Biology:List of Lepidoptera that feed on Rubus

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Rubus species (brambles, blackberry-like plants) are used as food plants by the larvae of a number of Lepidoptera.


Species which feed exclusively on Rubus:


Species which feed on Rubus among other plants:

  • Arctiidae
    • Arctia caja (garden tiger moth)
    • Spilosoma luteum (buff ermine) – recorded on raspberry (R. idaeus)
  • Coleophoridae
  • Drepanidae
    • Habrosyne pyritoides (buff arches) – recorded on blackberry (R. fruticosus)
  • Gelechiidae
  • Geometridae
    • Alcis repandata (mottled beauty) – recorded on blackberry (R. fruticosus)
    • Chloroclysta truncata (common marbled carpet)
    • Chloroclystis v-ata (the v-pug)
    • Crocallis elinguaria (scalloped oak) – recorded on raspberry (R. idaeus)
    • Ectropis crepuscularia (the engrailed) – recorded on raspberry (R. idaeus)
    • Eupithecia pusillata (juniper pug) – recorded on raspberry (R. idaeus)
    • Eupithecia subfuscata (grey pug) – recorded on raspberry (R. idaeus)
    • Gymnoscelis rufifasciata (double-striped pug) – recorded on raspberry (R. idaeus)
    • Hemithea aestivaria (common emerald)
    • Idaea biselata (small fan-footed wave)
    • Operophtera brumata (winter moth) – recorded on raspberry (R. idaeus)
  • Hepialidae
    • Korscheltellus lupulina (common swift)
  • Hesperiidae
    • Pyrgus alveus (large grizzled skipper)
    • Pyrgus malvae (grizzled skipper) – recorded on blackberry (R. fruticosus)
  • Lymantriidae
    • Euproctis chrysorrhoea (brown-tail)
  • Noctuidae
    • Acronicta psi (grey dagger)
    • Agrotis exclamationis (heart and dart)
    • Amphipyra tragopoginis (mouse moth) – recorded on cloudberry (R. chamaemorus)
    • Cosmia trapezina (the dun-bar)
    • Diarsia mendica (ingrailed clay) – recorded on blackberry (R. fruticosus)
    • Diarsia rubi (small square-spot) – recorded on raspberry (R. idaeus)
    • Euplexia lucipara (small angle shades) – recorded on raspberry (R. idaeus)
    • Eupsilia transversa (the satellite)
    • Melanchra persicariae (dot moth) – recorded on raspberry (R. idaeus)
    • Noctua janthina (lesser broad-bordered yellow underwing)
    • Orthosia gothica (Hebrew character) – recorded on raspberry (R. idaeus)
    • Phlogophora meticulosa (angle shades) – recorded on blackberry (R. fruticosus)
    • Xestia triangulum (double square-spot) – recorded on blackberry (R. fruticosus)
  • Oecophoridae
  • Saturniidae
    • Pavonia pavonia (emperor moth)
  • Tortricidae

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