Software:Kaizou Choujin Schbibinman Zero

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Short description: 1997 action video game
Kaizou Choujin Schbibinman Zero
Kaizou Choujin Schbibinman Zero cover.jpg
Cover art for the 2017 re-release
Developer(s)Masaya Games
Super Famicom
ReleaseSatellaview March 20, 1997
Super Famicom June 30, 2017
Genre(s)Side scrolling action game
Mode(s)Single player, Co-operative

Kaizou Choujin Schbibinman Zero (改造町人シュビビンマン零) is a 1997 game for the Satellaview addon for the Super Famicom. It is a side-scrolling beat-'em-up developed by Masaya and published by NCS.[1] It is the fourth and final game in Kaizō Chōjin Schbibinman series, and the first on the SFC.[2] The previous entries in the series were for the PC-Engine.


The game is not a direct sequel to previous Schbibinman games, and instead features two new protagonists: Raita and Azuki.[2]


It is a side scrolling action game, where the player can make use of both fighting techniques and beam attacks.[3] Players take control of either Raita or Azuki. Raita fights like a boxer, using physical attacks, and Azuki, fights with a sword and together they can use combo attacks.[4] It features two player co-operative play.[5]


It was originally intended for a 1994 Super Famicom release, before being released on the Satellaview in 1997.[2][6] Thus the game never got a physical release, making the game very rare and hard to find for collectors.[7]

In 2014, the company Extreme gained the copyright for the game from Nippon Computer Systems.[6][8]

To commemorate the 20th anniversary of the game's release, Columbus Circle gave the game a Japan-only limited release on a physical Super Famicom cartridge.[5][6][9] It was released on June 30, 2017 where it retailed for 6,998 yen and was distributed via Amazon.[1][3]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Knezevic, Kevin (2017-05-13). "New Super Nintendo Game Coming Out In Japan" (in en-US). 
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 "Schbibinman Zero – Hardcore Gaming 101" (in en-US). 
  3. 3.0 3.1 株式会社インプレス (2017-05-11). "「改造町人シュビビンマン零」SFC互換機用の「カセット」で登場 1997年に「サテラビュー」専用ゲームとして開発された作品、ついに登場" (in ja-JP). GAME Watch. 
  4. "A new Super Nintendo game is getting a physical release next month" (in en). 
  5. 5.0 5.1 "改造町人シュビビンマン零(SFC/SFC互換機用) | テレビゲーム周辺機器のゲームパーツメーカーはコロンバスサークル。" (in ja). 
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 Inc., Aetas. "20年の時を経て再登場。サテラビューでの配信だけで遊べた「改造町人シュビビンマン零」が,SFC/SFC互換機用カセットとなって6月下旬に発売" (in ja). 
  7. "Columbus Circle Is Releasing A New Super Famicom Game This Year" (in en-GB). 2017-05-11. 
  8. "『改造町人シュビビンマン零』がカセットになって発売決定!衛星放送の配信でしか遊べなかったあのタイトルが復活 | インサイド" (in ja). インサイド. 
  9. "まさかの16ビットゲームが登場。ミニスーファミだけじゃない、レトロゲームプレイの必需品も! - IT・科学 - ニュース" (in ja-JP). 週プレNEWS[週刊プレイボーイのニュースサイト]. 2017-07-24. 

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