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Short description: Seventh stage of the Cambrian and third stage of the Miaolingian
~500.5 – ~497 Ma
Cambrian graphical timeline
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Orsten Fauna
Archaeocyatha extinction
SSF diversification, first brachiopods & archaeocyatha
Dresbachian extinction
Subdivision of the Cambrian according to the ICS, as of 2021.[1]
Vertical axis scale: millions of years ago
Name formalityFormal
Name ratified2008[2]
Former name(s)Cambrian Stage 7
Usage information
Celestial bodyEarth
Regional usageGlobal (ICS)
Time scale(s) usedICS Time Scale
Chronological unitAge
Stratigraphic unitStage
First proposed byShanchi et al., 2007[3]
Time span formalityFormal
Lower boundary definitionFAD of the Trilobite Lejopyge laevigata
Lower boundary GSSPLuoyixi section, Luoyixi, Guzhang, Hunan, China
[ ⚑ ] 28°43′12″N 109°57′53″E / 28.7200°N 109.9647°E / 28.7200; 109.9647
GSSP ratified2008[2]
Upper boundary definitionFAD of the Trilobite Glyptagnostus reticulatus
Upper boundary GSSPPaibi section, Paibi, Hunan, China
[ ⚑ ] 28°23′22″N 109°31′33″E / 28.3895°N 109.5257°E / 28.3895; 109.5257
GSSP ratified2003[4]

[ ⚑ ] 28°43′12″N 109°57′53″E / 28.7200°N 109.9647°E / 28.7200; 109.9647 The Guzhangian is an uppermost stage of the Miaolingian Series of the Cambrian. It follows the Drumian Stage and precedes the Paibian Stage of the Furongian Series. The base is defined as the first appearance of the trilobite Lejopyge laevigata around 500.5 million years ago. The Guzhangian-Paibian boundary is marked by the first appearance of the trilobite Glyptagnostus reticulatus around 497 million years ago.[5]

The name Guzhangian is derived from Guzhang County, Hunan Province, China.

The GSSP is defined in the Huaqiao Formation in Hunan.[6] The precise base of the Guzhangian is a limestone layer 121.3 m above the base Huaqiao Formation(花桥组) at the Louyixi section ( [ ⚑ ] 28°43′12″N 109°57′53″E / 28.7200°N 109.9647°E / 28.7200; 109.9647), where Lejopyge laevigata has its first appearance.[5]


  1. "Chart/Time Scale". International Commission on Stratigraphy. 
  2. 2.0 2.1 Peng, Shanchi; Babcock, Loren; Zuo, Jingxun; Lin, Huanling; Zhu, Xuejian; Yang, Xianfeng; Robison, Richard; Qi, Yuping et al. (March 2009). "The Global Boundary Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) of the Guzhangian Stage (Cambrian) in the Wuling Mountains, Northwestern Hunan, China". Episodes 32 (1): 41–55. doi:10.18814/epiiugs/2009/v32i1/006. Retrieved 13 December 2020. 
  3. Shanchi, Peng; Babcock, Loren; Jingxun, Zuo; Huanling, Lin; Xuejian, Zhu; Xianfeng, Yang; Robison, Richard; Yuping, Qi et al.. "PROPOSED GLOBAL STANDARD STRATOTYPE-SECTION AND POINT FOR THE GUZHANGIAN STAGE (CAMBRIAN)". International Subcommission on Cambrian Stratigraphy. 
  4. Peng, S. C.; Babcock, L. E.; Robison, R. A.; Lin, H. L.; Rees, M. N.; Saltzman, M. R. (2004). "Global Standard Stratotype-Section and Point (GSSP) of the Furongian Series and Paibian Stage (Cambrian)". Lethaia 37 (4): 365–379. doi:10.1080/00241160410002081. Retrieved 8 December 2020. 
  5. 5.0 5.1 "GSSP for Guzhangian Stage". 
  6. Peng, Shanchi; Loren E. Babcok; Jingxun Zuo; Huanling LIn; Xuejian Zhu; Xianfeng Yang; Richard A. Robison; Yuping Qui et al. (2009). "The Global Boundary Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) of the Guzhangian Stage (Cambrian) in the Wuling Mountains, Northwestern Hunan, China". Episodes 32 (1): 41–55. doi:10.18814/epiiugs/2009/v32i1/006. Retrieved 14 September 2012.  [|permanent dead link|dead link}}]