CSX+ Indic character set

From HandWiki

The CSX+ Indic character set, or the Classical Sanskrit eXtended Plus Indic Character Set, is used by LaTeX to represent text used in the Romanization of Sanskrit.[1][2] It is an extension of the CSX Indic character set (but removes ÿ and the punctuation marks ¢, £, ¥, «, and »),[3][4] which in turn is an extension of the CS Indic character set,[5] and is based on Code Page 437. It fixes an issue with Windows programs, by moving á from code point 160 (0xA0) (which is problematic because it displays a regular space on Windows), to code point 158 (0x9E).

Code page layout

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
Ç ü é â ä à å ç ê ë è ï î ì Ä Å
É æ Æ ô ö ò û ù ǣ Ö Ü ŭ ē̃ á
NBSP í ó ú ñ Ñ ā̆ ī̆ ū̆ ā̃ ī̃ r̥̄
l̥̄ ŕ̥ r̥̀ r̥̄́ ā́ ā̀ ī́ ī̀ ē ō ū́ ū̀
ō̃ Ē Ō ṛ́ ṛ̀ K͟h  SP  Ǣ k͟h ġ ĉ ṝ́
ã ĩ ũ õ ĕ ŏ ū̃ Ġ Ĉ
ā ß Ā ī Ī ū Ū
ś Ś
