Codes for constructed languages

From HandWiki
Short description: List of strings identifying consciously devised languages in several standards

This is a list of ISO 639 codes and IETF language tags (BCP 47) for individual constructed languages, complete (As of January 2023).

ISO 639-2 and ISO 639-5 also have the code art for artificial languages.[1] The BCP 47 subtag x can be used to create a suitable private use tag for any constructed language that has not been assigned an official language tag (e.g., art-x-solresol could be used for Solresol).

The old SIL language identifiers (usually written in capitals) are officially obsolete and should no longer be used. They formed the basis of the ISO 639-3 language codes, but some SIL identifiers that had been retired before the establishment of ISO 639-3 were later assigned to different languages within ISO.

The IANA Language Subtag Registry (for IETF’s language tags defined in BCP 47) was updated on 29 July 2009 to include all ISO 639-3 and ISO 639-5 identifiers in use at that time.

List of codes

Language ISO
BCP 47[4] MultiTree[5] SIL Glottolog[6]
Afrihili afh afh afh afh afri1275
Arcaicam Esperantom eo-arkaika
Balaibalan   zba zba bala1318
Basic English en-basiceng
Blissymbols zbl zbl zbl zbl blis1239
Blissymbols with the limited Authorized Vocabulary defined by BCI zbl-bciav
Blissymbols as defined by Blissymbolics Communication International zbl-bcizbl
Brithenig bzt bzt bzt brit1244
Dutton Speedwords dws dws dws dutt1234
Efatese efat1235
Enochian i-enochian[note 1]
Eskayan esy esy eska1234
Esperanto eo epo epo eo epo ESP espe1235
Esperanto with H-digraphs eo-hsistemo
Esperanto with X-digraphs eo-xsistemo
Europanto eur[note 2][7] eur[8] EUR
Ido io ido ido io ido[9] idoo1234
Interglossa igs igs igs inte1261
Interlingua (IALA) ia ina ina ia ina INR inte1239
Interlingue (formerly Occidental) ie ile ile
occ[note 3][10]
ie ile inte1262
Interslavic inte1263
Klingon tlh tlh tlh
i-klingon[note 1]
tlh klin1234
Kotava avk avk avk kota1280
Láadan ldn ldn ldn laad1235
Latino sine flexione la-peano
Lingua Franca Nova lfn lfn lfn ling1267
Lojban jbo jbo jbo
art-lojban[note 1]
jbo lojb1234
Medefaidrin dmf dmf 1eo
Na'vi 08n
Neo neu neu neu neoa1234
Novial nov nov nov novi1234
Original Volapük vo-rigik
Palawa kani pala1356
Quenya qya qya qya quen1234
Romanova rmv rmv rmv roma1338
Sindarin sjn sjn sjn sind1281
Talossan tzl tzl tzl talo1253
Toki Pona tok[11] tok toki1239
Volapük vo vol vol vo
vol vola1234

BCP 47 has also reserved simple for simplified languages.

Writing systems

When a constructed language has multiple writing systems, the following BCP 47 tags can be used to differentiate between them.

Language Script BCP 47
Klingon Latin tlh-Latn
KLI pIqaD tlh-Piqd
Lingua Franca Nova Latin lfn-Latn
Cyrillic lfn-Cyrl
Quenya Latin qya-Latn
Tengwar qya-Teng
Cirth qya-Cirt
Sarati qya-Sara
Sindarin Latin sjn-Latn
Tengwar sjn-Teng
Cirth sjn-Cirt

(This table only includes primary writing systems of each language, so it does not include examples such as Esperanto written in the Shavian alphabet.)

See also


  1. Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 1.2 The BCP 47 language tags i-enochian, i-klingon and art-lojban are old tags that were grandfathered in and are now deprecated.
  2. The ISO 639-3 standard previously included the code eur for Europanto, which was retired on 2009-01-16, with the reason “Nonexistent”.
  3. ISO 639-3 used to have the code occ for Occidental. This was retired on 18 July 2007, because Occidental is just another name for Interlingue, which has the code ile.


External links