Earth:List of minerals A (complete)
This list includes those recognised minerals beginning with the letter A. The International Mineralogical Association is the international group that recognises new minerals and new mineral names, however minerals discovered before 1959 did not go through the official naming procedure, although some minerals published previously have been either confirmed or discredited since that date. This list contains a mixture of mineral names that have been approved since 1959 and those mineral names believed to still refer to valid mineral species (these are called "grandfathered" species).
The list is divided into groups:
- Introduction • (Main synonyms)
- A • B • C • D • E • F • G • H • I • J • K • L • M • N • O • P–Q • R • S • T • U–V • W–X • Y–Z
The data was exported from on 29 April 2005; updated up to 'IMA2018'.
The minerals are sorted by name, followed by the structural group ( and ima-cnmnc by, mainly) or chemical class ( and basics), the year of publication (if it's before of an IMA approval procedure), the IMA approval and the Nickel–Strunz code. The first link is to, the second link is to, and the third is to the Handbook of Mineralogy (Mineralogical Society of America).
- Abbreviations:
- D – discredited (IMA/CNMNC status).
- Q – questionable/ doubtful (IMA/CNMNC, or status).
- N – published without approval of the IMA/CNMNC, or just not an IMA approved mineral but with some acceptance in the scientific community nowadays.
- I – intermediate member of a solid-solution series.
- H – hypothetical mineral (synthetic, anthropogenic, suspended approval procedure, etc.)
- ch – incomplete description, hypothetical solid solution end member.
- Rd – redefinition of ...
- "s.p." – special procedure.
- group – a name used to designate a group of species, sometimes only a mineral group name.
- no – no link available.
- IUPAC – chemical name.
- Y: 1NNN – year of publication.
- Y: old – known before publications were available.
Aa – Ak

- Abellaite (IMA2014-111) 05. [1] [no] [no]
(IUPAC: sodium dilead dicarbonate hydroxy) - Abelsonite (IMA1975-013) 10.CA.20 [2] [3] [4]
(IUPAC: a nickel porphyrine derivative) - Abenakiite-(Ce) (IMA1991-054) 09.CK.10 [5] [6] [no]
- Abernathyite (natroautunite: 1956) 08.EB.15 [7] [8] [9]
- AbhuriteH (IMA1983-061) 03.DA.30 [10] [11] [12]
- Abramovite (IMA2006-016) 02.HF.25a [13] [14] [15]
(IUPAC: dilead tin indium heptasulfa bismuthide) - Abswurmbachite (braunite: IMA1990-007) 09.AG.05 [16] [17] [18]
(IUPAC: copper(II) hexamanganese(III) octaoxo tetraoxosilicate) - Abuite (IMA2014-084) 08.B0. [19] [no] [no]
(IUPAC: calcium dialuminium diphosphate difluoride) - Acanthite (acanthite: 1855) 02.BA.35 [20] [21] [22]
(IUPAC: disilver sulfide) - Acetamide (IMA1974-039) 10.AA.20 [23] [24] [25]
(IUPAC: acetic acid amide) - Achalaite (wodginite: IMA2013-103) 04. [26] [no] [no]
(IUPAC: iron(II) titanium diniobium octaoxide) - Achávalite (nickeline: 1939) 02.CC.05 [27] [28] [no]
(IUPAC: iron selenide) - Achyrophanite (IMA2018-011) 08. [29] [no] [no]
- Acmonidesite (IMA2013-068) 07. [30] [no] [no]
- ActinoliteI [Ca-amphibole: IMA2012 s.p., actynolite (1794) Rd] 09.DE.10 [31] [32] [33]
- Acuminite (tikhonenkovite: IMA1986-038) 03.CC.10 [34] [35] [36]
(IUPAC: strontium aluminium hydroxy tetrafluoride monohydrate) - Adachiite (tourmaline: IMA2012-101) 09.CK. [37] [no] [38]
- Adamite (andalusite: 1866) 08.BB.30 [39] [40] [41]
(IUPAC: dizinc hydroxy arsenate) - Adamsite-(Y) (IMA1999-020) 05.CC.30 [42] [43] [44]
(IUPAC: sodium yttrium dicarbonate hexahydrate) - Adanite (IMA2019-088) 07. [45] [no] [no]
- Addibischoffite (sapphirine: IMA2015-006) 04. [46] [no] [no]
- Adelite (Y: 1891) 08.BH.35 [47] [48] [49]
(IUPAC: calcium magnesium hydroxy arsenate) - Admontite (IMA1978-012) 06.FA.15 [50] [51] [52]
(IUPAC: magnesio decaoxo hexaborate heptahydrate) - Adolfpateraite (IMA2011-042) 07. [53] [no] [54]
(IUPAC: potassium uranyl sulfate hydroxy water) - Adranosite 07.
- Adrianite (IMA2014-028) 09. [60] [no] [no]
- Aegirine (pyroxene: IMA1998 s.p., 1835) 09.DA.25 [61] [62] [63]
(IUPAC: sodium iron(III) hexaoxo disilicate) - Aegirine-augiteI (pyroxene: IMA1988 s.p., 1988 Rd) 09.DA.20 [64] [no] [no]
- Aenigmatite (sapphirine: IMA1967 s.p., 1865) 09.DH.40 [65] [66] [67]
- Aerinite (IMA1988 s.p., 1876 Rd) 09.DB.45 [68] [69] [70]
- Aerugite (IMA1965 s.p., 1858 Rd) 08.BC.15 [71] [72] [73]
- Aeschynite 04.DF.05
- Aeschynite-(Ce) (IMA1987 s.p., 1830) 04.DF.05 [74] [75] [76]
- Aeschynite-(Nd) (IMA1987 s.p., 1982) 04.DF.05 [77] [78] [79]
- Aeschynite-(Y) (IMA1987 s.p., 1906) 04.DF.05 [80] [81] [82]
- Afghanite (cancrinite-sodalite: IMA1967-041) 09.FB.05 [83] [84] [85]
- Afmite (IMA2005-025a) 08.DD.15 [86] [no] [87]
- Afwillite (spurrite-afwillite: 1925) 09.AG.75 [88] [89] [90]
(IUPAC: tricalcium tetraoxosilicate dihydrodioxosilicate dihydrate) - Agaite (tellurium oxysalt: IMA2011-115) 07.D?. [91] [no] [no]
(IUPAC: trilead copper(II) tellurium(VI) pentaoxide dihydro carbonate) - Agakhanovite-(Y) (milarite: IMA2013-090) 09.CM. [92] [no] [no]
- Agardite 08.DL.15
- Agmantinite (wurtzite: IMA2014-083) 02. [104] [no] [no]
(IUPAC: disilver manganese tetrasulfa stannide) - Agrellite (IMA1973-032) 09.DH.75 [105] [106] [107]
(IUPAC: sodium dicalcium fluoro decaoxo tetrasilicate) - Agricolaite (IMA2009-081) 05.ED.50 [108] [no] [no]
(IUPAC: tetrapotassium uranyl tricarbonate) - Agrinierite (compreignacite: IMA1971-046) 04.GB.05 [109] [110] [111]
- Aguilarite (acanthite: 1891) 02.BA.55 [112] [113] [114]
(IUPAC: tetrasilver selenide sulfide)- Monoclinic ‘acanthite-like’ series (from Ag2S-Ag2S0.4Se0.6)
- Orthorhombic ‘naumannite-like’ series (from Ag2S0.3Se0.7-Ag2Se)
- Aheylite (turquoise: IMA1984-036) 08.DD.15 [115] [116] [117]
- Ahlfeldite (cobaltomenite: 1935) 04.JH.10 [118] [119] [120]
(IUPAC: nickel selenite(IV) dihydrate) - Ahrensite (spinel, ringwoodite: IMA2013-028) 09.AC. [121] [no] [no]
(IUPAC: diron tetraoxosilicate) - Aikinite (meneghinite: 1843) 02.HB.05a [122] [123] [124]
(IUPAC: copper lead trisulfa bismuthide) - Aiolosite (apatite: IMA2008-015) 07.BD.20 [125] [126] [no]
- Ajoite (ajoite: 1958) 09.EA.70 [127] [128] [129]
- Akaganéite (hollandite, coronadite: IMA1962-004) 04.DK.05 [130] [131] [132]
- Akaogiite (baddeleyite: IMA2007-058) 04. [133] [no] [no]
(IUPAC: titanium dioxide) - Akatoreite (IMA1969-015) 09.BH.15 [134] [135] [136]
- Akdalaite (nolanite: IMA1969-002) 04.FL.70 [137] [138] [139]
- Åkermanite (melilite: 1884) 09.BB.10 [140] [141] [142]
(IUPAC: dicalcium magnesium heptaoxo disilicate) - Akhtenskite (ramsdellite: IMA1982-072) 04.DB.15b [143] [144] [145]
(IUPAC: manganese dioxide) - Akimotoite (corundum: IMA1997-044) 04.CB.05 [146] [147] [no]
(IUPAC: magnesium trioxo silicate) - Aklimaite (IMA2011-050) 09. [148] [no] [149]
(IUPAC: tetracalcium [pentaoxodisilicate dihydroxyl] tetrahydroxyl pentahydrate) - Akopovaite (hydrotalcite: IMA2018-095) 05. [150] [no] [no]
- Akrochordite (Y: 1922) 08.DD.10 [151] [152] [153]
(IUPAC: pentamanganese(II) diarsenate tetrahydroxy tetrahydrate) - Aksaite (IMA1967 s.p., 1962) 06.FA.05 [154] [155] [156]
(IUPAC: magnesium heptaoxo hexaborate hexahydroxy dihydrate) - Aktashite (nowackiite: IMA2008 s.p., 1968) 02.GA.30 [157] [158] [159]
Al – An
- Alabandite (galena, rocksalt: 1822) 02.CD.10 [160] [161] [162]
(IUPAC: manganese(II) sulfide) - Alacránite (IMA1985-033) 02.FA.20 [163] [164] [165]
(IUPAC: octaarsenic nonasulfide) - Alamosite (Y: 1909) 09.DO.20 [166] [167] [168]
- Alarsite (IMA1993-003) 08.AA.05 [169] [170] [171]
(IUPAC: aluminium arsenate) - Albertiniite (IMA2015-004) 04. [172] [no] [no]
- Albite (Y: 1815) 09.FA.35 [173] [174] [175]
- Albrechtschraufite (IMA1983-078) 05.ED.15 [176] [177] [178]
- Alburnite (IMA2012-073) 02. [179] [no] [no]
(IUPAC: octasilver germanium ditelluride tetrasulfide) - Alcantarillaite (IMA2019-072) 08. [180] [no] [no]
- Alcaparrosaite (IMA2011-024) 07. [181] [no] [182]
- Aldermanite (IMA1980-044) 08.DE.35 [183] [184] [185]
- Aldridgeite (IMA2010-029) 07. [186] [no] [no]
- Aleksandrovite (IMA2009-004) 09.CJ.25 [187] [no] [188]
- Aleksite (aleksite: IMA1977-038) 02.GC.40a [189] [190] [191]
(IUPAC: lead dibismuth ditelluride disulfide) - Alexkuznetsovite-(La) (biraite: IMA2019-081) 09.B [192] [no] [no]
- Aleutite (IMA2018-014) 08. [193] [no] [no]
- Alexkhomyakovite (IMA2015-013) 05.DA. [194] [no] [no]
- Alflarsenite (zeolitic tectosilicate: IMA2008-023) 09.G?. [195] [196] [197]
- Alforsite (apatite: IMA1980-039) 08.BN.05 [198] [199] [200]
(IUPAC: pentabarium triphosphate chloride) - Alfredopetrovite (IMA2015-026) 04. [201] [no] [no]
- Alfredstelznerite (IMA2007-050) 06.D0. [202] [203] [204]
- Algodonite (metalloid alloy: 1857) 02.AA.10a [205] [206] [207]
- Aliettite (Y: 1968? Rd) 09.EC.60 [208] [209] [210]
- Allabogdanite (barringerite: IMA2000-038) 01.BD.15 [211] [212] [no]
(IUPAC: di(iron,nickel) phosphide) - Allactite (IMA1980 s.p., 1884) 08.BE.30 [213] [214] [215]
(IUPAC: dimanganese(II) diarsenate octahydroxyl) - Allanite 09.BG.05b
- Allanite-(Ce) (epidote, allanite: IMA1987 s.p., 1811) 09.BG.05b [216] [217] [218]
- Allanite-(La) (epidote, allanite: IMA2003-065) 09.BG.05b [219] [220] [221]
- Allanite-(Nb) (epidote, allanite: IMA2010-060) 09.BG.05b [222] [no] [no]
- Allanite-(Y) (epidote, allanite: IMA1966 s.p., 1949) 09.BG.05b [223] [224] [no]
- Allanpringite (IMA2004-050) 08.DC.50 [225] [226] [no]
(IUPAC: triiron(III) diphosphate trihydrohyl pentahydrate) - Allargentum (allargentum: IMA1970 s.p., 1950 Rd) 02.AA.30 [227] [228] [229]
- Alleghanyite (Y: 1932) 09.AF.45 [230] [231] [232]
- Allendeite (IMA2007-027) 04. [233] [234] [no]
- Allochalcoselite (IMA2004-025) 04.JG.40 [235] [236] [237]
- Alloclasite (Y: 1865) 02.EB.10b [238] [239] [240]
(IUPAC: cobalt arsenic sulfide) - Allophane (Y: 1816) 09.ED.20 [241] [242] [243]
- Alloriite (IMA2006-020) 09.FB.05 [244] [245] [246]
- Alluaivite (eudialyte: IMA1988-052) 09.CO.10 [247] [248] [249]
- Alluaudite (alluaudite: IMA1979 s.p., 1848 Rd) 08.AC.10 [250] [251] [252]
- Almandine (garnet, garnet: old/ 1546?) 09.AD.25 [253] [254] [255]
- Almarudite (milarite: IMA2002-048) 09.CM.05 [256] [257] [no]
- Almeidaite (IMA2013-020) 04.C?. [258] [no] [no]
- Alnaperbøeite-(Ce) (gatelite: IMA2012-054) 09.B? [259] [no] [no]
- Alpeite (IMA2016-072) 09.B?. [260] [no] [no]
- Alpersite (IMA2003-040) 07.CB.35 [261] [no] [no]
- Alsakharovite-Zn (labuntsovite: IMA2002-003) 09.CE.30h [262] [263] [no]
- Alstonite (Y: 1841) 05.AB.35 [264] [265] [266]
(IUPAC: barium calcium dicarbonate) - Altaite (galena, rocksalt: 1845) 02.CD.10 [267] [268] [269]
(IUPAC: lead telluride) - Alterite (sulfate-oxalate: IMA2018-070) 10. [270] [no] [no]
(IUPAC: dizinc tetrairon(III) tetrasulfate dioxalate tetrahydroxy heptadecahydrate) - Althausite (IMA1974-050) 08.BB.25 [271] [272] [273]
(IUPAC: dimagnesium phosphate hydroxyl) - Althupite (IMA1986-003) 08.EC.25 [274] [275] [276]
- Altisite (IMA1993-055) 09.DP.40 [277] [278] [no]
- Alum (chemical compound)
- Aluminite (Y: old/ 1805) 07.DC.05 [285] [286] [287]
(IUPAC: dialuminium sulfate tetrahydroxyl heptahydrate) - Aluminium (IMA1980-085a) 01.AA.05 [288] [289] [290]
- Aluminoceladonite (mica: IMA1998 s.p.) 09.EC.15 [291] [292] [no]
- Aluminocerite-(Ce) (IMA2007-060) 09.AG.20 [293] [294] [no]
- Aluminocopiapite (Y: 1947) 07.DB.35 [295] [296] [297]
- Aluminocoquimbite (IMA2009-095) 07.CB.50 [298] [no] [299]
(IUPAC: aluminium iron trisulfate nonahydrate) - Aluminomagnesiohulsite (IMA2002-038) 06.AB.45 [300] [301] [no]
- Aluminopyracmonite (IMA2012-075) 07. [302] [no] [no]
(IUPAC: triammonium aluminium trisulfate) - Aluminosugilite (milarite: IMA2018-142) 09.C?. [303] [no] [no]
- Alumovesuvianite (IMA2016-014) 09.B? [304] [no] [no]
- Alumoåkermanite (IMA2008-049) 09.BB.10 [305] [306] [307]
- Alumoedtollite (IMA2017-020) 08. [308] [no] [no]
- Alumohydrocalcite (IMA1980 s.p., 1926) 05.DB.05 [309] [310] [311]
(IUPAC: calcium dialuminium dicarbonate tetrahydroxyl trihydrate) - Alumoklyuchevskite (IMA1993-004) 07.BC.45 [312] [313] [314]
- Alumotantite (IMA1980-025) 04.DB.55 [315] [316] [317]
(IUPAC: aluminium tantalum tetraoxide) - Alunite (alunite, alunite: IMA1987 s.p., 1565 Rd) 07.BC.10 [318] [319] [320]
(IUPAC: potassium trialuminium hexahydro disulfate) - Alunogen (Y: 1832) 07.CB.45 [321] [322] [323]
- Alvanite (IMA1962 s.p., 1959) 08.FE.05 [324] [325] [326]
- Alwilkinsite-(Y) (IMA2015-097) 07. [327] [no] [no]
- Amakinite (brucite: IMA1967 s.p., 1962) 04.FE.05 [328] [329] [330]
(IUPAC: iron(II) dihydroxide) - Amamoorite (ilvaite: IMA2018-105) 09.BE. [331] [no] [no]
- Amarantite (Y: 1888) 07.DB.30 [332] [333] [334]
- Amarillite (Y: 1933) 07.CC.75 [335] [336] [337]
(IUPAC: sodium iron(III) disulfate hexahydrate) - Amblygonite (Y: 1818) 08.BB.05 [338] [339] [340]
(IUPAC: lithium aluminium phosphate fluoride) - Ambrinoite (IMA2009-071) 02.HE.10 [341] [no] [no]
- Ameghinite (IMA1966-034) 06.CA.10 [342] [343] [344]
- Amesite (Y: 1876) 09.ED.15 [345] [346] [347]
- Amicite (zeolitic tectosilicate: IMA1979-011) 09.GC.05 [348] [349] [350]
- Aminoffite (Y: 1937) 09.BH.05 [351] [352] [353]
- Ammineite (IMA2008-032) 03.CO. [354] [no] [no]
(IUPAC: copper dichloride diammine) - Ammonioalunite (alunite, alunite: IMA1986-037) 07.BC.10 [355] [356] [357]
(IUPAC: ammonium trialuminium hexahydroxy disulfate) - Ammonioborite (Y: 1931) 06.EA.15 [358] [359] [360]
- Ammoniojarosite (alunite, alunite: IMA1987 s.p., 1927 Rd) 07.BC.10 [361] [362] [363]
(IUPAC: ammonium triiron(III) hexahydro disulfate) - Ammoniolasalite (lasalite: IMA2017-094) 04.HC. [364] [no] [no]
- Ammonioleucite (zeolitic tectosilicate: IMA1984-015) 09.GB.05 [365] [366] [367]
- Ammoniomagnesiovoltaite (IMA2009-040) 07.CC.25 [368] [no] [369]
(For an overview of the amphibole supergroup see here) - Ammoniomathesiusite (IMA2017-077) 07. [370] [no] [no]
- Ammoniovoltaite (IMA2017-022) 07. [371] [no] [no]
- Ammoniozippeite (zippeite: IMA2017-073) 07. [372] [no] [no]
- Amstallite (IMA1986-030) 09.DP.25 [373] [374] [375]
- Analcime (zeolitic tectosilicate: IMA1997 s.p., 1797) 09.GB.05 [376] [377] [378]
- Anandite (mica: IMA1966-005) 09.EC.35 [379] [380] [381]
- Anapaite (Y: 1902) 08.CH.10 [382] [383] [384]
(IUPAC: dicalcium iron(II) diphosphate tetrahydrate) - Anatase (IMA1962 s.p., 1801) 04.DD.05 [385] [386] [387]
(IUPAC: titanium dioxide) - Anatolyite (IMA2016-040) 08. [388] [no] [no]
- Ancylite 05.DC.05
- Andalusite (Y: 1798) 09.AF.10 [395] [396] [397]
- Andersonite (Y: 1951) 05.ED.30 [398] [399] [400]
- Andorite 02.JB.40a
- Andradite (garnet, garnet: 1800) 09.AD.25 [406] [407] [408]
- Andreadiniite (lillianite: IMA2014-049) 02. [409] [no] [no]
(IUPAC: copper mercury heptasilver heptalead octatetracontasulfa tetraicosantimonide) - Andrémeyerite (IMA1972-005) 09.BB.20 [410] [411] [412]
- Andreyivanovite (phosphide: IMA2006-003) 01.BD.15 [413] [414] [no]
(IUPAC: iron chromium phosphide) - Andrianovite (eudialyte: IMA2007-008) 09.CO.10 [415] [no] [no]
- Anduoite (Y: 1979) 02.EB.15a [416] [417] [418]
(IUPAC: ruthenium diarsenide) - Andychristyite (tellurium oxysalt: IMA2015-024) 07.C?. [419] [no] [no]
(IUPAC: lead copper(II) tellurium(VI) pentaoxide (water)) - Andymcdonaldite (IMA2018-141) 04. [420] [no] [no]
- Andyrobertsite (IMA1997-023) 08.DH.50 [421] [422]
- Angarfite (IMA2010-082) 08. [423] [no] [424]
- Angastonite (IMA2008-008) 08.DL.25 [425] [426] [no]
(IUPAC: calcium magnesium dialuminium diphosphate tetrahydroxyl heptahydrate) - Ángelaite (IMA2003-064) 02.JB.25f [427] [428] [no]
(IUPAC: dicopper silver lead bismuth tetrasulfide) - Angelellite (IMA1962 s.p., 1959) 08.BC.05 [429] [430] [431]
- Anglesite (Y: 1832) 07.AD.35 [432] [433] [434]
(IUPAC: lead sulfate) - Anhydrite (Y: 1795) 07.AD.30 [435] [436] [437]
(IUPAC: anhydrous calcium sulfate) - AnhydrokainiteQ (Y: 1912) 07.BC.80 [438] [no] [no]
(IUPAC: potassium magnesium sulfate chloride) - Anilite (IMA1968-030) 02.BA.10 [439] [440] [441]
(IUPAC: heptacopper tetrasulfide) - Ankerite (Y: 1825) 05.AB.10 [442] [443] [444]
(IUPAC: calcium iron(II) dicarbonate) - Ankinovichite (IMA2002-063) 08.FE.05 [445] [446] [447]
- Annabergite (vivianite: 1852) 08.CE.40 [448] [449] [450]
(IUPAC: trinickel diarsenate octahydrate) - Annite (mica: IMA1998 s.p., 1868) 09.EC.20 [451] [452] [453]
(IUPAC: potassium triiron(II) (aluminodecaoxytrisilicate) dihydroxy) - Anorpiment (IMA2011-014) 02. [454] [no] [455]
(IUPAC: diarsenic trisulfide) - Anorthite (Y: 1824) 09.FA.35 [456] [457] [458]
- AnorthoclaseI (Y: 1885) 09.FA.30 [459] [460] [461]
- Anorthominasragrite (IMA2001-040) 07.DB.20 [462] [463] [no]
- Ansermetite (IMA2002-017) 04.HD.30 [464] [465] [no]
- Antarcticite (IMA1965-015) 03.BB.30 [466] [467] [468]
(IUPAC: calcium dichloride hexahydrate) - Anthoinite (Y: 1947) 07.GB.35 [469] [470] [471]
- Anthonyite (IMA1967 s.p., 1946) 03.DA.40 [472] [473] [474]
(IUPAC: copper(II) hydroxide trihydrate) - Anthophyllite [Mg-Fe-Mn-amphibole: IMA2012 s.p., 1801 Rd] 09.DE.05 [475] [476] [477]
- Antigorite (IMA1998 s.p., 1840 Rd) 09.ED.15 [478] [479] [480]
- Antimonselite (IMA1992-003) 02.DB.05 [481] [482] [483]
(IUPAC: diantimony triselenide) - Antimony (arsenic: 1748) 01.CA.05 [484] [485] [486]
- Antipinite (IMA2014-027) 10. [487] [no] [no]
- Antlerite (IMA1968 s.p., 1889) 07.BB.15 [488] [489] [490]
(IUPAC: tricopper(II) sulfate tetrahydroxyl) - Antofagastaite (IMA2018-049) 07. [491] [no] [no]
(IUPAC: tetrasodium dicalcium tetrasulfate trihydrate) - Anyuiite (khatyrkite: IMA1987-053) 01.AA.15 [492] [493] [494]
(IUPAC: gold dilead alloy) - Anzaite-(Ce) (IMA2013-004) 04. [495] [no] [no]
Ap – Az
- Apachite (IMA1979-022) 09.HE.10 [496] [497] [498]
(For the apatite series, see hydroxylapatite, fluorapatite, and chlorapatite) - Apexite (IMA2015-002) 08. [499] [no] [no]
(IUPAC: sodium magnesium phosphate nonahydrate) - Aphthitalite (Y: 1813) 07.AC.35 [500] [501] [502]
(IUPAC: tripotassium sodium disulfate) - Apjohnite (Y: 1847) 07.CB.85 [503] [504] [505]
- Aplowite (IMA1963-009) 07.CB.15 [506] [507] [508]
(IUPAC: cobalt(II) sulfate tetrahydrate) - Apuanite (IMA1978-069) 04.JA.25 [509] [510] [511]
- Aqualite (eudialyte: IMA2002-066) 09.CO.10 [512] [513] [514]
- Aradite (zadovite, arctite: IMA2013-047) 08. [515] [no] [no]
(Chemical formula: BaCa6[(SiO4)(PO4)](VO4)2F) - Aragonite (Y: 1788) 05.AB.15 [516] [517] [518]
(IUPAC: calcium carbonate) - Arakiite (IMA1998-062) 08.BE.45 [519] [520] [521]
- Aramayoite (Y: 1926) 02.HA.25 [522] [523] [524]
- Arangasite (IMA2012-018) 08. [525] [no] [526]
(IUPAC: dialuminium sulfate phosphate fluoride (7.5)hydrate) - Arapovite (IMA2003-046) 09.CH.10 [527] [528] [529]
- Aravaipaite (IMA1988-021) 03.DC.35 [530] [531] [532]
(IUPAC: trilead aluminium nonafluoride monohydrate) - Aravaite (arctite: IMA2018-078) 09.
- Arcanite (Y: 1845) 07.AD.05 [533] [534] [535]
(IUPAC: dipotassium sulfate) - Archerite (IMA1975-008) 08.AD.15 [536] [537] [538]
(IUPAC: potassium phosphoric acid) - Arctite (arctite: IMA1980-049) 08.BN.10 [539] [540] [541]
(IUPAC: pentasodium heptacalcium barium hexaphosphate trifluoride) - Arcubisite (IMA1973-009) 02.LA.40 [542] [543] [544]
(IUPAC: hexasilver copper bismuth tetrasulfide) - Ardaite (IMA1979-073) 02.LB.30 [545] [546] [547]
- Ardealite (Y: 1932) 08.CJ.50 [548] [549] [550]
- Ardennite 09.BJ.40
- Arfvedsonite [Na-amphibole: IMA2012 s.p., arfwedsonite (1823) Rd] 09.DE.25 [557] [558] [559]
- Argandite (IMA2010-021) 08.BE.30 [560] [no] [no]
(IUPAC: heptamanganese divanadate octahydroxyl) - Argentobaumhauerite (IMA2015-F, IMA1988-051) 02.HC.05b [561] [562] [563]
- Argentodufrénoysite (IMA2016-046) 02. [564] [no] [no]
- Argentojarosite (alunite, alunite: IMA1987 s.p., 1923 Rd) 07.BC.10 [565] [566] [567]
(IUPAC: silver triiron(III) hexahydro disulfate) - Argentoliveingite (IMA2016-029) 02. [568] [no] [no]
- Argentopentlandite (pentlandite: IMA1970-047) 02.BB.15 [569] [570] [571]
- Argentopyrite (Y: 1866) 02.CB.65 [572] [573] [574]
(IUPAC: silver diron trisulfide) - Argentotennantite-(Zn) (tetrahedrite: IMA2018-K, IMA1985-026) 02.GB.05 [575] [576] [577]
(Ag6[Cu4(Fe,Zn)2]As4S13) - Argentotetrahedrite-(Fe) (tetrahedrite: IMA2018-K, IMA2016-093) 02. [578] [no] [no]
- Argesite (IMA2011-072) 03. [579] [no] [no]
- Argutite (IMA1980-067) 04.DB.05 [580] [581] [582]
(IUPAC: germanium dioxide) - Argyrodite (Y: 1886) 02.BA.70 [583] [584] [585]
(IUPAC: octasilver germanium hexasulfide) - Arhbarite (IMA1981-044) 08.BE.25 [586] [587] [588]
(IUPAC: dicopper magnesium arsenate trihydroxyl) - Ariegilatite (nabimusaite, arctite: IMA2016-100) 09.A?. [589] [no] [no]
- Arisite 05.BD.18
- Aristarainite (IMA1973-029) 06.FB.05 [594] [595] [596]
- Armalcolite (IMA1970-006 Rd) 04.CB.15 [597] [598] [599]
- Armangite (Y: 1920) 04.JB.20 [600] [601] [602]
- Armbrusterite (IMA2005-035) 09.EG.65 [603] [604] [no]
- Armellinoite-(Ce) (pottsite: IMA2018-094) 08.CG.
- Armenite (milarite: 1939) 09.CM.05 [605] [606] [607]
- Armstrongite (IMA1972-018) 09.EA.35 [608] [609] [610]
- Arrojadite 08.BF.05
- Arrojadite-(BaFe) (IMA1994-033) 08.BF.05 [611] [612] [613]
- Arrojadite-(BaNa) (IMA2014-071) 08.BF.05 [614] [no] [no]
- Arrojadite-(KFe) (IMA2005 s.p., 1925) 08.BF.05 [615] [616] [617]
- Arrojadite-(KNa) (IMA2005-047) 08.BF.05 [618] [619] [620]
- Arrojadite-(PbFe) (IMA2005-056) 08.BF.05 [621] [622] [no]
- Arrojadite-(SrFe) (IMA2005-032) 08.BF.05 [623] [624] [no]
- Arsenatrotitanite (IMA2016-015) 08. [625] [no] [no]
- Arsenbrackebuschite (IMA1977-014) 08.BG.05 [626] [627] [628]
- Arsendescloizite (IMA1979-030) 08.BH.35 [629] [630] [631]
- Arsenic (arsenic: old) 01.CA.05 [632] [633] [634]
- Arseniopleite (alluaudite: IMA1967 s.p., 1888) 08.AC.10 [635] [636] [637]
- Arseniosiderite (Y: 1842) 08.DH.30 [638] [639] [640]
- Arsenmarcobaldiite (IMA2016-045) 02. [641] [no] [no]
- Arsenmedaite (medaite: IMA2016-099) 09.B?. [642] [no] [no]
(IUPAC: hexamanganese(II) arsenopentasilicate octadecaoxide hydroxy) - Arsenoclasite (Y: 1931) 08.BD.10 [643] [644] [645]
(IUPAC: pentamanganese(II) diarsenate tetrahydroxyl) - Arsenocrandallite (alunite, crandallite: IMA1980-060) 08.BL.10 [646] [647] [648]
(IUPAC: calcium trialuminium hexahydro arsenate hydroxoarsenate) - Arsenoflorencite 08.BL.13
(IUPAC: REE trialuminium hexahydro diarsenate) - Arsenogorceixite (alunite, crandallite: IMA1989-055) 08.BL.10 [655] [656] [657]
(IUPAC: barium trialuminium hexahydro arsenate hydroxoarsenate) - Arsenogoyazite (alunite, crandallite: IMA1983-043) 08.BL.10 [658] [659] [660]
(IUPAC: strontium trialuminium hexahydro arsenate hydroxoarsenate) - Arsenohauchecornite (IMA1978-E) 02.BB.10 [661] [662] [663]
- Arsenohopeite (IMA2010-069) 08. [664] [no] [665]
(IUPAC: trizinc diarsenate tetrahydrate) - Arsenolamprite (Y: 1886) 01.CA.10 [666] [667] [668]
- Arsenolite (Y: 1854) 04.CB.50 [669] [670] [671]
(IUPAC: diarsenic trioxide) - Arsenopalladinite (IMA1973-002a, 1957 Rd) 02.AC.10c [672] [673] [674]
- Arsenopyrite (IMA1962 s.p., 1847) 02.EB.20 [675] [676] [677]
(IUPAC: iron arsenide sulfide) - Arsenovanmeerscheite (IMA2006-018) 08.EC.20 [678] [679] [no]
- Arsenowagnerite (IMA2014-100) 08. [680] [no] [no]
(IUPAC: dimagnesium arsenate fluoride) - Arsenquatrandorite (lillianite: IMA2012-087) 02. [681] [no] [no]
- Arsentsumebite (Y: 1935?) 08.BG.05 [682] [683] [684]
- Arsenudinaite (IMA2018-067) 08. [685] [no] [no]
(IUPAC: sodium tetramagnesium triarsenate) - Arsenuranospathite (IMA1982 s.p.?, 1978) 08.EB.25 [686] [687] [688]
- Arsenuranylite (Y: 1958) 08.EC.10 [689] [690] [691]
- Arsiccioite (IMA2013-058) 02. [692] [no] [693]
(IUPAC: silver dimercury thallium diarsenide hexasulfide) - Arsmirandite (IMA2014-081) 08. [694] [no] [no]
- Arthurite (IMA1964-002) 08.DC.15 [695] [696] [697]
- Artinite (Y: 1902) 05.DA.10 [698] [699] [700]
(IUPAC: dimagnesium carbonate dihydroxyl trihydrate) - Artroeite (IMA1993-031) 03.CC.15 [701] [702] [703]
- Artsmithite (IMA2002-039) 08.BO.40 [704] [705] [706]
- Arupite (vivianite: IMA1988-008) 08.CE.40 [707] [708] [709]
(IUPAC: trinickel diphosphate octahydrate) - ArzakiteN (Y: 1985) 02.FC.15a [710] [711] [712]
- ArzruniteQ (Y: 1899) 07. [713] [no] [no]
Note: It might be a mixture. - Asbecasite (IMA1965-037) 04.JB.30 [714] [715] [716]
- Asbolane (Y: 1841) 04.FL.30 [717] [718] [719]
- Aschamalmite (lillianite: IMA1982-089) 02.JB.40b [720] [721] [722]
- Ashburtonite (cerchiaraite: IMA1990-033) 09.CF.05 [723] [724] [725]
- Ashcroftine-(Y) (IMA1967 s.p., 1933) 09.DN.15 [726] [727] [728]
- Ashoverite (hydroxide: IMA1986-008) 04.FA.10 [729] [730] [731]
(IUPAC: zinc dihydroxide) - Asimowite (wadsleyite: IMA2018-102) 09.B?. [732] [no] [no]
- Asisite (IMA1987-003) 03.DB.40 [733] [734] [735]
- Åskagenite-(Nd) (epidote: IMA2009-073) 09.BG.05b [736] [no] [737]
- Aspedamite (polyoxometalate: IMA2011-056) 04. [738] [no] [739]
- Aspidolite (mica: IMA2004-049 Rd) 09.EC.20 [740] [741] [no]
- Asselbornite (IMA1980-087) 08.ED.10 [742] [743] [744]
- Astrocyanite-(Ce) (IMA1989-032) 05.EF.05 [745] [746] [747]
- Astrophyllite (Y: 1854) 09.DC.05 [748] [749] [750]
- Atacamite (Y: 1803) 03.DA.10a [751] [752] [753]
(IUPAC: dicopper trihydro chloride) - Atelestite (Y: 1832) 08.BO.15 [754] [755] [756]
- Atelisite-(Y) (zircon: IMA2010-065) 09. [757] [no] [758]
- Atencioite (IMA2004-041) 08.DA.10 [759] [760] [no]
- Athabascaite (IMA1969-022) 02.BA.25 [761] [762] [763]
(IUPAC: pentacopper tetraselenide) - Atheneite (IMA1973-050) 02.AC.05a [764] [765] [766]
(IUPAC: dipalladium arsenide) - Atlasovite (IMA1986-029) 07.BC.20 [767] [768] [769]
- Atokite (auricupride: IMA1974-041) 01.AG.10 [770] [771] [772]
(IUPAC: tripalladium stannide) - Attakolite (IMA1992 s.p., 1868 Rd) 08.BH.60 [773] [774] [775]
- Attikaite (IMA2006-017) 08.DJ.45 [776] [777] [778]
- Aubertite (IMA1978-051) 07.DB.05 [779] [780] [781]
- Augelite (Y: 1868) 08.BE.05 [782] [783] [784]
(IUPAC: dialuminium trihydroxy phosphate) - AugiteI (pyroxene: IMA1988 s.p., 1792) 09.DA.15 [785] [786] [787]
- Auriacusite (IMA2009-037) 08.BB.30 [788] [no] [789]
- Aurichalcite (Y: 1839) 05.BA.15 [790] [791] [792]
(IUPAC: pentazinc hexahydroxy dicarbonate) - Auricupride (auricupride: 1950) 01.AA.10a [793] [794] [795]
(IUPAC: tricopper gold alloy) - Aurihydrargyrumite (amalgam: IMA2017-003) 01.AD. [796] [no] [no]
- Aurivilliusite (IMA2002-022) 03.DD.50 [797] [798] [799]
- Aurorite (IMA1966-031) 04.FL.20 [800] [801] [802]
- Aurostibite (pyrite: 1952) 02.EB.05a [803] [804] [805]
(IUPAC: gold diantimonide) - Austinite (Y: 1935) 08.BH.35 [806] [807] [808]
(IUPAC: calcium zinc hydroxy arsenate) - Autunite (Y: 1852) 08.EB.05 [809] [810] [811]
(IUPAC: calcium diuranyl diphosphate undecahydrate) - Avdeevite (beryl: IMA2018-109) 09.C?. [812] [no] [no]
- Avdoninite (IMA2005-046a) 03.DA.55 [813] [814] [815]
- Averievite (IMA1995-027) 08.BB.85 [816] [817] [818]
- Avicennite (Y: 1958) 04.CB.10 [819] [820] [821]
(IUPAC: dithallium trioxide) - Avogadrite (fluoroborate: 1926) 03.CA.10 [822] [823] [824]
(IUPAC: potassium tetrafluoroborate) - Awaruite (auricupride: 1885) 01.AE.20 [825] [826] [827]
(IUPAC: trinickel iron alloy) - Axelite (IMA2017-015a) 08. [828] [no] [no]
- Axinite 09.BD.20
- Azoproite (IMA1970-021) 06.AB.30 [838] [839] [840]
- Azurite (Y: old/ 1824) 05.BA.05 [841] [842] [843]
(IUPAC: tricopper dihydroxy dicarbonate)
External links
- IMA Database of Mineral Properties/ RRUFF Project
- - The Mineral Database
- minerals A