Biography:Outline of Jesus

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Representation of Jesus Christ in a painting by German painter Heinrich Hofmann from the 1880s

The following outline is provided as an overview of and topical guide to Wikipedia articles on the life and influence of Jesus.

Jesus is the central figure of Christianity, whom the teachings of most Christian denominations hold to be the Son of God and one in being with the Godhead. Christians regard Jesus as the awaited Messiah (or "Christ") of the Old Testament and refer to him as Jesus Christ,[lower-alpha 1] a name that is also used in non-Christian contexts. He is also referred to as Jesus of Nazareth. He is a religious, cultural, worldwide icon, and is among the most influential people in human history.

Essence of Jesus

As a topic, "Jesus" falls under the following parent topics:

Views of Jesus

Traditional Christian view of Jesus

Four traditional Gospels

The word "gospel" is translated from a Greek word meaning "good news."

  • Gospel of Matthew –
  • Gospel of Mark –
  • Gospel of Luke –
  • Gospel of John –


The image above contains clickable links
The "Shield of the Trinity" or Scutum Fidei diagram of Trinity Western Christian symbolism

Non-canonical Gospels

Additional Gospels

Historical view of Jesus

Islamic view of Jesus

Judaic view of Jesus

  • Judaism's view of Jesus
  • Jesus in the Talmud
  • apostate

Other views of Jesus

  • Manifestation of God (Baháʼí Faith)
  • Mandeanism – do not believe in Jesus as Messiah[1]
  • Manicheanism – accepted Jesus as a prophet, along with Gautama Buddha and Zoroaster[2]
  • Jesusism –

View of Jesus as myth

  • Jesus myth theory

Events in Jesus' life

Events in Jesus' life from the traditional Gospels


Miracles of Jesus


Power over demonic spirits

  • Exorcising a boy possessed by a demon
  • Exorcism of the Syrophoenician woman's daughter
  • Exorcism of the Gerasene demoniac
  • Jesus in the synagogue of Capernaum
  • Jesus exorcising at sunset
  • Exorcising the blind and mute man
  • Jesus exorcising a mute

Resurrection of the dead

  • Raising of the son of the widow of Nain
  • Raising of Jairus' daughter
  • Raising of Lazarus

Control over nature

Teachings of Jesus

Parables of Jesus

  • Parables of Jesus

Canonical parables

  • Barren Fig Tree
  • Budding Fig Tree
  • Counting the cost
  • Drawing in the Net
  • Faithful Servant
  • Friend at Night
  • Good Samaritan
  • Great Banquet
  • Growing Seed
  • Hidden Treasure
  • Lamp
  • Leaven
  • Lost Coin
  • Lost Sheep
  • Master and Servant
  • Mustard Seed
  • New Wine into Old Wineskins
  • Pearl
  • Pharisee and the Publican
  • Prodigal Son
  • Rich Fool
  • Rich man and Lazarus
  • Sower
  • Strong Man
  • Talents
  • Tares
  • Ten Virgins
  • Two Debtors
  • Two Sons
  • Unjust Judge
  • Unjust Steward
  • Unforgiving Servant
  • Wicked Husbandmen
  • Wise and Foolish Builders
  • Workers in the Vineyard

Non-canonical parables

  • Assassin
  • Empty Jar

Genealogy of Jesus

Patrilineage of Jesus according to Luke
  1. God
  2. Adam
  3. Seth
  4. Enos
  5. Cainan
  6. Maleleel
  7. Jared
  8. Enoch
  9. Mathusala
  10. Lamech
  11. Noah
  12. Shem
  13. Arphaxad
  14. Cainan
  1. Sala
  2. Heber
  3. Phalec
  4. Ragau
  5. Saruch
  6. Nachor
  7. Thara
  8. Abraham
  9. Isaac
  10. Jacob
  11. Judah
  12. Phares
  13. Esrom
  14. Aram
  1. Aminadab
  2. Naasson
  3. Salmon
  4. Boaz
  5. Obed
  6. Jesse
  7. David
  8. Nathan
  9. Mattatha
  10. Menan
  11. Melea
  12. Eliakim
  13. Jonam
  14. Joseph
  1. Judah
  2. Simeon
  3. Levi
  4. Matthat
  5. Jorim
  6. Eliezer
  7. Jose
  8. Er
  9. Elmodam
  10. Cosam
  11. Addi
  12. Melchi
  13. Neri
  14. Salathiel
  1. Zorobabel
  2. Rhesa
  3. Joannan
  4. Juda
  5. Joseph
  6. Semei
  7. Mattathias
  8. Maath
  9. Nagge
  10. Esli
  11. Naum
  12. Amos
  13. Mattathias
  14. Joseph
  1. Jannai
  2. Melchi
  3. Levi
  4. Matthat
  5. Heli
  6. Joseph
  7. Jesus

Influence of Jesus

Acts of the Apostles: Russian icon by Fyodor Zubov, 1660
  • Ministry of Jesus
  • Parables of Jesus

Religious practices related to Jesus



  • Jesus Prayer
  • Roman Catholic prayers to Jesus
    • Anima Christi
    • Prayer to the shoulder wound of Jesus
    • Morning offering
    • Prayer of Consecration to the Sacred Heart
    • Act of Consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
    • You are Christ
    • Saint John Vianney's prayer to Jesus
    • Prayer of St. John Gabriel Perboyre to Jesus
    • Saint Louis de Montfort's Prayer to Jesus
    • Prayer before a Crucifix

Second Coming

The Last Judgment by John Martin (1854)


Media featuring Jesus

Dramatic portrayals of Jesus Christ

Dramatic portrayals of Jesus Christ where Jesus is the primary character

Films about Jesus

    • The Gospel of John (2003 film)
    • The Gospel of John (2014 film)
    • The Gospel According to St. Matthew
    • The Passion of Christ
    • Jesus (1999 film)
    • Son of God (film)
    • Joseph & Mary
    • The Nativity Story

Plays about Jesus

  • Oberammergau Passion Play

Musicals about Jesus

  • Jesus Christ Superstar
  • Godspell

Novels about Jesus

  • Christ the Lord: Out of Egypt
  • King Jesus

Series about Jesus

  • The Chosen (TV series)

Dramatic portrayals containing Jesus Christ

Dramatic portrayals of Jesus Christ that contain Jesus as a secondary character

Films containing Jesus

  • Ben-Hur
  • Monty Python's Life of Brian

Plays containing Jesus

Musicals containing Jesus

Novels containing Jesus

Non-fiction books about Jesus

List of books about Jesus

Related religions

Before Jesus

After Jesus

See also


  1. The New Testament records a variety of names and titles accorded to Jesus.


  1. "Mandaean Scriptures and Fragments: The Haran Gawaitha". Retrieved 2007-04-20.
  2. Bevan, A. A. (1930). "Manichaeism". In James Hastings. Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics. 8. London.

External links