Earth:Sarmiento Formation

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Short description: Geologic formation in Chubut Province, Argentina
Sarmiento Formation
Stratigraphic range: Bartonian-Burdigalian
~50–17.5 Ma
Geographic location of Cabeza Blanca locality.png
Sub-unitsColhué Huapí Member, Gran Barranca Member, Puesto Almendra Member, Rosado Member, Trelew Member, and Vera Member
UnderliesChenque Formation
 Gaiman Formation
OverliesKoluel Kaike Formation
(Río Chico Group)
Thickness319 metres
PrimarySandstone, mudstone
Country Argentina
ExtentGolfo San Jorge Basin
Type section
Named forSarmiento, Chubut
RegionChubut Province
Thickness at type section319 metres (1,047 ft) (tuffs)
Sarmiento Formation Map.jpg
Location of the Sarmiento Formation within Argentina

The Sarmiento Formation (Spanish: Formación Sarmiento), in older literature described as the Casamayor Formation, is a geological formation in Chubut Province, Argentina , in central Patagonia, which spans around 30 million years from the mid-Eocene to the early Miocene. It predominantly consists of pyroclastic deposits,[1] which were deposited in a semi-arid environment.[2] It is divided up into a number of members.[1] The diverse fauna of the Sarmiento Formation, including a variety of birds, crocodilians, turtles and snakes, also includes many mammals such as South American native ungulates (notoungulates, litopterns, astrapotheres) as well as armadillos, and caviomorph rodents.[3]



Name Species Member/Locality Material Notes Image
Anura indet.[4] Currently undescribed Upper Puesto Almendra Member
Calyptocephalella[5] C. canqueli Upper Puesto Almendra Member A calyptocephalellid frog
Calyptocephallela gayi01.jpg
Eupsophus[5] E. sp. Upper Puesto Almendra Member An alsodid frog
Eupsophus emiliopugini.jpg
Neoprocoela[5] N. edentatus Upper Puesto Almendra Member A leptodactylid frog


Name Species Member/Locality Material Notes Image
Andrewsornis[6] A. abotti Upper Puesto Almendra Member A phorusrhacid
Andrewsornis skull holotype.jpg
Loxornis[7] L. clivus Upper Puesto Almendra Member
Physornis[7] P. sp. Upper Puesto Almendra Member A phorusrhacid
Telmabates[8] T. antiquus

T. howardae

Upper Puesto Almendra Member A presbyornithid



Name Species Member/Locality Material Notes Image
Eocaiman[9] E. cavernensis Gran Barranca Member A caiman
Sebecus[10] S. icaeorhinus Gran Barranca Member Disarticulated skull, mandible, and some postcranial material. A sebecid notosuchian.
Sebecus icaeorhinus AMNH 3160 cast.jpg


Name Species Member/Locality Material Notes Image
Chubutophis[11] C. grandis Gran Barranca Member A boa snake
Gaimanophis[12] G. tenuis Trelew Member A boa snake
Iguanidae indet.[13] Currently undescribed Upper Puesto Almendra Member
Madtsoia[14] M. bai

M. sp.

Gran Barranca and Upper Puesto Almendra Members A madtsoiid snake
Madtsoia bai.JPG
Waincophis[15] W. australis Gran Barranca Member A boa snake


Name Species Member Material Notes Image
Chelonoidis[16] C. gringorum Trelew Member A tortoise
Gaffneylania[17] G. auricularis A meiolaniid stem-turtle
Niolamia N. argentina Gran Barranca Member
Testudininae indet.[18] Currently undescribed Puesto Almendra Member A tortoise



Name Species Member/Locality Material Notes Image
Necrolestes[19] N. mirabilis Colhué Huapí Member Youngest known meridiolestidan


Name Species Member/Locality Material Notes Image
Acoelodus A proclivus Gran Barranca Member A notoungulate of uncertain affinities.
Acoelohyrax A. sigma

A. complicatissimus

Gran Barranca Member A notohippid notoungulate
Adiantoides[20] A. magnus Gran Barranca Member An indaleciid litoptern
Adiantoides leali.jpg
Albertogaudrya A. carahuasensis

A. unica

Gran Barranca Member An astrapothere
Albertogaudrya unica.jpg
Amilnedwardsia[21] A. brevicula Gran Barranca Member
Ancylocoelus[22] A. frequens Puesto Almendra Member A leontiniid notoungulate
Anisolambda [23] A. amel

A. fissidens

Gran Barranca Member A proterotheriid litoptern
Anisotemnus A. distentus Gran Barranca and Vera Members
Antepithecus[24] A. brachystephanus

A. innexus

Gran Barranca and Rosado Members A notopithecid notoungulate
Archaeohyrax[25] A. patagonicus Gran Barranca and Puesto Almendra Members A archaeohyracid notoungulate
Archaeohyrax patagonicus.jpg
A. patrius Puesto Almendra Member A interatheriid notoungulate
Archaeopithecus[23] A. rogeri Gran Barranca Member A archaeopithecid notoungulate
Archaeotypotherium[25] A. propheticus Puesto Almendra and Vera Members An archaeohyracid notoungulate
Argyrohippus[26] A. boulei

A. fraterculus

A. praecox

Colhué Huapí and Puesto Almendra Members
Argyrohyrax[27][28] A. proavus Puesto Almendra Member
Asmodeus A. osborni Puesto Almendra Member
Astraponotus A. assymmetrus

A. dicksoni

A. dilatatus

A. holdichi

A. thompsoni

Gran Barranca Member
Astraponotus skull.jpg
Astrapotherium[29] A. ruderarium Colhué Huapí member
Astrapotherium magnum NT.jpg
Astrapotheriidae indet. Currently undescribed Colhué Huapí Member
Bryanpattersonia[25] B. sulcidens Puesto Almendra and Vera Members Genus probably a synonym of Archaeotypotherium
Cochilius[9] C. brevirostris

C. fumensis

C. volvens

Colhué Huapí and Puesto Almendra Members
Cochilius volvens.jpg
Colpodon C. distinctus

C. propinquus

C. sp.

Colhué Huapí Member A leontiniid.
Coniopternium[30] C. andinum Puesto Almendra Member A macraucheniid litoptern
Coniopternium andinum fossils - Agua de la Piedra Formation.jpg
Cramauchenia[30] C. normalis Colhué Huapí and Puesto Almendra Members Nearly complete skull and humerus A macraucheniid litoptern
Cramauchenia insolita.jpg
Cramaucheniinae indet.[4] Currently undescribed Puesto Almendra Member
Deuterotherium[4] D. distichum Puesto Almendra Member
Didolodus[21] D. multicuspsis

D. magnus D. minor D. latigonus

Gran Barranca and Rosado Members All species mostly known from dental remains A didolodontid.
Edvardotrouessartia E. sola Gran Barranca Member
Eohyrax E. isotemnoides

E. platyodus

E. praerusticus

Gran Barranca and Rosado Members
Eolicaphrium[21][31] E. primarium Gran Barranca Member A litoptern
Eomorphippus E. bondi

E. neilopdykei

E. obscurus

Rosado and Lower Puesto Almendra members
Eomorphippus bondi.jpg
Eopachyrucos[3][25] E. pliciformis

E. pliciferus

Rosado and Puesto Almendra Members Mandibular and skull remains An interatheriid.
Eopachyrucos mandible.png
Ernestohaeckelia E. aculeata

E. acutidens

Gran Barranca Member A litoptern
Ernestokokenia[21] E. nitida

E. patagonica

Gran Barranca Member Mostly known from dental remains A didolodontid.
Eurygenium[32] E. latirostris Puesto Almendra Member
Guilielmofloweria G. plicata Gran Barranca Member A proterotheriid.
Guilielmoscottia[25] G. plicifera Rosado and Vera Members A interatheriid notoungulate
Hegetotheriopsis[33] H. sulcatus Trelew Member
Hegetotherium[33] H. novum Trelew Member
Homalostylops H. atavus

H. parvus

Gran Barranca and Rosado Members A notostylopid notoungulate
Henricofilholia H. lustrata

H. cingulata

H. circumdata

H. intercincta

H. vucetichia

Upper Puesto Almendra Member An astrapothere
Henricosbornia H. ampla

H. lophodonta

H. minuta

Gran Barranca Member
Interatherium[34] I. sp. Colhué Huapí Member An interatheriid
Interatherium robustum.jpg
Isotemnus Isotemnus ctalego

Isotemnus haugi

Isotemnus latidens

Isotemnus primitivus

Gran Barranca Member
Isotemnidae indet.[3] Currently undescribed Puesto Almendra Member
Lambdaconus L. lacerum Colhué Huapí Member
Cf. Lambdaconus suinus - Agua de la Piedra Formation.jpg
Leontinia[4][3] L. gaudryi

L. sp.

Puesto Almendra Member
Maddenia[35] M. lapidaria Puesto Almendra Member
Maxschlosseria M. consumata

M. expansa

M. minima

M. minuta

M. praeterita

M. rusticula

M. septa

Gran Barranca Member An oldfieldthomasiid notoungulata
Medistylus[36] M. dorsatus Puesto Almendra Member
Morphippus M. complicatus

M. fraternus

M. hypselodus

M. imbricatus

M. quadrilobus

Puesto Almendra Member
Morphippus imbricatus 2.png
Notopithecus[25] N. adapinus Gran Barranca and Rosado Members
Notostylops N. murinus

N. appressus

N. pendens

N. pigafettai

N. sp.

Gran Barranca and Rosado Members
Notostylops murinus.jpg
Oldfieldthomasia O. anfractuosa

O. debilitata

O. parvidens

O. transversa

Gran Barranca Member
Othnielmarshia O. curviristra

O. lacunifera

O. reflexa

Gran Barranca Member
Pachyrukhos[37] P. sp. Colhué Huapí Member
Pachyrukhos moyani skull.jpg
Paginula P. parca Gran Barranca Member
Paramacrauchenia[38] P. scamnata

P. inexspectata

Colhué Huapí Member
Parastrapotherium[4][29] P. cingulatum

P. ephebicum

P. holmbergi

P. lemoinei

P. trouessarti

P. sp.

Colhué Huapí and Puesto Almendra Members
Parastrapotherium recosntruction.png
Patagonhippus[26] P. canterensis

P. dukei

Puesto Almendra Member A notohippid notoungulate
Paulogervaisia[25] P. inusta Gran Barranca and Rosado Members
Peripantostylops P. minutus Gran Barranca Member
Periphragnis[21] P. exauctus

P. sp.

Rosado Member
Periphragnis exactus Fossil.jpg
Pleurostylodon P. complanatus

P. crassiramis

P. modicus

P. recticrista

P. similis

Gran Barranca, Rosado, and Vera Members
Polymorphis[31] P. lechei Gran Barranca Member A macraucheniid litoptern
Proadiantus[7] P. excavatus Puesto Almendra Member
Proadinotherium[7] P. leptognathus Puesto Almendra Member
Proadinotherium from Quebrada Fiera.jpg
Proargyrohyrax[39][25][3] P. curanderensis

P. sp.

Vera Member An interatheriid notoungulate
Proectocion P. argentinus

P. precisus

Gran Barranca Member An adianthid litoptern
Progaleopithecus[27] P. fissurellatus

P. tournoueri

P. sp.

Puesto Almendra Member A interatheriid notoungulate
Prohegetotherium[4] P. sculptum

P. sp.

Puesto Almendra Member
Prohegetotherium fossils.png
Proheptaconus[40] P. patagonicus Colhué Huapí and Trelew Members An adianthid litoptern
Prolicaphrium[41][42] P. spectabile

P. specillatum

Colhué Huapí Member A proterotheriid litoptern
Propachyrucos[37] P. smithwoodwardi Puesto Almendra Member
Propyrotherium[43][44] P. saxeum Gran Barranca Member
Propyrotherium tusk.png
Prosotherium[37] P. garzoni Puesto Almendra Member
Propachyrucos ameghinorum.jpg
Protarchaeohyrax[3][25] P. minor Puesto Almendra Member A archaeohyracid notoungulate
Proterotheriidae indet.[3] Currently undescribed Puesto Almendra Member
Protheosodon[7] P. coniferus Puesto Almendra Member
Protypotherium[45] P. sp. Colhué Huapí Member
Protypotherium australe 1.jpg
Pseudhyrax[25] P. eutrachytheroides Puesto Almendra Member
Pternoconius[46][47][48] P. polymorphoides

P. tournoueri

P. bondi

Colhué Huapí and Puesto Almendra Members
Puelia P. sigma

P. coarctatus

Gran Barranca, Rosado, and Vera Members A notohippid notoungulate
Puelia sp.png
Pyrotherium[49] P. romeroi Puesto Almendra Member
Pyrotherium romeroi NT small.jpg
Rhynchippus[3][50][51] R. pumilus

R. equinus

R. sp.

Puesto Almendra Member
Rhynchippus equinus - upper palate and dentition - Sarmiento Formation, Argentina.jpg
Rosendo[52] R. pascuali Vera Member A notohippid notoungulate
Rutimeyeria[53] R. conulifera Gran Barranca Member A litoptern
Santiagorothia[25] S. chiliensis Vera Member
Scaglia[23][54] S. kraglievichorum Gran Barranca Member
Scarrittia[22] S. canquelensis

S. barranquensis

Puesto Almendra Member
Scarrittia canquelensis 43.jpg
Sparnotheriodon[20] S. epsilonoides Gran Barranca Member
Teratopithecus[55] T. elpidophoros Gran Barranca Member
Tetragonostylops[54] T. apthomasi Gran Barranca Member
Tetramerorhinus[45] T. sp. Colhué Huapí Member
Tetramerorhinus jaw.png
Teushentherium[3][56] T. camaronensis Puesto Almendra Member
Theosodon[57][38] T.? frenguellii Colhué Huapí Member
Theosodon NT.jpg
Thomashuxleya[21] T. rostrata

T. externa

Gran Barranca Member
Trachytherus[4][58] T. spegazzinianus

T. sp.

Puesto Almendra Member
Transpithecus T. obtentus

T. sp.

Gran Barranca and Rosado Members
Tricoelodus[40] T. bicuspidatus Puesto Almendra Member An adianthid litoptern
Trigonolophodon[59] T. elegans

T. inflatus

Gran Barranca Member A homalodotheriid notoungulate
Trigonostylops T. wortmani

T. sp.

Gran Barranca Member An astrapothere
Trigonostylops wortmani reconstruction.jpg
Ultrapithecus U. rutilans Gran Barranca and Rosado Members
Victorlemoinea[31] V. labyrinthica

V. emarginata

V. longidens

V. sp.

Gran Barranca Member


Name Species Member/Locality Material Notes Image
Archaeutatus[3][60] A. malaspinensis

A. sp.

Upper Puesto Almendra Member
Astegotherium[31] A. dichotomum Gran Barranca Member
Barrancatatus[60] B. rigidus

B. maddeni

B. sp.

Vera and Upper Puesto Almendra Members
Clypeotherium C. magnum Upper Puesto Almendra Members
Cochlops C. sp. Colhué Huapí Member
Glyptodontinae indet.[61][3][42] Currently undescribed Colhué Huapí and Upper Puesto Almendra Members
Hapaloides[61] H. ignavus

H. laeviusculus

H. ponderosus

H. sp.

Colhué Huapí Member
Holomegalonyx[61] H. menendezi Colhué Huapí Member
Machlydotherium[61][3] M. ater

M. sparsum

M. sp.

Gran Barranca, Rosado, Upper Puesto Almendra, and Vera Members
Mazzoniphractus[60] M. ingens Rosado Member
Megalonychidae indet.[42] Currently undescribed Colhué Huapí Member
Meteutatus[61][3][7] M. anthinus

M. ascendens

M. concavus

M. confluens

M. lagenaformis

M. lucidus

M. minutus

M. nepotulus

M. percarinatus

M. tortuosus

M. sp.

Gran Barranca, Rosado, Upper Puesto Almendra, and Vera Members
Nematherium[45] N. sp. Colhué Huapí Member
Octodontotherium[7] O. grande

O. crassidens

Upper Puesto Almendra Member
Octodontotherium astragalus.JPG
Palaeopeltis[7] P. inornatus Upper Puesto Almendra Member
Parutaetus[62][60][3] P. chicoensis

P. chilensis

P. clusus

P. signatus

Gran Barranca, Rosado, Upper Puesto Almendra, and Vera Members
Peltephilus[3][45] P. pumilus

P. undulatus

P. sp.

Colhué Huapí and Upper Puesto Almendra Members
Peltephilus ferox.JPG
Peltephilidae indet.[61] Currently undescribed Colhué Huapí, Rosado, Upper Puesto Almendra, and Vera Members
Proeuphractus[7] P. setiger Upper Puesto Almendra Member
Proeutatus[61][63] P. oenophorum

Proeutatus robustus

P. sp.

Colhué Huapí Member
Reports of the Princeton University Expeditions to Patagonia, 1896-1899 (PLATE XI) (7005553277).jpg
Propalaehoplophorus P sp. Colhué Huapí Member
Propalaeohoplophorus minor.JPG
Proplatyarthrus[31] P longipes Vera Member
Proschismotherium[41][61] P. oppositum

P. sp.

Colhué Huapí Member
Proschismotherium holotype jaw.png
Prostegotherium[41][21] P. astrifer

P. notostylopianum

P. sp.

Gran Barranca Member
Prozaedyus[7][61][63][45] P. humilis

P. impressus

P. planus

P. sp.

Colhué Huapí and Upper Puesto Almendra Members
Reports of the Princeton University Expeditions to Patagonia, 1896-1899 (PLATE V) (6859432278).jpg
Pseudoglyptodon[64][3] P. chilensis Gran Barranca and Upper Puesto Almendra Members
Stegosimpsonia[61][60] S. chubutanum Colhué Huapí, Gran Barranca, and Rosado Members
Stegotherium[61][65][60][45] S. caroloameghinoi

S. pascuali

S. tessellatum

S. variegatum

Colhué Huapí Member
Stegotherium tesselatum.jpg
Stegotheriini indet.[60] Currently undescribed Colhué Huapí, Rosado, Upper Puesto Almendra, and Vera Members
Stenotatus[61][62][45] S. centralis

S. patagonicus

S. ornatus

S sp.

Colhué Huapí, Upper Puesto Almendra, and Vera Members
Reports of the Princeton University Expeditions to Patagonia, 1896-1899 (PLATE VII) (6859432828).jpg
Utaetus[41][61][60] U. buccatus

U. deustus

U. laevus

U. lenis

Gran Barranca and Rosado Members


Name Species Member/Locality Material Notes Image
Abderites[45] A. meridionalis Colhué Huapí Member
Abderitidae indet.[19] Currently undescribed Colhué Huapí Member
Acdestodon[66] A. bonapartei Upper Puesto Almendra Member
Acdestoides[7] A. praecursor Upper Puesto Almendra Member
Acrocyon[19] A. riggsi Colhué Huapí Member
Acyon[67] A. tricuspidatus Colhué Huapí Member
Amphidolops[31] A. serrula Gran Barranca Member
Anargyrolagus[68] A. primus Trelew Member
Angelocabrerus[69] A. daptes Gran Barranca Member
Arctodictis[19] A. sinclairi Colhué Huapí Member
Arminiheringia[41][23] A auceta Gran Barranca Member
Australohyaena[70] A. antiqua Upper Puesto Almendra Member
Borhyaena[19] B. macrodonta Colhué Huapí Member
Borhyaena tuberata.JPG
Caenolestoides[71] C. miocaenicus Colhué Huapí Member
Canchadelphys[72] C. cristata Vera Member
Carlothentes[7] C. chubutensis Upper Puesto Almendra Member
Caroloameghinia[31][21][4] C. mater

C. tenuis

Gran Barranca Member
Cladosictis[19] C. centralis

C sp.

Colhué Huapí Member
Cladosictis NT.jpg
Clenia[19][72] C. minuscula

C. brevis

Colhué Huapí and Vera Members
Coona[73] C. gaudryi

C. gutierrezi

C. pattersoni

Gran Barranca Member
Didelphimorphia indet.[19] Currently undescribed Colhué Huapí Member
Eomicrobiotherium[19] E. matutinum

E. mykerum

Colhué Huapí, Trelew, Upper Puesto Almendra, and Vera Members
Epikhlonia[72] E. verticalis Vera Member
Eudolops[74] E. tetragonus Gran Barranca Member
Evolestes[72] E. sp. Upper Puesto Almendra Member
Gaimanlestes[71] G. pascuali Trelew Member
Hathliacynidae indet.[19][72] Currently undescribed Colhué Huapí and Vera Members
Hondonadia[72] H. fierroensis

H. parca

H. praecipitia

H. pumila

Upper Puesto Almendra and Vera Members
Kramadolops[72] K. fissuratus

K. hernandezi

K. maximus

K. mayoi

Gran Barranca, Upper Puesto Almendra, and Vera Members
Microbiotherium[72] M. praecursor

M. sp.

Colhué Huapí and Vera Members
Microbiotheriidae indet.[19] Currently undescribed Colhué Huapí Member
Nemolestes[31] N. spalacotherinus Gran Barranca Member
Notogale[75][7] N. mitis Upper Puesto Almendra Member
Oligobiotherium[74] O. divisum Colhué Huapí Member
Patagonia[19] P. peregrina Trelew Member A metatherian of uncertain placement
Pachybiotherium[19][74] P. acclinum Colhué Huapí Member
Palaeothentes[66] P. marshalli

P. migueli

P. minutus

Colhué Huapí and Upper Puesto Almendra Members
Palaeothentes lepidus mandible.jpg
Palaeothentidae indet.[19] Currently undescribed Colhué Huapí and Upper Puesto Almendra Members
Parabderites[75] P. bicrispatus

P. minisculus

Colhué Huapí and Upper Puesto Almendra Members
Periakros[72] P. ambiguus Vera Member
Pharsophorus[72] P. lacerans

P. tenax

Upper Puesto Almendra Member
Pichiplidae indet.[72] Currently undescribed Upper Puesto Almendra and Vera Members
Pilchenia[72] P. antiqua

P. intermedia

P. lobata

P. lucina

Upper Puesto Almendra and Vera Members
Polydolops[31] P. crassus

P. serra

P. tetragonus

P. thomasi

P. unicus

Gran Barranca Member
Praedens[72] P. aberrans Vera Member
Proargyrolagus[19] P. argentinus Colhué Huapí Member
Proborhyaena[75] P. gigantea Upper Puesto Almendra Member
Proborhyaena skull.jpg
Procladosictis[31] P. erecta Gran Barranca Member
Progarzonia P. notostylopense Gran Barranca Member
Pseudothylacynus[74] P. rectus Colhué Huapí Member
Rosendolops[76] R. ebaios

R. primigenium

Gran Barranca, Upper Puesto Almendra, and Vera Members
Rosendolopidae indet.[72] Currently undescribed Upper Puesto Almendra and Vera Members
Sipalocyon[19] S. externus

S. sp.

Colhué Huapí Member
Stilotherium[71] S. parvum Colhué Huapí Member
Thylacosmilidae indet.[19] Currently undescribed Colhué Huapí Member
Trelewthentes[66] T. rothi Upper Puesto Almendra Member


Name Species Member/Locality Material Notes Image
Acarechimys[77][63] A. leucotheae

A. minutissimus

A sp.

Colhué Huapí, Puesto Almendra, and Trelew Members
Acaremys[78][79][63] A. preminutus

A. murinus

A. sp.

Colhué Huapí and Trelew Members
Asteromys[77] A. punctus

A. sp.

Upper Puesto Almendra Member
Australoprocta[80][63] A. fleaglei Trelew Member
Banderomys[81] B. leanzai Colhué Huapí Member
Branisamyopsis[82] B. australis Colhué Huapí Member
Caviocricetus[83] C. lucasi Colhué Huapí and Trelew Members
Caviomorpha indet.[84] Currently undescribed Upper Puesto Almendra Member
Cephalomyidae indet.[85] Currently undescribed Upper Puesto Almendra Member
Cephalomyopsis[77][86] C. hipselodontus Puesto Almendra and Trelew Members
Cephalomys[87][85][78] C. arcidens Upper Puesto Almendra Member
Changquin[88] C. woodi Upper Puesto Almendra Member
Chinchilloidea indet.[63] Currently undescribed Colhué Huapí Member
Chubutomys[84][89] C. simpsoni

C. leucoreios

Trelew and Upper Puesto Almendra Member
Deseadomys[84] D. arambourgi Puesto Almendra Member
Dudumus[90] D. ruigomezi Trelew Member
Draconomys[63] D. verai Puesto Almendra Member
Eobranisamys[63] E sp. Puesto Almendra Member
Eocardiidae indet.[84] Currently undescribed Puesto Almendra Member
Eosteiromys[63] E. homogenidens

E. segregatus E. sp.

Colhué Huapí and Trelew Members
Eoviscaccia[91][78][63][77] E. australis Colhué Huapí, Puesto Almendra, and Trelew Members
Ethelomys[77] E. loomisi Upper Puesto Almendra Member
Hypsosteiromys[92] H. nectus

H. axiculus

Colhué Huapí Member
Incamys[93][94] I. bolivianus

I. menniorum

Puesto Almendra Member
Leucokephalos[77] L. zeffiae Upper Puesto Almendra Member
Litodontomys[77][7] L chubtensis Upper Puesto Almendra Member
Llitun[77] L. notuca Upper Puesto Almendra Member
Loncolicu[77] L. tretos Upper Puesto Almendra Member
Luantus[63][89][45] L. initialis

L. minor L. propheticus L. sp.

Colhué Huapí and Trelew Members
Neoepiblemidae indet.[42] Currently undescribed Colhué Huapí Member
Neoreomys[63] N. pinturensis Colhué Huapí Member
Paradelphomys[95] P. fissus Colhué Huapí Member
Parasteiromys P. friantae

P. uniformis

Colhué Huapí Member
Perimys[63] P. incavatus

P. transversus

P. dissimilis

P. sp.

Colhué Huapí and Trelew Members
Perimys tooth.png
Platypittamys[96] P. brachyodon Upper Puesto Almendra Member
Prospaniomys[97][98] P. priscus

P. sp.

Colhué Huapí and Trelew Members
Prostichomys[45] P. bowni Colhué Huapí Member
Protacaremys[63][77] P. adilos

P. avunculus

P. prior

P. pulchellus

P. sp.

Colhué Huapí and Upper Puesto Almendra Members
Protadelphomys[63] P. latus

P. sp.

Colhué Huapí and Trelew Members
Saremmys[99] S. ligcura Colhué Huapí and Trelew Member
Scotamys[7] S. antiquus Upper Puesto Almendra Member
Soriamys[63] S. gaimanensis

S. ganganensis S. sp.

Colhué Huapí and Trelew Members
Willidewu[100] W. estaparius Trelew Member
Vallehermosomys[63] V mazzonii Upper Puesto Almendra Member
Xylechimys[95] X. obliquus Upper Puesto Almendra Member


Name Species Member/Locality Material Notes Image
Dolichocebus[101] D. gaimanensis Trelew Member
Dolichocebus 2.jpg
Homunculus[102] H. sp. Colhué Huapí Member
Homunculus patagonicus Amgh. Crane incomplet.jpg
Mazzonicebus[102][103] M. almendrae Colhué Huapí Member
Tremacebus[104] T. harringtoni Colhué Huapí Member
Tremacebus skull 2.jpg


Name Species Member/Locality Material Notes Image
Mormopterus M. barrancae

M. sp.

Colhué Huapí Member
Phyllostominae indet. Currently undescribed Colhué Huapí Member


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