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Short description: Tribe of birds

Sea ducks
Histrionicus histrionicus drake Barnegat.jpg
Harlequin duck, Histrionicus histrionicus (male)
Scientific classification e
Domain: Eukaryota
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Aves
Order: Anseriformes
Family: Anatidae
Subfamily: Anatinae
Tribe: Mergini
Rafinesque, 1815


The sea ducks (Mergini) are a tribe of the duck subfamily of birds, the Anatinae. The taxonomy of this group is incomplete. Some authorities separate the group as a subfamily, while others remove some genera. Most species within the group spend their winters near coastal waters. Many species have developed specialized salt glands to allow them to tolerate salt water, but these are poorly developed in juveniles. Some of the species prefer riverine habitats. All but two of the 22 species in this group live in far northern latitudes.

The fish-eating members of this group, such as the mergansers and smew, have serrated edges to their bills to help them grip their prey and are often known as "sawbills". Other sea ducks forage by diving underwater, taking molluscs or crustaceans from the sea floor. The Mergini take on the eclipse plumage during the late summer and molt into their breeding plumage during the winter.


There are twenty-two species in ten genera:

  • Genus Clangula
  • Genus Histrionicus
  • Genus †Camptorhynchus
  • Genus Polysticta
  • Genus Somateria, the eiders. These are large marine ducks. The drakes have body plumage showing varying amounts of black and white, and distinctive head patterns. Females are brown.
  • Genus Melanitta, the scoters. These are stocky marine ducks. The drakes are mostly black and have swollen bills. Females are brown.
  • Genus Bucephala, the goldeneyes. These are less marine than some species in this group, and will winter on fresh water. Drakes have white bodies with black backs and distinctive head markings. Females are grey with chestnut heads.
    • Common goldeneye (Bucephala clangula)
    • Barrow's goldeneye (Bucephala islandica)
    • Bufflehead (Bucephala albeola)
  • Genus Mergellus (sometimes included in Mergus)
    • Smew (Mergellus albellus)
  • Genus Lophodytes (sometimes included in Mergus)
  • Genus Mergus, the typical mergansers. These are the least marine of this group, only red-breasted and common mergansers being common on the sea. These are large saw-billed ducks which dive for fish.

Below is a phylogeny based on a mitogenomic study of the placement of the Labrador duck and the diving "goose" Chendytes lawi.[1]


Clangula hyemalis

Histrionicus histrionicus

Polysticta stelleri

Camptorhynchus labradorius

Somateria fischeri

Somateria mollissima

Somateria spectabilis

Melanitta nigra

Melanitta deglandi

Melanitta perspicillata

Bucephala albeola

Bucephala clangula

Bucephala islandica

Mergellus albellus

Mergus serrator

Lophodytes cucullatus

Mergus merganser

Mergus octosetaceus

Mergus squamatus


Wikidata ☰ Q33176341 entry