Medicine:Autosomal dominant hypophosphatemic rickets

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X-linked dominant hypophosphatemic rickets
Autosomal dominant - en.svg
This condition is inherited in an autosomal dominant manner

Autosomal dominant hypophosphatemic rickets (ADHR) is a rare hereditary disease in which excessive loss of phosphate in the urine leads to poorly formed bones (rickets), bone pain, and tooth abscesses. ADHR is caused by a mutation in the fibroblast growth factor 23 (FGF23). ADHR affects men and women equally; symptoms may become apparent at any point from childhood through early adulthood. Blood tests reveal low levels of phosphate (hypophosphatemia) and inappropriately normal levels of vitamin D.[citation needed] Occasionally, hypophosphatemia may improve over time as urine losses of phosphate partially correct.[citation needed]

ADHR may be lumped in with X-linked hypophosphatemia under general terms such as hypophosphatemic rickets. Hypophosphatemic rickets are associated with at least nine other genetic mutations.[1] Clinical management of hypophosphatemic rickets may differ depending on the specific mutations associated with an individual case, but treatments are aimed at raising phosphate levels to promote normal bone formation.[2] In a 2019 randomised, clinical trial the rickets in children with X-linked hypophosphataemia treated with a human monoclonal antibody against FGF23 called burosumab improved significantly compared to conventional therapy.[3]


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