Affine root system

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The affine root system of type G2.

In mathematics, an affine root system is a root system of affine-linear functions on a Euclidean space. They are used in the classification of affine Lie algebras and superalgebras, and semisimple p-adic algebraic groups, and correspond to families of Macdonald polynomials. The reduced affine root systems were used by Kac and Moody in their work on Kac–Moody algebras. Possibly non-reduced affine root systems were introduced and classified by (Macdonald 1972) and (Bruhat Tits) (except that both these papers accidentally omitted the Dynkin diagram Script error: No such module "Dynkin".).


Let E be an affine space and V the vector space of its translations. Recall that V acts faithfully and transitively on E. In particular, if [math]\displaystyle{ u,v \in E }[/math], then it is well defined an element in V denoted as [math]\displaystyle{ u-v }[/math] which is the only element w such that [math]\displaystyle{ v+w=u }[/math].

Now suppose we have a scalar product [math]\displaystyle{ (\cdot,\cdot) }[/math] on V. This defines a metric on E as [math]\displaystyle{ d(u,v)=\vert(u-v,u-v)\vert }[/math].

Consider the vector space F of affine-linear functions [math]\displaystyle{ f\colon E\longrightarrow \mathbb{R} }[/math]. Having fixed a [math]\displaystyle{ x_0\in E }[/math], every element in F can be written as [math]\displaystyle{ f(x)=Df(x-x_0)+f(x_0) }[/math] with [math]\displaystyle{ Df }[/math] a linear function on V that doesn't depend on the choice of [math]\displaystyle{ x_0 }[/math].

Now the dual of V can be identified with V thanks to the chosen scalar product and we can define a product on F as [math]\displaystyle{ (f,g)=(Df,Dg) }[/math]. Set [math]\displaystyle{ f^\vee =\frac{2f}{(f,f)} }[/math] and [math]\displaystyle{ v^\vee =\frac{2v}{(v,v)} }[/math] for any [math]\displaystyle{ f\in F }[/math] and [math]\displaystyle{ v\in V }[/math] respectively. The identification let us define a reflection [math]\displaystyle{ w_f }[/math] over E in the following way:

[math]\displaystyle{ w_f(x)=x-f^\vee(x)Df }[/math]

By transposition [math]\displaystyle{ w_f }[/math] acts also on F as

[math]\displaystyle{ w_f(g)=g-(f^\vee,g)f }[/math]

An affine root system is a subset [math]\displaystyle{ S\in F }[/math] such that:

  1. S spans F and its elements are non-constant.
  2. [math]\displaystyle{ w_a(S)=S }[/math] for every [math]\displaystyle{ a\in S }[/math].
  3. [math]\displaystyle{ (a,b^\vee)\in\mathbb{Z} }[/math] for every [math]\displaystyle{ a,b\in S }[/math].

The elements of S are called affine roots. Denote with [math]\displaystyle{ w(S) }[/math] the group generated by the [math]\displaystyle{ w_a }[/math] with [math]\displaystyle{ a\in S }[/math]. We also ask

  1. [math]\displaystyle{ w(S) }[/math] as a discrete group acts properly on E.

This means that for any two compacts [math]\displaystyle{ K,H\subseteq E }[/math] the elements of [math]\displaystyle{ w(S) }[/math] such that [math]\displaystyle{ w(K)\cap H\neq \varnothing }[/math] are a finite number.


The affine roots systems A1 = B1 = B1 = C1 = C1 are the same, as are the pairs B2 = C2, B2 = C2, and A3 = D3

The number of orbits given in the table is the number of orbits of simple roots under the Weyl group. In the Dynkin diagrams, the non-reduced simple roots α (with 2α a root) are colored green. The first Dynkin diagram in a series sometimes does not follow the same rule as the others.

Affine root system Number of orbits Dynkin diagram
An (n ≥ 1) 2 if n=1, 1 if n≥2 Script error: No such module "Dynkin"., Dyn2-branch.pngDyn2-loop2.png, Dyn2-loop1.pngDyn2-nodes.pngDyn2-loop2.png, Dyn2-branch.pngDyn2-3s.pngDyn2-nodes.pngDyn2-loop2.png, ...
Bn (n ≥ 3) 2 Script error: No such module "Dynkin"., Script error: No such module "Dynkin".,Script error: No such module "Dynkin"., ...
Bn (n ≥ 3) 2 Script error: No such module "Dynkin"., Script error: No such module "Dynkin".,Script error: No such module "Dynkin"., ...
Cn (n ≥ 2) 3 Script error: No such module "Dynkin"., Script error: No such module "Dynkin"., Script error: No such module "Dynkin"., ...
Cn (n ≥ 2) 3 Script error: No such module "Dynkin"., Script error: No such module "Dynkin"., Script error: No such module "Dynkin"., ...
BCn (n ≥ 1) 2 if n=1, 3 if n ≥ 2 Script error: No such module "Dynkin"., Script error: No such module "Dynkin"., Script error: No such module "Dynkin"., Script error: No such module "Dynkin"., ...
Dn (n ≥ 4) 1 Script error: No such module "Dynkin"., Script error: No such module "Dynkin"., Script error: No such module "Dynkin"., ...
E6 1 Script error: No such module "Dynkin".
E7 1 Dyn2-node.pngDyn2-3.pngDyn2-node.pngDyn2-3.pngDyn2-node.pngDyn2-3.pngDyn2-branch.pngDyn2-3.pngDyn2-node.pngDyn2-3.pngDyn2-node.pngDyn2-3.pngDyn2-node.png
E8 1 Dyn2-node.pngDyn2-3.pngDyn2-node.pngDyn2-3.pngDyn2-branch.pngDyn2-3.pngDyn2-node.pngDyn2-3.pngDyn2-node.pngDyn2-3.pngDyn2-node.pngDyn2-3.pngDyn2-node.pngDyn2-3.pngDyn2-node.png
F4 2 Script error: No such module "Dynkin".
F4 2 Script error: No such module "Dynkin".
G2 2 Script error: No such module "Dynkin".
G2 2 Script error: No such module "Dynkin".
(BCn, Cn) (n ≥ 1) 3 if n=1, 4 if n≥2 Script error: No such module "Dynkin"., Script error: No such module "Dynkin"., Script error: No such module "Dynkin"., Script error: No such module "Dynkin"., ...
(Cn, BCn) (n ≥ 1) 3 if n=1, 4 if n≥2 Script error: No such module "Dynkin"., Script error: No such module "Dynkin"., Script error: No such module "Dynkin"., Script error: No such module "Dynkin"., ...
(Bn, Bn) (n ≥ 2) 4 if n=2, 3 if n≥3 Script error: No such module "Dynkin"., Script error: No such module "Dynkin"., Script error: No such module "Dynkin".,Script error: No such module "Dynkin"., ...
(Cn, Cn) (n ≥ 1) 4 if n=1, 5 if n≥2 Script error: No such module "Dynkin"., Script error: No such module "Dynkin"., Script error: No such module "Dynkin"., Script error: No such module "Dynkin"., ...

Irreducible affine root systems by rank

Rank 1: A1, BC1, (BC1, C1), (C1, BC1), (C1, C1).
Rank 2: A2, C2, C2, BC2, (BC2, C2), (C2, BC2), (B2, B2), (C2, C2), G2, G2.
Rank 3: A3, B3, B3, C3, C3, BC3, (BC3, C3), (C3, BC3), (B3, B3), (C3, C3).
Rank 4: A4, B4, B4, C4, C4, BC4, (BC4, C4), (C4, BC4), (B4, B4), (C4, C4), D4, F4, F4.
Rank 5: A5, B5, B5, C5, C5, BC5, (BC5, C5), (C5, BC5), (B5, B5), (C5, C5), D5.
Rank 6: A6, B6, B6, C6, C6, BC6, (BC6, C6), (C6, BC6), (B6, B6), (C6, C6), D6, E6,
Rank 7: A7, B7, B7, C7, C7, BC7, (BC7, C7), (C7, BC7), (B7, B7), (C7, C7), D7, E7,
Rank 8: A8, B8, B8, C8, C8, BC8, (BC8, C8), (C8, BC8), (B8, B8), (C8, C8), D8, E8,
Rank n (n>8): An, Bn, Bn, Cn, Cn, BCn, (BCn, Cn), (Cn, BCn), (Bn, Bn), (Cn, Cn), Dn.


  • (Macdonald 1972) showed that the affine root systems index Macdonald identities
  • (Bruhat Tits) used affine root systems to study p-adic algebraic groups.
  • Reduced affine root systems classify affine Kac–Moody algebras, while the non-reduced affine root systems correspond to affine Lie superalgebras.
  • (Macdonald 2003) showed that affine roots systems index families of Macdonald polynomials.
