Astronomy:2575 Bulgaria

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2575 Bulgaria
Discovery [1]
Discovered byT. Smirnova
Discovery siteCrimean Astrophysical Obs.
Discovery date4 August 1970
(2575) Bulgaria
Named afterBulgaria
(European country)[2]
1970 PL · 1970 QD
1977 RQ6 · 1980 PY
A923 PB
Minor planet categorymain-belt · Flora[3]
Orbital characteristics[1]
Epoch 4 September 2017 (JD 2458000.5)
Uncertainty parameter 0
Observation arc93.80 yr (34,259 days)
|{{{apsis}}}|helion}}2.5157 AU
|{{{apsis}}}|helion}}1.9645 AU
2.2401 AU
Orbital period3.35 yr (1,225 days)
Mean anomaly79.666°
Mean motion0° 17m 38.4s / day
Longitude of ascending node321.99°
Physical characteristics
Dimensions6.41±0.29 km[4]
7.08 km (calculated)[3]
8.010±0.065 km[5]
Rotation period8.6157±0.0082 h[6]
9.480±0.001 h[7]
Geometric albedo0.24 (assumed)[3]
SMASS = Sr [1] · S[3]
Absolute magnitude (H)12.466±0.003 (R)[6] · 12.6[5][4] · 12.7[1] · 12.92[3] · 13.31±0.29[8]

2575 Bulgaria, provisional designation 1970 PL, is a stony Florian asteroid from the inner regions of the asteroid belt, approximately 7 kilometers in diameter. It was discovered on 4 August 1970, by Russian astronomer Tamara Smirnova at the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory in Nauchnyj, on the Crimean peninsula.[9] It was named for country Bulgaria.[2]

Classification and orbit

Bulgaria is a member of the Flora family, one of the largest groups of stony asteroids in the main-belt. It orbits the Sun in the inner main-belt at a distance of 2.0–2.5 AU once every 3 years and 4 months (1,225 days). Its orbit has an eccentricity of 0.12 and an inclination of 5° with respect to the ecliptic.[1]

Physical characteristics

In the SMASS taxonomy, Bulgaria has been classified as a Sr-type, which transitions from common S-type asteroids to the rather rare R-type asteroids.[1]

Bulgaria has a rotation period of 8.6 hours[6] and an albedo of 0.24, as assumed by the Collaborative Asteroid Lightcurve Link.[3]


This minor planet was named after the European country Bulgaria. At the time of naming, it was the People's Republic of Bulgaria (1946–1990), a former satellite state of the Soviet Union and member of the Warsaw Pact.[2] The official naming citation was published by the Minor Planet Center on 13 July 1984 (M.P.C. 8912).[10]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 "JPL Small-Body Database Browser: 2575 Bulgaria (1970 PL)". Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Retrieved 14 June 2017. 
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Schmadel, Lutz D. (2007). "(2575) Bulgaria". Dictionary of Minor Planet Names – (2575) Bulgaria. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. p. 210. doi:10.1007/978-3-540-29925-7_2576. ISBN 978-3-540-00238-3. 
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 "LCDB Data for (2575) Bulgaria". Asteroid Lightcurve Database (LCDB). Retrieved 6 December 2016. 
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 Masiero, Joseph R.; Mainzer, A. K.; Grav, T.; Bauer, J. M.; Cutri, R. M.; Nugent, C. et al. (November 2012). "Preliminary Analysis of WISE/NEOWISE 3-Band Cryogenic and Post-cryogenic Observations of Main Belt Asteroids". The Astrophysical Journal Letters 759 (1): 5. doi:10.1088/2041-8205/759/1/L8. Bibcode2012ApJ...759L...8M. Retrieved 6 December 2016. 
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 Mainzer, A.; Grav, T.; Masiero, J.; Hand, E.; Bauer, J.; Tholen, D. et al. (November 2011). "NEOWISE Studies of Spectrophotometrically Classified Asteroids: Preliminary Results". The Astrophysical Journal 741 (2): 25. doi:10.1088/0004-637X/741/2/90. Bibcode2011ApJ...741...90M. 
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 Waszczak, Adam; Chang, Chan-Kao; Ofek, Eran O.; Laher, Russ; Masci, Frank; Levitan, David et al. (September 2015). "Asteroid Light Curves from the Palomar Transient Factory Survey: Rotation Periods and Phase Functions from Sparse Photometry". The Astronomical Journal 150 (3): 35. doi:10.1088/0004-6256/150/3/75. Bibcode2015AJ....150...75W. Retrieved 6 December 2016. 
  7. Behrend, Raoul. "Asteroids and comets rotation curves – (2575) Bulgaria". Geneva Observatory. Retrieved 6 December 2016. 
  8. Veres, Peter; Jedicke, Robert; Fitzsimmons, Alan; Denneau, Larry; Granvik, Mikael; Bolin, Bryce et al. (November 2015). "Absolute magnitudes and slope parameters for 250,000 asteroids observed by Pan-STARRS PS1 - Preliminary results". Icarus 261: 34–47. doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2015.08.007. Bibcode2015Icar..261...34V. Retrieved 6 December 2016. 
  9. "2575 Bulgaria (1970 PL)". Minor Planet Center. Retrieved 6 December 2016. 
  10. "MPC/MPO/MPS Archive". Minor Planet Center. Retrieved 6 December 2016. 

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