List of research laboratories for machine translation

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The following is a list of research laboratories that focus on machine translation.


Parent Organization Research Laboratory Type Headquarters Ref.
Abdul Majid Bhurgri Institute of Language Engineering Language Engineering Governmental Hyderabad, Sindh Pakistan [1]
Amazon Natural Language Processing Group Corporate Seattle, United States [2]
Ben-Gurion University Natural Language Processing Project Academic Beersheba, Israel [3]
Brigham Young University Translation Research Group Academic Provo, United States [4]
British Computer Society Natural Language Translation Specialist Group Academic Swindon, England [5]
Carnegie Mellon University Language Technologies Institute Academic Pittsburgh, United States [6]
Center for the International Cooperation for Computerization Machine Translation System Laboratory Governmental Tokyo, Japan [7]
Charles University Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics Academic Prague, Czech Republic [8]
Chittagong University of Engineering & Technology Institute of Modern Language Academic Raozan, Bangladesh [9]
City University of New York Natural Language Processing Group Academic New York City [10]
Columbia University Center for Computational Learning Systems Academic New York City [11]
Dublin City University National Centre for Language Technology Academic Dublin, Ireland [12]
Dublin City University, Dublin Institute of Technology,
Trinity College Dublin, University College Dublin
ADAPT Centre Academic Dublin, Ireland [13]
Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute Language Intelligence Research Group Governmental Daejeon, South Korea [14]
European Research Area EuroMatrix Governmental Saarbrücken, Germany [15]
European Research Area EuroMatrixPlus Governmental Saarbrücken, Germany [16]
Federal Ministry of Education and Research Verbmobil Governmental Bonn, Germany [17]
Fondazione Bruno Kessler Human Language Technology Corporate Trento, Italy [18]
German Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence Language Technology Lab Corporate Saarbrücken, Germany [19]
Ghent University Language and Translation Technology Team Academic Ghent, Belgium [20]
Google Natural Language Understanding Team Corporate Mountain View, United States [21]
Harbin Institute of Technology Machine Intelligence and Translation Lab Academic Harbin, China [22]
Heidelberg University Department of Computational Linguistics Academic Heidelberg, Germany [23]
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Human Language Technology Center Academic Clear Water Bay, Hong Kong [24]
IBM Natural Language Processing Group Corporate North Castle, United States [25]
Idiap Research Institute Natural Language Processing Group Academic Matigny, Switzerland [26]
Institute for Infocomm Research Machine Translation Lab Governmental Queenstown, Singapore [27]
Institute for Language and Speech Processing Natural Language Processing Group Academic Athens, Greece [28]
Institute for Systems and Computer Engineering (pt) Spoken Language Systems Lab Academic Lisbon, Portugal [29]
IIIT Hyderabad Language Technologies Research Center Academic Hyderabad, India [30]
IIT Bombay Center for Indian Language Technology Academic Powai, India [31]
Jadavpur University Natural Language Processing Laboratory Academic Kolkata, India [32]
Jaume I University TecnoLeTTra Academic Castellón, Spain [33]
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Interactive Systems Laboratory Academic Karlsruhe, Germany [34]
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology International Center for Advanced Communication Technologies Academic Karlsruhe, Germany [35]
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Centre for Computational Linguistics Academic Leuven, Belgium [36]
Laboratoire d'Informatique de Grenoble Groupe d'Étude pour la Traduction Automatique Academic Grenoble, France [37]
Laboratoire des Sciences du Numérique de Nantes (fr) Traitement Automatique du Langage Naturel Academic Nantes, France [38]
Limsi Spoken Language Processing Group Governmental Orsay, France [39]
Linköping University Natural Language Processing Group Academic Linköping, Sweden [40]
Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich Center for Information and Language Processing Academic Munich, Germany [41]
Macquarie University Centre for Language Technology Academic Sydney, Australia [42]
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Lincoln Laboratory Academic Lexington, United States [43]
Microsoft Machine Translation Group Corporate Redmond, United States [44]
Microsoft Natural Language Computing Group Corporate Beijing, China [45]
Microsoft Natural Language Processing Group Corporate Redmond, United States [46]
Ministry of Communications and High Technologies Dilmanc Governmental Baku, Azerbaijan [47]
Ministry of Finance Malaysian Institute of Translation & Books Governmental Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia [48]
Nanjing University Researches on Machine Translation Academic Nanjing, China [49]
Nara Institute of Science and Technology Augmented Human Communication Laboratory Academic Nara, Japan [50]
National Library of Finland Finno-Ugric Laboratory for Support of the Electronic Representation
of Regional Languages
Governmental Syktyvkar, Russia [51]
National Research Council of Canada Language Technologies Research Centre Governmental Ottawa, Canada [52]
NICT Advanced Translation Technology Laboratory Governmental Seika, Japan [53]
Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Linguistic Intelligence Research Group Corporate Tokyo, Japan [54]
North-West University Centre for Text Technology Academic Potchefstroom, South Africa [55]
Polytechnic University of Catalonia Center for Language and Speech Technologies and Applications Academic Barcelona, Spain [56]
Polytechnic University of Valencia Pattern Recognition and Human Language Technology Research Center Academic Valencia, Spain [57]
Pompeu Fabra University GLiCom Academic Barcelona, Spain [58]
Prompsit Language Engineering Corporate Elche, Spain [59]
Qatar Computing Research Institute Arabic Language Technologies Team Governmental Doha, Qatar [60]
Queens College Algorithms for Computational Linguistics Group Academic New York City [61]
RWTH Aachen University Human Language Technology and Pattern Recognition Group Academic Aachen, Germany [62]
Saarland University IAI Saarbrücken Academic Saarbrücken, Germany [63]
Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey Informatics and Information Security Research Center Governmental Governmental [64]
SDL Research Group Corporate Maidenhead, England [65]
Seoul National University Computational Linguistics Lab Academic Seoul, South Korea [66]
Simon Fraser University Natural Language Laboratory Academic Burnaby, Canada [67]
Sharif University of Technology Natural Language Processing Laboratory Academic Tehran, Iran [68]
SRI International Speech Technology and Research Laboratory Corporate Menlo Park, United States [69]
Stanford University Natural Language Processing Group Academic Stanford, United States [70]
Technion Knowledge Center for Processing Hebrew Academic Haifa, Israel [71]
Tilburg University Induction of Linguistic Knowledge Group Academic Tilburg, Netherlands [72]
Tilde Company (lv) Tilde Research Corporate Riga, Latvia [73]
Université de Montréal Applied Research in Computational Linguistics Academic Montreal [74]
University of Alicante Traducens Group Academic San Vicente del Raspeig, Spain [75]
University of Amsterdam Institute for Logic, Language and Computation Academic Amsterdam, Netherlands [76]
University of Amsterdam Statistical Language Processing and Learning Lab Academic Amsterdam, Netherlands [77]
University of Caen Normandy GREYC Academic Caen, France [78]
University of California, Berkeley Natural Language Processing Group Academic Berkeley, United States [79]
University of Cambridge Machine Intelligence Laboratory Speech Research Group Academic Cambridge, England [80]
University of Cambridge Natural Language and Information Processing Research Group Academic Cambridge, England [81]
University of Copenhagen Centre for Language Technology Academic Copenhagen, Denmark [82]
University of Edinburgh Statistical Machine Translation Group Academic Edinburgh, Scotland [83]
University of Essex Language and Computation Group Academic Colchester, England [84]
University of Geneva Department of Translation Technology Academic Geneva, Switzerland [85]
University of Gothenburg Centre for Language Technology Academic Gothenburg, Sweden [86]
University of Groningen Computational Linguistics Group Academic Groningen, Netherlands [87]
University of Haifa Computational Linguistics Group Academic Haifa, Israel [88]
University of Illinois Natural Language Research Academic Urbana, United States [89]
University of Macau Natural Language Processing & Portuguese-Chinese
Machine Translation Laboratory
Academic Taipa, Macau [90]
University of Maine Language and Speech Technology Academic Le Mans, France [91]
University of Manchester Centre for Computational Linguistics Academic Manchester, England [92]
University of Maryland, College Park Computational Linguistics and Information Processing Laboratory Academic College Park, United States [93]
University of Melbourne Natural Language Processing Group Academic Parkville, Australia [94]
University of Notre Dame Natural Language Processing Group Academic Notre Dame, United States [95]
University of Pennsylvania Natural Language Processing Group Academic Philadelphia, United States [96]
University of Rochester Machine Translation Research Academic Rochester, United States [97]
University of Science, Malaysia Computer-Aided Translation Unit Academic Penang, Malaysia [98]
University of Sheffield Natural Language Processing Group Academic Sheffield, England [99]
University of Southern California Information Sciences Institute Academic Marina del Rey, United States [100]
University of Southern Denmark Visual Interactive Syntax Learning Academic Slagelse, Denmark [101]
University of Stuttgart Institute for Natural Language Processing Academic Stuttgart, Germany [102]
University of Sydney Language Technology Research Group Academic Sydney, Australia [103]
University of Tartu Natural Language Processing Research Group Academic Tartu, Estonia [104]
University of the Basque Country IXA Group Academic San Sebastián, Spain [105]
University of Tokyo Tsuruoka Laboratory Academic Tokyo, Japan [106]
University of Toronto Computational Linguistics Research Group Academic Toronto, Canada [107]
University of Tromsø Giellatekno Academic Tromsø, Norway [108]
University of Washington Signal, Speech and Language Interpretation Lab Academic Seattle, United States [109]
University of Wolverhampton Research Group in Computational Linguistics Academic Wolverhampton, England [110]
University of Zagreb Institute of Linguistics Academic Zagreb, Croatia [111]
University of Zurich Institute of Computational Linguistics Academic Zürich, Switzerland [112]
Uppsala University Language Technology and Computational Linguistics Academic Uppsala, Sweden [113]
Xerox Research Centre Europe Natural Language Processing Group Corporate Meylan, France [114]
Xiamen University Natural Language Processing Group Academic Xiamen, China [115]
Ho Chi Minh City University of Information Technology Natural Language Processing Group Academic Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam [116]

See also


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