Connection (fibred manifold)

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Short description: Operation on fibered manifolds

In differential geometry, a fibered manifold is surjective submersion of smooth manifolds YX. Locally trivial fibered manifolds are fiber bundles. Therefore, a notion of connection on fibered manifolds provides a general framework of a connection on fiber bundles.

Formal definition

Let π : YX be a fibered manifold. A generalized connection on Y is a section Γ : Y → J1Y, where J1Y is the jet manifold of Y.[1]

Connection as a horizontal splitting

With the above manifold π there is the following canonical short exact sequence of vector bundles over Y:

[math]\displaystyle{ 0\to \mathrm{V}Y\to \mathrm{T}Y\to Y\times_X \mathrm{T}X\to 0\,, }[/math]






where TY and TX are the tangent bundles of Y, respectively, VY is the vertical tangent bundle of Y, and Y ×X TX is the pullback bundle of TX onto Y.

A connection on a fibered manifold YX is defined as a linear bundle morphism

[math]\displaystyle{ \Gamma: Y\times_X \mathrm{T}X \to \mathrm{T}Y }[/math]






over Y which splits the exact sequence 1. A connection always exists.

Sometimes, this connection Γ is called the Ehresmann connection because it yields the horizontal distribution

[math]\displaystyle{ \mathrm{H}Y=\Gamma\left(Y\times_X \mathrm{T}X \right) \subset \mathrm{T}Y }[/math]

of TY and its horizontal decomposition TY = VY ⊕ HY.

At the same time, by an Ehresmann connection also is meant the following construction. Any connection Γ on a fibered manifold YX yields a horizontal lift Γ ∘ τ of a vector field τ on X onto Y, but need not defines the similar lift of a path in X into Y. Let

[math]\displaystyle{ \begin{align}\mathbb R\supset[,]\ni t&\to x(t)\in X \\ \mathbb R\ni t&\to y(t)\in Y\end{align} }[/math]

be two smooth paths in X and Y, respectively. Then ty(t) is called the horizontal lift of x(t) if

[math]\displaystyle{ \pi(y(t))= x(t)\,, \qquad \dot y(t)\in \mathrm{H}Y \,, \qquad t\in\mathbb R\,. }[/math]

A connection Γ is said to be the Ehresmann connection if, for each path x([0,1]) in X, there exists its horizontal lift through any point yπ−1(x([0,1])). A fibered manifold is a fiber bundle if and only if it admits such an Ehresmann connection.

Connection as a tangent-valued form

Given a fibered manifold YX, let it be endowed with an atlas of fibered coordinates (xμ, yi), and let Γ be a connection on YX. It yields uniquely the horizontal tangent-valued one-form

[math]\displaystyle{ \Gamma = dx^\mu\otimes \left(\partial_\mu + \Gamma_\mu^i\left(x^\nu, y^j\right)\partial_i\right) }[/math]






on Y which projects onto the canonical tangent-valued form (tautological one-form or solder form)

[math]\displaystyle{ \theta_X=dx^\mu\otimes\partial_\mu }[/math]

on X, and vice versa. With this form, the horizontal splitting 2 reads

[math]\displaystyle{ \Gamma:\partial_\mu\to \partial_\mu\rfloor\Gamma=\partial_\mu +\Gamma^i_\mu\partial_i\,. }[/math]

In particular, the connection Γ in 3 yields the horizontal lift of any vector field τ = τμμ on X to a projectable vector field

[math]\displaystyle{ \Gamma \tau=\tau\rfloor\Gamma=\tau^\mu\left(\partial_\mu +\Gamma^i_\mu\partial_i\right)\subset \mathrm{H}Y }[/math]

on Y.

Connection as a vertical-valued form

The horizontal splitting 2 of the exact sequence 1 defines the corresponding splitting of the dual exact sequence

[math]\displaystyle{ 0\to Y\times_X \mathrm{T}^*X \to \mathrm{T}^*Y\to \mathrm{V}^*Y\to 0\,, }[/math]

where T*Y and T*X are the cotangent bundles of Y, respectively, and V*YY is the dual bundle to VYY, called the vertical cotangent bundle. This splitting is given by the vertical-valued form

[math]\displaystyle{ \Gamma= \left(dy^i -\Gamma^i_\lambda dx^\lambda\right)\otimes\partial_i\,, }[/math]

which also represents a connection on a fibered manifold.

Treating a connection as a vertical-valued form, one comes to the following important construction. Given a fibered manifold YX, let f : X′ → X be a morphism and fYX the pullback bundle of Y by f. Then any connection Γ 3 on YX induces the pullback connection

[math]\displaystyle{ f*\Gamma=\left(dy^i-\left(\Gamma\circ \tilde f\right)^i_\lambda\frac{\partial f^\lambda}{\partial x'^\mu}dx'^\mu\right)\otimes\partial_i }[/math]

on fYX.

Connection as a jet bundle section

Let J1Y be the jet manifold of sections of a fibered manifold YX, with coordinates (xμ, yi, yiμ). Due to the canonical imbedding

[math]\displaystyle{ \mathrm{J}^1Y\to_Y \left(Y\times_X \mathrm{T}^*X \right)\otimes_Y \mathrm{T}Y\,, \qquad \left(y^i_\mu\right)\to dx^\mu\otimes \left(\partial_\mu + y^i_\mu\partial_i\right)\,, }[/math]

any connection Γ 3 on a fibered manifold YX is represented by a global section

[math]\displaystyle{ \Gamma :Y\to \mathrm{J}^1Y\,, \qquad y_\lambda^i\circ\Gamma=\Gamma_\lambda^i\,, }[/math]

of the jet bundle J1YY, and vice versa. It is an affine bundle modelled on a vector bundle

[math]\displaystyle{ \left(Y\times_X T^*X \right)\otimes_Y \mathrm{V}Y\to Y\,. }[/math]






There are the following corollaries of this fact.

  1. Connections on a fibered manifold YX make up an affine space modelled on the vector space of soldering forms

    [math]\displaystyle{ \sigma=\sigma^i_\mu dx^\mu\otimes\partial_i }[/math]






    on YX, i.e., sections of the vector bundle 4.
  2. Connection coefficients possess the coordinate transformation law
    [math]\displaystyle{ {\Gamma'}^i_\lambda = \frac{\partial x^\mu}{\partial {x'}^\lambda}\left(\partial_\mu {y'}^i+\Gamma^j_\mu\partial_j{y'}^i\right)\,. }[/math]
  3. Every connection Γ on a fibred manifold YX yields the first order differential operator
    [math]\displaystyle{ D_\Gamma:\mathrm{J}^1Y\to_Y \mathrm{T}^*X\otimes_Y \mathrm{V}Y\,, \qquad D_\Gamma = \left(y^i_\lambda -\Gamma^i_\lambda\right)dx^\lambda\otimes\partial_i\,, }[/math]
    on Y called the covariant differential relative to the connection Γ. If s : XY is a section, its covariant differential
    [math]\displaystyle{ \nabla^\Gamma s = \left(\partial_\lambda s^i - \Gamma_\lambda^i\circ s\right) dx^\lambda\otimes \partial_i\,, }[/math]
    and the covariant derivative
    [math]\displaystyle{ \nabla_\tau^\Gamma s=\tau\rfloor\nabla^\Gamma s }[/math]
    along a vector field τ on X are defined.

Curvature and torsion

Given the connection Γ 3 on a fibered manifold YX, its curvature is defined as the Nijenhuis differential

[math]\displaystyle{ \begin{align} R&=\tfrac12 d_\Gamma\Gamma\\&=\tfrac12 [\Gamma,\Gamma]_\mathrm{FN} \\&= \tfrac12 R_{\lambda\mu}^i \, dx^\lambda\wedge dx^\mu\otimes\partial_i\,, \\ R_{\lambda\mu}^i &= \partial_\lambda\Gamma_\mu^i - \partial_\mu\Gamma_\lambda^i + \Gamma_\lambda^j\partial_j \Gamma_\mu^i - \Gamma_\mu^j\partial_j \Gamma_\lambda^i\,. \end{align} }[/math]

This is a vertical-valued horizontal two-form on Y.

Given the connection Γ 3 and the soldering form σ 5, a torsion of Γ with respect to σ is defined as

[math]\displaystyle{ T = d_\Gamma \sigma = \left(\partial_\lambda\sigma_\mu^i + \Gamma_\lambda^j\partial_j\sigma_\mu^i -\partial_j\Gamma_\lambda^i\sigma_\mu^j\right) \, dx^\lambda\wedge dx^\mu\otimes \partial_i\,. }[/math]

Bundle of principal connections

Let π : PM be a principal bundle with a structure Lie group G. A principal connection on P usually is described by a Lie algebra-valued connection one-form on P. At the same time, a principal connection on P is a global section of the jet bundle J1PP which is equivariant with respect to the canonical right action of G in P. Therefore, it is represented by a global section of the quotient bundle C = J1P/GM, called the bundle of principal connections. It is an affine bundle modelled on the vector bundle VP/GM whose typical fiber is the Lie algebra g of structure group G, and where G acts on by the adjoint representation. There is the canonical imbedding of C to the quotient bundle TP/G which also is called the bundle of principal connections.

Given a basis {em} for a Lie algebra of G, the fiber bundle C is endowed with bundle coordinates (xμ, amμ), and its sections are represented by vector-valued one-forms

[math]\displaystyle{ A=dx^\lambda\otimes \left(\partial_\lambda + a^m_\lambda {\mathrm e}_m\right)\,, }[/math]


[math]\displaystyle{ a^m_\lambda \, dx^\lambda\otimes {\mathrm e}_m }[/math]

are the familiar local connection forms on M.

Let us note that the jet bundle J1C of C is a configuration space of Yang–Mills gauge theory. It admits the canonical decomposition

[math]\displaystyle{ \begin{align} a_{\lambda\mu}^r &= \tfrac12\left(F_{\lambda\mu}^r + S_{\lambda\mu}^r\right) \\ &= \tfrac12\left(a_{\lambda\mu}^r + a_{\mu\lambda}^r - c_{pq}^r a_\lambda^p a_\mu^q\right) + \tfrac12\left(a_{\lambda\mu}^r - a_{\mu\lambda}^r + c_{pq}^r a_\lambda^p a_\mu^q\right)\,, \end{align} }[/math]


[math]\displaystyle{ F=\tfrac{1}{2} F_{\lambda\mu}^m \, dx^\lambda\wedge dx^\mu\otimes {\mathrm e}_m }[/math]

is called the strength form of a principal connection.

See also


  1. Krupka, Demeter; Janyška, Josef (1990). Lectures on differential invariants. Univerzita J. E. Purkyně v Brně. p. 174. ISBN 80-210-0165-8. 
