Biology:List of Lepidoptera that feed on Artemisia

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Artemisia species (wormwoods, mugworts and sagebrushes) are used as food plants by the caterpillars of a number of Lepidoptera (butterflies and moths), including:


Species which feed exclusively on Artemisia - they are monophagous


Species which feed on Artemisia and other plants - they are polyphagous

  • Bucculatricidae
  • Coleophoridae
  • Crambidae
  • Gelechiidae
  • Geometridae
    • Chloroclystis v-ata (V-pug) – recorded on common wormwood (A. vulgaris)
    • Eupithecia absinthiata (wormwood pug)
    • Eupithecia centaureata (lime-speck pug)
    • Eupithecia icterata (tawny speckled pug)
    • Eupithecia subfuscata (grey pug)
    • Eupithecia succenturiata (bordered pug) – recorded on common wormwood (A. vulgaris)
    • Eupithecia vulgata (common pug)
    • Hemithea aestivaria (common emerald)
    • Odontopera bidentata (scalloped hazel) – recorded on common wormwood (A. vulgaris)
  • Noctuidae
    • Agrotis exclamationis (heart and dart)
    • Amphipyra tragopoginis (mouse moth) – recorded on common wormwood (A. vulgaris)
    • Antitype chi (grey chi) – recorded on common wormwood (A. vulgaris)
    • Naenia typica (Gothic)

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