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The Mustersan age is a period of geologic time (48.0–42.0 Ma) within the Eocene epoch of the Paleogene, used more specifically within the South American land mammal age (SALMA) classification. It follows the Casamayoran and precedes the Divisaderan age.[1][2]
This age is named after Lake Musters in the Golfo San Jorge Basin.
Locations of Mustersan formations
Formation bold is type |
Country | Basin | Notes |
Sarmiento Formation | ![]() |
Golfo San Jorge Basin | |
Abanico Formation | ![]() |
Abanico Basin | |
Andesitas Huancache Formation | ![]() |
Golfo San Jorge Basin | |
Chota Formation | ![]() |
Bagua Basin | |
Geste Formation | ![]() |
Puna Plateau | |
Paracas Formation | ![]() |
Pisco Basin | |
Pozo Formation | ![]() |
Ucayali Basin | |
Soncco Formation | ![]() |
Eastern Peruvian Andes | |
Vaca Mahuida Formation | ![]() |
Neuquén Basin | |
Ventana Formation | ![]() |
Neuquén Basin | |
Yahuarango Formation - Santa Rosa fauna | ![]() |
Ucayali Basin |
Group | Fossils | Formation | Notes |
Mammals | Antepithecus brachystephanus, Guilielmoscottia plicifera, Kramadolops mayoi, Propyrotherium saxeum, Pseudhyrax eutrachytheroides, Eomorphippus sp. | Sarmiento | |
Chlorocyon phantasma, Ignigena minisculus, aff. Ernestokokenia sp., Borhyaenidae indet., Oldfieldthomasiidae indet. | Abanico | ||
Archaeopithecus cf. rogeri, Asmithwoodwardia subtrigona, Bardalestes hunco, Gashternia ctalehor, Greniodon sylvaticus, Henricosbornia lophodonta, Homalostylops parvus, Palangania cf. brandmayri, Polydolops rothi, P. unicus, Prostegotherium cf. astrifer, Amphidolops sp., Marmosopsis sp., Notostylops sp., Pauladelphys sp., Protodidelphis sp., Riostegotherium sp., Stegosimpsonia sp., Borhyaeninae indet., Caroloameghiniinae indet., Hathlyacininae indet. | Andesitas Huancache |
Antofagastia turneri, Bonapartherium serrensis, Parastegosimpsonia cf. peruana, Parutaetus punaensis, Prostegotherium notostylopianum, Pucatherium parvum, Punadolops alonsoi, Punahyrax bondesioi, Punapithecus minor, Punatherium catamarquensis, Reigia punae, Suniodon catamarcensis, Astegotherium sp., Callistoe sp., Colbertia sp., cf. Ernestokokenia sp., cf. Pampahippus sp., Propyrotherium sp., cf. Utaetus sp., Astrapotheriidae indet., Interatheriidae indet., Isotemnidae indet., Litopterna indet., Notohippidae indet., Notostylopidae indet., Notoungulata indet., Oldfieldthomasiidae indet., Typotheria indet. | Geste | ||
Eobranisamys riverai, E. romeropittmanae, Eodelphomys almeidacomposi, Eoespina woodi, Eoincamys ameghinoi, E. pascuali, Eopicure kraglievichi, Eopululo wigmorei, Eosachacui lavocati, Eosallamys paulacoutoi, E. simpsoni, Hondonadia pittmanae, Incadolops ucayali, Kirutherium paititiensis, Kiruwamaq chisu, Micoureus laventicus, Parastegosimpsonia peruana, Patene campbelli, Perulestes cardichi, P. fraileyi, Perupithecus ucayaliensis, Rumiodon inti, Sasawatsu mahaynaq, Wamradolops tsullodon, Wirunodon chanku, Yuruatherium tropicalis, Guiomys sp., Scleromys sp., Sipalocyon sp., cf. Microsteiromys sp., Acaremyidae indet., Chiroptera indet., ?Gondwanatheria indet., Glyptodontinae indet., Hystricognatha indet., Interatheriinae indet., cf. Notohippidae indet. | Yahuarango | ||
Birds | Perudyptes devriesi | Paracas | |
Psilopteridae indet. | Sarmiento | ||
Presbyornithidae indet. | Vaca Mahuida |
Reptiles & amphibians |
Boidae indet., Sebecidae indet., Testudines indet. | Geste | |
Shelania laurenti | Vaca Mahuida |
Boinae indet. | Sarmiento | ||
Insects | Acanthocephalonotum martinsnetoi, Archimyrmex piatnitzkyi, A. smekali, Madres delpueblo, ?Atalophlebia sp., Stratiomyidae indet. | Ventana | |
Flora | Agathis zamunerae, Atherospermophyllum guinazui, Embothrium precoccineum , ?Embothrium pregrandiflorum, Fagus subferruginea, Lomatia preferruginea, Retrophyllum spiralifolium, Blechnum sp. | Ventana |
- ↑ Mustersan at
- ↑ Woodburne et al., 2013
- ↑ Dozo et al., 2014, p.241
- ↑ Acosta & Tambussi, 2005, p.128
- ↑ Godoy et al., 2012
- ↑ Muñoz et al., 2006
- ↑ Tejedor et al., 2009, p.6
- ↑ Chacaltana et al., 2015, p.2
- ↑ 9.0 9.1 Castro Medina, 2010, p.53
- ↑ Ciancio et al., 2016, p.577
- ↑ López & Bond, 1995, p.92
- ↑ Clarke et al., 2007, p.11545
- ↑ Antoine et al., 2016, p.56
- ↑ Castro Medina, 2010, p.54
- ↑ Carlotto, 2016, p.522
- ↑ 16.0 16.1 Shelania at
- ↑ 17.0 17.1 Wilf et al., 2005
- ↑ Campbell et al., 2014, p.13
- ↑ 19.0 19.1 19.2 La Gran Hondonada at
- ↑ Sierra Chaira at
- ↑ Engelman et al., 2018
- ↑ Tapado at
- ↑ Goin et al., 2012
- ↑ La Barda at
- ↑ Ciancio et al., 2016
- ↑ García López & Babot, 2014
- ↑ 27.0 27.1 Antofagasta de la Sierra at
- ↑ Pozuelos salt flat, Quebrada El Paso at
- ↑ Bond et al., 2015
- ↑ Ciancio et al., 2012
- ↑ Santa Rosa fauna at
- ↑ MD-67 at
- ↑ Quebrada Perdida at
- ↑ Vaca Mahuida Facies at
- ↑ Confluencia locality at
- ↑ Quarry RP3, Río Pichileufú at
- ↑ Pilcaniyeu road, near Río Pichileufú at
- ↑ Río Pichileufú: quarry RP3 MEC dup at
- ↑ Río Pichileufú at
- ↑ Cerro Coihué at
- General
- Woodburne, M.O.; F.J. Goin; M. Bond; A.A. Carlini; J.N. Gelfo; G.M. López; A. Iglesias, and A.N. Zimicz. 2013. Paleogene Land Mammal Faunas of South America; a Response to Global Climatic Changes and Indigenous Floral Diversity. Journal of Mammalian Evolution 21. 1–73. Accessed 2019-02-15.
- Sarmiento Formation
- Acosta Hospitaleche, Carolina, and Claudia Tambussi. 2005. Phorusrhacidae Psilopterinae (Aves) en la Formación Sarmiento de la localidad de Gran Hondonada (Eoceno Superior), Patagonia, Argentina [Phorusrhacidae Psilopterinae (Birds) in the Sarmiento Formation from the Gran Hondonada locality (Upper Eocene), Patagonia, Argentina. Revista Española de Paleontología 20. 127–132. Accessed 2018-09-10.
- Dozo, María Teresa; Martín Ciancio; Pablo Bouza, and Gastón Martínez. 2014. Nueva asociación de mamíferos del Paleógeno en el este de la Patagonia (provincia de Chubut, Argentina): implicancias biocronológicas y paleobiogeográficas. Andean Geology 41. 224–247. Accessed 2017-08-15.
- Pérez, María Encarnación; Marcelo Krause, and María Guiomar Vucetich. 2012. A new species of Chubutomys (Rodentia, Hystricognathi) from the late Oligocene of Patagonia and its implications on the early evolutionary history of Cavioidea sensu stricto. Geobios 45. 573–580. Accessed 2019-02-15.
- Shockey, Bruce J.; John J. Flynn; Darin A. Croft; Phillip Gans, and André R. Wyss. 2012. New leontiniid Notoungulata (Mammalia) from Chile and Argentina : comparative anatomy, character analysis, and phylogenetic hypotheses. American Museum Novitates 3737. 1–64. Accessed 2019-02-15.
- Sterli, Juliana; Marcelo S. De la Fuente, and J. Marcelo Krause. 2015. A new turtle from the Palaeogene of Patagonia (Argentina) sheds new light on the diversity and evolution of the bizarre clade of horned turtles (Meiolaniidae, Testudinata). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 174. 519–548. Accessed 2019-02-13.
- Wyss, André R.; John J. Flynn, and Darin A. Croft. 2018. New Paleogene notohippids and leontiniids (Toxodontia; Notoungulata; Mammalia) from the Early Oligocene Tinguiririca Fauna of the Andean Main Range, central Chile. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 3903. 1–42. Accessed 2019-02-11.
- Abanico Formation
- Bertrand, Ornella C.; John J. Flynn; Darin A. Croft, and André R. Wyss. 2012. Two new taxa (Caviomorpha, Rodentia) from the early Oligocene Tinguiririca fauna (Chile). American Museum Novitates 3750. 1–36. Accessed 2019-02-15.
- Bradham, Jennifer; John J. Flynn; Darin A. Croft, and Andre R. Wyss. 2015. New notoungulates (Notostylopidae and basal toxodontians) from the early Oligocene Tinguiririca fauna of the Andean Main Range, central Chile. American Museum Novitates 3841. 1–24. Accessed 2019-02-13.
- Croft, Darin A.; John J. Flynn, and André R. Wyss. 2008. The Tinguiririca fauna of Chile and the early stages of "modernization" of South American mammal faunas. Arquivos do Museu Nacional, Rio de Janeiro 66. 191–211. Accessed 2019-02-12.
- Engelman, Russell K.; John J. Flynn; Philip Gans; André R. Wyss, and Darin A. Croft. 2018. Chlorocyon phantasma, a late Eocene borhyaenoid (Mammalia, Metatheria, Sparassodonta) from the Los Helados locality, Andean Main Range, central Chile. American Museum Novitates 3918. 1–22. Accessed 2019-02-11.
- Godoy, Estanislao. 2012. Sobre el variable marco geotectónico de las formaciones Abanico y Farellones y sus equivalentes al sur de los 35°LS. Revista de la Asociación Geológica Argentina 69. 570–577. Accessed 2017-08-15.
- Muñoz, Marcia; Francisco Fuentes; Mario Vergara; Luis Aguirre; Jan Olov Nyström; Gilbert Féraud, and Alain Demant. 2006. Abanico East Formation: petrology and geochemistry of volcanic rocks behind the Cenozoic arc front in the Andean Cordillera, central Chile (33°50'S). Revista Geológica de Chile 33. 109–140. Accessed 2017-08-15.
- Andesitas Huancache Formation
- Goin, Francisco J.; Marcelo F. Tejedor; Laura Chornogubsky; Guillermo M. López; Javier N. Gelfo; Mariano Bond; Michael O. Woodburne; Yamila Gurovich, and Marcelo Reguero. 2012. Persistence of a Mesozoic, non-therian mammalian lineage (Gondwanatheria) in the mid-Paleogene of Patagonia. Naturwissenschaften 99. 449–463. Accessed 2019-02-15.
- Tejedor, Marcelo F. et al. 2009. New Early Eocene Mammalian Fauna from Western Patagonia, Argentina. American Museum Novitates 3638. 1–43. Accessed 2018-09-11.
- Chota Formation
- Chacaltana, César; Alexandra Lucytania Benites Cañote; Waldir Valdivia, and Marco Chumpitaz. 2014. La formación Chota en la Cuenca Bagua: Evaluación e implicancias del criterio de clasificación litoestratigráfico, 1–4. Congreso Peruano de Geología. Accessed 2017-08-15.
- Geste Formation
- Ciancio, Martín R; Claudia Herrera; Alejandro Aramayo; Patricio Payrola, and Judith Babot. 2016. Diversity of cingulate xenarthrans in the middle–late Eocene of Northwestern Argentina. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 61. 575–590. Accessed 2018-09-10.
- García López, D.A., and M.J. Babot. 2014. Notoungulate faunas of north-western Argentina: new findings of early-diverging forms from the Eocene Geste Formation. Journal of Systematic Palaeontology 13. 557–579. Accessed 2019-02-12.
- López, Guillermo, and Mariano Bond. 1995. Un nuevo Notopithecinae (Notoungulata, Typotheria) del Terciario Inferior de la Puna argentina [A new Notopithecinae (Notoungulata, Typotheria) of Lower Tertiary from the argentinian Puna]. Stvd. Geol. Salmant. 31. 87–99. Accessed 2018-09-10.
- Paracas Formation
- Clarke, Julia A.; Daniel T. Ksepka; Marcelo Stucchi; Mario Urbina; Norberto Giannini; Sara Bertelli; Yanina Narváez, and Clint A. Boyd. 2007. Paleogene equatorial penguins challenge the proposed relationship between penguin biogeography, body size evolution, and Cenozoic climate change. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104. 11545–11550. Accessed 2017-08-15.
- Pozo Formation
- Antoine, P.O.; L. Marivaux; D.A. Croft; G. Billet; M. Ganerod; C. Jaramillo; T. Martin; M. Orliac, and J. Tejada, A. J. Altamirano, F. Duranthon, G. Fanjat, S. Rousse and R. Salas Gismondi. 2011. Middle Eocene rodents from Peruvian Amazonia reveal the pattern and timing of caviomorph origins and biogeography. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 279. 1319–1326. Accessed 2019-02-14.
- Boivin, Myriam; Laurent Marivaux; Maëva J. Orliac; François Pujos; Rodolfo Salas Gismondi; Julia V. Tejada Lara, and Pierre-Olivier Antoine. 2017. Late middle Eocene caviomorph rodents from Contamana, Peruvian Amazonia. Palaeontologia Electronica 20. Article number 20.1.19A. Accessed 2019-02-12.
- Soncco Formation
- Carlotto, Víctor. 2016. Dataciones por trazas de fisión en los depósitos continentales terciarios de la Región de Cusco, 521–524. XIII Congreso Peruano de Geología. Accessed 2017-08-15.
- Vaca Mahuida Formation
- Montalvo, C., and M. Bond. 1998. Un notoungulata de la Formación Vaca Mahuida (Eoceno), provincia de La Pampa, Argentina. Asociación Paleontológica Argentina, Publicación Especial 5. 55–60. Accessed 2019-02-15.
- Ventana Formation
- Lua error in Module:Cite_LSA at line 104: attempt to concatenate local 'volume' (a nil value).
- Wilf, P.; K.R. Johnson; N.R. Cúneo; M.E. Smith; B.S. Singer, and M.A. Gandolfo. 2005. Eocene Plant Diversity at Laguna del Hunco and Río Pichileufú, Patagonia, Argentina. The American Naturalist 165. 634–650. Accessed 2019-02-22.
- Yahuarango Formation
- Bond, Mariano; Marcelo F. Tejedor; Kenneth E. Campbell Jr.; Laura Chornogubsky; Nelson Novo, and Francisco Goin. 2015. Eocene primates of South America and the African origins of New World monkeys. Nature 520. 538–546. Accessed 2017-09-24.
- Campbell, K.E.; C.D. Frailey, and L. Romero Pittman. 2004. The Paleogene Santa Rosa Local Fauna of Amazonian Perú: Geographic and Geologic Setting. Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, Science Series 40. 1–164. Accessed 2019-02-15.
- Ciancio, Martín Ricardo; Alfredo A. Carlini; Kenneth E. Campbell, and Gustavo J. Scillato Yané. 2013. New Palaeogene cingulates (Mammalia, Xenarthra) from Santa Rosa, Perú and their importance in the context of South American faunas. Journal of Systematic Palaeontology 11. 727–741. Accessed 2019-02-15.
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