Category:Java (programming language) libraries
From HandWiki
Here is a list of articles in the category Java (programming language) libraries of the Software portal. The articles in this category are about code libraries for use by Java platform software.
Pages in category "Java (programming language) libraries"
The following 119 pages are in this category, out of 119 total.
- Software:Apache Abdera
- Software:Activiti
- Software:Apache Ant
- Software:Apache Batik
- Software:Apache Cayenne
- Software:Apache Commons
- Software:Apache CXF
- Software:Apache Empire-db
- Software:Apache FOP (Formatting Objects Processor)
- Software:Apache Harmony
- Software:Apache Lucene
- Software:Apache Nutch
- Software:Apache OODT
- Software:Apache OpenNLP
- Software:Apache PDFBox
- Software:Apache POI
- Software:Apache Shiro
- Software:Apache Tika
- Software:Apache Velocity
- Software:Apache Wink
- Software:Apache Xalan
- Software:Apache Xerces
- Software:Apache Yetus
- Software:Applet
- Software:Ardor3D
- Aspose.Words
- Software:Aspose.Words
- Java Class Library
- Software:Java Excel API
- Java Object Oriented Querying
- Software:Java OpenAL
- Software:Java OpenGL
- Software:Java-gnome
- Software:Javassist
- Software:Javolution
- Software:Jblas: Linear Algebra for Java
- Software:JBPM
- Software:JDBCFacade
- Software:JDOM
- Software:JExcel
- JFugue
- Software:JGraph
- Software:JGraphT
- Software:JMonkeyEngine
- JMusic
- Software:Joget Workflow
- JOOQ Object Oriented Querying
- Software:JPedal
- Software:JPOS
- Software:JRuntime
- Software:Jsoup
- Software:JVx (Framework)
- Software:JxBrowser
- Software:JXL (API)