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Logo of TYPO3
Logo of TYPO3
TYPO3 10.4.21 Backend.png
TYPO3 CMS 10.4 backend
Original author(s)Kasper Skårhøj
Developer(s)TYPO3 Association
Initial release1998; 27 years ago (1998)
Stable release
10.4 (10 LTS)[1] / 2020-04-21[±]
Written inPHP, SQL, JavaScript
Operating systemWindows, Linux, FreeBSD, macOS, OS/2
PlatformIA-32, x86-64
Size18.5 MB
Available in51 languages
TypeContent management framework, content management system
LicenseGNU General Public License version 2

TYPO3 is a Web Content management system (CMS) written in the programming language PHP. It can run on a variety of web servers, such as Apache, Nginx, or Internet Information Services (IIS), and on many operating systems, including Linux, Microsoft Windows, FreeBSD, macOS, and OS/2. It is free and open-source software released under the GNU General Public License version 2.

TYPO3 is similar to other popular content management systems such as, Drupal, Joomla! and WordPress. It is used more widely in Europe than in other regions, with larger market share in German-speaking countries.[2][3]

TYPO3 is credited to be highly flexible, as code and content are run separately.[citation needed] It can be extended by new functions without writing any program code. TYPO3 supports publishing content in multiple languages due to its built-in localization system. Due to its features like editorial workplace and workflow, advanced frontend editing, scalability and maturity, TYPO3 makers classify it as an enterprise level content management system.[4][5]

History and usage

TYPO3 was initially authored by the Denmark Kasper Skårhøj in 1997.[6] It is now developed by over 300 contributors under the lead of Benjamin Mack (Core team leader) and Mathias Schreiber (Product Owner).[7]

Calculations from the TYPO3 Association show that it is currently used in more than 500,000 installations. The number of installations detected by the public website "CMS Crawler" was around 384,000 in February 2017.[3][8]


TYPO3 provides a base set of interfaces, functions and modules. Most functionality exceeding the base set needs extensions. More than 5000 extensions are currently available for TYPO3 for download under the GNU General Public License from a repository called the TYPO3 Extension Repository, or TER.[9]

TYPO3 can run on most HTTP servers such as Apache, Nginx or IIS on top of Linux, Microsoft Windows or macOS. It uses PHP 7.2 or newer and any relational database supported by the TYPO3 DBAL including MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, and SQLite.[10] Some 3rd-party extensions – not using the database API – support MySQL as the only database engine. The system can be run on any web server with at least 256 MB RAM and a CPU appropriate for that RAM. The backend can be displayed in any modern browser with JavaScript. There is no browser restriction for displaying user-oriented content generated by TYPO3.

Building basic proficiency in TYPO3 needs between a few weeks up to some months. For an author or editor who administers and operates a TYPO3 based website, this requirement can range from a few minutes to a few hours. A developer setting up a website with TYPO3 would need to work intensively with the meta-language Typoscript.[11]

System architecture

Conceptually, TYPO3 consists of two parts: the frontend, visible to visitors, and the administrative backend. The frontend displays the web content. The backend is responsible for administration and managing content. The core functions of TYPO3 include user privileges and user roles, timed display control of content (show/hide content elements), a search function for static and dynamic content, search-engine friendly URLs, an automatic sitemap, multi-language capability for frontend and backend, and more.

Like most modern CMS's, TYPO3 follows the policy of separation of content and layout: The website content is stored in a relational database, while the page templates are stored on the file system. Therefore, both can be managed and updated separately.

TYPO3 defines various basic types of content data. Standard content elements are described as text, text with media, images, (plain) HTML, video etc. Various added types of content elements can be handled using extensions.

The fundamental content unit is a "page". Pages represent a URL in the frontend and are organized hierarchically in the backends' page tree. Standard pages serve as "containers" for one or multiple content elements. There are several added special page types, including:

  • shortcuts (they show content from another page)
  • mount points (that insert a part of the page tree at the mount point)
  • external URLs
  • system folders (to handle complex data such as registered users)

Internally, TYPO3 is managed by various PHP arrays. They contain all the information necessary to generate HTML code from the content stored in the database. This is achieved by a unique configuration language called Typoscript.

Design elements

Designing and developing with TYPO3 is commonly based on the following elements, among others:

Page tree
Representation of all pages of a site, their structure and properties.
System-wide configuration parameters
Since TYPO3 6, the system runs on the templating engine Fluid. Fluid combines HTML markup with conditions and control structures. It can be extended by custom view helpers written in PHP.
Until version 4.3, an HTML skeleton was used, with markers (e.g., ###MARKER###) and range markers, called subparts (e.g., <!-- ###CONTENT### Start --> … <!-- ###CONTENT### End -->); that were replaced by various content elements or served as a sub template. This template system can still be found in older extensions or installations.
Typoscript is a purely declarative configuration language. In Typoscript, configuration values are defined, which are parsed into a system-wide PHP array. Typoscript is object-based and organized in a tree-like structure.
Added plug-ins to enable more functions. See Extensions.
TYPO3 CMS is written in PHP. Thus, most features can be modified or extended by experienced users. For example, the XCLASS mechanism allows classes and methods to be overwritten and extended.


Extensions are the cornerstone in the internal architecture of TYPO3. A feature that was introduced with version 3.5 in 2003 is the Extension Manager, a control center managing all TYPO3 extensions. The division between the TYPO3 core and the extensions is an important concept which determined the development of TYPO3 in the past years. Extensions are designed in a way so they can supplement the core seamlessly. This means that a TYPO3 system will appear as a unit while actually being composed of the core application and a set of extensions providing various features.[12]

Diagram of the basic TYPO3 system architecture

They can be downloaded from the online repository (TER) directly from the backend, and are installed and updated with a few clicks. Every extension is identified by a unique extension key (for example, tt news). Also, developers can share new or modified extensions by uploading them to the repository.[9]

Generally, extensions are written in PHP. The full command set of PHP 5.3 can be used (regarded the system requirements of the specific TYPO3 version), but TYPO3 also provides several library classes for better efficiency: Best known and most used is the Pibase library class. With introduction of TYPO3 4.3 in 2009, Pibase has been replaced (or extended) by the Extbase library, which is a modern, model–view–controller (MVC) based development framework. To ensure backward compatibility, both libraries can be used in the same TYPO3 installation. Extbase is a backport of some features of FLOW3, renamed Neos Flow, a general web application framework.[13]

Notable projects

As it classifies as an enterprise CMS, many global companies and organizations base their web or intranet sites on TYPO3. The majority are based in German-speaking countries, such as the state of Saxony-Anhalt, the German Green Party, the University of Lucerne (Switzerland), the University of Vienna (Austria) and the Technical University of Berlin. International organizations running one or more TYPO3 sites are: Airbus, Konica-Minolta, Leica Microsystems, Air France, Greenpeace, and Meda (Sweden).[14][15][16]


Version history


Branch Version [17] Release date Major changes
3.0 2001[citation needed]
  • First public release[18]
3.2 17 May 2002
  • Several bug fixes[19]
3.3 3 June 2002
3.5 18 February 2003
  • Several bug fixes
  • Introducing the Extension Manager – users can now write their own extension modules
3.6 30 April 2004
  • Create Extensible Hypertext Markup Language (XHTML) code in standard content elements
  • XML storage for content elements
  • Introducing basic database abstraction concept[21][22]
3.7 24 September 2004
  • Simplified content-localisation
  • Extended permission system
  • Renewed TypoScript-Engine
3.8 23 May 2005
  • Multi-language ability for the backend (introducing language packs)
  • GraphicsMagick support
  • Improved frontend search[23]
3.8.1 14 November 2005
  • Several bug fixes and security improvements[24]
4.x 4.0 7 April 2006
  • Backend redesign for better user experience
  • Restructured HTML output
  • Introducing backend skins and the new rich text editor
  • Introducing workspaces (integrated versioning)
  • Implementation of a database abstraction layer
  • Enabling TYPO3 to work on Oracle and PostgreSQL
  • Current Version: 4.0.13[25][26]
4.1 6 March 2007
  • Improved page tree with Ajax
  • Introducing Inline Relational Record Editing (IRRE)[27]
  • Improved UTF-8 support and enabling of InnoDB features
  • Current version: 4.1.15[17][25][28]
4.2 24 May 2008
  • Many GUI improvements in the backend, including AJAX features, extended features of the text editor
  • Improvement of frontend login and extension update process
  • Current version: 4.2.17[29]
4.3 30 November 2009
  • Modified frontend editing
  • Flash uploader and recycle bin for the backend
  • New system reports & system scheduler
  • Introducing the new caching framework
  • Security improvements with Salt (cryptography) & RSA
  • Integration of Extbase & Fluid features
  • Current version: 4.3.14[30]
4.4 22 June 2010
  • Full backend redesign incl. performance improvements
  • Simplified installation, first Introduction Package – a complete website template
  • CSS and JavaScript compression, HTML5 support in frontend
  • Current version: 4.4.15[31][32]
4.5 LTS 26 January 2011
  • First release with long-term support (LTS), until March 2015,[33][34] incl. support of IE6
  • Extended long-term support (chargeable), until March 2016[35]
  • UTF-8 as default charset and HTML5 in backend[36]
  • Refurbished backend forms and extension manager
  • Integrated protection against CSRF
  • Current version: 4.5.40[37][38][39][40][41]
4.6 25 October 2011
  • Internationalization with XLIFF
  • New website form content element
  • Security & performance improvements
  • Current version: 4.6.15[42][43][44]
4.7 24 April 2012
  • Complete accessibility for new installations acc. to WCAG[45]
  • Introducing new HTML5 elements like <audio> & <video>, improvements for TCEforms[46]
  • Introducing the Government Package
  • Current version: 4.7.19[47][48][49]
6.x 6.0 27 November 2012[50]
6.1 30 April 2013
  • Automatic updates for the Core and for translations, e.a.[54][55]
  • Latest version: 6.1.11 [17]
6.2 LTS 25 March 2014[56]
  • Second release with Long Term Support (LTS), until April 2017[33]
  • File Abstraction Layer (FAL) re-worked
  • Install Tool re-written and Distribution Management added
  • Responsive image rendering and mobile device preview
  • New documentation module added
  • Enhanced security features
  • Latest version: 6.2.47
7.x 7.0 2 December 2014
  • general code cleanup, speed improvements through outsourcing of an old compatibility layer, refresh of the visual appearance of the backend.[57]
7.4 4 August 2015
  • Backend Overhaul Vol 2
7.5 29 September 2015
  • general code base improvements, Backend Overhaul Vol 3
7.6 LTS 10 November 2015
  • Third release with Long Term Support (LTS), support until November 2018[33]
8.x 8.0 22 March 2016
  • general code cleanup, speed improvements through outsourcing of the old compatibility layer, refresh of the visual appearance of the backend. Usage of performance improvements through PHP7 requirement.[57]
8.1 3 May 2016
  • Most notable: Doctrine integration, UX rework of workspace module, general cleanup.[58]
8.2 5 July 2016
  • Ogg, flac and opus media support
  • Removed support for compatibility6 extension.[59]
8.3 30 August 2016
  • Doctrine DBAL migration
  • Tree rendering with SVGs
  • Unified linking syntax
  • PHP 7.1 support[60]
8.4 18 October 2016
  • Mobile backend
  • Documentation API
  • Easier migrations
  • Access flexform values by TypoScript.[61]
8.5 20 December 2016
  • New form framework,
  • Integration of CKEditor [62]
8.6 14 February 2017
  • Improvements in frontend editing.[63]
8.7 LTS 4 April 2017
  • Long Term Support Release (LTS), bug fixes for 18 months, security support for 36 months, until March 2020.[63]
9.x 9.0 12 December 2017
  • First of five sprint releases to 9.x LTS. Refactored Install Tool into System Maintenance Area. New Page Tree user interface. New page translations.[63]
9.1 30 January 2018
  • Custom handling of URL redirects.[63]
9.2 10 April 2018
  • New Site module for configuring separate websites and languages in a multi-site project.[64]
9.3 12 June 2018
  • Additional SEO extension.[65]
9.4 4 September 2018
  • URL Routing for pages "Speaking URLs for Routing", XML Sitemap.[66]
9.5 LTS 2 October 2018
  • Long Term Support Release (LTS), bug fixes for 18 months, security support for 36 months, until September 2021.[67]
10.x 10.0 23 July 2019
10.1 1 October 2019
10.2 3 December 2019
10.3 25 February 2020
10.4 LTS 21 April 2020
  • Long Term Support Release (LTS), fully supported for 1.5 years, security and critical fixes until April 2023.[68]
11.x 11.0 22 December 2020 Support PHP 7.4 und 8.0 / MySQL 5.7+ / MariaDB / Postgres / SQLite
11.1 23 February 2021
11.2 4 May 2021
11.3 13 July 2021
11.4 7 September 2021
11.5 LTS 5 October 2021
  • Long Term Support Release (LTS), fully supported for at least 1.5 years, security and critical fixes for at least 3 years until October 2024.[69]
12.x 12.0 4 October 2022 First release of TYPO3 12.0[70]


A completely rewritten version (code-named "Phoenix") was originally planned as TYPO3 version 5.0. While working on this new release and analyzing the 10-year history and complexity of TYPO3 v4, the TYPO3 community decided to branch out version 5 as a completely separate product, one that wouldn't replace version 4 in the near future and as such needed to have its own name. Published as FLOW3, now renamed Neos Flow, it along with various other packages then served as the basis for the start of development of project Phoenix.[71]

In September 2012, the TYPO3 developers decided on the name for the new product, "TYPO3 Neos".[72] With TYPO3 Neos 1.0 alpha1, a public test version was released in late 2012.[73][74] In May 2015 the TYPO3 Association and the Neos team decided to go separate ways, with TYPO3 CMS remaining the only CMS product endorsed by the Association and the Neos team publishing Neos as a stand-alone CMS without any connection to the TYPO3 world.[75]

In January 2017, Neos 3.0 has been published, along with a new version of Flow framework and a name change of its configuration language from TypoScript2 to Fusion.[76]

See also


  1. "Download TYPO3". Retrieved 2020-06-10. 
  2. "Distribution of Content Management Systems among websites that use German". 
  3. 3.0 3.1 "TYPO3". 
  4. "TYPO3 - The Enterprise CMS". 
  5. Hinderink e.a., Werner Altmann; René Fritz; Daniel (2005). TYPO3: enterprise content management (1. ed.). Birmingham [u.a.]: Packt Publ.. ISBN 1-904811-41-8. 
  6. "The History of TYPO3". 
  7. "TYPO3 Core development". 
  8. "TYPO3 in numbers". TYPO3 - The Enterprise Open Source CMS. 
  9. 9.0 9.1 "Extension Repository". TYPO3 - The Enterprise Open Source CMS. 
  10. "Download TYPO3 -". 
  11. "Configuration overview — TYPO3 Explained main documentation" (in en). 
  12. "What are extensions?". TYPO3 - The Enterprise Open Source CMS. 
  13. Official Extbase MVC Framework Documentation
  14. "TYPO3 case studies". 
  15. "Recently added sites". 
  16. "Case studies". 
  17. 17.0 17.1 17.2 17.3 Information on support cycles of TYPO3 versions
  18. "Installation manual for TYPO3 3.0". 
  19. "Installation manual for TYPO3 3.0 w/ Screenshots of version 3.2". 
  20. "TYPO3". 
  21. "Source code of all newer versions with release dates". 
  22. Bager, Jo (3 May 2004). "Typo3 3.6.0 fertig gestellt". heise online. 
  23. "Category:ReleaseNotes/TYPO3 3.8.x". 
  24. "release notes for TYPO3 3.8.1". 
  25. 25.0 25.1 End of life of TYPO3 4.0
  26. "TYPO3 4.0". 
  27. "Inline Relational Record Editing". TYPO3 Wiki. 
  28. "TYPO3 4.1". 
  29. "TYPO3 4.2". 
  30. "release notes for TYPO3 4.3". 
  31. "release notes for TYPO3 4.4". 
  32. t3n Redaktion. "TYPO3 4.4: TYPO3 wird einsteigerfreundlicher, schöner, schneller – Hier die wichtigsten Neuerungen" (in de). t3n Magazin. 
  33. 33.0 33.1 33.2 "TYPO3 Roadmap". 
  34. "4.5 LTS support extended because of 6.2 final release postponed, since they have promised to keep the LTS overlapping period 12 months.". 21 November 2013. 
  35. "Announcing TYPO3 CMS 4.5 Extended Long-Term-Support Plans". 5 March 2015. 
  36. "TYPO3 450alpha3 - TYPO3 4.5 Projects - TYPO3 Forge". 
  37. "Download". TYPO3 - The Enterprise Open Source CMS. 
  38. "Overview - TYPO3 4.5 Projects - TYPO3 Forge". 
  39. " TYPO3 4.5 will be the most secure TYPO3 version ever.". 
  40. Ernesto Baschny (2 October 2010). "TYPO3 4.5 LTS Status Report T3CON10". 
  41. Ernesto Baschny (3 July 2010). "TYPO3 4.5 Kick-Off Presentation #t3dd10". 
  42. TYPO3 4.6 release date rec. 6. October 2012
  43. "Login". TYPO3 - The Enterprise Open Source CMS. 
  44. A Brief Introduction to TYPO3 version 4.6
  45. TYPO3 Receives German Governmental Funding for Accessibility and Usability Project, rec. 27 Juli 2011
  46. "Feature #12664: Idea about faster loading modules - Core - TYPO3 Forge". 
  47. "Wiki - TYPO3 4.7 Projects - TYPO3 Forge". 
  48. "TYPO3 4.7 release notes". 
  49. "Home: TYPO3 Government Package". 
  50. "Welcome to nginx". 
  51. "Development Report: File Abstraction Layer". TYPO3 - The Enterprise Open Source CMS. 28 February 2012. 
  52. TYPO3 6.0 Release Timeline -
  53. "TYPO3 6.0 - Back to the Future". TYPO3 - The Enterprise Open Source CMS. 14 May 2012. 
  54. 54.0 54.1 "The TYPO3 Core Team is giving a short summary about the upcoming releases of TYPO3.". TYPO3 - The Enterprise Open Source CMS. 3 March 2012. 
  55. "Feature #43703: Add a task to auto update languages - Core - TYPO3 Forge". 
  56. "New release plan for 6.2 LTS". 21 November 2013. 
  57. 57.0 57.1 "Retaining compatibility to TYPO3 CMS6 - - TYPO3 - The Enterprise Open Source CMS". 
  58. "TYPO3 v8.1 - Tightening the screws". 3 May 2016. 
  59. "8.2 Changes" (in en). 2016. 
  60. "Releasing TYPO3 v8.3". 30 August 2016. 
  61. "Releasing TYPO3 v8.4". 18 October 2016. 
  62. "TYPO3 v8.5 released". 20 December 2016. 
  63. 63.0 63.1 63.2 63.3 "Development Roadmap for TYPO3 CMS". 
  64. "Typo3-v920-released". 10 April 2018. 
  65. "TYPO3 v9.3.0 released". 12 June 2018. 
  66. "Announcement of TYPO3 9.4 Release". 4 September 2018. 
  67. "Announcement of TYPO3 9.5 LTS Release". 2 October 2018. 
  68. "TYPO3 v10 - Safe and Sound". 8 March 2019. 
  69. "TYPO3 v11 - Warp Speed". 5 October 2021. 
  70. "TYPO3 v12 - Release Your Power". 4 October 2022. 
  71. "The TYPO3 Core Team is giving a short summary about the upcoming releases of TYPO3". 3 March 2012. 
  72. Dambekalns, Karsten (10 October 2012). "TYPO3 Neos and Flow - September 2012". TYPO3 Association. 
  73. "TYPO3 Neos Alpha Releases". TYPO3 Association. 
  74. "Change Log Neos 1.0.0 alpha2". TYPO3 Association. 
  75. "Neos and TYPO3 split". 18 May 2015. 
  76. "Neos 3.0 and Flow 4.0 Released". 30 January 2017. 

Further reading

  • Michael Peacock – Building Websites with TYPO3 (Paperback) – ISBN:1-84719-111-8
  • Michael Schams, Patrick Lobacher - TYPO3 Extbase: Modern Extension Development for TYPO3 CMS with Extbase & Fluid (Paberback) - ISBN:1-53053-417-8
  • Rene Fritz, Daniel Hinderink, Werner Altmann – TYPO3: Enterprise Content Management (Paperback) – ISBN:1-904811-41-8

External links