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This portal dedicated to unusual observations and unsolved problems. They are not necessarly related to science. Some articles belong to folklore, but some to unusual observations that may seed future sciences. Keep your mind open and have a break from established science.

The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science" (A.Einstein)

After all, what would be the use of studying physics if the mysteries were not the most important things to investigate? (R.Feynman)

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Find here a list of categories organized by topics and a list of new articles submitted to this portal.

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List of categories


Main topics

  1. Alchemical symbols
  2. Anthroposophy
  3. Anti-gravity
  4. Aos Sí
  5. Apocalypticism
  6. Astral projection
  7. Atlantis
  8. Aztec legendary creatures
  9. Beelzebub
  10. Bigfoot
  11. Biological hypotheses
  12. Books about magic
  13. Books about the paranormal
  14. Centaurs
  15. Conceptions of heaven
  16. Consciousness–matter dualism
  17. Creationism
  18. Cryonics
  19. Cryptids
  20. Cryptozoology
  21. Denialism
  22. Devils
  23. Doomsday scenarios
  24. Dragons
  25. Dream
  26. Elves
  27. Esoteric anthropogenesis
  28. Exorcism
  29. Fictional materials
  30. Fringe theories
  31. Fringe theory
  32. Futurology
  33. Ghosts
  34. Giants
  35. Goblins
  36. Hallucinations
  37. Heaven in Christianity
  38. Herbalism
  39. Hesperides
  40. Holonomic brain theory
  41. Human-headed mythical creatures
  42. Hypotheses
  43. Hypothetical impact events
  44. Hypothetical objects
  45. Hypothetical technology
  46. Immortality
  47. Incantation
  48. Individual angels
  49. Intelligent design
  50. Intelligent design controversies
  51. Intelligent design movement
  52. Japanese ghosts
  53. Jewish mysticism
  54. Language and mysticism
  55. Lemuria (continent)
  56. Life extension
  57. Loch Ness Monster
  58. Lucid dreams
  59. Lucifer
  60. Magic (supernatural)
  61. Magick
  62. Mediumship
  63. Miracles
  64. Modern witchcraft
  65. Monsters
  66. Mysticism
  67. Mythic humanoids
  68. Mythological felines
  69. Mythological hematophages
  70. Mythological human hybrids
  71. Mythological islands
  72. Mythological monsters
  73. Mythological peoples
  74. Mythological powers
  75. Naiads
  76. Nazism and occultism
  77. Near-death experiences
  78. Nereids
  79. Noah's Ark
  80. Nostradamus
  81. Nymphs
  82. Oceanids
  83. Open problems
  84. Paradoxes
  85. Paranormal
  86. Paranormal hoaxes
  87. Paranormal magazines
  88. Paranormal terminology
  89. Plum Village Tradition
  90. Postural awareness techniques
  91. Prophecy
  92. Roswell incident
  93. Sacred geometry
  94. Satyrs
  95. Scientology-related controversies
  96. Shamanism of the Americas
  97. Space elevator
  98. Supernatural healing
  99. Supernatural legends
  100. Theoretical continents
  101. Tibetan Buddhist practices
  102. Types of existentialism
  103. Urban legends
  104. Vampirism
  105. Water monsters
  106. Wiccan terminology
  107. Yeti
  108. Zombies

UFOs, aliens and extraterrestrial life

  1. Alien abduction
  2. Alien abduction reports
  3. Alleged UFO-related entities
  4. Contactees
  5. Extraterrestrial life
  6. UFO sightings
  7. UFO-related lists
  8. UFO-related phenomena
  9. Ufology
  10. Unidentified flying objects

Astrology and astronomical controversies

  1. Astrological aspects
  2. Astrological databases
  3. Astrological house systems
  4. Astrological signs
  5. Astrological texts
  6. Astrology
  7. Astrology by tradition
  8. Astrology-related lists
  9. Astronomical controversies
  10. Astronomical hypotheses
  11. Astronomical myths
  12. Esoteric cosmology
  13. Hypothetical bodies of the Solar System
  14. Hypothetical galaxies
  15. Hypothetical moons
  16. Hypothetical planet types
  17. Hypothetical planetary systems
  18. Hypothetical planets
  19. Hypothetical stars
  20. Hypothetical trans-Neptunian objects
  21. Mythological cosmologies
  22. Non-scientific hypothetical planets
  23. Technical factors of astrology
  24. Unidentified astronomical objects

Controversies in natural sciences

  1. Astrobiology
  2. Autism pseudoscience
  3. Creationist objections to evolution
  4. Earth mysteries
  5. Faster-than-light travel
  6. Fringe physics
  7. Fringe science
  8. Hollow Earth theory
  9. Hypothetical life forms
  10. Interstellar travel
  11. Multiverse
  12. Non-scientific hypothetical planets
  13. Numerology
  14. Prizes for proof of paranormal phenomena
  15. Pseudophysics
  16. Pseudoscience
  17. Pseudoscience literature
  18. Quantum mind
  19. Quantum mysticism
  20. Science and technology-related conspiracy theories
  21. Scientific controversies
  22. Speculative evolution
  23. Spiritual evolution
  24. Time travel devices
  25. UFO-related phenomena
  26. Unexplained phenomena

Controversies in archaeology and history

  1. Ancient astronaut speculation
  2. Archaeological controversies
  3. Archaeological forgeries
  4. Crystal skull
  5. Impossible objects
  6. Megalithic monuments
  7. Megastructures
  8. Monoliths
  9. Out-of-place artifacts
  10. Pseudoarchaeological texts
  11. Pseudoarchaeology
  12. Pseudohistory
  13. Sacred rocks
  14. Stonehenge

Alternative medicine (or not)

  1. Alternative cancer treatments
  2. Alternative medical treatments
  3. Alternative medicine
  4. Biofield therapies
  5. Biologically-based therapies
  6. Concepts in alternative medicine
  7. Homeopathy
  8. Hypnotherapy
  9. Medical controversies
  10. Medical-related conspiracy theories

New Age and spirituality

  1. Afterlife
  2. Afterlife places
  3. Energy (esotericism)
  4. Esotericism
  5. Meditation
  6. New Age
  7. New Age books
  8. New Age practices
  9. Reincarnation
  10. Reincarnation research
  11. Spiritism
  12. Spiritual evolution
  13. Spiritual practice
  14. Spiritualism
  15. Spirituality

Conspiracy theories

  1. Bible conspiracy theories
  2. Conspiracy theories
  3. Conspiracy theories involving aviation incidents
  4. Death conspiracy theories
  5. Medical-related conspiracy theories
  6. Moon landing conspiracy theories
  7. Science and technology-related conspiracy theories

Extraordinary human abilities

  1. Hypnosis
  2. Mind control
  3. Mindfulness (Buddhism)
  4. Parapsychology
  5. Psychic powers
  6. Psychokinesis
  7. Psychokineticists
  8. Quantum mind
  9. Telepathy
  10. Teleportation