Social:2015 in public domain

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Short description: Overview of works entering public domain

This is a list of authors whose works entered the public domain in part of the world in 2015.

Entering the public domain in Europe

A work enters the public domain in most European countries (with the exception of Belarus ) 70 years after the creator's death, if it was published during the author's lifetime.In 1995,the European union extended copyright from life+50 to life+70 and that had the effect of extending copyrights that had already expired,this way authors that died in 1944 and entered the public Domain in 1995 entered the public domain again in 2015.[1]

Names Country Birth Death Occupation Notable work
Jens Aarsbo (sv)  Denmark 1878 1944 Librarian, music writer
Bonifacio Abdon (de) Template:Country data The Philippines 1876 1944 Composer
Manuk Abeghian  Armenia 1865 1944 Folklorist, historian
Émile Achard  France 1860 1944 Internist Manuel des maladies du tube digestif
Adela Marion Adam  United Kingdom 1866 1944 Classicist Plato: Moral & Political Ideals
George Ade  United States 1866 1944 Writer
Michael Adler  United Kingdom 1868 1944 Orthodox rabbi, historian, author
Paul Adloff (de)  Germany 1870 1944 Anthropologist, dentist
Carl Aeschbacher   Switzerland 1886 1944 Composer, choirmaster
Freidun Aghalyan  Armenia 1876 1944 Architect Kanaker HES
Roy Agnew  Australia 1891 1944 Composer and pianist
Percy Alden  United Kingdom 1865 1944 Social worker, land reformer, politician The Unemployed - A Social Question
Rayko Aleksiev  Bulgaria 1893 1944 Satirist, cartoonist
Abdulla Aliş  Russia 1908 1944 Poet, playwright, writer Sertotmas ürdäk
Pierre Allorge  France 1891 1944 Botanist Essai de bryogéographie de la péninsule Ibérique
Helge Almquist (sv)  Sweden 1880 1944 Archivist, politician Göteborgs historia 1619–1680, Göteborgs historia 1680–1718
Otto Alscher (de)  Romania 1880 1944 Writer Gogan und das Tier
Frantsishak Alyakhnovich  Belarus 1883 1944 Writer In the Claws of the GPU
Marie Louise Amiet  France 1879 1944 Painter, illustrator La Condamnation de Jeanne d'Arc vue à la lumière des grands événements du Moyen Âge
Charles Anderson  Australia 1876 1944 Mineralogist, palaeontologist
José André  Argentina 1881 1944 Composer
E. M. Antoniadi  France 1870 1944 Astronomer Sur une Anomalie de la phase dichotome de la planète Vénus
Joseph Arthur Arkwright  United Kingdom 1864 1944 Doctor The Carrier Problem in Infectious Diseases
Margaret Neilson Armstrong  United States 1867 1944 Designer, illustrator, author
Walther Arndt  Germany 1891 1944 Zoologist, physician
Zara Aronson  Australia 1864 1944 Journalist, editor, welfare worker, feminist, restaurateur Twentieth Century Cookery Practice
George Arthurs  United Kingdom 1875 1944 Playwright, composer, author, screenwriter
Miguel Asín Palacios  Spain 1871 1944 Scholar of Islamic studies and the Arabic language. priest
Asmahan  Egypt 1912 1944 Singer
Percy Lee Atherton  United States 1871 1944 Composer
James Atkin, Baron Atkin  Australia 1867 1944 Lawyer, judge
Zurab Avalishvili  Georgia 1876 1944 Historian, jurist, diplomat
Arseny Avraamov  Russia 1986 1944 Composer Simfoniya gudkov
Alfred Bachelet  France 1864 1944 Composer Un jardin sur l'Oronte
Sir Edmund Backhouse, 2nd Baronet  United Kingdom 1873 1944 Scholar, linguist
Krzysztof Kamil Baczyński  Poland 1921 1944 Poet
Leo Baekeland  United States 1863 1944 Chemist Bakelite
Ernst Baeker (de)  Germany 1866 1944 Composer
Wilhelmina Sherriff Bain  New Zealand 1848 1944 Teacher, librarian, feminist, peace activist, writer From Zealandia
E. C. Stuart Baker  United Kingdom 1864 1944 Ornithologist
Stuart Ballantine  United States 1897 1944 Inventor
József Balogh  Hungary 1893 1944 Philologist, historian
Jurgis Baltrušaitis  Lithuania 1873 1944 Poet, translator
Ralph Henry Barbour  United States 1870 1944 Novelist Phyllis in Bohemia
Charles Glover Barkla  United Kingdom 1877 1944 Physicist
Georges Barrère  France 1876 1944 Flutist, composer
Agustín Barrios  Paraguay 1885 1944 Composer, guitarist
Victor Basch  France 1863 1944 Politician, philosopher Les Origines de l'Individualisme Moderne
Elva Bascom  United States 1870 1944 Librarian Indexing: Principles, Rules, and Examples
George Basden  United Kingdom 1873 1944 Archdeacon Niger Ibos: A Description of the Primitives Lives, Customs and Animistic Beliefs, Etc., of the Ibo People of Nigeria
Umberto Bassignani  Italy 1878 1944 Sculptor
Ferdinand Bastian (fr)  France 1868 1944 Poet
John Batchelor  United Kingdom 1855 1944 Missionary The Ainu of Japan
Jiří Baum  Czechia 1900 1944 Zoologist, museum curator, explorer, writer Through the African Wilderness
Heinrich Baumgartner (de)   Switzerland 1889 1944 Linguist Das Verhältnis des deutschsprechenden Bielers zu seiner Mundart, zur Schriftsprache und zum Französischen
Amy Beach  United States 1867 1944 Composer, pianist Mass in E-flat
Albert de Belleroche  United Kingdom 1864 1944 Painter, lithographer
Robert Bennett Bean  United States 1874 1944 Ethnologist The Races of Man. Differentiation and Dispersal of Man
Princess Beatrice of the United Kingdom  United Kingdom 1857 1944 Royalty, translator In Napoleonic Days
Vereen Bell  United States 1911 1944 Naval officer, novelist Swamp Water
Wilhelm Bender (de)  Germany 1911 1944 Composer, church musician
William Gurney Benham  United Kingdom 1859 1944 Writer, newspaper editor Benham's New Book of Quotations
Paul Berglar-Schröer (de)  Germany 1884 1944 Journalist, writer
Max Bergmann  United States 1886 1944 Biochemist
Georg Bernhard (de)  Germany 1875 1944 Publicist Wirtschaftsparlamente. Von den Revolutionsräten zum Reichswirtschaftsrat
Joseph-Arthur Bernier  Canada 1877 1944 Composer
Clóvis Beviláqua  Brazil 1859 1944 Jurist Execução de um julgado: pareceres dos jurisconsultos
Johanna Beyer  United States 1888 1944 Composer
Bhagvatsinhji  India 1865 1944 Maharaja of the princely state of Gondal, doctor, writer Bhagavadgomandal
George David Birkhoff  United States 1884 1944 Mathematician Ergodic theory
John Peale Bishop  United States 1892 1944 Poet
Billy Bitzer  United States 1872 1944 Cinematographer Billy Bitzer: His Story
Rufino Blanco Fombona  Venezuela 1874 1944 Writer
Marc Bloch  France 1886 1944 Historian cofounded the highly influential Annales School of French social history
Capel Boake  Australia 1889 1944 Writer
Gustav von Bodelschwingh (de)  Germany 1872 1944 Pastor Biography of his father, Friedrich von Bodelschwingh the Elder
Moissaye Boguslawski  United States 1887 1944 Composer, music teacher
Gerhard Bohlmann (de)  Germany 1878 1944 Writer, journalist Wallenstein ringt um das Reich
Gustav Böhm (de)  Germany 1874 1944 Lawyer, writer Des Faustinus Grobianus Querkopf empfindsame Reise an den Bodensee
Dzhoomart Bokonbaev (ru)  Kyrgyzstan 1910 1944 Poet
Johannes Bollmann (de)  Germany 1873 1944 Lawyer Das Staatsrecht der Freien Hansestädte Bremen und Lübeck
Joseph-Ermend Bonnal  France 1880 1944 Composer Paysages Euskariens
Edmund von Borck  Germany 1906 1944 Composer
Conrad Bornhak (de)  Germany 1861 1944 Historian Geschichte des preußischen Verwaltungsrechts
August Bostroem (de)  Germany 1886 1944 Neurologist, psychiatrist Über das Gesetz zur Verhütung erbkranken Nachwuchses vom Standpunkt des Psychiaters
Hugo Böttger (de)  Germany 1863 1944 Politician, publicist Handbuch für den Deutschen Burschenschafter
Eugène Louis Bouvier  France 1856 1944 Entomologist, carcinologist Vie psychique des insectes
Louise Morey Bowman  Canada 1882 1944 Poet Moonlight and Common Day, Dream Tapestries
James Boyd  United States 1888 1944 Novelist Bitter Creek
C. V. Boys  United Kingdom 1855 1944 Physicist Soap Bubbles: Their Colours and the Forces Which Mould Them
Edwin Emmanuel Bradford  United Kingdom 1860 1944 Clergyman, poet, novelist The Romance of Youth and Other Poems
Max Brand  United States 1892 1944 Writer
Clive Branson  United Kingdom 1907 1944 Artist, poet
Mario Bravo  Argentina 1882 1944 Politician
Georg Bredig  Germany 1868 1944 Chemist Beiträge zur Stöchiometrie der Ionenbeweglichkeit
Rudolf Breitscheid  Germany 1874 1944 Politician Antifaschistische Beiträge 1933–1939
Tom Brennan  Australia 1866 1944 Journalist, lawyer, politician The Gun Alley Murder
George Sidney Brett  Canada 1879 1944 Psychologist History of Psychology
Karl Bröger (de)  Germany 1886 1944 Poet
Carl Bruck (de)  Germany 1879 1944 Doctor Ueber die Erfolge mit der einzeitig kombinierten Salvarsan-Sublimatbehandlung der Syphilis nach Linser
Bryant Butler Brooks  United States 1861 1944 Politician, businessperson, writer Memoirs of Bryant B. Brooks: Cowboy, Trapper, Lumberman, Stockman, Oilman, Banker, and Governor of Wyoming
Fritz Brukner (de)  Austria 1881 1944 Literary theorist Johann Nestroys ausgewählte Werke
Léon Brunschvicg  France 1869 1944 Philosopher Héritage de Mots, Héritage d'Idées
Günther Bugge (de)  Germany 1885 1944 Chemist, historian Schieß- und Sprengstoffe und die Männer, die sie schufen
Gerhard Buhtz (de)  Germany 1896 1944 Forensic doctor
Albert Sybrandus Keverling Buisman  Netherlands 1890 1944 Engineer, professor
Henri Buisson  France 1873 1944 Physicist
Sergei Bulgakov  Russia 1871 1944 Theologian, philosopher, priest, economist The Lamb of God
Arthur Henry Reginald Buller  Canada 1874 1944 Mycologist
Ernst Bunke (de)  Germany 1866 1944 Pastor, writer Glaube an den Herrn Jesum Christum
Richard Burmeister  United States 1860 1944 Composer
Judson Sykes Bury  United Kingdom 1852 1944 Physician, surgeon, neurologist Clinical medicine: A manual for the use of students and junior practitioners
Olivia Ward Bush-Banks  United States 1869 1944 Poet, journalist
Joseph Caillaux  France 1863 1944 Politician Whither France? Whither Europe?
Michel-Dimitri Calvocoressi  France 1877 1944 Poet
John Kennedy Cameron  United Kingdom 1860 1944 Clergyman
Joseph Campbell  United Kingdom 1879 1944 Poet
José Luis Cantilo  Argentina 1871 1944 Politician Quimera
Demetrios Capetanakis  Greece 1912 1944 Poet
Alexis Carrel  France 1873 1944 Surgeon and biologist
Boake Carter  United States 1903 1944 Journalist, writer
Ettore Castiglioni (de)  Italy 1908 1944 Alpinist, writer
Eugénio de Castro  Portugal 1869 1944 Poet, writer, academician
James McKeen Cattell  United States 1860 1944 Psychologist Published materials in scientific journals
Jean Cavaillès  France 1903 1944 Philosopher, logician Méthode axiomatique et formalisme
Cécile Chaminade  France 1857 1944 Composer, pianist Flute Concertino
Arnold Chaplin  United Kingdom 1864 1944 Physician Fibroid Diseases of the Lung
Edward Keble Chatterton  United Kingdom 1878 1944 Writer Through Brittany in "Charmina"
Pavel Chesnokov  Russia 1877 1944 Composer Salvation is Created
Hedwige Chrétien  France 1859 1944 Composer
George Chrystal  United Kingdom 1880 1944 Civil servant Translated works and written works
Galeazzo Ciano  Italy 1903 1944 Diplomat, politician Diary as a historic source
Raymond Clapper  United States 1892 1944 Commentator, news analyst Watching the World
George Clausen  United Kingdom 1852 1944 Artist
J. Storer Clouston  United Kingdom 1870 1944 Historian, writer The Spy in Black, Beastmark the Spy
Humphrey Cobb  United States 1899 1944 Screenwriter, novelist Paths of Glory
Irvin S. Cobb  United States 1876 1944 Surgeon and biologist
Ernst Cohen  Netherlands 1869 1944 Chemist
Emil Cohn  Germany 1854 1944 Physicist
Stanton Coit  United Kingdom 1857 1944 Writer, politician, humanist
Hendrikus Colijn  The Netherlands 1869 1944 Politician Op de Grens van Twee Werelden
William Collier Sr.  United States 1864 1944 Writer, director
Klara Hechtenberg Collitz  United States 1863 1944 Linguist Verbs of Motion in their Semantic Divergence
Carlos Concha Cárdenas (es)  Peru 1888 1944 Politician, diplomat
Lev Conus  Russia 1871 1944 Composer Fundamentals of Piano Technique
Will Marion Cook  United States 1869 1944 Composer Cruel Papa!
Mortimer Elwyn Cooley  United States 1855 1944 Engineer
Everard Charles Cotes  United Kingdom 1862 1944 Entomologist A Catalogue of the Moths of India
Johannes Cotta (de)  Germany 1862 1944 Writer
Henry Coward  United Kingdom 1849 1944 Conductor, composer
John Duncan Cowley  United Kingdom 1897 1944 Librarian, writer A Bibliography of Abridgments, Digests, Dictionaries, and Indexes of English Law to the Year 1800
Hermann Cranz (de)  Germany 1883 1944 Engineer, professor Versuche mit Schmierringen bei höheren Tourenzahlen
Benjamin Crémieux  France 1888 1944 Writer, historian Inquiétude et Reconstruction
Silvio Crespi  Italy 1868 1944 Entrepreneur, inventor, politician
David Moore Crook  United Kingdom 1914 1944 Fighter pilot Spitfire Pilot
William Percival Crozier  United Kingdom 1879 1944 Writer, journalist Letters of Pontius Pilate: Written During His Governorship of Judea to His Friend Seneca in Rome
Walter Ewing Crum  United Kingdom 1865 1944 Coptologist A Coptic Dictionary
Leonard Crunelle  United States 1872 1944 Sculptor Lincoln the Debater
W. E. Cule  United Kingdom 1870 1944 Author The Man at the Gate of the World, Sir Knight of the Splendid Way
Olive Custance  United Kingdom 1874 1944 Poet
John Wesley Dafoe  Canada 1866 1944 Journalist
Eduardo Dagnino  Italy 1876 1944 Composer
Jákup Dahl  Denmark 1878 1944 Writer, translator Føroysk mállæra til skúlabrúks
Cyrus Edwin Dallin  United States 1861 1944 Sculptor
Joseph Dalman  Germany 1882 1944 Screenwriter S.A.-Mann Brand
René Daumal  France 1908 1944 Spiritual para-surrealist writer, critic, poet Mount Analogue
Charles Davenport  United States 1866 1944 Biologist, eugenicist Heredity in Relation to Eugenics
David Davies, 1st Baron Davies  United Kingdom 1880 1944 Politician, philanthropist The Problem of the Twentieth Century
Anton Delbrück (de)  Germany 1862 1944 Psychiatrist Die pathologische Lüge und die psychisch abnormen Schwindler: Eine Untersuchung über den allmählichen Übergang eines normalen psychologischen Vorgangs in ein pathologisches Symptom für Ärzte und Juristen
Alessandro Della Seta (it)  Italy 1879 1944 Archaeologist, civil servant Italia Antica
Walter Del Mar  United States 1862 1944 Banker, stock broker, journalist, world traveler, writer
Princess Der Ling  China 1885 1944 Writer
Lyster Hoxie Dewey  United States 1865 1944 Botanist
Wilhelm Diehl (de)  Germany 1871 1944 Theologian
Enrique Díez Canedo  Spain 1879 1944 Poet, translator, literary critic
Alan Dinehart  United States 1889 1944 Actor, director, writer, and stage manager
Katharine Elizabeth Dopp  United States 1863 1944 Educator
Keith Douglas  United Kingdom 1920 1944 Poet, writer Alamein to Zem Zem
Conrad Dreher  Germany 1859 1944 Actor Works in poetry
Lili Droescher (de)  Germany 1871 1944 Pedagogue
Sandra Droucker  Russia 1875 1944 Pianist, composer
Pericle Ducati (it)  Italy 1880 1944 Archaeologist Contributo allo studio dell'arce etrusca di Marzabotto
Eduard Duckesz (de)  Germany 1868 1944 Rabbi Zur Geschichte und Genealogie der ersten Familien der hochdeutschen Israeliten-Gemeinden in Hamburg-Altona: Anlässlich des 250jährigen Stadtjubiläums von Altona
John Wight Duff  United Kingdom 1866 1944 Classicist A Literary History of Rome
Georg Duffing  Germany 1861 1944 Engineer, inventor
Henry Durand-Davray (fr)  France 1873 1944 Writer, translator Chez les Anglais pendant la grande guerre
H. Kempton Dyson  United Kingdom 1880 1944 Structural engineer, civil engineer, architect, editor, writer
Elsbeth Ebertin  Germany 1880 1944 Artist, writer, astrologer Der Mars im Todeshaus
Félix Éboué  France 1884 1944 Colonial administrator The New Indigenous Policy for French Equatorial Africa
Arthur Eddington  United Kingdom 1882 1944 Astronomer, physicist, and mathematician
Otto Eichrodt (de)  Germany 1867 1944 Artist, poet, composer
Richard Eilmann (de)  Germany 1893 1944 Archaeologist Labyrinthos: Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte einer Vorstellung und eines Ornamentes
Frank Elgee  United Kingdom 1880 1944 Archaeologist, geologist, naturalist The Moorlands of North-Eastern Yorkshire, The Romans in Cleveland, Early Man in North East Yorkshire
Carl Engel  United States 1883 1944 Composer
Νικόλαος Επισκοπόπουλος (el)  Greece 1874 1944 Novelist
John William Henry Eyre  United Kingdom 1869 1944 Bacteriologist, ophthalmologist The Elements of Bacteriological Technique
Manfred Faber (de)  Germany 1879 1944 Architect Billige Kleinwohnungen. Ein Vorschlag
Arthur Fairbanks  United States 1864 1944 Historian
Philip Michael Faraday  United Kingdom 1875 1944 Lawyer, surveyor, composer, organist, theatrical producer Amāsis; or An Egyptian Princess
John Bretland Farmer  United Kingdom 1865 1944 Botanist
James Farrar  United Kingdom 1923 1944 Poet
Jean-Louis Faure  France 1863 1944 Surgeon Au Groenland avec Charcot
Félix Fénéon  France 1861 1944 Art critic, gallery director, writer
Edwin Hurry Fenwick  United Kingdom 1856 1944 Urologist
Johannes Ficker (de) Germany Germany 1861 1944 Theologian, historian, archeologist
William Coles Finch  United Kingdom 1864 1944 Historian, writer
Thomas Fiske  United States 1865 1944 Mathematician Functions of a complex variable
Moshe Ze'ev Flinker  Netherlands 1944 Diarist Young Moshe's Diary
Carl Flesch  Hungary 1873 1944 Composer, music teacher Scale System
Benton Fletcher  United Kingdom 1866 1944 Musicologist, illustrator
Hanns Floerke (de)  Germany 1875 1944 Art historian, writer Studien zur niederländischen Kunst- und Kulturgeschichte
Izola Forrester  United States 1878 1944 Writer
Edith Henrietta Fowler  United Kingdom 1865 1944 Writer
Ralph H. Fowler  United Kingdom 1889 1944 Physicist, astronomer
Philip Fox  United States 1878 1944 Astronomer
Philipp Franck  Germany 1860 1944 Painter, graphic artist, illustrator.
Leonard Franklin  United Kingdom 1862 1944 Barrister, politician Percentage Proportional Representation
Harold Fraser-Simson  United Kingdom 1872 1944 Composer The Maid of the Mountains
Max Frey Germany 1874 1944 Painter, graphic artist
Guðmundur Friðjónsson (is)  Iceland 1869 1944 Writer
Pavel Friedmann  Czechia 1921 1944 Poet The Butterfly
Gerhard Fritzsche (de)  Germany 1911 1944 Writer, songwriter Gelobt sei deine Treu
Hermann Fühner (de)  Germany 1871 1944 Pharmacist, Doctor Lithotherapie. Historische Studien über die medizinische Verwendung der Edelsteine
Seiichi Fujiwara  Japan 1908 1944 Poet, translator
Rio Gebhardt  Germany 1907 1944 Composer
Karl August Gerhardi (de)  Germany 1864 1944 Doctor, writer
Mirza Gelovani  Georgia 1917 1944 Poet
Heinrich Gerland (de)  Germany 1874 1944 Jurist Problematik der gegenwärtigen Reformlage im Rechtstudium an den deutschen Hochschulen
Katharine Elizabeth Fullerton Gerould  United States 1879 1944 Writer, essayist
Jan van Gilse  Netherlands 1881 1944 Composer, conductor Thijl
Petr Ginz  Czechia 1928 1944 Editor, diarist Diary of My Brother
Jean Giraudoux  France 1882 1944 Novelist, essayist, diplomat and playwright
Reginald Gleadowe  United Kingdom 1888 1944 Teacher, designer Oxford University and the fine arts : Inaugural lecture delivered before the University on 1 February 1928
Wenzeslaus von Gleispach (de)  Austria 1876 1944 Lawyer, jurist
Hirsh Glick  Lithuania 1922 1944 Songwriter Zog nit keyn mol
Adolf Glinger (de)  Austria 1873 1944 Writer
Ulrich Gmelin (de)  Germany 1912 1944 Historian Papsttum und Germanenwelt im frühen Mittelalter: Anspruch und Methode des heiligen Petrus
Frederic A. Godcharles  United States 1872 1944 Politician, historian, author Pennsylvania: Political, Governmental, Military and Civil
Branca de Gonta Colaço  Portugal 1880 1944 Writer, linguist
Heinz Gordon  Germany 1871 1944 Screenwriter
Percy Gothein (de)  Germany 1896 1944 Writer Die antiken Reminiszenzen in den Chansons de Geste
Ferdinand Gottschalk  United Kingdom 1858 1944 Actor, playwright
Paul Graener  Germany 1872 1944 Composer
Bruno Granichstaedten  Austria 1879 1944 Composer
Claire Annabel Caroline Grant Duff  United Kingdom 1870 1944 Poet, writer A Victorian Childhood
Roberto Grau  Argentina 1900 1944 Chess player Tratado General de Ajedrez
Luise Greger  Germany 1862 1944 Composer
Philip Guedalla  United Kingdom 1889 1944 Barrister, writer, biographer
Alice Gurschner  Austria 1869 1944 Writer
Lauri Haarla  Finland 1890 1944 Writer
Pavel Haas  Czech Republic 1899 1944 Composer
Walter C. Hackett  United States 1876 1944 Playwright
Charles Hainchelin  France 1901 1944 Historian
Max Halbe  Germany 1865 1944 Dramatist
Gontran Hamel  France 1883 1944 Phycology
Haydon Hare  United Kingdom 1869 1944 Composer O God our help
Wilhelm Hartenstein (de)  Germany 1888 1944 Waffen-SS officer Der Kampfeinsatz der Schutzpolizei bei inneren Unruhen
Paul Hatschek  Czechia 1888 1944 Engineer
Otto Hauser (author) (de)  Austria 1876 1944 Author
Carl Eduard Hellmayr  Austria 1878 1944 Ornithologist
Gilbert Helmer (de)  Austria 1864 1944 Priest, theologian, politician
Jarl Hemmer  Finland 1893 1944 Author Realm of the Rye
George Cockburn Henderson  Australia 1870 1944 Historian
Carl Heinrici (de)  Germany 1876 1944 Lawyer, jurist Rechtsvergleichendes Handwörterbuch für das Zivil- und Handelsrecht des In- und Auslandes
George Herriman  United States 1880 1944 Cartoonist Krazy Kat
Heinrich Hess  Austria 1857 1944 Alpinist, author Der Hochtourist in den Ostalpen
Max Heuwieser  Germany 1878 1944 Historian
Eva Heyman  Hungary 1931 1944 Diarist
Gustav Hochstetter  Germany 1873 1944 Writer, poet Maruschka Braut gelibbtes
Paul Oskar Höcker  Germany 1865 1944 Writer Gottgesandte Wechselwinde
Milan Hodža  Slovakia 1878 1944 Journalist, politician Československý rozkol: príspevky k dejinám slovenčiny
Arthur Hofmann  Germany 1863 1944 Historian
Hermann Hoffmann (psychiatrist)  Germany 1891 1944 Psychiatrist ererbung und Seelenleben: Einführung in d. psychiatr. Konstitutions- u. Vererbungslehre
Lou Henry Hoover  United States 1874 1944 First lady, translator English translation of De re metallica
Julius Höxter  Germany 1873 1944 Educator, writer Quellenbuch zur jüdischen Geschichte und Literatur
John Gruffydd Moelwyn Hughes (cy)  United Kingdom 1866 1944 Hymn-writer, poet Caniadau Moelwyn
Josef Hupka (de)  Austria 1875 1944 Jurist
Hans Hyan (de)  Germany 1868 1944 Artist, writer
Chester Edward Ide  United States 1877 1944 Composer
Karl Immanuel Immer (de)  Germany 1888 1944 Theologian Coetus Epistles
Berthold Jacob  Germany 1898 1944 Journalist, pacifist
Max Jacob  France 1876 1944 Poet, painter, writer, and critic
Elisabeth Janstein (de)  Austria 1893 1944 Poet, journalist
Joseph Jastrow  United States 1863 1944 Psychologist
Paul Kalweit  Germany 1867 1944 Theologian
Jirō Kameda  Japan 1876 1944 Historian
Wassily Kandinsky  Russia 1866 1944 painter, art theorist
Kang Kyeong-ae  South Korea 1906 1944 Novelist
Wilhelm Kathol (de)  Germany 1854 1944 Chemist „Baßmes“ Hof. Sauerländisches Dorfleben vor hundert Jahren
Berl Katznelson  Israel 1887 1944 Journalist
Ignaz Kaup (de)  Austria 1870 1944 Public health care expert, constitution researcher
Konrad Keilhack (de)  Germany 1858 1944 Geologist Lehrbuch der Grundwasser- und Quellenkunde: für Geologen, Hydrologen, Bohrunternehmer, Brunnenbauer, Bergleute, Bauingenieure und Hygieniker
Franz Keller  Germany 1873 1944 Theologian Pflanzschule der christlichen Liebestätigkeit
Edgar Stillman Kelley  United States 1857 1944 Composer The Pilgrim's Progress
Otto Kemptner (de)  Austria 1890 1944 Augustinian canon Wer trägt die Schuld?
Mark Kerr  United Kingdom 1864 1944 Military officer, writer The Sailor's Nelson
Maria Leopoldine Klausberger (de)  Austria 1888 1944 Journalist
Martin Kießling (de)  Germany 1879 1944 Architect
Hilma af Klint  Sweden 1862 1944 Artist, mystic
Hans Kloepfer (de)  Austria 1867 1944 Doctor, poet
Hugo Knepler (de)  Austria 1872 1944 Art dealer, music publisher
Friedrich Koepp (de)  Germany 1860 1944 Archaeologist Römer in Deutschland, Germania Romana
Dénes Kőnig  Hungary 1884 1944 Mathematician Theorie der endlichen und unendlichen Graphen
Bernhard Köster (de)  Germany 1869 1944 Priest, writer Im Feuer der Kartaune
Arsen Kotsoyev  Russia 1872 1944 Poet, translator
Mathilde Kralik  Austria 1857 1944 Composer
Hans Krása  Czech Republic 1899 1944 Composer
Georg Richard Kruse  Germany 1856 1944 Musicologist Albert Lortzing. Berühmte Musiker. Lebens- und Charakterbilder nebst Einführung in die Werke der Meister
Hermann Kükelhaus  Germany 1920 1944 Poet
Paul Ladmirault  France 1877 1944 Composer, music critic
W. A. Lambeth  United States 1867 1944 Medical professor
Heinrich Langwost (de)  Germany 1874 1944 Politician Unter gelb-weißem Banner
Napoleon Lapathiotis  Greece 1888 1944 Poet
Josef Lappe (de)  Germany 1879 1944 Educator, historian, politician
Albert Lauscher (de)  Germany 1872 1944 Priest, theologian Die katholisch-theologische Fakultät der Rheinischen Friedrich-Wilhelm-Universität zu Bonn
Sylvio Lazzari  France 1857 1944 Composer Effet de nuit
William Ellery Leonard  United States 1876 1944 poet, playwright, translator, literary scholar Beowulf: A New Verse Translation for Fireside and Class Room
Ernest Lerwile  France 1863 1944 Composer Don Quichotte de la Manche
Friedrich Pels Leusden (physician, born 1866) (de)  Germany 1866 1944 Surgeon, politician Chirurgische Operationslehre für Studierende und Ärzte
Alun Lewis  United Kingdom 1915 1944 Poet
René Leynaud  France 1910 1944 Poet
Franz Linke (de)  Germany 1878 1944 Geophysicist, meteorologist Die physikalischen Grundlagen der Bioklimatologie
Lionel Lukin  Australia 1868 1944 Judge Justices' Civil Jurisdiction
William George MacCallum  Canada 1874 1944 Physician, pathologist A Textbook of Pathology
Bernardino Luís Machado Guimarães  Portugal 1851 1944 Politician, scholar
Julius Magnus (de)  Germany 1867 1944 Lawyer, jurist
Aristide Maillol  France 1861 1944 Sculptor, painter, printmaker Air
Ernst Mally  Austria 1879 1944 Philosopher
Filippo Tommaso Marinetti  Italy 1876 1944 Poet, editor, art theorist
Carl Mayer  Austria 1894 1944 Screenplay writer
August L. Mayer  Germany 1885 1944 Curator, art historian Mittelalterliche Plastik in Spanien
Douglas Crawford McMurtrie  United States 1888 1944 Typeface designer, graphic designer, historian, bibliographer of printing A History of Printing in the United States, The Book: the Story of Printing & Bookmaking
Carl Meinhof  Germany 1857 1944 Linguist
Alex Melrose  Australia 1865 1944 Poet, dramatist
José Manuel Agosto Méndez  Venezuela 1871 1944 Doctor, poet, journalist and educator Bolívar State Anthem
Julia Menz (de)  Germany 1901 1944 Travel writer, musician Alte Tanzweisen und Lieder aus verschiedenen Ländern
Arnold Oskar Meyer (de)  Germany 1877 1944 Historian
Hugo Michel (de)  Germany 1866 1944 Stamp collector Kriegsmarken-Katalog 1920
Glenn Miller  United States 1904 1944 Composer, bandleader (I've Got a Gal In) Kalamazoo
Wilhelm von Möllendorff  Germany 1887 1944 Anatomist
Piet Mondrian  Netherlands 1872 1944 Painter, art theoretician Composition II in Red, Blue, and Yellow
Alfred Montmarquette  Canada 1871 1944 Composer
Walter Guinness, 1st Baron Moyne  United Kingdom 1880 1944 Politician, businessman War diaries edited by Brian Bond
Wilhelm Muehlon (de)  Germany 1878 1944 Diplomat Die Verheerung Europas
Karl Mühlberger (de)  Austria 1857 1944 Composer Kaiserjägermarsch (de)
Emma Müllenhoff  Germany 1871 1944 Writer
Edvard Munch  Norway 1863 1944 Painter The Scream
Kaj Munk  Denmark 1898 1944 Playwright and Lutheran pastor
Kurt Münzer (de)  Germany 1879 1944 Writer Taten und Kränze: Lieder zum Kriege
Romolo Murri  Italy 1870 1944 Politician
Gustav Friedrich Nagel  Germany 1868 1944 Theologian
John Harper Narbeth  United Kingdom 1863 1944 Naval architect
Henri Nathansen  Denmark 1868 1944 Writer, stage director
Mary Neal  United Kingdom 1860 1944 Social worker, suffragette collector of English folk dances The Espérance Morris Book: A Manual of Morris Dances, Folk-songs, and Singing Games
Max Nettlau  Germany 1865 1944 Historian La Première Internationale en Espagne (1868–1888)
Mario Novaro (it)  Italy 1868 1944 Poet, philosopher Murmuri ed echi
Elisabeth von Oertzen (de)  Germany 1860 1944 Writer Schattenkinder – Sonnenkinder. Ein Werberuf: Großstadtkinder aufs Land!
Hamid Olimjon  Uzbekistan 1909 1944 Poet, playwright, scholar, literary translator Muqanna, Jinoyat
August Oxé  Germany 1863 1944 Archaeologist Corpus vasorum Arretinorum
Vlaho Paljetak  Croatia 1893 1944 Composer
Gerhart Panning  Germany 1900 1944 Forensic pathologist Die vitale Reaktion am Knochen
Alfons Paquet  Germany 1881 1944 Journalist, writer In Palästina
Charles O. Paullin  United States 1869 1944 Historian The Navy of the American Revolution: Its Administration, Its Policy, and its Achievements
Jacques Pellegrin  France 1873 1944 Zoologist Contribution à l'étude anatomique, biologique et taxinomique des poissons de la famille des cichlidés
Pedro Piccatto (es)  Uruguay 1908 1944 Poet
Carl Ernst Poeschel (de)  Germany 1874 1944 Printer , typographer, publisher Zeitgemässe Buchdruckkunst
Paul Poiret  France 1879 1944 Fashion designer
Ambrose Pratt  Australia 1874 1944 Writer
Arthur Prüfer  Germany 1868 1944 Musicologist Johann Hermann Schein und das weltliche Lied des 17. Jahrhunderts
Hans Leo Przibram  Austria 1874 1944 Biologist
Gertrud von Puttkamer  Germany 1881 1944 Writer, poet
Arthur Quiller-Couch  United Kingdom 1863 1944 Writer
Joaquín Álvarez Quintero  Spain 1873 1944 Dramatist
Prafulla Chandra Ray  India 1861 1944 Chemist, educationist, historian, industrialist, philanthropist
Egon Redlich  Czechia 1916 1944 Educator His diary
Oswald Redlich  Austria 1858 1944 Historian, archivist
Willy Peter Reese (de)  Germany 1921 1944 Soldier Mir selber seltsam fremd
Paul Reno  Germany 1887 1944 Screenwriter
Emanuel Ringelblum  Poland 1900 1944 Historian, politician and social worker Notes from the Warsaw Ghetto, Notes on the Refugees in Zbąszyn
Otto Ritschl Germany Germany 1860 1944 Theologian System und systematische Methode in der Geschichte des wissenschaftlichen Sprachgebrauchs und der philosophischen Methodologie
William Emerson Ritter  United States 1856 1944 Biologist
Friedrich Ritter von Lama (de)  Austria 1877 1944 Writer, journalist
John Keith Roberts  Australia 1897 1944 Physicist Heat and Thermodynamics
W. Heath Robinson  United Kingdom 1872 1944 Cartoonist, illustrator, artist
Ignaz Rohr  Germany 1866 1944 Theologist Der Straßburger Bildhauer
Romain Rolland  France 1866 1944 Dramatist, novelist, essayist, art historian and mystic 1915 Nobel laureate for Literature
Konstantin Rösch  Germany 1869 1944 Theologian
Vincent Rose  United States 1880 1944 Violinist, pianist, composer, and bandleader
Oskar Rosenfeld  Austria 1884 1944 Writer
Nikolai Roslavets  Ukraine 1881 1944 Composer
Felix Rötscher  Germany 1873 1944 Engineer Die Maschinenelemente
Ker-Xavier Roussel  France 1867 1944 Painter
Hermann Rüdisühli   Switzerland 1864 1944 Painter
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry  France 1900 1944 Writer, poet, aristocrat, journalist and pioneering aviator The Little Prince
Erich Salomon Germany 1886 1944 Photographer
Hanns Sassmann  Austria 1882 1944 Playwright, journalist, screenwriter
Frida Schanz (de)  Germany 1859 1944 Writer
Karl Schloß  Germany 1876 1944 Writer
Bastian Schmid  Germany 1870 1944 Theologian
Leo Schulz  United States 1865 1944 Professor, composer
George B. Seitz  United States 1888 1944 Playwright, screenwriter, film actor, director
Edgar Selwyn  United States 1875 1944 Actor, playwright, director and producer
Narendra Nath Sen Gupta  India 1889 1944 Psychologist, philosopher Introduction to Social Psychology
Lev Shcherba  Russia 1880 1944 Linguist Russkie glasnye v kachestvennom i kolichestvennom otnoshenii
Paul Siedentopf (de)  Germany 1870 1944 Writer, publisher
William James Sidis  United States 1898 1944 Child prodigy The Animate and the Inanimate
Peter Adalbert Silbermann (de)  Germany 1878 1944 Diplomat, teacher
Israel Joshua Singer  United States 1893 1944 Novelist The Brothers Ashkenazi
Leone Sinigaglia  Italy 1868 1944 Composer
Konstantin Ivanovich Sotonin  Russia 1893 1944 Philosopher
Valentin Stang (de)  Germany 1876 1944 Writer, journalist Tierheilkunde und Tierzucht
Eugen Steinach  Austria 1861 1944 Physiologist
Karl Steinacker (de)  Germany 1872 1944 Art historian
Adolf Josef Storfer  Austria 1888 1944 Lawyer, journalist, publisher Im Dickicht der Sprache
Hermann Struck  Germany 1876 1944 Artist
Albert Südekum  Germany 1871 1944 Journalist, politician
Hugo Suolahti  Finland 1874 1944 Politician, linguist, philosopher
James Tait  United Kingdom 1863 1944 Historian Mediaeval Manchester and the Beginnings of Lancashire
Ida Tarbell  United States 1857 1944 Teacher, author and muckraking journalist The History of the Standard Oil Company
Ernst Thälmann  Germany 1886 1944 Politician
Delfino Thermignon  Italy 1861 1944 Composer
Emil Thoroddsen  Iceland 1898 1944 Composer Íslands Hrafnistumenn, Hver á sér fegra föðurland
Adolf Tortilowicz von Batocki-Friebe  Germany 1868 1944 Lawyer, politician Preussen, der Kern der deutschen Verfassungsfrage
Marcel Tyberg  Austria 1893 1944 Composer, organist
Max Uhle  Germany 1856 1944 Archaeologist
Jakob Johann von Uexküll  Germany 1864 1944 Biologist Lebensphilosophie
Viktor Ullmann  Austria 1898 1944 Composer
Ernest Ewart Unwin  Australia 1881 1944 Educationalist Pond Problems
Iosif Utkin  Russia 1903 1944 Poet, journalist Dear Childhood
Antonio Videgain  Spain 1869 1944 Composer Buscando compañia
Paul Viereck (de)  Germany 1865 1944 Philologist, epigraphist, papyrologist Bericht über die griechischen Papyrusurkunden
Hans Völter (de)  Germany 1890 1944 Politician Bericht über die griechischen Papyrusurkunden
Victor Vreuls  Belgium 1876 1944 Composer
Karl Heinz Wagner (de)  Germany 1907 1944 Prehistorian Die keltische Mauer von Manching
Fritz Walz (de)  Germany 1858 1944 Publisher
Oskar Walzel (de)  Austria 1864 1944 Literary scholar
Boris Wassiljewitsch Warnecke (ru)  Russia 1874 1944 Philologist
Karel Weis  Czechia 1862 1944 Composer
Hermann Wenzel (de)  Germany 1863 1944 Composer Schweizer Salon Albums
Rex Whistler  United Kingdom 1905 1944 Painter, designer, illustrator
Ulrich Wilcken  Germany 1862 1944 Historian, papyrologist
Else Wildhagen  Germany 1863 1944 Writer
Wendell Willkie  United States 1892 1944 Lawyer One World
Mary Knight Wood  United States 1857 1944 Composer Ashes of Roses
Harold Bell Wright  United States 1872 1944 Writer
Carl Valentin Wunderle  United States 1866 1944 Composer
Takeo Yaginuma  Japan 1895 1944 Songwriter, soldier Tōhikō
Chikusanjin Yuasa  Japan 1875 1944 Musicologist
Mehmet Emin Yurdakul  Turkey 1869 1944 Writer, politician
Riccardo Zandonai  Italy 1883 1944 Composer Francesca da Rimini
Władysław Zawistowski (pl)  Poland 1897 1944 Theater critic Amor felix
Jean Zay  France 1904 1944 Politician
Franz Zelger (de)   Switzerland 1864 1944 Jurist
Heinz Otto Ziegler  Czechia 1903 1944 Political scientist
Lode Zielens  Belgium 1901 1944 Novelist, journalist Moeder, waarom leven wij?
Tadeusz Stefan Zieliński  Poland 1859 1944 Philologist, historian, translator
Juozas Zikaras  Lithuania 1881 1944 Sculptor, artist
Edgar Zilsel  United States 1891 1944 Historian, philosopher Zilsel Thesis
James Fulton Zimmerman  United States 1887 1944 Historian The Coronado Cuarto Centennial
Ernst Zimmermann (geologist, born 1860) (de)  Germany 1860 1944 Geologist Stratigraphische und paläontologische Studie über das deutsche und das alpine Rhät
Rudolf Ewald Zingel (de)  Germany 1876 1944 Composer
Eduard Zirm  Austria 1863 1944 Ophthalmologist Die Welt als Fühlen
Georg Zoch  Germany 1902 1944 Screenwriter

Sortable list

Alphabetical Names Country Birth Death
304 Charles Madison Curry US 1869 1944
305 Prof Eugene Newton Curtis US 1880 1944
313 John Frederick Halls Dally UK 1877 1944
319 Wilson Thompson Davidson US 1868 1944
322 Norman Hezekiah Davis US 1878 1944
324 Samuel Henry Day UK 1854 1944
332 Walter Dexter UK 1877 1944
333 John Lawson Dick UK 1870 1944
338 Norman E Ditman US 1877 1944
340 Ida Margaret Donisthorpe UK 1873 1944
346 Walter Bronson Dudley, a.k.a. Bide Dudley US 1877 1944 Wrongly 5
347 Rev. Walter Lee Dudley US 1866 1944
351 Clyde Augustus Duniway US 1866 1944
352 Frederick Ross Dunton UK 1922 1944
353 Herbert Durand US? 1859 1944
354 Mary Edith Durham UK 1863 1944
362 Florence Hester Edgar née Florence Hester Hayes CA 1874 1944
406 William Hulbert Footner CA 1879 1944
409 Sam Forrest US 1870 1944
428 Sir Francis Charles Fuller UK 1866 1944
429 Hampton Pitts Fulmer US 1875 1944
430 Simon Henry Gage US 1851 1944
431 Charles Kelsey Gaines US 1854 1944 (wrongly listed 1943)
432 Kenneth Cecil Gandar-Dower UK 1908 1944
433 Nora Beatrice Gardner, née Blyth UK 1866 1944
437 Virginio Gayda It 1885 1944
441 Edith Mary Gell née Brodrick UK 1860 1944 (wrongly listed 18 April)
443 Giovanni Gentile It 1875 1944
447 Charles Dana Gibson US 1867 1944
448 Wg-Cdr Guy (Penrose) Gibson UK 1918 1944
450 Sanford Robinson Gifford US 1892 1944
451 Rev Edward Anthony Wharton Gill CA 1858 1944
453 Leone Ginzburg, a.k.a. Leonida Gianturco It 1909 1944
454 Simeon Ginzburg US 1890 1944
461 Adolph Goldschmidt DE 1863 1944
462 Siegfried Goldschmidt CS? ? Before 1945
463 Rev Edwin Herbert Gomes UK 1862 1944
464 William (Athelstane Meredith) Goode UK 1875 1944
465 Ernest Goodwin UK 1871 1944 (wrongly listed 1943)
466 Godfrey Jervis Gordon UK 1882 1944
468 Cecil Gosling UK 1870 1944
471 Harvey Grace UK 1874 1944
475 Caswell Grave US 1870 1944
477 Augusto Graziani It 1865 1944
478 Silvestro Graziano It 1885 C1944
479 Johannes Greber DE 1874 1944
481 Charles Alfred Howell Green UK 1864 1944
486 Walter (Harold) Gribbon UK 1881 1944
487 Herbert Rhoades Grocock UK 1883 1944
488 Prof Ernest William Hey Groves UK 1872 1944
489 Cecil Reginald Grundy UK 1870 1944
492 Emma Laure Esther Guilbert FR 1865 1944
494 Selskar Michael Gunn US 1883 1944
497 Rev William Norman Guthrie US 1868 1944
498 James Taylor Gwathmey US 1863 Or 1865 Sep 10 1944
506 Hubert Hall UK 1857 1944
508 Sir Robert William Hamilton UK 1867 1944
509 Han Yong-Un Kr 1879 1944
510 Harris Hancock US 1867 1944
511 Edward Joseph Hanna US 1860 1944
512 Ian Campbell Hannah UK 1874 1944
513 (Albert Auguste) Gabriel Hanotaux FR 1853 1944
514 Allen Oscar Hansen US 1881 1944
515 Hutchins Hapgood US 1869 1944
516 Yoshimichi Hara Jp 1867 1944
517 Sir Cecil Harcourt-Smith UK 1859 1944
519 Nelson Harding US 1878 Or 1879 Oct 31 1944
523 Antonín Hartl CS 1885 1944
524 (Carl) Sadakichi Hartmann DE/US:1894on 1867 1944
527 Helen (Julia) Hay, Mrs Whitney US 1875 1944
528 (William James) Herbert Hayens UK 1861 1944
529 * Lt . Col . Joseph Hayes UK 1864 1944
530 Gertrude Mary Hayward, Mrs Crampton UK 1863 1944
531 Paul (Gustave-Marie-Camille) Hazard FR 1878 1944
532 David Playfair Heatley UK 1867 (wrongly listed 1868) 1944
533 Maj Brooke Heckstall-Smith UK 1869 1944
535 Amos Arthur Heller US 1867 1944
541 William D Henderson US 1866 1944
542 Yandell Henderson US 1873 1944
543 Philippe Henriot FR 1889 1944
544 Paul Hensel DE 1867 1944
545 (Margaret) Muriel (De Milfontes) Herd, Mrs Smart UK 1880 1944
546 Bruno Héroux DE 1868 1944
547 Christine Herrick née Terhune US 1859 1944
548 George Joseph Herriman US 1880 1944
549 Lord Manners William Hervey UK 1866 1944
553 Sir (William) Meyrick Hewlett UK 1876 1944
555 William Kirkpatrick Hill UK 1862 1944
556 Charles Hill-Tout CA 1858 1944
560 Ernest Hockliffe UK 1863 1944
561 Sir Arnold Wienholt Hodson UK 1881 1944
563 Camill Hoffmann CS 1878 1944 Oct Or Nov
567 Sir William (Searle) Holdsworth UK 1871 1944
568 Sir Follett Holt UK 1865 1944
570 Donald William Horner UK 1874 1944
571 Percival Presland Howe UK 1886 1944 (wrongly listed 19 March)
573 George Huddleston UK 1862 1944
574 Hoyt Hopewell Hudson US 1893 1944
576 Walter Hullihen US 1875 1944
577 Rev Marion Palmer Hunt US 1860 1944
578 Henry Hamilton Hunter UK 1875 1944
581 Miller Reese Hutchison US 1876 1944
584 C. J. Cutcliffe Hyne, (pen name: Weatherby Chesney) UK 1865 1944
586 Eduardo Innes González VE 1882 1944
591 Lt .Col . Charles Henry James UK 1863 1944
593 (William) John (Fletcher) Jarmain UK 1911 1944
594 William Henry Pope Jarvis CA 1876 1944
595 Louis Stanley Jast UK 1868 1944
599 Milena Jesenská CS 1896 1944
600 Walter Albert Jessup US 1877 1944
601 Samuel Leo Jodidi US 1867 1944
602 Prof Douglas Wilson Johnson US 1878 1944
603 George Johnson US 1889 1944
604 Joseph Johnson UK 1860 1944
605 Edward Johnston UK 1872 1944
606 Robert Johnstone UK 1861 1944
607 Will B Johnstone US 1881 1944
608 David Rhys Geraint Jones UK 1922 1944
609 Prof Griffith Hartwell Jones UK 1859 Wrongly 1858 1944
610 Aksel Gustav Salomon Josephson US 1860 1944
611 Theodore Goldsmith Joslin US 1890 1944
612 Frederick William Jowett UK 1864 1944
613 Louis Alphonse Julianelle US 1895 1944
616 Oleh Olexandrowytsch Kandyba Su 1907 1944
618 Itzhak Katzenelson Pl 1886 1944
620 Prof Alexander Samuel Kaun US 1889 1944
624 Arthur Keith US 1864 1944
625 Prof Arthur Berriedale Keith UK 1879 1944
630 Col Herbert Vaughan Kent UK 1863 1944
631 Rev. George William Kerby CA 1860 1944
634 Philip Davie Kerrison US? 1861 1944
635 Peter Kien DE 1919 1944 Oct
638 David Kinley US 1861 1944
639 Clement Kinloch-Cooke, 1st Baronet Kinloch-Cooke of Brighthelmstone UK 1854 1944
640 Bishop Frederick Joseph Kinsman US 1868 1944
641 Fr Josef Kirchhoff DE 1892 1944
642 Conrad Kironac CA 1885 1944
643 Shepherd Ulverston / Braithwaite Kitchin ZA 1877 1944
644 Prof Charles Herbert Kitson UK 1874 1944
646 Israel Jacob Kligler US 1889 1944
648 Erich Knauf DE 1895 1944
651 Archdeacon Kenneth Davenport Knowles UK 1874 1944
652 (William) Frank(=Franklin) Knox US 1874 1944
653 Frederick Henry Koch US 1877 1944
655 Max Kommerell DE 1902 1944
656 Alexander Koshetz Su 1875 1944
658 Prof Aleksandr (Petrovich) Kotelnikov Su 1865 1944
660 Prof. Leon Tadeusz Kozlowski Pl 1892 1944
662 Emil (Paul Ernst Olaf Friedrich) Krückmann DE 1865 1944
663 Herman Kruk Pl 1897 1944
664 Fr. Vigilius Herman Krull US 1874 1944
666 Julius Kugy It 1858 1944
668 Isolde Kurz DE 1853 1944 5 or 6 April 1944
670 Barnard James Lailey UK 1860 1944
673 Louis Laloy FR 1874 1944 3 or 4 March 1944
676 John Bennett Lancelot UK 1864 1944
677 Walter Savage Landis US 1881 1944
678 Paul Ludwig Landsberg DE 1901 1944
679 Leonard Langheinrich(-Anthos) DE 1890 1944
682 Sir Courtenay Latimer UK 1880 1944
684 William John Lawson UK ? After 1864
685 Prof. Stephen Butler Leacock UK/CA? 1869 1944
686 John Joseph Leary US 1874 1944
687 Sir John Charles Grant Ledingham UK 1875 1944
688 Blair Lee US 1857 1944
689 Edward Edson Lee, Leo Edwards US 1884 1944
690 Gerald Stanley Lee US 1862 1944
691 Prof. Edward Leen IE 1885 1944
692 Rev. George Robinson Lees UK 1860 1944
693 Elizabeth Wharton Drexel US 1868 1944
694 Thomas Joseph Lennon US 1896 1944
703 Bernard Lichtenberg US 1892 1944
704 Richard Lieber US 1869 1944
705 Polita De Lima De Castillo Ve 1869 1944
706 Joseph Crosby Lincoln US 1870 1944
709 Herbert George De Lisser UK 1873 or 1878 1944 18 or 19 May 1944
710 Grace Denio Litchfield US 1849 1944
712 John Frederick Bligh Livesay CA 1875 1944
713 Arthur Livingston US 1883 1944
714 Luis Llorens Torres PR 1876 or 1878 1944 15 or 16 June 1944
715 Frank Joseph Loesch US 1852 1944
716 Gina Lombroso, aka Gina Lombroso-Ferrero It? 1872 1944
717 Basil Kellett Long ZA? 1878 1944
720 Niko Lortkipanidse Su 1880 1944
722 Hugh Cecil Lowther, 5th Earl of Lonsdale UK 1857 1944
723 Basil Lubbock UK 1876 1944
725 Lyulph Lumley UK 1868 1944
726 Sir John Lumsden Ie 1869 1944 Sep
727 Sir Edwin Landseer Lutyens UK 1869 1944
728 Col. William George Lyddon UK 1871 1944
729 Gilberta Marion Fanny Lyon UK 1864 1944
730 Sir Henry George Lyons UK 1864 1944
731 Cleland Boyd McAfee US 1866 1944
733 Alexander Watts McCoy US 1889 1944
734 Nelson Glenn McCrea US 1863 1944
736 Greville Matheson Macdonald UK 1856 1944
738 Prof John Allan Craigie MacEwen UK 1874 1944
739 V-Rev, William Malcolm MacGregor UK 1861 1944
740 John Steven McGroarty or M'Groarty US 1862 1944
742 Frank McIntyre US 1865 1944
743 James Mackintosh UK 1858 1944
744 James Rion McKissick US 1884 1944
745 Archibald Campbell MacLaren UK 1871 1944
746 Ida Smedley Maclean UK 1877 1944
748 Very Rev Ebenezer Macmillan ZA 1881 1944
750 Lesley James McNair US 1883 1944
751 Col John Robert Jermain Macnamara UK 1905 1944
752 Charles Linza McNary US 1874 1944
753 Michael John Macnaughton-Smith UK 1924 1944
754 Aimee Semple McPherson, Aimee Semple MacPherson US 1890 1944
755 Ian Macpherson UK 1905 1944
756 Lucullus Virgil McWhorter US 1860 1944
759 Sir Ian Zachary Malcolm UK 1868 1944
761 Margaret Eliza Maltby US 1860 1944
763 Alfred James Margetson UK 1877 1944
766 Sándor Marót Hu 1884 1944
767 (Emma) Beatrice Marshall UK 1861 1944
768 Frank James Marshall US 1877 1944 9 or 10 November 1944
769 Mary Paley Marshall, née Paley UK 1850 1944
770 Sir John Martin-Harvey UK 1863 1944
771 Emmanuel de Martonne FR 1873 1944
772 Walter Taylor Marvin US 1872 1944
773 Edward Bennett Mathews US 1869 1944
774 Sir Miles Mattinson UK 1854 1944
776 Philip Ainsworth Means US 1892 1944
777 Philip Mechanicus Nl ? 1944
778 Henry Noel Trevor Medrington UK 1923 1944
779 Ian Ormiston Meikle UK 1920 1944
780 Carl Friedrich Michael Meinhof DE 1857 1944
781 Thomas Anthony Mellows UK 1920 1944
783 Wightman Fletcher Melton US 1867 1944
785 Hugh Victor Mercer US 1869 1944
786 Stephen Pascal Mercer UK 1891 1944
787 Henry Adolphus Mess UK 1884 1944
788 Myron Metzenbaum US 1876 1944
789 Alfred Henry Meyer US 1888 1944
791 Isidor Meyer Ch 1860 1944
792 Ernest Claude Meysey-Thompson UK 1859 1944
793 Carl Christian Mez DE 1866 1944
795 Thomas Midgley, Jr US 1889 1944
796 Maciej (Ignacy Przeclaw) Mielzynski, a.k.a. Mathias von Brudzewo-Mielzynski, a.k.a. Nowina Doliwa Pl 1869 1944
797 William Ephraim Mikell US 1868 1944
798 Charles Addison Miller US 1867 1944
799 Jack Miner CA 1865 1944
801 * Roy Mitchell CA 1884 1944
802 Thomas Walker Mitchell UK 1869 1944
803 Petter Moen NO 1901 1944
804 James Moffatt UK 1870 1944
806 James Reid Moir UK 1879 1944
807 Eva Sarah Molesworth CA ? 1944
810 Sir Leo George Chiozza Money UK 1870 1944
811 Thomas Eade Montefiore UK 1866 1944
812 Samuel Albert Moor UK 1864 1944
813 Thomas Sturge Moore UK 1870 1944
814 Lady Ada Margarette Moreton, née Lady Ada Margarette Smith UK 1863 1944
815 Sir Alfred Bishop Morine CA 1857 1944
816 Dave Hennen Morris US 1872 1944
817 Francis James Mortimer UK 1874 Wrongly 1875 1944
818 Edward Reginald Morton UK 1867 1944
819 Lewis James Mountford UK 1871 1944
826 Jean Elmslie Henderson Findlay UK 1886 1944
827 Canon John Owen Farquhar Murray UK 1858 1944
829 Alois Musil CS 1868 1944
830 Sir Dudley Borron Myers UK 1861 1944
831 Leo Myers UK 1881 (wrongly listed 1880) 1944 (wrongly listed 7 April)
836 Pedro Navarro González Ve 1882 1944
838 Robert Chancellor Nesbitt UK 1868 1944
839 Harry Turner Newcomb US 1867 1944
840 Bernard Henry Newdigate UK 1869 1944
841 Robert Malise Bowyer Nichols UK 1893 (wrongly listed 16) 1944
842 Rev Thomas Nicholson US 1862 1944
843 Lubor Niederle CS 1865 1944
844 Frederick John Niven CS 1878 1944
845 Michael James Nolan UK 1859 1944
846 George William Norris US 1861 1944
847 William Harmon Norton US 1856 1944
849 Alexei (Silych) Novikov-Priboy Su 1877 1944 29 or 30 April 1944
850 Sir Percy Nunn UK 1870 1944
851 David Wright O'Brien US 1918 1944
852 Karl Joseph Obser DE 1860 1944
853 Cardinal William Henry O'Connell US 1859 1944
854 Rev Michael J. O'Donnell UK 1881 1944
855 Eoin O'Duffy Ie 1892 1944
857 John Myers O'Hara US 1870 1944
858 Erich Ohser DE 1903 1944
860 Julius Emil Olson US 1858 1944
861 Charles Kingston O'Mahony UK 1884 1944
862 Rose Cecil O'Neill US 1874 1944
863 Kiheiji Onozuka Jp 1870 1944
864 Robert Low Orr UK 1854 1944
866 Bernhard Ostrolenk US 1887 1944
867 Gov Miguel Antonio Otero (II) US 1859 1944
869 Frank William Padelford US 1872 1944
870 Lionel Frank Page CA 1884 1944
872 (Georges) Maurice Paléologue FR 1859 1944
873 Clement Charlton Palmer UK 1871 1944
874 John Leslie Palmer UK 1885 1944
877 Robert Ezra Park US 1864 1944
878 Frank Critchley Parker AU 1862 1944
879 Louis Napoleon Parker UK 1852 1944
880 Cyril Parlichev BG 1875 1944
881 Morris Longstreth Parrish US 1867 1944
882 James Morton Paton US 1863 1944
883 Frank Allen Patterson US 1878 1944
884 Rev Melville Watson Patterson UK 1873 1944
885 Maurice Eden Paul UK 1865 1944
886 Elizabeth Stancy Payne US? ? 1944
887 Endicott Peabody US 1857 1944
888 Bishop Herbert Sidney Pelham UK 1881 1944
889 Frédéric Pelletier CA 1870 1944
891 Sydney Perks UK 1866 1944
892 Rev John Gabriel Perold CA 1877 1944
893 Clarence Arthur Perry US 1872 1944
894 Daniel Mydrin Phillips UK 1863 1944
896 Frank H D Pickersgill CA 1915 1944
898 Sir Theodore Caro Piggott UK 1867 1944
899 Amos Richards Eno Pinchot US 1873 1944
900 Julio Piquet Uy 1861 1944
901 Alexander Howard Pirie CA 1875 1944
902 Lucien (Camille) Pissarro FR/UK:1916 on 1863 1944 (wrongly listed 11 July)
903 William Carter Platts UK 1864 1944
904 Jean-Marie Plum Be 1899 1944
905 Elizabeth Burke-Plunkett, Countess of Fingall, née Burke Ie 1865 1944
908 Alfred William Pollard UK 1859 1944
909 Ernest Arthur George Pomeroy, 7th Viscount Harberton UK 1867 1944
910 Robert Martin Pope UK 1865 1944
911 François Porché FR 1877 1944
912 John Bonsall Porter UK/CA 1861 1944
913 Arthur Blackburne Poynton UK 1867 1944
914 Sir David Prain UK 1857 1944
916 James Bissett Pratt US 1875 1944
917 Vojtěch Preissig CS 1873 1944
918 Harold Adye Prichard US? 1882 1944
920 Alexander Primrose CA 1861 1944
923 Pierre Firmin Pucheu FR 1883 or 1899 1944
925 Emily James Putnam, née Smith US 1865 1944
927 Manuel L. Quezon Ph 1878 1944
928 Oliver Chase Quick UK 1885 1944
929 Sir Arthur Thomas Quiller-Couch (pen name: Q) UK 1863 1944
930 Isaac Raboy US 1882 1944
931 Harris Rackham UK 1868 1944
932 Miklós Radnóti Hu 1909 1944
933 Archdeacon John Luce Ramson UK 1870 1944
934 James Ransome UK 1865 1944
935 Philip Max Raskin US 1884 1944
936 Henry Cushier Raven US 1889 1944
937 Francis William Rawlinson UK 1856 1944
939 John Richard Raynes UK 1881 1944
940 Liviu Rebreanu Ro 1885 1944
943 James A. Reed US 1861 1944
944 George Edward Rees UK 1854 1944
946 Harry Fielding Reid US 1859 1944
947 Grete Reiner(-Straschnow) née Stein DE 1892 1944
948 Deneys Reitz ZA 1882 1944
950 Alfred Edward Reveirs-Hopkins UK 1863 1944
951 Frederick Douglas Reville CA 1866 1944
952 Arthur Richman US 1886 1944
953 Wilhelm Adolf Karl Richter DE 1892 1944
955 Theodor Riewerts DE 1907 1944
956 Abraham Mitrie Rihbany US? 1869 1944
959 José Ignacio Rivero Y Alonso Cu 1895 1944
960 Bertie Smith Roach AU 1864 1944
961 Alfred Gordon Robbins UK 1883 1944
962 Arthur Carson Roberts UK 1863 1944
964 Agnes Mary Frances Robinson, 1:Mrs Darmesteter, 2:Mrs Duclaux UK 1857 1944 Or 7
966 Miguel Rocha Ve ? 1944
968 Romain Rolland FR 1866 1944
969 Sir Humphry Davy Rolleston, 1st Baronet Rolleston of Upper Brook Street UK 1862 1944 Wrongly 24
970 Erwin (Johannes Eugen) Rommel DE 1891 1944 Or 17
971 Theodore Roosevelt Jr. US 1887 1944
973 John Lawyer Rose US 1897 1944
975 Petko Rossen / Rosen Bg 1880 1944
976 Louis George Rothschild, Georges Mandel FR 1885 1943 or 1944
978 Jacques Roumain Ht 1907 1944
979 John Clifford Rowe UK 1872 1944
980 Robert David Rowland UK 1853 1944
981 Robert James Rowlette Ie 1873 1944
982 Régis Roy CA 1864 1944
985 Alfred Ernest Russell UK 1870 1944
986 Sir Herbert William Henry Russell UK 1869 1944
987 Owen Rutter, Klip-Klip UK 1889 1944 Or 2
988 Frank Ryan Ie 1902 1944
989 Bernard Sachs US 1858 1944
992 Eduardo Sánchez de Fuentes y Peláez Cu 1876 1944
993 Dwight Sanderson US 1878 1944
995 Leonard Sargent US 1857 1944
997 Evelyn St Leger Savile, Mrs Randolph UK 1861 1944
998 Jakob Schaffner Ch 1875 1944
1000 Emil Schaus DE 1869 1944
1002 James Augustin Brown Scherer US 1870 1944
1003 Josef Schick DE 1859 1944
1004 Hans Schiebelhuth DE/US? 1895 1944
1005 Sydney Schiff, Stephen Hudson UK 1868 1944
1008 Joseph Schmidlin FR 1876 1944
1009 Ludwig Schmidt DE 1862 1944
1010 Richard Karl Bernhard Schmidt DE 1862 1944
1011 Walter Elmer Schofield US 1867 1944
1012 Roman Karl Scholz DE 1912 1944
1013 Christoph Schrempf DE 1860 1944
1014 Zikmund Schul DE 1916 1944
1015 Bruno C H Schulz DE 1888 1944
1016 William Lutley Sclater UK 1863 1944
1017 Frederick George Scott CA 1861 1944
1018 William Joseph Sears US 1874 1944
1019 Mario Segre It 1904 1944
1020 William Boothby Selbie UK 1862 1944
1021 Fane Sewell CA 1862 1944
1022 Alexander Shaw, 2nd Baron Craigmyle UK 1883 1944
1023 Arthur Edward William Sheard UK 1868 1944
1024 William Godolphin Conway Shebbeare UK 1915 1944
1025 Fred Warner Shibley CA 1864 1944
1026 Lester Burrell Shippee US 1879 1944
1027 Lewis Erle Shore UK 1863 1944
1028 Walter Knowsley Sibley UK 1862 1944
1031 Max Sievers DE 1887 1944
1033 Ruth Hanna Mccormick Simms US 1880 1944
1034 Edgar Simon US 1875 1944
1035 Karel Škorpil Bg 1859 1944
1036 Frederick Slocum US 1873 1944
1037 Rob Roy Slocum US? 1883 1944
1038 Geza Slovig Ro 1897 1944
1039 Antanas Smetona Lt/Su? 1874 1944
1040 Gov. Alfred Emanuel Smith, aka 'The Happy Warrior', aka 'The Brown Derby' US 1873 1944
1041 Sir Cecil Harcourt Smith UK 1859 1944
1042 Prof David Eugene Smith US 1860 1944
1043 Egbert Watson Smith US 1862 1944
1044 Ellison Durant Smith, aka 'Cotton Ed' US 1864 1944
1045 George Otis Smith US 1871 1944
1046 Harold Hamel Smith UK 1867 1944
1047 Lewis Smith UK 1869 1944
1048 William Edward Smith CA 1864 1944
1049 Dame Ethel Mary Smyth UK 1858 1944
1050 Henry Snell, 1st Baron Snell UK 1865 1944 Or 21
1051 José Narciso Sola Do 1890 1944
1052 Arthur Herbert Tennyson Somers-Cocks, 6th Baron Somers of Evesham UK 1887 1944
1053 Song Shangjie CN? ?: 1901 1944
1054 Peter Ernst Ludwig Sonnenburg DE 1859 1944
1055 Charles Henry Souter AU 1864 1944
1056 Joseph Edward Southall UK 1861 1944
1057 Hazelton Spencer US 1893 1944
1058 Roger Lancelot Spicer UK 1922 1944
1059 Karl Georg Spitzenberg DE 1860 1944
1060 John Meloy Stahl US 1860 1944
1062 Alfred Stansfield CA 1871 1944
1063 George Burt Starr US 1854 1944
1064 Hugh Peden Steel AU 1865 1944
1065 Frederic Dorr Steele US 1873 1944
1066 Robert Reynolds Steele UK 1860 1944
1067 George Lowther Steer UK 1909 1944
1068 Svetislav Stefanovic Yu 1874 Or 1877 1944
1071 Thomas Case Sterndale-Bennett UK 1882 1944
1072 Florine Stettheimer US 1871 1944
1073 Frederick Guy Stevens UK 1878 1944
1074 William Mitchell Stevens UK 1868 1944
1075 Alexander Charles Stewart CA 1867 1944
1076 Oscar Milton Stewart US? 1869 1944
1077 William Kilborne Stewart US 1875 1944
1078 John Stirton UK 1871 1944 (wrongly listed 10 October)
1079 Jane Thompson Stoddart UK 1863 1944
1080 William Henry Stoker UK 1903 1944
1081 Maria Stonawski, Mrs Scholz DE 1861 1944
1082 Eleanora Hearn Stooke UK 1867 1944
1083 Edward Augustine Storer UK 1882 1944
1084 George Frederick Stout UK 1860 1944
1085 Percy Selden Straus US 1876 1944
1086 Louise Straus-Ernst DE 1893 1944 Jun
1087 J Fletcher Street US 1880 1944
1088 Oliver Day Street US 1866 1944
1089 Heinrich Ströbel DE 1869 1944
1090 Thomas Banks Strong UK 1861 1944
1092 Peter Berngardovich Struve Su 1870 1944
1093 Beatrix Marion Sturt née Muirhead UK 1849 1944
1095 Nobumasa Suetsugu Jp 1880 Jun 1944 Dec C20
1096 Thomas Summers UK ? 1944
1097 F A Sutton UK 1884 1944
1098 Jón Stefán Sveinsson Is 1857 1944
1099 Arthur James Tait UK 1872 1944
1101 Ethel Mary Talbot UK 1880 Wrongly 1888 May 26 1944 Wrongly 1976 May 26
1102 Ida Minerva Tarbell US 1857 5 or 15 November 1857 1944
1103 Giuseppe Tassinari It 1891 1944
1104 James Benjamin Taylor UK 1860 1944
1105 Robert Oswald Patrick Taylor UK 1873 1944
1106 Thomas Edgar Hugh Taylor UK 1888 1944
1107 Sir Eric Teichman UK 1884 1944
1108 Archbishop William Temple UK 1881 1944
1110 Conrad Engerud Tharaldsen US 1884 1944
1111 Robert Dalzell Dillon Thomas UK 1922 1944 (wrongly listed 22 August)
1112 John William Thomason, Jr. US 1893 1944
1113 (William) Frank Thompson UK 1920 1944 Jun C10
1114 Sir Henry Francis Herbert Thompson, 2nd Baronet Thompson of Wimpole Street UK 1859 1944
1115 Noel Finley Thompson US 1891 1944
1116 William Hale Thompson US 1869 1944
1117 James Thorington US 1858 1944
1119 François Thureau-Dangin FR 1872 1944
1120 James Hugh Thursfield UK 1869 1944
1121 Eunice Tietjens née Hammond US 1884 1944
1122 Frederick Augustus Todd AU 1880 1944
1123 Tokuda Hiroshi, Chikamatsu Shuko Jp 1876 1944
1124 Frank Jerome Tone US 1868 1944
1125 William Whiteman Carlton Topley UK 1886 1944
1127 William Edward Tottingham US 1881 1944
1128 Jean Toussaint-Samat FR 1865 1944
1129 Charles Haskins Townsend US 1859 1944
1130 Mitsuru Toyama Jp 1855 1944
1131 Siegfried Translateur DE 1875 1944
1132 Adam von Trott zu Solz DE 1909 1944
1133 Thomas Trotter UK 1868 1944
1134 Onésiphore Turgeon CA 1849 1944
1135 Jure Turic Yu 1861 1944
1136 Maurice Joseph Lawson Turnbull UK 1906 1944 4 or 5 August 1944
1137 Adam Turner CA 1852 1944
1138 * William Turner UK ? 1944
1139 Charles Lakeman Tweedale UK 1866 1944
1142 Edward Oscar Ulrich US 1857 1944
1143 Robert Earl Underwood US 1872 1944
1144 Agnes Marion/Maryon Urquhart Unwin, Mrs Green UK 1870 1944
1146 Alejandro Urbaneja Ve 1859 1944
1147 William Velores Uttley CA 1865 1944
1148 Hendrik Willem Van Loon NL/US:1919 on 1882 1944 10 or 11 March 1944
1149 Frederick Van Nuys US 1874 1944
1150 William Kissam Vanderbilt II US 1878 2 March (or 20 October) 1878 1944
1151 Henri Vangeon, Henri Ghéon FR 1875 1944 Or 1943 Jun 13
1152 William Denham Verschoyle UK 1868 1944
1153 Pierre Viénot FR 1897 1944
1155 David Vogel RU/AT 1891 1944 Feb
1157 Simon de Vries NL 1870 1944
1158 Fenwick Williams Vroom CA 1856 1944
1159 Karin Alice Wadenström, Mrs Heikel, Katri Vala Fi 1901 1944
1161 Henry Matson Waite US 1869 1944 (wrongly listed 1945)
1162 Alexander James Wall US 1884 1944
1163 Sir Frederick (Joseph) Wall UK 1858 1944
1164 Sir Cuthbert Sidney Wallace, 1st Baronet UK 1867 1944
1165 William James Wallis-Jones UK 1873 1944
1166 Henry Beauchamp Walters UK 1867 1944
1170 Aucher Warner UK 1859 1944
1171 Jacob Warshaw US? 1878 1944
1172 Robert Watchorn US? 1858 1944
1173 Sir Sydney (Philip Perigal) Waterlow UK 1878 1944
1174 Guy Victor Waterman CA 1902 1944
1175 Nixon Waterman US 1859 1944
1176 Hermann Wätjen DE 1876 1944
1177 John Harry Watson UK 1875 1944
1178 William Arthur Watson UK 1860 1944
1179 Archibald Bertram Webb UK 1887 1944
1180 Arthur Rudolph Berthold Wehnelt DE 1871 1944
1181 Werner Wehrli Ch 1892 1944
1182 Georges Jacques Weill FR 1865 1944
1183 Irene Weir US 1862 1944
1185 Roger Clark Wells US 1877 1944
1186 Rolla Wells US 1856 1944
1187 Thomas Bucklin Wells US 1875 1944
1188 Eleanor Rowland Wembridge US 1882 1944
1189 Herbert John Wenyon UK 1888 1944
1191 Herman Werner US 1856 1944
1192 Jessie Weston NZ 1867 1944
1193 Winifred Stephens Whale UK ? 1944
1195 Robert W. Whitaker US 1863 1944
1196 Ethel Lina White UK 1876 1944
1197 Hervey White US 1866 1944
1198 Wilbert Webster White US 1863 1944
1199 William Allen White US 1868 1944 Or 31
1200 William Gillies Whittaker UK 1876 1944
1201 Oskar Wiener DE 1873 1944 Apr C20
1202 Arthur Herbert Wilde US 1865 1944
1205 * William Wilkinson UK 1882 1944
1206 Herbert Lockwood Willett US 1864 1944
1207 Blanche Colton Williams US 1879 1944
1208 * David Williams CA 1869 1944
1209 Edward Huntington Williams US 1868 1944
1210 Edward Thomas Williams US 1845 1944
1211 Margery (Winifred) Williams, Mrs Bianco UK/US? 1881 1944
1212 Mary Wilhelmine Williams US 1878 1944
1213 Bp. Watkin Herbert Williams UK 1845 1944
1214 Rev, Watkin (Wynn) Williams UK 1859 1944
1215 William Retlaw Jefferson Williams UK 1863 1944
1216 Frederick Ely Williamson US 1876 1944
1218 James Reginald Wilmot UK 1897 1944
1219 Joseph Wilpert DE 1857 1944
1220 Frederick Allan Wilshire UK 1868 1944
1221 Prof. Forsyth James Wilson UK 1880 Jun 1944
1222 * Jonathan Wilson UK 1924 1944
1223 Margaret Woodrow Wilson US 1886 1944
1224 Prof. Norman Richard Wilson CA 1879 1944
1225 Stanley Kidder Wilson US? 1879 1944
1226 Bruno Winawer Pl 1883 1944
1227 Samuel Edward Winbolt UK 1868 1944
1229 Christa Winsloe, 1:Baronin Hatvany DE 1888 1944
1230 William Robert Winspear AU 1859 1944
1231 Judge Robert Watson Winston US 1860 1944
1232 Alice Ames Winter US 1865 1944
1233 Frederick Luke Wiseman UK 1858 1944
1234 Krystyna Wituska Pl 1920 1944
1235 Arthur Theobald Wolfe UK 1870 1944
1236 Juliusz Wolfsohn RU 1880 1944
1237 Prof, Richard Woltereck DE 1877 1944
1238 Charles Erskine Scott Wood US 1852 1944
1239 Sir Henry (Joseph) Wood UK 1869 1944
1240 Metcalfe Henry Wood UK 1864 1944
1241 Starr Wood, aka 'The Snark' UK 1870 1944
1242 Ernest Henry James Woodard UK 1874 1944
1243 Ernest Woodhead UK 1857 1944
1244 Sir Arthur Smith Woodward UK 1864 1944
1245 Felix Woyrsch DE 1860 1944
1248 Prof. Mark Robinson Wright UK 1854 1944
1249 Kamesaburo Yamashita Jp 1867 Apr 1944
1250 Francis (Charles Claypon) Yeats-Brown UK 1886 1944
1251 Arthur Ferdinand Yencken UK 1894 1944
1252 Grace Chisholm Young UK 1868 1944
1253 Sir George John Younghusband UK 1859 1944
1263 Prof. Léon Zéliqzon FR 1858 1944

Entering the public domain in countries with life + 50 years

In most countries of Africa and Asia, as well as Belarus , Bolivia, Canada , New Zealand and Uruguay; a work enters the public domain 50 years after the creator's death.

Names Country Birth Death Occupation Notable work
Hamilton Basso  USA 1904 1964 Writer The View from Pompey's Head
Brendan Behan  Ireland 1923 1964 Writer, playwright, poet Borstal Boy
Rachel Carson  USA 1907 1964 Environmentalist Silent Spring
Anne de Vries  Netherlands 1904 1964 Writer
Leah Bodine Drake  USA 1904 1964 Poet
Ian Fleming  United Kingdom 1908 1964 Writer James Bond
Vasily Grossman  Ukraine 1905 1964 Writer
Ben Hecht  USA 1894 1964 Screenwriter, novelist Angels Over Broadway
C. I. Lewis  USA 1883 1964 Philosopher
Grace Metalious  USA 1924 1964 Writer Peyton Place
Seán O'Casey  Ireland 1880 1964 Playwright
Flannery O'Connor  USA 1925 1964 Writer
Karl Polanyi  Hungary 1896 1964 Economist, politician The Great Transformation
Mihai Ralea  Romania 1896 1964 Writer
Radu D. Rosetti  Romania December 1874 November 1964 Poet, playwright
Edith Sitwell  United Kingdom 1887 1964 Poet
Păstorel Teodoreanu  Romania 1894 1964 Poet
Carl Van Vechten  USA 1880 1964 Writer, photographer Nigger Heaven
Ion Vinea  Romania 1895 1964 Poet, novelist
T. H. White  United Kingdom 1906 1964 Writer The Once and Future King


  • January 1 – Paul Ninas, American painter (b. 1903)
  • January 17 – Đorđe Andrejević Kun, Serbian painter (b. 1904)[2]
  • January 26 – Xawery Dunikowski, sculptor (b. 1875)
  • February 25 – Alexander Archipenko, sculptor (b. 1887)
  • February 27 – Orry-Kelly, costume designer (b. 1897; liver cancer)
  • March 12 – Jovan Bijelić, Serbian painter (b. 1884)
  • March 28 – Vlastislav Hofman, painter, architect (b. 1884)
  • April 4 – Seán O'Sullivan, portrait painter (b. 1906)
  • April 20 – August Sander, photographer (b. 1876)
  • May 9 – Rico Lebrun, Italian-American painter and sculptor (b. 1900)
  • June 18 – Giorgio Morandi, still life painter (b. 1890)
  • June 24 – Stuart Davis, painter (b. 1892)
  • June 26 – Gerrit Rietveld, designer and architect
  • July 21 – Jean Fautrier, painter and sculptor (b. 1898)
  • August 31 – Peter Lanyon, landscape painter (b. 1918)
  • November 5 – Mabel Lucie Attwell, English illustrator (b. 1879)
  • December 29 – Vladimir Favorsky, Russian graphic artist (b. 1886)

See also

  • Creative Commons
  • Public Domain Day
  • List of countries' copyright lengths
  • Public Domain
  • 1944 in literature, 1954 in literature, 1964 in literature, and 1974 in literature for writers who died in those years
  • Over 300 public domain authors available in Wikisource (any language), with descriptions from Wikidata

External links
