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Earth science or geoscience includes all fields of natural science related to the planet Earth. This is a branch of science dealing with the physical constitution of the Earth and its atmosphere. Earth science is the study of our planet's physical characteristics, from earthquakes to raindrops, and floods to fossils.

Handwiki earth.svg Earth portal

Find here a list of categories organized by topics and a list of new articles submitted to this portal.

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Newest articles

  1. Earth:Outline of ancient India
  2. Earth:Outline of the history of Los Angeles
  3. Earth:Outline of Cornwall
  4. Earth:Outline of ancient Greece
  5. Earth:Outline of Grand Teton National Park
  6. Earth:Outline of Puntland
  7. Earth:Outline of Metro Manila
  8. Earth:Arc measurement
  9. Earth:Outline of Rivers State
  10. Earth:Outline of the Cook Islands
  11. Earth:Outline of the Ottoman Empire
  12. Earth:Outline of ancient Egypt
  13. Earth:Outline of Yellowstone National Park
  14. Earth:Outline of Republika Srpska
  15. Earth:Outline of Glacier National Park (U.S.)
  16. Earth:Outline of ancient Rome
  17. Earth:Outline of ancient China
  18. Earth:List of British Empire–related topics
  19. Earth:Outline of Tibet
  20. Earth:Outline of urban planning
  21. Earth:Outline of Kosovo
  22. Earth:Outline of Catalonia
  23. Earth:Outline of the Byzantine Empire
  24. Earth:Josephinian Land Survey
  25. Earth:Falkland Islands and Dependencies Aerial Survey Expedition
  26. Earth:Fernel's arc measurement
  27. Earth:Arc measurement of Delambre and Méchain
  28. Earth:Snellius' triangulation
  29. Earth:West Europe-Africa Meridian-arc
  30. Earth:Dunkirk-Collioure arc measurement
  31. Earth:Eratosthenes' arc measurement
  32. Earth:Posidonius' arc measurement
  33. Earth:Anglo-French Survey (1784–1790)
  34. Earth:De Lacaille's arc measurement
  35. Earth:Meridian arc of Delambre and Méchain
  36. Earth:Picard's arc measurement
  37. Earth:Backlundtoppen
  38. Earth:Pūhāhonu
  39. Earth:Pyramid Formation (British Columbia)
  40. Earth:Marine habitat
  41. Earth:List of ultras of Antarctica
  42. Earth:Discovery Investigations
  43. Earth:Ad Astra Ice Cap (Greenland)
  44. Earth:Peresyp
  45. Earth:Mount Meydan
  46. Earth:Lyell Formation
  47. Earth:Late Pleistocene extinctions
  48. Earth:Lake bifurcation
  49. Earth:Jewel Mountain
  50. Earth:Hreppar Microplate
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List of categories


Main topics

  1. Active volcanoes
  2. Agricultural soil science
  3. Agronomy
  4. Air pollution
  5. Albian
  6. Albian Stage
  7. Alluvial deposits
  8. Alvars (landform)
  9. Amber
  10. Aptian
  11. Aptian Stage
  12. Aquitanian (stage)
  13. Archaeological science
  14. Archaeology
  15. Archaeoseismology
  16. Archean
  17. Arctic expeditions
  18. Arctic research
  19. Badlands
  20. Bajocian Stage
  21. Barremian
  22. Barstovian
  23. Bartonian
  24. Basins
  25. Bathonian Stage
  26. Berriasian
  27. Biostratigraphy
  28. Bithynia
  29. Bodies of ice
  30. Buffalo jumps
  31. Burdigalian
  32. Buttes
  33. Campanian
  34. Campanian Stage
  35. Canyons and gorges
  36. Caria
  37. Cartography
  38. Casamayoran
  39. Caves
  40. Cenomanian
  41. Cenomanian Stage
  42. Cenozoic
  43. Cenozoic Erathem
  44. Cenozoic paleogeography
  45. Chapadmalalan
  46. Chasicoan
  47. Chattian Stage
  48. Chronostratigraphy
  49. Cinder cones
  50. Cirques
  51. Cirrus
  52. Cisuralian
  53. Clarendonian
  54. Clarkforkian
  55. Cliffs
  56. Cloud types
  57. Clouds
  58. Coastal engineering
  59. Coastal erosion
  60. Coastal geography
  61. Colhuehuapian
  62. Colloncuran
  63. Colorado Plateau
  64. Columnar basalts
  65. Complex volcanoes
  66. Coniacian
  67. Coniacian Stage
  68. Continents
  69. Coral reefs
  70. Crystals
  71. Cumulus
  72. Danxia landform
  73. Demopolis Chalk
  74. Deseadan
  75. Deserts
  76. Deserts of China
  77. Divisaderan
  78. Dormant volcanoes
  79. Dry or seasonal streams
  80. Earth
  81. Earth Impact Database
  82. Earth phenomena
  83. Earth sciences
  84. Earth sciences metadata conventions
  85. Earth system sciences
  86. Earth trojans
  87. Earthquake and seismic risk mitigation
  88. Earthquake engineering
  89. East Antarctica
  90. East Siberian Sea
  91. Eclipses
  92. Ecological theories
  93. Ecology
  94. Ecology terminology
  95. Ecoregions
  96. Ecosystems
  97. Effusive eruptions
  98. Ensenadan
  99. Environment of the Arctic
  100. Environmental certification
  101. Environmental research
  102. Environmental science
  103. Environmental soil science
  104. Environmental standards
  105. Environmental terminology
  106. Environments
  107. Eocene
  108. Eocene geochronology
  109. Erathems
  110. Ergs
  111. Erosion
  112. Escarpments
  113. Eskers
  114. Eurasia
  115. Evolution of the biosphere
  116. Explosive eruptions
  117. Extinct volcanoes
  118. Extinction events
  119. Extreme points of Earth
  120. Fields of seismology
  121. Fjords
  122. Fluvial deposits
  123. Forest ecology
  124. Former cratons
  125. Former supercontinents
  126. Friasian
  127. Furongian
  128. Future supercontinents
  129. Geochronological dating methods
  130. Geochronology
  131. Geodesy
  132. Geodetic surveys
  133. Geographic coordinate systems
  134. Geography
  135. Geography journals
  136. Geography terminology
  137. Geolocation
  138. Geomagnetic reversal
  139. Geomagnetic storms
  140. Geomorphology
  141. Geomorphology journals
  142. Geophysical imaging
  143. Geophysical survey
  144. Geophysics
  145. Geophysics journals
  146. Geostatistics
  147. Geothermal energy
  148. Geysers
  149. Glacial deposits
  150. Glacial erratics
  151. Glacial lakes
  152. Glaciers
  153. Glaciology
  154. Glaciovolcanism
  155. Glens
  156. Grasslands
  157. Grottoes
  158. Guadalupian
  159. Hadean
  160. Hauterivian
  161. Hauterivian Stage
  162. Headlands
  163. Hemingfordian
  164. Hemispheres of Earth
  165. Highlands
  166. Hill lands
  167. Hills
  168. Historical continents
  169. History of Earth science
  170. Holocene shield volcanoes
  171. Holocene volcanism
  172. Hotspot volcanoes
  173. Ice caps
  174. Ice caps of Antarctica
  175. Ice caps of Canada
  176. Ice caps of Greenland
  177. Ice caps of Russia
  178. Ice caves
  179. Ice fields
  180. Ice fields of Antarctica
  181. Ice rises
  182. Ice shelves
  183. Ice shelves of Antarctica
  184. Impact crater lakes
  185. Impact craters of Brazil
  186. Impact craters of Russia
  187. Impact craters of the Arctic
  188. Impact craters on Earth
  189. Inselberg plains
  190. Inselbergs
  191. Interglacials
  192. Intermediate rocks
  193. Islands
  194. Islands by type
  195. Itaboraian
  196. Karst
  197. Lacustrine deposits
  198. Lakes
  199. Langhian
  200. Lava caves
  201. Lava domes
  202. Lava flows
  203. Laventan
  204. Lighting
  205. Limestone Coast
  206. Limestone caves
  207. Lists of caves
  208. Lists of impact craters on Earth
  209. Lithostratigraphy
  210. Llandovery epoch
  211. Lopingian
  212. Lucania
  213. Ludlow epoch
  214. Lujanian
  215. Lutetian
  216. Maastrichtian
  217. Maastrichtian Stage
  218. Magnetic anomalies
  219. Magnetospheres
  220. Malargüe Group
  221. Malpaí
  222. Mass extinction timelines
  223. Meadows
  224. Mesas
  225. Mesoproterozoic
  226. Mesoproterozoic paleogeography
  227. Mesozoic
  228. Mesozoic Erathem
  229. Mesozoic paleogeography
  230. Metamorphic petrology
  231. Miaolingian
  232. Mineral exploration
  233. Mineralogy
  234. Miocene volcanism
  235. Miocene volcanoes
  236. Mississipp
  237. Montehermosan
  238. Moraines
  239. Mud volcanoes
  240. Mustersan
  241. Natural arches
  242. Natural monoliths
  243. Navigation
  244. Neoproterozoic
  245. Neoproterozoic paleogeography
  246. Neuquén Group
  247. Optical mineralogy
  248. Palaeogeography stubs
  249. Paleocene
  250. Paleocene geochronology
  251. Paleogeography
  252. Paleomagnetism
  253. Paleontology
  254. Paleoproterozoic
  255. Paleoproterozoic paleogeography
  256. Paleozoic
  257. Paleozoic Erathem
  258. Paleozoic Erathem by paleolatitude
  259. Paleozoic paleogeography
  260. Parasitic cones
  261. Patagonia
  262. Patterned grounds
  263. Pedology
  264. Peligran
  265. Peléan eruptions
  266. Pennsylvan
  267. Petrology
  268. Phanerozoic paleogeography
  269. Phreatic eruptions
  270. Phreatomagmatic eruptions
  271. Physical geography
  272. Pilbara
  273. Plains
  274. Planation surfaces
  275. Plateaus
  276. Plateaus of Antarctica
  277. Pleistocene
  278. Pleistocene events
  279. Pleistocene shield volcanoes
  280. Pleistocene volcanism
  281. Pleistocene volcanoes
  282. Plinian eruptions
  283. Pliocene lava domes
  284. Pliocene volcanism
  285. Political geography
  286. Polygenetic shield volcanoes
  287. Polygenetic volcanoes
  288. Possible impact craters on Earth
  289. Priabonian
  290. Pridoli epoch
  291. Proglacial lakes
  292. Proterozoic
  293. Pyroclastic cones
  294. Quarries
  295. Remote sensing
  296. Ridge volcanoes
  297. Ridges
  298. Riochican
  299. Rivers
  300. Roadian
  301. Sakmarian
  302. Santacrucian
  303. Santonian
  304. Santonian Stage
  305. Sea caves
  306. Sedimentary rocks
  307. Sedimentology
  308. Sediments
  309. Seismic faults
  310. Seismic magnitude scales
  311. Seismology
  312. Seismology measurement
  313. Sequence stratigraphy
  314. Serravallian
  315. Shield volcanoes
  316. Sierra Pelona Ridge
  317. Smog
  318. Soil physics
  319. South American land mammal ages
  320. Storm
  321. Storm chasing
  322. Stratigraphic units by paleolatitude
  323. Stratigraphy
  324. Stratovolcanoes
  325. Strombolian eruptions
  326. Structure of the Earth
  327. Subglacial mounds
  328. Subterranea (geography)
  329. Summits
  330. Supercontinents
  331. Supervolcanoes
  332. Tab
  333. Terreneuvian
  334. Tertiary igneous petrology
  335. Thanetian Stage
  336. Theoretical ecology
  337. Tithonian Stage
  338. Tiupampan
  339. Topography
  340. Topography techniques
  341. Tornado
  342. Tornadoes
  343. Tropical cyclones
  344. Tuff cones
  345. Turonian
  346. Turonian Stage
  347. Tuyas
  348. Types of cyclone
  349. Types of earthquake
  350. Types of soil
  351. Unconformities
  352. Uquian
  353. Valanginian
  354. Valanginian Stage
  355. Valleys
  356. Volcanic arcs
  357. Volcanic belts
  358. Volcanic cones
  359. Volcanic crater lakes
  360. Volcanic craters
  361. Volcanic dams
  362. Volcanic eruption types
  363. Volcanic fields
  364. Volcanic plateaus
  365. Volcanic plugs
  366. Volcanic rocks
  367. Volcanism by geochronology
  368. Volcanoes
  369. Volcanoes of Alaska
  370. Volcanoes of Europe
  371. Volcanogenic lakes
  372. Volcanology
  373. Vulcanian eruptions
  374. Wairarapa
  375. Wasatchian
  376. Wenlock epoch
  377. Wetlands
  378. Wild caves
  379. Wuchiapingian
  380. Ypresian
  381. Ypresian Stage
  382. Zealandia


  1. Aeronautics
  2. Aerospace
  3. Atmosphere
  4. Atmosphere of Earth
  5. Atmospheric boundaries
  6. Atmospheric circulation
  7. Atmospheric dispersion modeling
  8. Atmospheric dynamics
  9. Atmospheric electricity
  10. Atmospheric ghost lights
  11. Atmospheric optical phenomena
  12. Atmospheric sciences
  13. Atmospheric sounding
  14. Atmospheric thermodynamics
  15. Boundary layer meteorology
  16. Earth and atmospheric sciences journals
  17. Glossaries of meteorology
  18. Ionosphere
  19. Mesoscale meteorology
  20. Meteorite mineralogy and petrology
  21. Meteorological concepts
  22. Meteorological data and networks
  23. Meteorological hypotheses
  24. Meteorological phenomena
  25. Microscale meteorology
  26. Mountain meteorology
  27. Radar meteorology
  28. Tropical cyclone meteorology
  29. Tropical meteorology
  30. Units of meteorology measurement

Climate and Weather

  1. Anomalous weather
  2. Climate
  3. Climate change
  4. Climate change assessment and attribution
  5. Climate change books
  6. Climate change controversies
  7. Climate change feedbacks
  8. Climate change mitigation
  9. Climate change policy
  10. Climate change skepticism and denial
  11. Climate engineering
  12. Climate history
  13. Climate modeling
  14. Climate of Greenland
  15. Climate patterns
  16. Climate variability and change
  17. Climatology
  18. Global warming
  19. Numerical climate and weather models
  20. Paleoclimatology
  21. Severe weather and convection
  22. Space weather
  23. Weather
  24. Weather forecasting
  25. Weather fronts
  26. Weather hazards
  27. Weather prediction


  1. Cambrian geology
  2. Carboniferous geology
  3. Cisuralian geology
  4. Cretaceous geology
  5. Deposition (geology)
  6. Devonian geology
  7. Early Cretaceous geology
  8. Early Jurassic geology
  9. Economic geology
  10. Ediacaran geology
  11. Faults (geology)
  12. Geologic domes
  13. Geologic formations
  14. Geologic formations of Alberta
  15. Geologic formations of Arkansas
  16. Geologic formations of Bolivia
  17. Geologic formations of California
  18. Geologic formations of Chile
  19. Geologic formations of Cuba
  20. Geologic formations of England
  21. Geologic formations of Ethiopia
  22. Geologic formations of Florida
  23. Geologic formations of Japan
  24. Geologic formations of New Zealand
  25. Geologic formations of Norway
  26. Geologic formations of Texas
  27. Geologic formations of Utah
  28. Geologic time scales
  29. Geologic time scales of Earth
  30. Geological eons
  31. Geological eras
  32. Geological groups
  33. Geological history of Earth
  34. Geological periods
  35. Geological processes
  36. Geological supergroups
  37. Geological techniques
  38. Geological type localities
  39. Geological units
  40. Geology
  41. Geology of the Pacific Ocean
  42. Geology terminology
  43. Geology theories
  44. Geology timelines
  45. Historical geology
  46. Historical tectonic plates
  47. Holocene geology
  48. Hydrogeology
  49. International Commission on Stratigraphy geologic time scale of Earth
  50. Jurassic geology
  51. Klondike Mountain Formation
  52. Late Triassic geology
  53. Lists of mountains
  54. Llandovery geology
  55. Ludlow geology
  56. Magmatism by geological period
  57. Mesoproterozoic geology
  58. Miocene geology
  59. Mountain geomorphology
  60. Mountain lakes
  61. Mountain meteorology
  62. Mountain passes
  63. Mountains
  64. Mountains of Alaska
  65. Mountains of Antarctica
  66. Neogene geologyI
  67. Oligocene geology
  68. Ordovician geology
  69. Paleocene geology
  70. Paleogene geology
  71. Plate tectonics
  72. Pleistocene geology
  73. Pliocene geology
  74. Quaternary geologic formations
  75. Quaternary geology
  76. Regional geologic time scales
  77. Silurian geology
  78. Stacks (geology)
  79. Structural geology
  80. Tectonic landforms
  81. Tectonic plates
  82. Tectonics
  83. Triassic geology
  84. Volcanism by geological period

Formations and Landforms

  1. Adamantina Formation
  2. Aeolian landforms
  3. Agardhfjellet Formation
  4. Allenby Formation
  5. Anacleto Formation
  6. Bahariya Formation
  7. Bajo Barreal Formation
  8. Bajo de la Carpa Formation
  9. Barun Goyot Formation
  10. Bertie Formation
  11. Bissekty Formation
  12. Buen Formation
  13. Camarillas Formation
  14. Candeleros Formation
  15. Cañadón Asfalto Formation
  16. Cerrejón Formation
  17. Cerro Azul Formation
  18. Cerro Barcino Formation
  19. Chañares Formation
  20. Chinle Formation
  21. Coal formations
  22. Coastal and oceanic landforms
  23. Conglomerate formations
  24. Crato Formation
  25. Cutler Formation
  26. Djadochta Formation
  27. Dolomite formations
  28. Erosion landforms
  29. Fezouata Formation
  30. Floresta Formation
  31. Fluvial landforms
  32. Fountain Formation
  33. Fur Formation
  34. Gaiman Formation
  35. Geographic information systems
  36. Geologic formations
  37. Geologic formations of Alberta
  38. Geologic formations of Arkansas
  39. Geologic formations of Bolivia
  40. Geologic formations of California
  41. Geologic formations of Chile
  42. Geologic formations of Cuba
  43. Geologic formations of England
  44. Geologic formations of Ethiopia
  45. Geologic formations of Florida
  46. Geologic formations of Japan
  47. Geologic formations of New Zealand
  48. Geologic formations of Norway
  49. Geologic formations of Texas
  50. Geologic formations of Utah
  51. Glacial erosion landforms
  52. Glacial landforms
  53. Guanling Formation
  54. Hasle Formation
  55. Hell Creek Formation
  56. Huincul Formation
  57. Ichnofossiliferous formations
  58. Ischigualasto Formation
  59. Ituzaingó Formation
  60. Jiufotang Formation
  61. Kaiparowits Formation
  62. Kayenta Formation
  63. Klondike Mountain Formation
  64. La Amarga Formation
  65. La Huérguina Formation
  66. Lacustrine landforms
  67. Landforms
  68. Landforms of Oceania
  69. Lecho Formation
  70. Letná Formation
  71. Limestone formations
  72. Lists of landforms
  73. Los Alamitos Formation
  74. Los Colorados Formation
  75. Lourinhã Formation
  76. Madygen Formation
  77. Maevarano Formation
  78. Marília Formation
  79. Milk River Formation
  80. Morrison Formation
  81. Mudstone formations
  82. Nemegt Formation
  83. Neogene formations of New Mexico
  84. Omingonde Formation
  85. Ooliferous formations
  86. Paja Formation
  87. Periglacial landforms
  88. Phosphorite formations
  89. Pisco Formation
  90. Portezuelo Formation
  91. Quartzite formations
  92. Quaternary geologic formations
  93. Reservoir rock formations
  94. Rock formations
  95. Rock formations of Canada
  96. Rock formations of Italy
  97. Rock formations of Seattle
  98. Romualdo Formation
  99. Sandstone formations
  100. Sandstone formations of the United States
  101. Santa Lucía Formation
  102. Seal rock formations
  103. Shale formations
  104. Shale formations of the United States
  105. Siltstone formations
  106. Slope landforms
  107. Solnhofen Formation
  108. Source rock formations
  109. Tectonic landforms
  110. Tendaguru Formation
  111. Tranquille Formation
  112. Tremp Formation
  113. Tuff formations
  114. Verulam Formation
  115. Volcanic landforms

Oceanography and Water

  1. Arctic Ocean
  2. Atlantic Ocean
  3. Bodies of water
  4. Chemical oceanography
  5. Coastal and oceanic landforms
  6. Currents of the Arctic Ocean
  7. Currents of the Atlantic Ocean
  8. Deep marine deposits
  9. Former bodies of water
  10. Geology of the Pacific Ocean
  11. Historical oceans
  12. Hydrogeology
  13. Hydrography
  14. Hydrology
  15. Indian Ocean
  16. Landforms of Oceania
  17. Marine energy
  18. Marine isotope stages
  19. Ocean currents
  20. Ocean pollution
  21. Oceania
  22. Oceanic plateaus
  23. Oceanic ridges
  24. Oceanic trenches of the Pacific Ocean
  25. Oceanographic expeditions
  26. Oceanographic instrumentation
  27. Oceanographical terminology
  28. Oceanography
  29. Oceans
  30. Pacific Ocean
  31. Paleogene Oceania
  32. Paleozoic Oceania
  33. Physical oceanography
  34. Pleistocene Oceania
  35. Shallow marine deposits
  36. Submarine topography
  37. Underwater mining
  38. Underwater ridges of the Indian Ocean
  39. Volcanism of Oceania
  40. Volcanoes of the Arctic Ocean
  41. Water and the environment
  42. Water ice
  43. Water pollution
  44. Water streams
  45. Waterfalls

Prehistoric Earth

  1. Cambrian
  2. Cambrian geochronology
  3. Cambrian geology
  4. Cambrian impact craters
  5. Cambrian magmatism
  6. Cambrian orogenies
  7. Cambrian paleogeography
  8. Carboniferous
  9. Carboniferous geology
  10. Carboniferous impact craters
  11. Carboniferous magmatism
  12. Carboniferous paleogeography
  13. Carboniferous paleontological sites
  14. Cretaceous
  15. Cretaceous System
  16. Cretaceous fossil record
  17. Cretaceous geochronology
  18. Cretaceous geology
  19. Cretaceous impact craters
  20. Cretaceous magmatism
  21. Cretaceous orogenies
  22. Cretaceous paleogeography
  23. Cryogenian
  24. Devonian
  25. Devonian geochronology
  26. Devonian geology
  27. Devonian impact craters
  28. Devonian magmatism
  29. Devonian paleogeography
  30. Early Cretaceous
  31. Early Cretaceous geology
  32. Early Devonian
  33. Early Jurassic geology
  34. Ediacaran
  35. Ediacaran geology
  36. Jurassic
  37. Jurassic System of Africa
  38. Jurassic geology
  39. Jurassic impact craters
  40. Jurassic magmatism
  41. Jurassic paleogeography
  42. Late Cretaceous
  43. Late Devonian
  44. Late Jurassic Africa
  45. Late Triassic geology
  46. Middle Devonian
  47. Neogene
  48. Neogene Arizona
  49. Neogene formations of New Mexico
  50. Neogene geologyI
  51. Neogene impact craters
  52. Neogene magmatism
  53. Neogene paleogeography
  54. Oligocene
  55. Oligocene geochronology
  56. Oligocene geology
  57. Oligocene volcanism
  58. Ordovician
  59. Ordovician by continent
  60. Ordovician events
  61. Ordovician geochronology
  62. Ordovician geology
  63. Ordovician impact craters
  64. Ordovician magmatism
  65. Ordovician paleogeography
  66. Paleogene
  67. Paleogene Oceania
  68. Paleogene geochronology
  69. Paleogene geology
  70. Paleogene impact craters
  71. Paleogene magmatism
  72. Paleogene paleogeography
  73. Permian
  74. Permian System of Africa
  75. Permian geochronology
  76. Permian magmatism
  77. Permian paleogeography
  78. Precambrian geochronology
  79. Quaternary
  80. Quaternary geologic formations
  81. Quaternary geology
  82. Quaternary impact craters
  83. Quaternary magmatism
  84. Quaternary paleontological sites
  85. Silurian
  86. Silurian geochronology
  87. Silurian geology
  88. Silurian impact craters
  89. Silurian magmatism
  90. Silurian paleogeography
  91. Triassic
  92. Triassic geology
  93. Triassic impact craters
  94. Triassic magmatism
  95. Triassic paleogeography
  96. Upper Cretaceous Series