Earth:Supershear earthquake

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Short description: Earthquake in which the rupture propagation speeds are greater than the shear wave speed

In seismology, a supershear earthquake is an earthquake in which the propagation of the rupture along the fault surface occurs at speeds in excess of the seismic shear wave (S-wave) velocity. This causes an effect analogous to a sonic boom.[1]

Rupture propagation velocity

During seismic events along a fault surface the displacement initiates at the focus and then propagates outwards. Typically for large earthquakes the focus lies towards one end of the slip surface and much of the propagation is unidirectional (e.g. the 2008 Sichuan and 2004 Indian Ocean earthquakes).[2] Theoretical studies have in the past suggested that the upper bound for propagation velocity is that of Rayleigh waves, approximately 0.92 of the shear wave velocity.[3] However, evidence of propagation at velocities between S-wave and compressional wave (P-wave) values have been reported for several earthquakes[4][5] in agreement with theoretical and laboratory studies that support the possibility of rupture propagation in this velocity range.[6][7] Systematic studies indicate that supershear rupture is common in large strike-slip earthquakes.[8]


Mode-I, Mode-II, and Mode-III cracks.

Evidence of rupture propagation at velocities greater than S-wave velocities expected for the surrounding crust have been observed for several large earthquakes associated with strike-slip faults. During strike-slip, the main component of rupture propagation will be horizontal, in the direction of displacement, as a Mode II (in-plane) shear crack. This contrasts with a dip-slip rupture where the main direction of rupture propagation will be perpendicular to the displacement, like a Mode III (anti-plane) shear crack. Theoretical studies have shown that Mode III cracks are limited to the shear wave velocity but that Mode II cracks can propagate between the S and P-wave velocities[9] and this may explain why supershear earthquakes have not been observed on dip-slip faults.

Initiation of supershear rupture

The rupture velocity range between those of Rayleigh waves and shear waves remains forbidden for a Mode II crack (a good approximation to a strike-slip rupture). This means that a rupture cannot accelerate from Rayleigh speed to shear wave speed. In the "Burridge–Andrews" mechanism, supershear rupture is initiated on a 'daughter' rupture in the zone of high shear stress developed at the propagating tip of the initial rupture. Because of this high stress zone, this daughter rupture is able start propagating at supershear speed before combining with the existing rupture.[10] Experimental shear crack rupture, using plates of a photoelastic material, has produced a transition from sub-Rayleigh to supershear rupture by a mechanism that "qualitatively conforms to the well-known Burridge-Andrews mechanism".[11]

Geological effects

The high rates of strain expected near faults that are affected by supershear propagation are thought to generate what is described as pulverized rocks. The pulverization involves the development of many small microcracks at a scale smaller than the grain size of the rock, while preserving the earlier fabric, quite distinct from the normal brecciation and cataclasis found in most fault zones. Such rocks have been reported up to 400 m away from large strike-slip faults, such as the San Andreas Fault. The link between supershear and the occurrence of pulverized rocks is supported by laboratory experiments that show very high strain rates are necessary to cause such intense fracturing.[12]


Directly observed

  • 1999 Izmit earthquake, magnitude Mw 7.6 associated with strike-slip movement on the North Anatolian Fault Zone[13]
  • 1999 Düzce earthquake, magnitude Mw 7.2 associated with strike-slip movement on the North Anatolian Fault Zone[13]
  • 2001 Kunlun earthquake, magnitude Mw 7.8 associated with strike-slip movement on the Kunlun fault[14][15]
  • 2002 Denali earthquake, magnitude Mw 7.9 associated with strike-slip movement on the Denali Fault[15][16]
  • 2008 Sichuan earthquake, magnitude Mw 7.9 associated with strike-slip movement on the Longmenshan Fault[17]
  • 2010 Yushu earthquake, magnitude Mw 6.9 associated with strike-slip movement on the Yushu Fault[18]
  • 2012 Indian Ocean earthquakes, magnitude Mw 8.6 associated with strike-slip on several fault segments - the first supershear event recognised in oceanic lithosphere.[19]
  • 2013 Craig, Alaska earthquake, magnitude Mw 7.6 associated with strike-slip on the Queen Charlotte Fault - the first supershear event recognised on an oceanic plate boundary.[20]
  • 2013 Balochistan earthquake Mw 7.7 associated with strike-slip movement on a curved fault with supershear rupture speed.[21]
  • 2014 Aegean Sea earthquake, magnitude Mw 6.9, supershear was recognised during the second sub-event.[22]
  • 2015 Tajikistan earthquake, magnitude Mw 7.2, supershear slip on two segments, with normal slip at the restraining bend linking them.[23]
  • 2016 Romanche fracture zone earthquake, magnitude 7.1, westwards-directed supershear rupture following an initial easterly-travelling phase on the Romanche ocean transform fault in the equatorial Atlantic[24]
  • 2017 Komandorsky Islands earthquake, magnitude Mw 7.7, supershear transition followed a rupture jump across a fault stepover.[25]
  • 2018 Swan Islands earthquake, Mw  7.5 earthquake consisted of three sub-events with a compact rupture area and large cosesimic slip.[26]
  • 2018 Sulawesi earthquake, magnitude Mw 7.5, associated with strike-slip movement on the Palu-Koro Fault[27]
  • 2020 Caribbean Sea earthquake, magnitude Mw 7.7, unilateral rupture propagation westward from the epicenter along a 300 km section of the Oriente transform fault with two episodes of supershear rupture[28]
  • 2021 Maduo earthquake, Mw  7.4 earthquake in the Tibetan Plateau. This earthquake ruptured bilaterally for a length of 170 km within the Bayan Har block.[29]
  • 2023 Turkey–Syria earthquakes, Mw  7.8 and 7.6 earthquakes in Turkey. Supershear rupture initiated along both mainshocks,[30] with the latter attaining a maximum velocity of 4.8 km (3.0 mi) per second.[31]


  • 1906 San Francisco earthquake, magnitude Mw  7.8 associated with strike-slip movement on the San Andreas Fault[32]
  • 1979 Imperial Valley earthquake, magnitude Mw  6.4 associated with slip on the Imperial Fault[4]
  • 1990 Sakhalin earthquake, Mw  7.2 earthquake at over 600 km depth inferred to have ruptured at supershear speeds.[33][34]
  • 2013 Okhotsk Sea earthquake magnitude Mw  6.7 aftershock was an extremely deep (640 kilometers (400 miles)) supershear as well as unusually fast at "eight kilometers per second (five miles per second), nearly 50 percent faster than the shear wave velocity at that depth."[35]

See also


  1. Levy D. (December 2, 2005). "A century after the 1906 earthquake, geophysicists revisit 'The Big One' and come up with a new model". Press release. Stanford University. 
  2. McGuire J.J., Zhao L. & Jordan T.H. (2002). "Predominance of Unilateral Rupture for a Global Catalog of Large Earthquakes". Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 92 (8): 3309–3317. doi:10.1785/0120010293. Bibcode2002BuSSA..92.3309M. 
  3. Broberg K.B (1996). "How fast can a crack go?". Materials Science 32: 80–86. doi:10.1007/BF02538928. 
  4. 4.0 4.1 Archuleta,R.J. 1984. A faulting model for the 1979 Imperial Valley earthquake, J. Geophys. Res., 89, 4559–4585.
  5. Ellsworth,W.L. & Celebi,M. 1999. Near Field Displacement Time Histories of the M 7.4 Kocaeli (Izimit), Turkey, Earthquake of August 17, 1999, Am. Geophys. Union, Fall Meeting Suppl. 80, F648.
  6. Okubo P.G. (1989). "Dynamic rupture modeling with laboratory-derived constitutive relations". Journal of Geophysical Research 94 (B9): 12321–12335. doi:10.1029/JB094iB09p12321. Bibcode1989JGR....9412321O. 
  7. Rosakis A.J.; Samudrala O.; Coker D. (1999). "Cracks Faster than the Shear Wave Speed". Science 284 (5418): 1337–1340. doi:10.1126/science.284.5418.1337. PMID 10334984. Bibcode1999Sci...284.1337R. 
  8. Wang, Dun; Mori, Jim; Koketsu, Kazuki (2016-04-15). "Fast rupture propagation for large strike-slip earthquakes" (in en). Earth and Planetary Science Letters 440: 115–126. doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2016.02.022. ISSN 0012-821X. Bibcode2016E&PSL.440..115W. 
  9. Scholz, Christopher H. (2002). The mechanics of earthquakes and faulting. Cambridge University Press. pp. 471. ISBN 978-0-521-65540-8. 
  10. Rosakis, A.J.; Xia, K.; Lykotrafitis, G.; Kanamori, H. (2009). "Dynamic Shear Rupture in Frictional Interfaces: Speed, Directionality and Modes". in Kanamori H. & Schubert G.. Earthquake Seismology. Treatise on Geophysics. 4. Elsevier. pp. 11–20. doi:10.1016/B978-0-444-53802-4.00072-5. ISBN 9780444534637. 
  11. Xia, K.; Rosakis, A.J.; Kanamori, H. (2005). "Supershear and sub-Rayleigh to Supershear transition observed in laboratory earthquake experiments". Experimental Techniques. 
  12. Doan M.-L.; Gary G. (2009). "Rock pulverization at high strain rate near the San Andreas fault". Nature Geoscience 2 (10): 709–712. doi:10.1038/ngeo640. Bibcode2009NatGe...2..709D. 
  13. 13.0 13.1 [1] Bouchon, M., M.-P. Bouin, H. Karabulut, M. N. Toksöz, M. Dietrich, and A. J. Rosakis (2001), How Fast is Rupture During an Earthquake ? New Insights from the 1999 Turkey Earthquakes, Geophys. Res. Lett., 28(14), 2723–2726.]
  14. Bouchon M.; Vallee M. (2003). "Observation of Long Supershear Rupture During the Magnitude 8.1 Kunlunshan Earthquake". Science 301 (5634): 824–826. doi:10.1126/science.1086832. PMID 12907799. Bibcode2003Sci...301..824B. 
  15. 15.0 15.1 Walker, K.T.; Shearer P.M. (2009). "Illuminating the near-sonic rupture velocities of the intracontinental Kokoxili Mw 7.8 and Denali fault Mw 7.9 strike-slip earthquakes with global P wave back projection imaging". Journal of Geophysical Research 114 (B02304): B02304. doi:10.1029/2008JB005738. Bibcode2009JGRB..114.2304W. 
  16. Dunham E.M.; Archuleta R.J. (2004). "Evidence for a Supershear Transient during the 2002 Denali Fault Earthquake". Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 92 (6B): S256–S268. doi:10.1785/0120040616. Bibcode2004BuSSA..94S.256D. 
  17. Zhu, ShouBiao; YUAN, Jie (5 May 2018). "Physical mechanism for extremely serious seismic damage in the Beichuan area caused by the great 2008 Wenchuan earthquake" (in Chinese). Chinese Journal of Geophysics 61 (5): 1863–1873. doi:10.6038/cjg2018M0111. 
  18. Wang, D.; Mori J. (2012). "The 2010 Qinghai, China, Earthquake: A Moderate Earthquake with Supershear Rupture". Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 102 (1): 301–308. doi:10.1785/0120110034. Bibcode2012BuSSA.102..301W. Retrieved 24 April 2012. [yes|permanent dead link|dead link}}]
  19. Wang D., Mori J. Uchide T. (2012). "Supershear rupture on multiple faults for the Mw 8.6 Off Northern Sumatra, Indonesia earthquake of April 11, 2012". Geophysical Research Letters 39 (21): L21307. doi:10.1029/2012GL053622. Bibcode2012GeoRL..3921307W. 
  20. Yue H., Lay T. Freymuller J. (2013). "Supershear rupture of the 5 January 2013 Craig, Alaska (Mw 7.5) earthquake". Journal of Geophysical Research 108 (11): 5903–5919. doi:10.1002/2013JB010594. Bibcode2013JGRB..118.5903Y. 
  21. Wang, Dun; Kawakatsu, Hitoshi; Mori, Jim; Ali, Babar; Ren, Zhikun; Shen, Xuelin (March 2016). "Backprojection analyses from four regional arrays for rupture over a curved dipping fault: The Mw 7.7 24 September 2013 Pakistan earthquake" (in en). Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 121 (3): 1948–1961. doi:10.1002/2015JB012168. Bibcode2016JGRB..121.1948W. 
  22. Evangelidis C.P. (2014). "Imaging supershear rupture for the 2014 M w 6.9 Northern Aegean earthquake by backprojection of strong motion waveforms". Geophysical Research Letters 42 (2): 307–315. doi:10.1002/2014GL062513. Bibcode2015GeoRL..42..307E. 
  23. Sangha S.; Peltzer G.; Zhang A.; Meng L.; Liang C.; Lundgren P.; Fielding E. (2017). "Fault geometry of 2015, Mw7.2 Murghab, Tajikistan earthquake controls rupture propagation: Insights from InSAR and seismological data". Earth and Planetary Science Letters 462: 132–141. doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2017.01.018. Bibcode2017E&PSL.462..132S. 
  24. Hicks, Stephen P.; Okuwaki, Ryo; Steinberg, Andreas; Rychert, Catherine A.; Harmon, Nicholas; Abercrombie, Rachel E.; Bogiatzis, Petros; Schlaphorst, David et al. (2020-08-10). "Back-propagating supershear rupture in the 2016 Mw 7.1 Romanche transform fault earthquake" (in en). Nature Geoscience 13 (9): 647–653. doi:10.1038/s41561-020-0619-9. ISSN 1752-0894. Bibcode2020NatGe..13..647H. 
  25. Kehoe, H. L.; Kiser, E. D. (9 April 2020). "Evidence of a Supershear Transition Across a Fault Stepover". Geophysical Research Letters 47 (10). doi:10.1029/2020GL087400. Bibcode2020GeoRL..4787400K. 
  26. Chuang Cheng; Dun Wang (2020). "Imaging the rupture process of the 10 January 2018 MW7.5 Swan island, Honduras earthquake". Earthquake Science 33 (4): 194–200. doi:10.29382/eqs-2020-0194-03. Bibcode2020EaSci..33..194C. [yes|permanent dead link|dead link}}]
  27. Bao, Han; Ampuero, Jean-Paul; Meng, Lingsen; Fielding, Eric J.; Liang, Cunren; Milliner, Christopher W. D.; Feng, Tian; Huang, Hui (4 February 2019). "Early and persistent supershear rupture of the 2018 magnitude 7.5 Palu earthquake". Nature Geoscience 12 (3): 200–205. doi:10.1038/s41561-018-0297-z. Bibcode2019NatGe..12..200B. 
  28. Tadapansawut, Tira; Okuwaki, Ryo; Yagi, Yuji; Yamashita, Shinji (16 January 2021). "Rupture Process of the 2020 Caribbean Earthquake Along the Oriente Transform Fault, Involving Supershear Rupture and Geometric Complexity of Fault". Geophysical Research Letters 48 (1). doi:10.1029/2020GL090899. Bibcode2021GeoRL..4890899T. 
  29. Xu Zhang; Wanpeng Feng; Hailin Du; Sergey Samsonov; Lei Yi (2022). "Supershear Rupture During the 2021 MW 7.4 Maduo, China, Earthquake". Geophysical Research Letters 49 (6). doi:10.1029/2022GL097984. Bibcode2022GeoRL..4997984Z. 
  30. Rosakis, A.; Abdelmaguid, M.; Elbanna, A. (2023-02-17). "Evidence of Early Supershear Transition in the Feb 6th 2023 Mw 7.8 Kahramanmaraş Turkey Earthquake From Near-Field Records". Eartharxiv ePrints. doi:10.31223/X5W95G. Bibcode2023EaArX...X5W95GR. 
  31. Melgar, Diego; Taymaz, Tuncay; Ganas, Athanassios; Crowell, Brendan; Öcalan, Taylan; Kahraman, Metin; Tsironi, Varvara; Yolsal-Çevikbilen, Seda et al. (2023). "Sub- and super-shear ruptures during the 2023 Mw 7.8 and Mw 7.6 earthquake doublet in SE Türkiye". Seismica 2 (3). doi:10.26443/seismica.v2i3.387. 
  32. Song,S. Beroza,G.C. & Segall,P. 2005. Evidence for supershear rupture during the 1906 San Francisco earthquake. Eos.Trans.AGU, 86(52), Fall Meet.Suppl., Abstract S12A-05
  33. Zhongwen Zhan; Peter M. Shearer; Hiroo Kanamori (2015). "Supershear rupture in the 24 May 2013 Mw 6.7 Okhotsk deep earthquake: Additional evidence from regional seismic stations". Geophysical Research Letters 42 (19): 7941–7948. doi:10.1002/2015GL065446. Bibcode2015GeoRL..42.7941Z. 
  34. "M 7.2 - 16 km WSW of Uglegorsk, Russia". 
  35. "Researchers find evidence of super-fast deep earthquake". July 10, 2014. 

Further reading

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