Biology:List of Canadian plants by genus

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Below is a list of Canadian plants by genus. Due to the vastness of Canada 's biodiversity, this page is divided.

Many of the plants seen in Canada are introduced by either intentionally or accidentally. N indicated native and X indicated exotic. Those plants whose status is unknown are marked with a ?.

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I J K | L | M | N | O | P Q | R | S | T | U V W | X Y Z


  • Abies
    • N Abies amabilisPacific silver fir, amabilis fir
    • N Abies balsameabalsam fir
    • N Abies grandisgrand fir
    • N Abies lasiocarpasubalpine fir
  • Abutilon


  • Acalypha
  • Acanthospermum
  • Acer
    • X Acer campestrehedge maple, field maple
    • X Acer ginnalaAmur maple, ginnala maple
    • N Acer negundoManitoba maple, box-elder, ashleaf maple
    • N Acer nigrumblack maple, black sugar maple, rock maple
    • N Acer pensylvanicumstriped maple, moose maple, goosefoot maple
    • X Acer platanoidesNorway maple, Schwedler maple, crimson king maple
    • X Acer pseudoplatanussycamore maple, Scottish maple, great maple
    • N Acer rubrumred maple, swamp maple, scarlet maple
    • N Acer saccharinumsilver maple, soft maple, white maple, silverleaf maple, river maple
    • N Acer saccharumsugar maple, hard maple
    • N Acer spicatummountain maple
    • N Acer × freemanii (A. rubrum × A. saccharinum) – Freeman's maple
  • Achillea
    • X Achillea filipendulinafernleaf yarrow
    • N Achillea millefolium subsp. borealisnorthern yarrow
    • N Achillea millefolium subsp. lanulosawoolly yarrow
    • X Achillea millefolium subsp. millefoliumcommon yarrow, milfoil
    • X Achillea ptarmicafalse sneezewort, white tansy, sneezewort yarrow, pearl yarrow
    • N Achillea sibiricaSiberian yarrow, many-flowered yarrow
  • Aconitum
    • X Aconitum napellusgarden monk's-hood, helmet flower, Venus' chariot, aconite
    • X Aconitum variegatumManchurian monk's-hood
    • X Aconitum × bicolor (A. napellus × A. variegatum) – hybrid monk's-hood, two-coloured wolf's-bane
  • Acorus
  • Acroptilon
    • X Acroptilon repensRussian knapweed
  • Actaea
    • N Actaea pachypodawhite baneberry, doll's-eyes
    • N Actaea rubrared baneberry
    • N Actaea × ludovici (A. pachypoda × A. rubra) – hybrid baneberry







  • Amaranthus
  • Ambrosia
    • N Ambrosia artemisiifoliacommon ragweed, annual ragweed, annual bur-sage
    • N Ambrosia psilostachyaperennial ragweed, western ragweed, naked-spike ambrosia, Cuman ragweed
    • N Ambrosia trifidagiant ragweed, great ragweed, buffalo-weed, skeleton-leaf bur-sage
  • Amelanchier
    • N Amelanchier alnifoliaSaskatoonberry, northwestern serviceberry
    • N Amelanchier arboreadowny serviceberry, downy juneberry, common serviceberry
    • N Amelanchier bartramianamountain juneberry, Bartram's shadbush, Bartram's chuckleypear
    • N Amelanchier canadensisCanada serviceberry, swamp shadbush, thicket serviceberry
    • N Amelanchier humilislow serviceberry, running serviceberry
    • N Amelanchier laevissmooth juneberry, Allegheny serviceberry, smooth chuckleypear
    • N Amelanchier sanguinea var. gaspensisGaspé roundleaf juneberry
    • N Amelanchier sanguinea var. sanguinearoundleaf juneberry, roundleaf serviceberry, Fernald's chuckleypear
    • N Amelanchier stoloniferarunning serviceberry, running juneberry, running chuckleypear
    • N Amelanchier × intermedia (A. arborea × A. canadensis) – swamp sugarpear
    • N Amelanchier × neglecta (A. bartramiana × A. laevis) – hybrid juneberry
    • N Amelanchier × quinti-martii (A. arborea × A. bartramiana) – Quint-mart's serviceberry
    • N Amelanchier × wiegandii (A. arborea × A. sanguinea) – Wiegand's serviceberry
  • Amerorchis
    • N Amerorchis rotundifoliasmall roundleaf orchis, oneleaf orchid
  • Ammannia
  • Ammophila
  • Amorpha
  • Amphicarpaea











  • Azolla
    • N Azolla carolinianamosquito fern


See: Flora of Canada#References