pseudopotentials: Application to the K edge in diamond and α-quartz". Physical Review B (American Physical Society (APS)) 66 (19): 195107. doi:10.1103/physrevb.66.195107. ISSN 0163-1829. 

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