Verma module

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Verma modules, named after Daya-Nand Verma, are objects in the representation theory of Lie algebras, a branch of mathematics. Verma modules can be used in the classification of irreducible representations of a complex semisimple Lie algebra. Specifically, although Verma modules themselves are infinite dimensional, quotients of them can be used to construct finite-dimensional representations with highest weight λ, where λ is dominant and integral.[1] Their homomorphisms correspond to invariant differential operators over flag manifolds.

Informal construction

Weights of Verma module for sl(3,C) with highest weight λ

We can explain the idea of a Verma module as follows.[2] Let g be a semisimple Lie algebra (over C, for simplicity). Let h be a fixed Cartan subalgebra of g and let R be the associated root system. Let R+ be a fixed set of positive roots. For each αR+, choose a nonzero element Xα for the corresponding root space gα and a nonzero element Yα in the root space gα. We think of the Xα's as "raising operators" and the Yα's as "lowering operators."

Now let λh be an arbitrary linear functional, not necessarily dominant or integral. Our goal is to construct a representation Wλ of g with highest weight λ that is generated by a single nonzero vector v with weight λ. The Verma module is one particular such highest-weight module, one that is maximal in the sense that every other highest-weight module with highest weight λ is a quotient of the Verma module. It will turn out that Verma modules are always infinite dimensional; if λ is dominant integral, however, one can construct a finite-dimensional quotient module of the Verma module. Thus, Verma modules play an important role in the classification of finite-dimensional representations of g. Specifically, they are an important tool in the hard part of the theorem of the highest weight, namely showing that every dominant integral element actually arises as the highest weight of a finite-dimensional irreducible representation of g.

We now attempt to understand intuitively what the Verma module with highest weight λ should look like. Since v is to be a highest weight vector with weight λ, we certainly want




Then Wλ should be spanned by elements obtained by lowering v by the action of the Yα's:


We now impose only those relations among vectors of the above form required by the commutation relations among the Y's. In particular, the Verma module is always infinite-dimensional. The weights of the Verma module with highest weight λ will consist of all elements μ that can be obtained from λ by subtracting integer combinations of positive roots. The figure shows the weights of a Verma module for sl(3;C).

A simple re-ordering argument shows that there is only one possible way the full Lie algebra g can act on this space. Specifically, if Z is any element of g, then by the easy part of the Poincaré–Birkhoff–Witt theorem, we can rewrite


as a linear combination of products of Lie algebra elements with the raising operators Xα acting first, the elements of the Cartan subalgebra, and last the lowering operators Yα. Applying this sum of terms to v, any term with a raising operator is zero, any factors in the Cartan act as scalars, and thus we end up with an element of the original form.

To understand the structure of the Verma module a bit better, we may choose an ordering of the positive roots as α1,αn and we denote the corresponding lowering operators by Y1,Yn. Then by a simple re-ordering argument, every element of the above form can be rewritten as a linear combination of elements with the Y's in a specific order:


where the kj's are non-negative integers. Actually, it turns out that such vectors form a basis for the Verma module.

Although this description of the Verma module gives an intuitive idea of what Wλ looks like, it still remains to give a rigorous construction of it. In any case, the Verma module gives—for any λ, not necessarily dominant or integral—a representation with highest weight λ. The price we pay for this relatively simple construction is that Wλ is always infinite dimensional. In the case where λ is dominant and integral, one can construct a finite-dimensional, irreducible quotient of the Verma module.[3]

The case of sl(2; C)

Let X,Y,H be the usual basis for sl(2;C):

X=(0100)Y=(0010)H=(1001) ,

with the Cartan subalgebra being the span of H. Let λ be defined by λ(H)=m for an arbitrary complex number m. Then the Verma module with highest weight λ is spanned by linearly independent vectors v0,v1,v2, and the action of the basis elements is as follows:[4]


(This means in particular that Hv0=mv0 and that Xv0=0.) These formulas are motivated by the way the basis elements act in the finite-dimensional representations of sl(2;C), except that we no longer require that the "chain" of eigenvectors for H has to terminate.

In this construction, m is an arbitrary complex number, not necessarily real or positive or an integer. Nevertheless, the case where m is a non-negative integer is special. In that case, the span of the vectors vm+1,vm+2, is easily seen to be invariant—because Xvm+1=0. The quotient module is then the finite-dimensional irreducible representation of sl(2;C) of dimension m+1.

Definition of Verma modules

There are two standard constructions of the Verma module, both of which involve the concept of universal enveloping algebra. We continue the notation of the previous section: g is a complex semisimple Lie algebra, h is a fixed Cartan subalgebra, R is the associated root system with a fixed set R+ of positive roots. For each αR+, we choose nonzero elements Xαgα and Yαgα.

As a quotient of the enveloping algebra

The first construction[5] of the Verma module is a quotient of the universal enveloping algebra U(g) of g. Since the Verma module is supposed to be a g-module, it will also be a U(g)-module, by the universal property of the enveloping algebra. Thus, if we have a Verma module Wλ with highest weight vector v, there will be a linear map Φ from U(g) into Wλ given by


Since Wλ is supposed to be generated by v, the map Φ should be surjective. Since v is supposed to be a highest weight vector, the kernel of Φ should include all the root vectors Xα for α in R+. Since, also, v is supposed to be a weight vector with weight λ, the kernel of Φ should include all vectors of the form


Finally, the kernel of Φ should be a left ideal in U(g); after all, if xv=0 then (yx)v=y(xv)=0 for all yU(g).

The previous discussion motivates the following construction of Verma module. We define Wλ as the quotient vector space


where Iλ is the left ideal generated by all elements of the form




Because Iλ is a left ideal, the natural left action of U(g) on itself carries over to the quotient. Thus, Wλ is a U(g)-module and therefore also a g-module.

By extension of scalars

The "extension of scalars" procedure is a method for changing a left module V over one algebra A1 (not necessarily commutative) into a left module over a larger algebra A2 that contains A1 as a subalgebra. We can think of A2 as a right A1-module, where A1 acts on A2 by multiplication on the right. Since V is a left A1-module and A2 is a right A1-module, we can form the tensor product of the two over the algebra A1:


Now, since A2 is a left A2-module over itself, the above tensor product carries a left module structure over the larger algebra A2, uniquely determined by the requirement that


for all a1 and a2 in A2. Thus, starting from the left A1-module V, we have produced a left A2-module A2A1V.

We now apply this construction in the setting of a semisimple Lie algebra. We let b be the subalgebra of g spanned by h and the root vectors Xα with αR+. (Thus, b is a "Borel subalgebra" of g.) We can form a left module Fλ over the universal enveloping algebra U(b) as follows:

  • Fλ is the one-dimensional vector space spanned by a single vector v together with a b-module structure such that h acts as multiplication by λ and the positive root spaces act trivially:

The motivation for this formula is that it describes how U(b) is supposed to act on the highest weight vector in a Verma module.

Now, it follows from the Poincaré–Birkhoff–Witt theorem that U(b) is a subalgebra of U(g). Thus, we may apply the extension of scalars technique to convert Fλ from a left U(b)-module into a left U(g)-module Wλ as follow:


Since Wλ is a left U(g)-module, it is, in particular, a module (representation) for g.

The structure of the Verma module

Whichever construction of the Verma module is used, one has to prove that it is nontrivial, i.e., not the zero module. Actually, it is possible to use the Poincaré–Birkhoff–Witt theorem to show that the underlying vector space of Wλ is isomorphic to


where g is the Lie subalgebra generated by the negative root spaces of g (that is, the Yα's).[6]

Basic properties

Verma modules, considered as g-modules, are highest weight modules, i.e. they are generated by a highest weight vector. This highest weight vector is 11 (the first 1 is the unit in U(g) and the second is the unit in the field F, considered as the b-module Fλ) and it has weight λ.


Verma modules are weight modules, i.e. Wλ is a direct sum of all its weight spaces. Each weight space in Wλ is finite-dimensional and the dimension of the μ-weight space Wμ is the number of ways of expressing λμ as a sum of positive roots (this is closely related to the so-called Kostant partition function). This assertion follows from the earlier claim that the Verma module is isomorphic as a vector space to U(g), along with the Poincaré–Birkhoff–Witt theorem for U(g).

Universal property

Verma modules have a very important property: If V is any representation generated by a highest weight vector of weight λ, there is a surjective g-homomorphism WλV. That is, all representations with highest weight λ that are generated by the highest weight vector (so called highest weight modules) are quotients of Wλ.

Irreducible quotient module

Wλ contains a unique maximal submodule, and its quotient is the unique (up to isomorphism) irreducible representation with highest weight λ.[7] If the highest weight λ is dominant and integral, one then proves that this irreducible quotient is actually finite dimensional.[8]

As an example, consider the case g=sl(2;C) discussed above. If the highest weight m is "dominant integral"—meaning simply that it is a non-negative integer—then Xvm+1=0 and the span of the elements vm+1,vm+2, is invariant. The quotient representation is then irreducible with dimension m+1. The quotient representation is spanned by linearly independent vectors v0,v1,,vm. The action of sl(2;C) is the same as in the Verma module, except that Yvm=0 in the quotient, as compared to Yvm=vm+1 in the Verma module.

The Verma module Wλ itself is irreducible if and only if λ is antidominant.[9] Consequently, when λ is integral, Wλ is irreducible if and only if none of the coordinates of λ in the basis of fundamental weights is from the set {0,1,2,}, while in general, this condition is necessary but insufficient for Wλ to be irreducible.

Other properties

The Verma module Wλ is called regular, if its highest weight λ is on the affine Weyl orbit of a dominant weight λ~. In other word, there exist an element w of the Weyl group W such that


where is the affine action of the Weyl group.

The Verma module Wλ is called singular, if there is no dominant weight on the affine orbit of λ. In this case, there exists a weight λ~ so that λ~+δ is on the wall of the fundamental Weyl chamber (δ is the sum of all fundamental weights).

Homomorphisms of Verma modules

For any two weights λ,μ a non-trivial homomorphism


may exist only if μ and λ are linked with an affine action of the Weyl group W of the Lie algebra g. This follows easily from the Harish-Chandra theorem on infinitesimal central characters.

Each homomorphism of Verma modules is injective and the dimension


for any μ,λ. So, there exists a nonzero WμWλ if and only if Wμ is isomorphic to a (unique) submodule of Wλ.

The full classification of Verma module homomorphisms was done by Bernstein–Gelfand–Gelfand[10] and Verma[11] and can be summed up in the following statement:

There exists a nonzero homomorphism WμWλ if and only if there exists

a sequence of weights


such that νi1+δ=sγi(νi+δ) for some positive roots γi (and sγi is the corresponding root reflection and δ is the sum of all fundamental weights) and for each 1ik,(νi+δ)(Hγi) is a natural number (Hγi is the coroot associated to the root γi).

If the Verma modules Mμ and Mλ are regular, then there exists a unique dominant weight λ~ and unique elements w, w′ of the Weyl group W such that




where is the affine action of the Weyl group. If the weights are further integral, then there exists a nonzero homomorphism


if and only if


in the Bruhat ordering of the Weyl group.

Jordan–Hölder series



be a sequence of g-modules so that the quotient B/A is irreducible with highest weight μ. Then there exists a nonzero homomorphism WμWλ.

An easy consequence of this is, that for any highest weight modules Vμ,Vλ such that


there exists a nonzero homomorphism WμWλ.

Bernstein–Gelfand–Gelfand resolution

Let Vλ be a finite-dimensional irreducible representation of the Lie algebra g with highest weight λ. We know from the section about homomorphisms of Verma modules that there exists a homomorphism


if and only if


in the Bruhat ordering of the Weyl group. The following theorem describes a resolution of Vλ in terms of Verma modules (it was proved by BernsteinGelfand–Gelfand in 1975[12]) :

There exists an exact sequence of g-homomorphisms


where n is the length of the largest element of the Weyl group.

A similar resolution exists for generalized Verma modules as well. It is denoted shortly as the BGG resolution.

See also


  1. E.g., Hall 2015 Chapter 9
  2. Hall 2015 Section 9.2
  3. Hall 2015 Sections 9.6 and 9.7
  4. Hall 2015 Sections 9.2
  5. Hall 2015 Section 9.5
  6. Hall 2015 Theorem 9.14
  7. Hall 2015 Section 9.6
  8. Hall 2015 Section 9.7
  9. Humphreys, James (2008-07-22) (in en). Representations of Semisimple Lie Algebras in the BGG Category 𝒪. Graduate Studies in Mathematics. 94. American Mathematical Society. doi:10.1090/gsm/094. ISBN 978-0-8218-4678-0. 
  10. Bernstein I.N., Gelfand I.M., Gelfand S.I., Structure of Representations that are generated by vectors of highest weight, Functional. Anal. Appl. 5 (1971)
  11. Verma N., Structure of certain induced representations of complex semisimple Lie algebras, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 74 (1968)
  12. Bernstein I. N., Gelfand I. M., Gelfand S. I., Differential Operators on the Base Affine Space and a Study of g-Modules, Lie Groups and Their Representations, I. M. Gelfand, Ed., Adam Hilger, London, 1975.
