Unsolved:List of Egyptian pyramidia

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Short description: List of capstones of ancient Egyptian pyramids

Pyramidia (singular: pyramidion) are the capstones of ancient Egyptian pyramids.

Tips of obelisks, also called pyramidia, were not separate stones and are not included in this list.

Image Dyn Associated name(s) Findspot Current location Material(s) Deco Base Hgt Ref
in cm
Old Kingdom
(c. 2543 – 2120 BC)
Red Pyramid Pyramidion.jpg 4 Sneferu Dashur, Red Pyramid Dashur Limestone No 157 ? 100 ? [1][2]
Giseh 10.jpg 4 Khufu Giza, Pyramid G1-d Giza Limestone No 111.8 70.9 [3]
4 Wife of Menkaure Giza, Pyramid G3-a Limestone No 112.5 75 [4]
5 Sahure Abusir, Pyramid of Sahure Known only from inscription Limestone, gold [5]
5 Khentkaus II Abusir, Pyramid of Khentkaus II Black granite [4]
6 Merenre Nemtyemsaf I Saqqara, Pyramid of Merenre Known only from inscription Black granite [4]
6 Udjebten Saqqara, Pyramid of Udjebten Known only from inscription Stone, gold [4][6]
Middle Kingdom
(c. 1980 – 1760 BC)
12 Queen (?) of

Senusret I

Lisht, Pyramid 3 of Senusret's complex Red granite [7]
12 Queen (?) of

Senusret I

Lisht, Pyramid 5 of Senusret's complex Red granite [8]
Pyramidion Senusret II.png 12 Senusret II El Lahun, Pyramid of Senusret II London, Petrie Museum Black granite Yes [9][10]
Pyramidion of the Pyramid of Amenemhet III at Dahshur.jpg 12 Amenemhat III Dahshur, Black Pyramid
(Pyramidion of Amenemhat III)
Cairo, Egyptian Museum Black granite Yes 185 140
Limestone pyramid. Mr. F. Petrie thought that this represented a model for Hawara pyramid. 12th Dynasty. From Hawara, Egypt. The Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology, London.jpg 12 Amenemhat III Hawara London, Petrie Museum Limestone No 23 [11][12]
Egyptian Museum Cairo 2022 21.jpg 13 Khendjer South Saqqara, Pyramid of Khendjer Cairo, Egyptian Museum Black granite Yes 140 130 [13][14]
Merneferre Ay.jpg 13 Merneferre Ay South Saqqara, Pyramid of Merneferre Ay Cairo, Egyptian Museum Black granite Yes 83 85 [16][17]
Pyramidion Southern South Saqqara Pyramid.jpg 13 Southern South Saqqara pyramid Cairo, Egyptian Museum Black granite No 156 145 (slp) [14][18]
Second Intermediate Period
(c. 1759 – 1539 BC)
PiramidiónDeAntef (46149630982).jpg 17 Intef V Dra' Abu el-Naga', Pyramid of Intef V London, British Museum Limestone Yes 34 22 [20][21]
17 Intef VI Dra' Abu el-Naga', Pyramid of Intef VI Limestone Yes [22]
17/18 Amosis Dra' Abu el-Naga' Limestone Yes [23]
Image Dyn Associated name(s) Findspot Current location Material(s) Deco Base Hgt Ref
in cm
New Kingdom
(c. 1539 – 1077 BC)
18 or earlier Teti, lector-priest of Senisonb Theban area ? Oxford, Ashmolean Museum Limestone Yes 31 40.5 (slp) [24]
18 Tetisheri Abydos, Pyramid of Tetisheri Limestone Yes [25]
Ancient Egypt Granite Pyramidion, Saqqara, c. 1300 BC (27799578134).jpg 18 Iniuia (de) Saqqara Paris, Louvre Red granite Yes 70


63 [26][27]
Pyramidion of Ptahmose.png 18 Ptahmose, High-Priest of Thutmose III Saqqara ? Berlin, Egyptian Museum Gabbro Yes 43


39.5 [29][30]
PyramidionFromPrivateTomb RosicrucianMuseum.png 18 Ahmose ? Theban area ? San Jose, Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum Limestone Yes 23.2 36.3 [32]
18 Meriré Amarna Berlin, Egyptian Museum Limestone Yes 30


24 [33][34]
Pyramid x.jpg 18 ? anonymous Abydos Brussels, Royal Museums of Art and History Limestone Yes 25.7


35.7 [35][36]
18 Houy Saqqara Florence, National Archaeological Museum Gray granite Yes 32 36 [37][38]
18 Nedjem Cairo, Egyptian Museum Sandstone Yes 33 43.5 [39][40]
Piramidion van Amenhotep (Huy).jpg 18 Amenhotep (Huy) Saqqara Leiden, Rijksmuseum van Oudheden Red granite Yes 77 67 [41][42]
18 Amenemone Memphis Cairo, Egyptian Museum Limestone Yes 43.5 37 [43][44]
18 anonymous London, British Museum Limestone Yes 50 48 [45][46]
Xviii dinastia, piramide di ptahmwia, da sakkara, 1325-1300 ac ca. 01.jpg 18 Ptahemwia Saqqara Leiden, Rijksmuseum van Oudheden Limestone Yes 28 42 [47][48]
Pyramidion from the pyramid of Nebamun 01.jpg 18 Nebanon Thebes Munich, Staatliches Museum Ägyptischer Kunst Limestone Yes 46 [49]
Pyramidion of Imenemheb.jpg 18 Imenemheb Qurnet Murai Paris, Louvre Sandstone Yes 44.5 85.7 [50][51]
18 Pay Memphis Paris, Louvre Limestone Yes 45


40 [52][53]
Pyramidion of Kha (TT8).jpg 18 Kha Deir el-Medina, Pyramid chapel of TT8 Paris, Louvre Sandstone Yes 49 83 [54][55]
18 Hori Abu Tig Seattle Art Museum Limestone Yes 28.5 31.6 [56][57]
18 Nakhtmin ? Deir el-Medina Limestone No 65 65 [58]
18 or later Amarna, South Tombs Cemetery Limestone 24


35 [59]
18/19 Raia Saqqara Vienna, Kunsthistorisches Museum Limestone Yes 37.4


33.3 [60][61]
Pyramidion, part of an ancient Egyptian tomb decoration. From Thebes, Egypt, New Kingdom, 16th to 12th century BCE. National Museum of Scotland, Edinburgh.jpg 18/19 Mahu, the Quarter Master Edinburgh, National Museum of Scotland Limestone,

plaster, paint

Yes 18 36.5 [62][63]
18/19 Ry (Roy), head of bowmen Abydos Cairo, Egyptian Museum Limestone Yes 48.5 49 [64][65]
18/19 anonymous Cairo, Egyptian Museum Limestone Yes 34.5 61.5 [67][68]
18/19 Neferhotep Deir el-Medina Limestone Yes 40 34 [70]
18/19 Huy, Servant in the Place of Truth Deir el-Medina Sandstone Yes 35.6 35.6 [71][72]
18/19 Nornakht Aniba Sandstone Yes 30.7


28 [73][74]
After 18 ? Khonsou / Hori Gurob Cairo, Egyptian Museum Limestone Yes 31 40 [75][76]
19 Khay (vizier) Pyramid of Khay Sheikh Abd el-Qurna Granodiorite [77]
Pyramidion of the two Tias 2 (lower).png 19 Tia (princess) and

Tia (overseer of treasury)

Saqqara, Pyramid of the two Tias Lost c. 1792 AD Red granite Yes 91 76 [78][79]
Hildesheim, Roemer- und Pelizaeus-Museum, Pyramidion des Mes.JPG
19 Scribe Mose (Ms) West-Thebes ? Hildesheim, Roemer- und Pelizaeus-Museum Limestone Yes 52 [81][82]
Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge 21.jpg 19 Minemheb Thebes Cambridge, Fitzwilliam Museum Limestone Yes 34 47.5 [84][85]
19 Senres ? Paris, Louvre Limestone Yes 51


43.5 [86][87]
Pyramidion Nehi Florence.JPG 19 Nehi Qurnet Murai Florence, National Archaeological Museum Sandstone Yes 61 57 [88][89]
19 Ptahemouia Memphis Cairo, Egyptian Museum Limestone Yes 55


38 [90][91]
19 Nebmeroutef Ry Beit Khallaf Cairo, Egyptian Museum Limestone Yes 24 20 [93][94]
19 Messouy Temple of Amada Cairo, Egyptian Museum Limestone Yes 42 67 [95][96]
19 anonymous Kurna Cairo, Egyptian Museum Faience Yes 37 26 [97][98]
19 Anu (Aâouy) Aniba Cairo, Egyptian Museum Sandstone Yes 46.5 56 [99][100]
19 Amenhotep-Huy Memphis Cairo, Egyptian Museum Grey granite Yes 52 50 [90][102]
19 Kenro El-Khokha, TT178 Cairo, Egyptian Museum Faience Yes 39 28 [104][105]
19 Tourobay Deir el-Medina St. Petersburg, Hermitage Museum Limestone Yes 17 26 [106]
19 Neferronpet Saqqara Liverpool, National Museums Granite Yes 33


46 [107][108]
Pyramidion of Heru-nefer.png 19 Hornefer Deir el-Medina London, British Museum Sandstone Yes 33.5 40 [109][110]
19 Intj Abydos London, British Museum Limestone Yes 40 40 [111][112]
Pyramidion of Nebamun. Possibly top of a stela. Limestone. 19th Dynasty. From Egypt. Bought in the Thebaid (Thebais) but probably it came from Deir el-Medina. The Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology, London.jpg 19 Nebamun (Nebamontet) Deir el-Medina London, Petrie Museum Limestone Yes 15 18.5 [113][114]
Gurob pyramidion, Petrie 1890.png 19 anonymous Gurob London, Petrie Museum Limestone Yes 24 [115][116]
Limestone pyramidion. Curved sides, no hieroglyphic inscriptions. Relief showing arms of djed holding sun disc. 2 adoring baboons. From Gurob, Fayum, Egypt. 19th Dynasty. The Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology, London.jpg 19 anonymous Gurob London, Petrie Museum Limestone Yes 27.5 [118][119]
19 Pyay Deir el-Medina Paris, Louvre Limestone Yes 35 37 [121][122]
Pyramidion di Ramose PAP8834-HDR.tif 19 Ramose Deir el-Medina Turin, Museo Egizio Limestone Yes 57.5 70 [123][124]
Pyramidion of Khonsu left.jpg 19 Khonsou Deir el-Medina, chapel of tomb 1 Turin, Museo Egizio Limestone Yes 43 59 [125]
19 Nebnefer / Neferhotep Deir el-Medina Limestone Yes 36 50 [126]
19 Sennedjem Deir el-Medina Limestone Yes 61.5 61.5 [127]
19 ? Neferrenpet ? Deir el-Medina Limestone Yes [128]
19 Penmerenab ? Deir el-Medina, chapel 322 Yes [129]
19 Amenemope Deir el-Medina, tomb 215 ? Limestone Yes [130]
19 Ptahmose Saqqara London, British Museum Yes [131][132]
19 Ramses II ? Wadi es-Sebua Yes 45 75 [133]
19 Thothermektef ? Deir el-Medina, TT357 Yes 36 30 [134]
19 [Messouy] Temple of Amada Sandstone Yes 48 75 [135]
19 Pennout ? Aniba Sandstone No 45


65 [136][67]
19/20 Meri-imen Ra-mesu Western Thebes Vienna, Kunsthistorisches Museum Sandstone,


Yes 36.4


44.6 [138][139]
19/20 Hori Deir el-Medina Paris, Louvre Sandstone Yes 38


41 [140][141]
19/20 ? Abydos Pennsylvania, Penn Museum Limestone Yes [142]
Pyramidion of Theper.png 19/20 Tjeper Abydos Edinburgh, National Museum of Scotland Black basalt Yes 25 25 [143][144]
19/20 Amenhotp Abydos Cairo, Egyptian Museum Sandstone Yes 42 45.5 [145][146]
19/20 Amenemheb /


Deir el-Medina London, British Museum Limestone Yes 27


36 [147][148]
19/20 Khat Deir el-Medina London, British Museum Limestone Yes 49 65 [149][150]
19/20 Taya Saqqara Paris, Louvre Limestone Yes 41


35 [151][152]
19/20 Khonsouhetep Paris, Louvre Limestone Yes 36 40.2 [153][154]
19/20 Pagerger Memphis Paris, Louvre Limestone Yes 25 24.5 [155][156]
Pyramidion of Aamakt 2.png 19/20 Aamakt Deir el-Medina, TT356 Paris, Louvre Limestone Yes 37 39.2 [157][158]
19/20 Ipy Deir el-Medina Paris, Louvre Limestone Yes 23 33 [160][161]
Pyramidion of Tourbay South.png 19/20 Tourbay Deir el-Medina Paris, Louvre Limestone Yes 24.5


34 [162][163]
19/20 Amenemope Thebes Vatican Museums Limestone Yes 30 34 [165][166]
19/20 Deir el-Medina, tomb 219 Limestone Yes [167]
19/20 Amenemouia ? Deir el-Medina Sandstone Yes [168]
19/20 Amennakht Dydy ? Deir el-Medina Limestone Yes [169]
19/20 Houy ? Deir el-Medina, tomb 1336 Limestone Yes [170]
19/20 ? Deir el-Medina Limestone Yes [171]
19/20 Deir el-Medina Limestone Yes 35-45 60-70 [172]
19/20 Amennakht Deir el-Medina, 1349 or 1343 Limestone Yes [173]
20 God's Adorer ʒst Qift London, British Museum Limestone, plaster Yes 43 38.2 [174][175]
20 Iry Deir el-Medina Limestone Yes 23


32 [176]
20 Kaha Deir el-Medina Limestone Yes [177]
NK Nebseny Memphis Paris, Louvre Limestone Yes 40 53 [178][179]
NK Paris, Louvre Faience Yes 15.5 13.2 [180]
NK Penmehet Beit Khallaf Berlin, Egyptian Museum Limestone Yes 32.5 65 [181][182]
NK ? Bekenamun English private collection Limestone Yes 35.2 38.1 [184][185]
NK ? Harsiesi Abydos Cairo, Egyptian Museum Limestone Yes 23 [186][187]
NK ? Ptahmose/


Abydos ? Copenhague Limestone Yes 35 37 [189]
NK Amenhotep Florence, National Archaeological Museum Limestone Yes 23


32 [190][191]
NK anonymous Florence, National Archaeological Museum Limestone Yes 14


38 [192][193]
NK anonymous Heidelberg, Sammlung des Ägyptologischen Instituts Sandstone Yes 46 69 [194]
NK Mose (?) Memphis Cairo, Egyptian Museum Limestone Yes 48


60.5 [195][196]
NK anonymous Cairo, Egyptian Museum Limestone Yes 27


40.5 [197][198]
NK Amenemopet Abydos Cairo, Egyptian Museum Limestone Yes 32.5 53 [199][200]
Pyramidion of the King’s Writer Pauty (Saqqara 2009).jpg NK Pauty Saqqara Leiden, Rijksmuseum van Oudheden Limestone Yes 47 47 [202][203]
NK Tjanefer Deir el-Medina, temple of Mentouhotep London, British Museum Black basalt Yes 22


24 [204][205]
Pyramidion of Buqentef.jpg NK Buqentef Deir el-Medina London, British Museum Limestone Yes 28


66 [206][207]
Pyramidion of Thuti.png NK ? Djehuty (Thuti) Deir el-Medina, temple of Mentouhotep London, British Museum Limestone Yes 11.4 18 [209][210]
NK anonymous Deir el-Medina Turin, Museo Egizio Limestone Yes 15 20 [211]
NK anonymous Gurnah Voronezh Sandstone Yes [212][213]
NK Pached ? Deir el-Medina Limestone Yes [214]
NK Deir el-Medina Limestone Yes [215]
NK Deir el-Medina Limestone Yes [216]
NK Deir el-Medina Limestone [217]
NK Deir el-Medina Limestone [218]
NK Aniba Sandstone Yes 40 [219][220]
NK Roro Deir el-Medina Leipzig University Limestone Yes 26 54 [221]
NK Penbouy ? Deir el-Medina Yes [222]
NK Tiro ? Deir el-Medina Yes [223]
NK [224]
NK Panufer Thebes Cairo, Egyptian Museum Granite [225]
NK Abydos Cairo, Egyptian Museum Yes [226]
Image Dyn Associated name(s) Findspot Current location Material(s) Deco Base Hgt Ref
in cm
Third Intermediate Period of Egypt
(c. 1077 – 722 BC)
~21 Nestaouat Memphis Cairo, Egyptian Museum Limestone Yes 31.5


29.5 [227][228]
Pyramidion avec un hymne à Rê - Servir les dieux d'Égypte - Musée de Grenoble.jpg 21 Bennebensekhaf Thebes Paris, Louvre Limestone Yes 48 47.6 [229][230]
TIP/LP anonymous Liverpool, National Museums Wood, gesso, paint Yes 14


25 [231]
Late Period
(c. 722 – 332 BC)
Pyramidion of Iufaa MET 21.2.66 01.jpg 26 Iufaa Abydos NYC, Metropolitan Museum of Art Limestone,


Yes 27.2


35.5 [232][233]
Pyramidion of Nesnubhotep, top of a limestone chapel monument. A scarab and adoring baboons in relief. 26th Dynasty. From Abydos, Egypt. The Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology, London.jpg 26 Nesnubhotep Abydos London, Petrie Museum Limestone Yes 35 [234][235]
26 Wedjahor Abydos London, British Museum Limestone Yes 48.5 58 [237][238]
Pyramidiion of Petisis.png 26 Pedesi (Petisis) Abydos Cairo, Egyptian Museum Limestone Yes [239][240]
26 Khepri Abydos Trieste, Civico Museo di Storia Naturale Limestone Yes 23.5 37 [242][243]
Pyramidion of the Vizier Nesipakashuti. Limestone. From Egypt. 26th Dynasty, 664-525 BCE. The Burrell Collection, Glasgow, UK.jpg 26 Nesipakashuty, Vizier Abydos Glasgow, Burrell Collection Limestone Yes 25.6


38.5 [244][245]
26 Hr-zi-ist Yes [246][247]
26 ? Esnubhotp Abydos Cairo, Egyptian Museum Stone Yes 40 [248][249]
26 ? Djedhor Abydos Paris, Louvre Limestone Yes 39.4


35.5 [250][251]
30? Abydos Avignon, Calvet Museum [252]
Pyramidion from the tomb of Rer (7th century BCE).jpg 30 or later Rer and Nitokris Abydos St. Petersburg, Hermitage Museum Limestone,


Yes 36.5 44 [253][254]
Late Horemakhbit Abydos Paris, Louvre Limestone Yes 36 34 [257][258]
Late Padipahernefer Abydos ? Paris, Louvre Limestone Yes 29 33 [259]
Late Edinburgh, National Museum of Scotland Limestone [260]
Late Nespemede Abydos Destroyed in WWII ? Yes 26 [261][262]
Late Pakhnum Abybos Durham University Limestone Yes 25.2


35.7 [263][264]
Late Harhotep, Head Dancer of Bastet [266][267]
Unknown date
Abydos Abydos ? Gray granite No 47


45 [268]
Abydos Gray granite No 62


49 [269]
Image Dyn Associated name(s) Findspot Current location Material(s) Deco Base Hgt Ref
in cm

See also


  1. Stadelamnn, Rainer (1998). Royal Tombs from the Age of the Pyramids. pp. 60. 
  2. Rossi, Corinna (1999). "Note on the Pyramidion Found at Dahshur". The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 85: 219–222. doi:10.2307/3822438. https://www.jstor.org/stable/3822438. 
  3. Hawass, Zahi (1995). "The Discovery of the Pyramidion of the Satellite Pyramid of Khufu". Varia Aegyptiaca 10 (2–3): 105–124. http://giza.fas.harvard.edu/pubdocs/297/full/. 
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 Jánosi 1992.
  5. Lehner, Mark (2005). "Labor and the Pyramids: The Heit el-Ghurab "Workers Town" at Giza". International Scholars Conference on Ancient Near Eastern Economies 5: 465. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/303875906. 
  6. Jéquier, Gustave (1928) (in fr). La pyramide d'Oudjebten. pp. 4-5, 16, fig. 15 (p.18). https://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/jequier1928. 
  7. Arnold 1992, p. 27.
  8. Arnold 1992, p. 32-33.
  9. Petrie, Flinders (1923). Lahun II. pp. 4, pl. XXIV. 
  10. "Fragments of the pyramidion of king Senusret II, Petrie Museum (UC6545)". https://collections.ucl.ac.uk/Details/collect/15801. 
  11. Petrie, Flinders (1912). The Labyrinth Gerzeh and Mazghuneh. British school of archaeology in Egypt. pp. 35, Pl. XXVII. https://archive.org/details/ERA21. 
  12. "Model of Hawara pyramid, Petrie Museum (UC14793)". https://collections.ucl.ac.uk/Details/collect/58136. 
  13. Lehner 1997, p. 186.
  14. 14.0 14.1 Jéquier 1933.
  15. Malek 2011, p. 426 (JE 53045).
  16. "Two Pyramidions of the 13th Dynasty from Ezbet Rushdi El-Kebira (Khatacna)". Annales du Service des Antiquités de l'Egypte. 52. Le Caire, Impr. de l'Institut français d'archéologie orientale. 1954. pp. 471–479. https://archive.org/details/ASAE-52.2-1952/page/n151/. 
  17. Malek 2011, p. 606 (JE 43267).
  18. Lehner 1997, p. 187.
  19. Malek 2011, p. 427 (JE 54855, JE 54855).
  20. "Pyramidion of King Intef, British Museum (EA478)". https://www.britishmuseum.org/collection/object/Y_EA478. 
  21. Polz 2010, p. 349.
  22. Polz 2010, p. 348.
  23. Rammant-Peeters 1983, p. 94 (Doc. 96).
  24. Malek 1990, p. 180-181, Plate XVIII (E 3926).
  25. Harvey, Stephen P. (2006). "The Last Egyptian Queen's Pyramid: New Discoveries at Abydos, Egypt". The Oriental Institute: News & Notes (Winter): 21. https://oi.uchicago.edu/sites/oi.uchicago.edu/files/uploads/shared/docs/nn188.pdf. 
  26. "Pyramidion of Iniuia, Louvre (D 14 ; N 355 ; CC 320 ?)". https://collections.louvre.fr/en/ark:/53355/cl010007858. 
  27. Schneider, Hans D.; Martin, Geoffrey T.; Van Dijk, Jacobus; Aston, Barbara Greene; Perizonius, Rutger; Strouhal, Eugen (1993). "The Tomb of Iniuia: Preliminary Report on the Saqqara Excavations, 1993". The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 79: 1–9. doi:10.2307/3822154. https://www.jstor.org/stable/3822154. 
  28. Rammant-Peeters 1983, p. 54 (Doc. 50).
  29. Rammant-Peeters 1983, p. 3.
  30. "Pyramidion vom Grab des Ptah-mose, Egyptian Museum of Berlin (ÄM 2276)". https://id.smb.museum/object/757735/. 
  31. Rammant-Peeters 1983, p. 3 (Doc. 1).
  32. "Pyramidion, Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum (RC-1726)". https://egyptianmuseum.catalogaccess.com/objects/1480. 
  33. "Teil eines Pyramidions, Egyptian Museum of Berlin (ÄM 14123)". https://id.smb.museum/object/607387. 
  34. Rammant-Peeters 1983, p. 6 (Doc. 3).
  35. "Pyramidion, Musées royaux d'Art et d'Histoire (E.00276)". https://www.carmentis.be:443/eMP/eMuseumPlus?service=ExternalInterface&module=collection&objectId=75054&viewType=detailView. 
  36. Rammant-Peeters 1983, p. 7 (Doc. 4).
  37. Schiaparelli 1887, p. 420, 1675. (2610).
  38. Rammant-Peeters 1983, p. 14 (Doc. 11).
  39. Rammant-Peeters 1983, p. 30 (Doc. 28).
  40. Malek 2011, p. 1221 (
  41. "Piramidion van Amenhotep, Rijksmuseum van Oudheden (AM 6-b)". 28 August 2018. https://www.rmo.nl/en/collection/search-collection/collection-piece/?object=21174. 
  42. Rammant-Peeters 1983, p. 35 (Doc. 33).
  43. Rammant-Peeters 1983, p. 23 (Doc. 20).
  44. Malek 2011, p. 467 (JE 41665).
  45. "Pyramidion, British Museum (EA477)". https://www.britishmuseum.org/collection/object/Y_EA477. 
  46. Rammant-Peeters 1983, p. 42 (Doc. 38).
  47. "Piramidion van Ptahemwia, Rijksmuseum van Oudheden (AM 7bis)". 28 August 2018. https://www.rmo.nl/en/collection/search-collection/collection-piece/?object=21176. 
  48. Rammant-Peeters 1983, p. 38 (Doc. 35).
  49. Rammant-Peeters 1983, p. 53 (Doc. 49).
  50. "Pyramidion of Imenemheb, Louvre (AF 2984)". https://collections.louvre.fr/en/ark:/53355/cl010011622. 
  51. Rammant-Peeters 1983, p. 64 (Doc. 59).
  52. "Pyramidion of Pay, Louvre (D 21 ; N 362)". https://collections.louvre.fr/en/ark:/53355/cl010011286. 
  53. Rammant-Peeters 1983, p. 59 (Doc. 55).
  54. "Pyramidion of Kha, Louvre (E 13988)". 1391. https://collections.louvre.fr/en/ark:/53355/cl010007859. 
  55. Rammant-Peeters 1983, p. 66 (Doc. 61).
  56. "Pyramidion of Hori, Seattle Art Museum (48.186)". https://art.seattleartmuseum.org/objects/15699/pyramidion-of-hori?ctx=9eb99572-e9d6-4bce-bb60-1bc77e33f216&idx=0. 
  57. Rammant-Peeters 1983, p. 69 (Doc. 64).
  58. Rammant-Peeters 1983, p. 87 (Doc. 82).
  59. Stevens; Dolling (2009). "The Stone Village". Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 95: 20-21 (obj. 39433). https://www.academia.edu/432164. 
  60. "Pyramidion of Raia, Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien (INV 5908)". https://www.khm.at/en/objectdb/detail/316745/. 
  61. Rammant-Peeters 1983, p. 78 (Doc. 71).
  62. "Pyramidion of Mahu, National Museums Scotland (A.1907.683)". https://www.nms.ac.uk/explore-our-collections/collection-search-results/pyramidion/300314. 
  63. Rammant-Peeters 1983, p. 11 (Doc. 8).
  64. Mariette 1880, p. 558-559 (1432).
  65. Rammant-Peeters 1983, p. 24 (Doc. 21).
  66. Malek 2011, p. 875 (JE 48840).
  67. 67.0 67.1 Steindorff 1937, p. 62.
  68. Rammant-Peeters 1983, p. 27 (Doc. 25).
  69. Malek 2011, p. 1221 (
  70. Rammant-Peeters 1983, p. 81 (Doc. 74).
  71. Malek 1990, p. 182-184, Plate XIX.
  72. Rammant-Peeters 1983, p. 94 (Doc. 95).
  73. Steindorff 1937, p. 61 (S 48).
  74. Rammant-Peeters 1983, p. 95 (Doc. 97).
  75. Rammant-Peeters 1983, p. 32 (Doc. 30).
  76. Malek 2011, p. 1221 (
  77. "Discovery of the pyramid of a Ramses II Vizier at Luxor". https://phys.org/news/2013-02-discovery-pyramid-ramses-ii-vizier.html. 
  78. Lehner 1997, p. 192-193.
  79. Málek, Jaromír (1974). "Two Monuments of the Tias". The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 60: 161–167. doi:10.2307/3856183. https://www.jstor.org/stable/3856183. 
  80. Rammant-Peeters 1983, p. 93 (Doc. 94).
  81. "Pyramidion des Mes, Roemer- und Pelizaeus-Museum Hildesheim (PM 2129)". https://www.rpmuseum.de/presse/dauerausstellungen/aegypten/tod-in-der-wueste/bildmaterial.html. 
  82. Roeder, Günther (1921) (in de). Die Denkmäler des Pelizaeus-Museums zu Hildesheim. pp. 129. https://archive.org/details/diedenkmlerdes00peliuoft(2129) 
  83. Rammant-Peeters 1983, p. 17 (Doc. 14).
  84. "Limestone pyramidion, Fitzwilliam Museum (E.1.1827)". https://data.fitzmuseum.cam.ac.uk/id/object/49038. 
  85. Rammant-Peeters 1983, p. 8 (Doc. 5).
  86. "Pyramidion, Louvre (E 30433)". April 1295. https://collections.louvre.fr/en/ark:/53355/cl010018284. 
  87. Rammant-Peeters 1983, p. 68 (Doc. 63).
  88. Schiaparelli 1887, p. 420-421, 1676. (2608).
  89. Rammant-Peeters 1983, p. 12 (Doc. 9).
  90. 90.0 90.1 Myśliwiec 1978.
  91. Rammant-Peeters 1983, p. 18 (Doc. 15).
  92. Malek 2011, p. 548 (CG 17109, JE 8371).
  93. Rammant-Peeters 1983, p. 21 (Doc. 18).
  94. Malek 2011, p. 833 (JE 35634).
  95. Rammant-Peeters 1983, p. 22 (Doc. 19).
  96. Malek 2011, p. 1072 (JE 40282).
  97. Rammant-Peeters 1983, p. 26 (Doc. 23).
  98. Malek 2011, p. 176 (JE 56354).
  99. Steindorff 1937, p. 62 (S 65).
  100. Rammant-Peeters 1983, p. 26 (Doc. 24).
  101. Malek 2011, p. 1078 (
  102. Rammant-Peeters 1983, p. 28 (Doc. 27).
  103. Malek 2011, p. 548 (
  104. Rammant-Peeters 1983, p. 33 (Doc. 31).
  105. Malek 2011, p. 177 (
  106. Rammant-Peeters 1983, p. 34 (Doc. 32) (Leningrad 19491).
  107. "Pyramidion of Neferronpet, National Museum Liverpool (M11015)". https://www.liverpoolmuseums.org.uk/artifact/pyramidion-of-neferronpet. 
  108. Rammant-Peeters 1983, p. 39 (Doc. 36).
  109. "Pyramidion of Hornefer, British Museum (EA479)". https://www.britishmuseum.org/collection/object/Y_EA479. 
  110. Rammant-Peeters 1983, p. 42 (Doc. 39).
  111. "Pyramidion, British Museum (EA58519)". https://www.britishmuseum.org/collection/object/Y_EA58519. 
  112. Rammant-Peeters 1983, p. 49 (Doc. 45).
  113. "Pyramidion, Petrie Museum (UC14574)". https://collections.ucl.ac.uk/Details/collect/57934. 
  114. Rammant-Peeters 1983, p. 50 (Doc. 46).
  115. "Pyramidion, Petrie Museum (UC14647)". https://collections.ucl.ac.uk/Details/collect/20417. 
  116. "New Kingdom (about 1550-1069 BC) tombs at Gurob: pyramidia". https://www.ucl.ac.uk/museums-static/digitalegypt/gurob/tombs/nk1.html. 
  117. Rammant-Peeters 1983, p. 52 (Doc. 47).
  118. Petrie, Flinders (1890). Kahun, Gurob, and Hawara. https://archive.org/details/cu31924028675399/page/n102/. 
  119. "Pyramidion, Petrie Museum (UC14648)". https://collections.ucl.ac.uk/Details/collect/58001. 
  120. Rammant-Peeters 1983, p. 52 (Doc. 48).
  121. "Pyramidion of Pyay, Louvre (D 19)". https://collections.louvre.fr/en/ark:/53355/cl010018083. 
  122. Rammant-Peeters 1983, p. 57 (Doc. 53).
  123. "Pyramidion of Ramose, Museo Egizio, Turin (Cat. 1603)". https://collezioni.museoegizio.it/en-GB/material/Cat_1603. 
  124. Rammant-Peeters 1983, p. 70 (Doc. 65).
  125. Rammant-Peeters 1983, p. 71 (Doc. 66) (Cat. 1622).
  126. Rammant-Peeters 1983, p. 80 (Doc. 73).
  127. Rammant-Peeters 1983, p. 82 (Doc. 75).
  128. Rammant-Peeters 1983, p. 85 (Doc. 80).
  129. Rammant-Peeters 1983, p. 87 (Doc. 83).
  130. Rammant-Peeters 1983, p. 88 (Doc. 85).
  131. "Pyramidion of Ptahmose, British Museum (EA1742)". https://www.britishmuseum.org/collection/object/Y_EA1742. 
  132. Rammant-Peeters 1983, p. 92 (Doc. 93).
  133. Rammant-Peeters 1983, p. 96 (Doc. 98).
  134. Rammant-Peeters 1983, p. 96 (Doc. 99).
  135. Rammant-Peeters 1983, p. 96 (Doc. 100).
  136. Steindorff 1937, p. 62 (SA 6).
  137. Rammant-Peeters 1983, p. 98 (Doc. 102).
  138. "Pyramidion of Meri-imen Ra-mesu, Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien (INV 209)". https://www.khm.at/en/objectdb/detail/318005/. 
  139. Rammant-Peeters 1983, p. 75 (Doc. 70).
  140. "Pyramidion, Louvre (D 16 ; N 357)". https://collections.louvre.fr/en/ark:/53355/cl010018011. 
  141. Rammant-Peeters 1983, p. 56 (Doc. 52).
  142. "Pyramid, Penn Museum (69-29-186)". https://www.penn.museum/collections/object/164143. 
  143. "Pyramidion of Tjeper, National Museums Scotland (A.1903.331.9)". https://www.nms.ac.uk/explore-our-collections/collection-search-results/pyramidion/300312. 
  144. Rammant-Peeters 1983, p. 10 (Doc. 7).
  145. Rammant-Peeters 1983, p. 20 (Doc. 17).
  146. Malek 2011, p. 901 (JE 32020).
  147. "Pyramidion, British Museum (EA468)". https://www.britishmuseum.org/collection/object/Y_EA468. 
  148. Rammant-Peeters 1983, p. 41 (Doc. 37).
  149. "Pyramidion, British Museum (EA707)". https://www.britishmuseum.org/collection/object/Y_EA707. 
  150. Rammant-Peeters 1983, p. 45 (Doc. 41).
  151. "Pyramidion of Taya, Louvre (D 20 ; N 361)". https://collections.louvre.fr/en/ark:/53355/cl010018293. 
  152. Rammant-Peeters 1983, p. 58 (Doc. 54).
  153. "Pyramidion of Khonsouhetep, Louvre (D 43 ; E 149 ; N 5409 ; Clot bey C 13 n°6)". https://collections.louvre.fr/en/ark:/53355/cl010007860. 
  154. Rammant-Peeters 1983, p. 62 (Doc. 57).
  155. "Pyramidion of Pagerger, Louvre (D 44 ; N 363 ; LP 14 ; Comte d'Hauterive n°506)". 1295. https://collections.louvre.fr/en/ark:/53355/cl010017900. 
  156. Rammant-Peeters 1983, p. 63 (Doc. 58).
  157. "Pyramidion of Aamakt, Louvre (E 13987)". https://collections.louvre.fr/en/ark:/53355/cl010018960. 
  158. Bruyère, Bernard (1929). "Rapport sur les fouilles de Deir el Médineh (1928)" (in fr). FIFAO 6: 95–96. https://archive.org/details/FIFAO6.2/page/n50/. 
  159. Rammant-Peeters 1983, p. 65 (Doc. 60).
  160. "Pyramidion of Ipy, Louvre (E 14392 BIS ; E 14402 (?))". https://collections.louvre.fr/en/ark:/53355/cl010018010. 
  161. Rammant-Peeters 1983, p. 67 (Doc. 62).
  162. "Pyramidion of Tourbay, Louvre (E 14396)". 1295. https://collections.louvre.fr/en/ark:/53355/cl010018269. 
  163. Bruyère, Bernard (1937). "Rapport sur les fouilles de Deir el Médineh (1933-1934). Première partie. La nécropole de l'Ouest" (in fr). Fouilles de l'Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale 14: 27-31, pl. VIII-IX. https://archive.org/details/FIFAO14. 
  164. Rammant-Peeters 1983, p. 73 (Doc. 68).
  165. Bosticco, Sergio (1953). "Notizia della raccolta di antichità egiziane Carlo Grassi entrata nel Museo Gregoriano". Aegyptus 33 (2): 211 (248.). https://www.jstor.org/stable/41215461. 
  166. Rammant-Peeters 1983, p. 74 (Doc. 69).
  167. Rammant-Peeters 1983, p. 84 (Doc. 77).
  168. Rammant-Peeters 1983, p. 87 (Doc. 84).
  169. Rammant-Peeters 1983, p. 85 (Doc. 79).
  170. Rammant-Peeters 1983, p. 88 (Doc. 86).
  171. Rammant-Peeters 1983, p. 89 (Doc. 87).
  172. Rammant-Peeters 1983, p. 89 (Doc. 88).
  173. Rammant-Peeters 1983, p. 98 (Doc. 103).
  174. "Limestone pyramidion of the God's Adorer ʒst, British Museum (EA1742)". https://www.britishmuseum.org/collection/object/Y_EA1742. 
  175. Rammant-Peeters 1983, p. 47 (Doc. 43).
  176. Rammant-Peeters 1983, p. 83 (Doc. 76).
  177. Rammant-Peeters 1983, p. 85 (Doc. 78).
  178. "Pyramidion of Nebseny, Louvre (D 15 ; N 356)". https://collections.louvre.fr/en/ark:/53355/cl010018007. 
  179. Rammant-Peeters 1983, p. 55 (Doc. 51).
  180. "Faience pyramidion, Louvre (E 5963)". https://collections.louvre.fr/en/ark:/53355/cl010085576. 
  181. Roeder, Günther (1913). Aegyptische Inschriften aus den Königlichen Museen zu Berlin. 2. Leipzig, Hinrichs. pp. 400–401. https://archive.org/details/aegyptischeinsch02kn/page/400. 
  182. Erman 1899, p. 158 (13456).
  183. Rammant-Peeters 1983, p. 4 (Doc. 2).
  184. Malek 1990, p. 183-184.
  185. "An Egyptian Limestone Pyramidion inscribed for Bekenamun, New Kingdom, 1540-1075 B.C. - Sotheby's". https://www.sothebys.com/en/buy/auction/2020/ancient-sculpture-and-works-of-art/an-egyptian-limestone-pyramidion-inscribed-for. 
  186. Mariette 1880, p. 560-561 (1434).
  187. De Meulenaere 1968, p. 2 (Doc. 2).
  188. Malek 2011, p. 875 (JE 19776).
  189. Rammant-Peeters 1983, p. 9 (Doc. 6) (A.A.d.20).
  190. Schiaparelli 1887, p. 421-423, 1677. (2609).
  191. Rammant-Peeters 1983, p. 13 (Doc. 10).
  192. Schiaparelli 1887, p. 423-424, 1678. (2611).
  193. Rammant-Peeters 1983, p. 15 (Doc. 12).
  194. Rammant-Peeters 1983, p. 16 (Doc. 13) (Heidelberg 33).
  195. Rammant-Peeters 1983, p. 25 (Doc. 22).
  196. Malek 2011, p. 548 (JE 48841).
  197. Rammant-Peeters 1983, p. 27 (Doc. 26).
  198. Malek 2011, p. 1221 (
  199. Mariette 1880, p. 559-560 (1433).
  200. Rammant-Peeters 1983, p. 31 (Doc. 29).
  201. Malek 2011, p. 875 (
  202. "Piramidion van Paoety, Rijksmuseum van Oudheden (AM 7-c)". 28 August 2018. https://www.rmo.nl/en/collection/search-collection/collection-piece/?object=21171. 
  203. Rammant-Peeters 1983, p. 37 (Doc. 34).
  204. "Pyramidion, British Museum (EA493)". https://www.britishmuseum.org/collection/object/Y_EA493. 
  205. Rammant-Peeters 1983, p. 44 (Doc. 40).
  206. "Pyramidion of Buqentef, British Museum (EA1685)". https://www.britishmuseum.org/collection/object/Y_EA1685. 
  207. Hall (1922). Hieroglyphic texts from Egyptian stelae, etc., in the British Museum. pp. Plate 50. https://archive.org/details/hieroglyphictext06brituoft/page/n114/. 
  208. Rammant-Peeters 1983, p. 47 (Doc. 42).
  209. "Pyramidion, British Museum (EA40958)". https://www.britishmuseum.org/collection/object/Y_EA40958. 
  210. Rammant-Peeters 1983, p. 48 (Doc. 44).
  211. Rammant-Peeters 1983, p. 72 (Doc. 67) (Cat. 6162).
  212. Wiedemann, A. (1894). "Egyptian Monuments at Dorpat". Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archaeology (PSBA) 16: 154. https://books.google.com/books?id=NNZEAAAAYAAJ. 
  213. Rammant-Peeters 1983, p. 79 (Doc. 72).
  214. Rammant-Peeters 1983, p. 86 (Doc. 81).
  215. Rammant-Peeters 1983, p. 90 (Doc. 89).
  216. Rammant-Peeters 1983, p. 90 (Doc. 90).
  217. Rammant-Peeters 1983, p. 91 (Doc. 91).
  218. Rammant-Peeters 1983, p. 91 (Doc. 92).
  219. Steindorff 1937, p. 62 (SA x).
  220. Rammant-Peeters 1983, p. 97 (Doc. 101).
  221. Rammant-Peeters 1983, p. 98 (Doc. 104).
  222. Rammant-Peeters 1983, p. 99 (Doc. 105).
  223. Rammant-Peeters 1983, p. 100 (Doc. 106).
  224. Rammant-Peeters 1983, p. (Doc. 107).
  225. Malek 2011, p. 177 (JE 28947).
  226. Malek 2011, p. 901 (JE 32021).
  227. Rammant-Peeters 1983, p. 19 (Doc. 16).
  228. Malek 2011, p. 760 (
  229. "Pyramidion of Bennebensekhaf, Louvre (D 42 ; AF 34 ; E 3118 ? ; Anastasi n°114)". https://collections.louvre.fr/en/ark:/53355/cl010021731. 
  230. Rammant-Peeters 1983, p. 60 (Doc. 56).
  231. "Pyramidion, National Museum Liverpool (M11018)". https://www.liverpoolmuseums.org.uk/artifact/pyramidion. 
  232. "Pyramidion of Iufaa, Metropolitan Museum of Art (21.2.66)". https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/552805. 
  233. De Meulenaere 1968, p. 11-12 (Doc. 11), pl. V.
  234. "Pyramidion of Nesnubhotep, Petrie Museum (UC 14649)". https://www.ucl.ac.uk/museums-static/digitalegypt/abydos/late/uc14649.html. 
  235. "Pyramidion of Nesnubhotep, Petrie Museum (UC 14649)". https://collections.ucl.ac.uk/Details/collect/20423. 
  236. De Meulenaere 1968, p. 7-8 (Doc. 7).
  237. "Pyramidion of Wedjahor, British Museum (EA1482)". https://www.britishmuseum.org/collection/object/Y_EA1482. 
  238. De Meulenaere 1968, p. 13-15 (Doc. 13), pl. VI.
  239. De Meulenaere 1968, p. 1.
  240. Mariette 1880, p. 561-562 (1435).
  241. Malek 2011, p. 865 (
  242. Dolzani, Claudia (1950). "Monumenti egiziani in pietra del Civico Museo di Storia ed Arte di Trieste". Aegyptus 30 (2): 226-228, Fig. 8. https://www.jstor.org/stable/41215316. 
  243. De Meulenaere 1968, p. 4-5 (Doc. 5).
  244. "Pyramidion of Nesipakashuty, Burrell Collection, Glasgow (13.176)". http://collections.glasgowmuseums.com/mwebcgi/mweb?request=record;id=34405;type=101. 
  245. De Meulenaere 1968, p. 2-4 (Doc. 3), pl. I.
  246. Jansen-Winkeln, Karl (2014) (in de). Inschriften der Spätzeit. 4. pp. 1008. 
  247. Malek 2011, p. 1221 (
  248. De Meulenaere 1968, p. 8-9 (Doc. 8), pl. III.
  249. Malek 2011, p. 901 (
  250. "Pyramidion of Djedhor, Louvre (D 18 ; N 359)". April 0664. https://collections.louvre.fr/en/ark:/53355/cl010018012. 
  251. De Meulenaere 1968, p. 10-11 (Doc. 10).
  252. De Meulenaere 1968, p. 9-10 (Doc. 9), pl. IV.
  253. Lieblein, Jens (1873) (in de). Die aegyptischen Denkmäler in St. Petersburg, Helsingfors, Upsala und Copenhagen. pp. 11-12, pl. II. https://www.digitale-sammlungen.de/de/view/bsb11159168?page=17. 
  254. De Meulenaere 1968, p. 5-7 (Doc. 6), pl. II (Leningrad 2260).
  255. Golénischeff (1891) (in fr). Inventaire de la collection égyptienne. pp. 325–326. https://books.google.com/books?id=O6U_AQAAMAAJ. 
  256. De Meulenaere 1968, p. 5-7 (Doc. 6), pl. II.
  257. "Pyramidion of Horemakhbit, Louvre (D 17 ; N 358)". https://collections.louvre.fr/en/ark:/53355/cl010018282. 
  258. De Meulenaere 1968, p. 12-13 (Doc. 12).
  259. "Late period pyramidion, Louvre (D 45 ; E 5383)". April 0664. https://collections.louvre.fr/en/ark:/53355/cl010018082. 
  260. "Pyramidion, National Museums Scotland (A.1906.443.45)". https://www.nms.ac.uk/explore-our-collections/collection-search-results/pyramidion/301649. 
  261. Erman 1899, p. 268 (2090).
  262. De Meulenaere 1968, p. 4 (Doc. 4).
  263. Birch, Samuel (1880). Catalogue of the collection of Egyptian antiquities at Alnwick Castle. London. pp. 326–327. https://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/alnwick1880/. 
  264. "Pyramidion, Durham University (DUROM.U10840)". http://discover-old.durham.ac.uk/permalink/f/1sbb0j7/44DUR_ADLIB_DS6747. 
  265. De Meulenaere 1968, p. 15-16 (Doc. 14), pl. VII.
  266. Rammant-Peeters; Quaegebeur (1982). "Le pyramidion d'un «Danseur en chef» de Bastet" (in fr). Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta (OLA) 13: 179-206, Pl. XV. 
  267. Malek 2011, p. 1221 (
  268. Mariette 1880, p. 562 (1436).
  269. Mariette 1880, p. 562 (1437).
