Biology:List of OBO Foundry ontologies
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This is a list of ontologies that are part of the OBO Foundry (As of January 2020)
OBO Foundry ontologies
Title | Prefix | Description | Official page |
Agronomy Ontology | AGRO | Ontology of concepts relevant to agronomy experiments. | [1] |
An ontology of core ecological entities | ECOCORE | An ontology for ecological entities. | [2] |
Anatomical Entity Ontology | AEO | Ontology of anatomical structures that expand CARO, the Common Anatomy Reference Ontology. | [3] |
Antibiotic Resistance Ontology | ARO | Ontology for antibiotic resistance genes and mutations. | [4] |
Apollo Structured Vocabulary [1] | APOLLO-SV | Ontology for enabling interoperability of epidemic models and public health application software. | [5] |
Ascomycete phenotype ontology | APO | A structured controlled vocabulary for the phenotypes of Ascomycete fungi. | [6] |
Basic Formal Ontology[2] | BFO | The upper-level ontology upon which OBO Foundry ontologies are built. | [7] |
Beta Cell Genomics Ontology | BCGO | An application ontology built for beta cell genomic studies. | [8] |
Biological Collections Ontology [3] | BCO | An ontology for biodiversity data. | [9] |
Biological Imaging Methods Ontology | FBBI | Ontology for methods involved in biomedical imaging, including preparation and acquisition. | [10] |
Biological Spatial Ontology | BSPO | An ontology for representing spatial concepts used in biology. | [11] |
BRENDA tissue / enzyme source | BTO | An ontology for the source of enzymes. | [12] |
C. elegans development ontology (see WormBase) | WBLS | An ontology for the development of Caenorhabditis elegans. | [13] |
C. elegans Gross Anatomy Ontology (see WormBase) | WBBT | An ontology for the anatomy of Caenorhabditis elegans. | [14] |
C. elegans phenotype (see WormBase) | WBPHENOTYPE | An ontology for the phenotypes of Caenorhabditis elegans. | [15] |
Cardiovascular Disease Ontology | CVDO | An ontology for concepts related to cardiovascular diseases. | [16] [17] |
Cell Line Ontology [4] | CLO | Ontology to describe cell lines. | [18] [19] |
Cell Ontology [5] | CL | Ontology for metazoan cell types. | [20] [21] |
Chemical Entities of Biological Interest | CHEBI | Ontology of small molecular entities of biological interest. | [22] |
Chemical Information Ontology [6] | CHEMINF | Ontology for descriptors used in chemoinformatics databases. | [23] [24] |
Chemical Methods Ontology | CHMO | An ontology for the methods used in chemical experiments. | [25] |
Clinical LABoratory Ontology | LABO | An ontology of prescriptions and reports in clinical laboratories. | [26] |
Clinical measurement ontology [7] | CMO | Ontology to classify clinical measurements of experimental animals. | [27] |
Common Anatomy Reference Ontology [8] | CARO | An ontology to improve interoperability between anatomy ontologies for different organisms. | [28] |
Comparative Data Analysis Ontology [9] | CDAO | Ontology of concepts and relations relevant to evolutionary comparative analysis, such as phylogenetic trees. | [29] [30] |
Confidence Information Ontology [10] | CIO | An ontology to describe confidence information in sequence annotations. | [31] |
Contributor Role Ontology | CRO | An ontology for the diverse roles behind a scientific research article. | [32] [33] |
Ctenophore Ontology | CTENO | An anatomical and developmental ontology for ctenophores (Comb Jellies). | [34] |
Dictyostelium discoideum anatomy[11] | DDANAT | A structured controlled vocabulary of the anatomy of the slime-mold Dictyostelium discoideum. | [35] |
Dictyostelium discoideum phenotype ontology | DDPHENO | An ontology for phenotypes of the slime-mould Dictyostelium discoideum. | [36] |
Drosophila development | FBDV | An ontology of the development of Drosophila melanogaster. | [37] |
Drosophila gross anatomy[12] | FBBT | An ontology for the anatomy of Drosophila melanogaster. | [38] |
Drosophila Phenotype Ontology | FBCV | An ontology of common Drosophila phenotypes. | [39] |
Drug-drug Interaction and Drug-drug Interaction Evidence Ontology [13] | DIDEO | Ontology for drug–drug interaction evidence. | [40] |
Evidence & Conclusion Ontology[14] | ECO | An ontology for types evidence used to support scientific claims. | [41] |
eagle-i resource ontology | ERO | An ontology of research equipment, protocols and consumables. | [42] |
Emotion Ontology [15] | MFOEM | An ontology of emotions, moods, and other kinds of feelings. | [44] |
Environment Ontology [16] | ENVO | Ontology of environmental features and habitats. | [45] |
Experimental condition ontology [17] | XCO | An ontology for the different conditions in which experimental measurements are taken. | [46] |
Exposure Ontology [18] | EXO | Ontology to describe exposure to environmental factors (such as cigarette smoke) that might influence clinical outcomes. | [47] |
Fission Yeast Phenotype Ontology[19] | FYPO | An ontology of phenotypes of fission yeast. | [48] [49] |
Flora Phenotype Ontology [20] | FLOPO | An ontology for traits and phenotypes of flowering plants. | [50] |
FlyBase Controlled Vocabulary | FBCV | An ontology to support the FlyBase project. | [51] |
Food Ontology [21] | FOODON | An ontology to represent entities that play a food role or related to foods. | [52] |
Foundational Model of Anatomy Ontology (subset) | FMAO | Subset of the Foundational Model of Anatomy Ontology. | [53] |
Fungal Anatomy Ontology | FAO | An ontology for the anatomy of fungi. | [54] |
Gazetteer | GAZ | An ontology that acts as a gazetteer (geographical dictionary). | [55] |
Gene Ontology | GO | An ontology for describing the function of genes and gene products. | [56] [57] |
Genomic Epidemiology Ontology [22] | GENEPIO | An ontology for foodborne pathogens and associated outbreaks. | [58] |
Genotype Ontology | GENO | An ontology for genotypes and their related phenotypes and diseases. | [59] |
Geographical Entity Ontology | GEO | An ontology of geographical entities. | [60] |
Glycan Naming Ontology [23] | GNOME | An ontology for glycans based on GlyTouCan. | [61] |
Homology Ontology [24] | HOM | An ontology for concepts related to homology. | [62] |
Human Ancestry Ontology [25] | HANCESTRO | An ontology of ancestry concepts used in the NHGRI-EBI Catalog of published genome-wide association studies. | [63] |
Human Developmental Stages | HSAPDV | An ontology of stages of the human life. | [64] |
Human Disease Ontology | DO | An ontology for describing human diseases. | [65] |
Human Phenotype Ontology | HPO | An ontology for human phenotypes in hereditary and non-hereditary diseases. | [66] [67] |
HUPO-PSI cross-linking and derivatization reagents controlled vocabulary | PSI-MS | An ontology for reagents used to cross-link molecules in mass spectrometry experiments. | [68] |
Hymenoptera Anatomy Ontology [26] | HAO | An ontology of the anatomy of the Hymenoptera (bees, wasps, and ants). | [69] |
Hypertension Ontology | HTN | An ontology for clinical data about hypertension. | [70] |
Infectious Disease Ontology [27] | IDO | A set of ontologies related to infectious diseases. | [71] |
Information Artifact Ontology [28] | IAO | An ontology of information entities. | [72] |
Informed Consent Ontology | ICO | An ontology for concepts related to informed consent, such as forms and policies. | [73] |
Integrative and Conjugative Element Ontology | ICEO | An ontology of bacterial integrative and conjugative elements (ICEs). | [74] |
Interaction Network Ontology [29] | INO | An ontology for gene-gene interactions. | [75] |
Malaria Ontology [30] | IDOMAL | An ontology for concepts related to malaria. | [76] |
Mammalian Feeding Muscle Ontology | MFMO | An ontology for the mammalian muscles that play a role in feeding behavior. | [77] |
Mammalian Phenotype Ontology | MP | Standard terms for annotating mammalian phenotypic data. | [78] |
Mass spectrometry ontology | MI | An ontology for concepts to describe mass spectrometry in the context of proteomics. | [79] |
Measurement method ontology | MMO | An ontology for methods of clinical and laboratory measurements. | [80] |
Medaka Developmental Stages | OlatDv | An ontology of life stages for the medaka fish. | [81] |
Mental Disease Ontology [31] | MFOMD | An ontology for mental diseases. | [82] |
Mental Functioning Ontology [31] | MFO | An ontology for concepts related to mental functioning. | [83] [84] |
MHC Restriction Ontology [32] | MRO | An ontology for Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) restriction in experiments. | [85] |
MIAPA Ontology [33] | MIAPA | An ontology for phylogenetic data. | [86] |
Microbial Conditions Ontology [34] | MCO | An ontology for microbial growth conditions. | [87] |
Minimum PDDI Information Ontology | MPIO | An ontology of the minimum information to describe drug–drug interactions. | [88] |
Molecular Interactions Controlled Vocabulary | MI | An ontology for concepts related to the study of protein-protein interactions. | [89] |
Mondo Disease Ontology | MONDO | An ontology for the integration of information on disease. | [90] |
Mosquito gross anatomy ontology (VectorBase) | TGMA | An ontology for the anatomy of mosquitoes. | [91] |
Mouse adult gross anatomy ontology | EMAPA | An ontology for the adult anatomy of the mouse (Mus). | [92] |
Mouse Developmental Stages | MmusDv | An ontology of stages of the mouse (Mus) life. | [93] |
Mouse gross anatomy and development, timed | EMAP | Ontology of anatomical structures of the mouse (Mus musculus). | [94] |
Mouse Pathology Ontology [35] | MPATH | An ontology of mouse pathology phenotypes. | [95] |
Name Reaction Ontology | RXNO | An ontology for organic reactions in organic synthesis. | [96] |
NCBI organismal classification [36] | NCBITaxon | An ontology representation of the NCBI organismal taxonomy. | [97] |
Neuro Behavior Ontology | NBO | An ontology of behavioral phenotypes of animals. | [98] |
NOMEN - A nomenclatural ontology for biological names [37] | NOMEN | An ontology of the rules of nomenclature for biological names. | [99] |
Non-Coding RNA Ontology [38] | NCRO | An ontology for non-coding RNA function. | [100] |
Ontologized MIABIS | OMIABIS | An ontological version of MIABIS (Minimum Information About BIobank data Sharing). | [101] |
Ontology for Biobanking [39] | OBIB | An ontology for concepts related to biobanks. | [102] |
Ontology for Biomedical Investigations | OBI | An ontology which describes biological processes, cellular components and molecular functions in living organisms. | [103] |
Ontology for General Medical Science | OGMS | An ontology for general aspects of medicine, with a focus on cancer. | [104] |
Ontology for Parasite LifeCycle [40] | OPL | A reference ontology for parasite life cycle stages. | [105] |
Ontology of Adverse Events [41] | OAE | An ontology for adverse events of drug regimens. | [106] |
Ontology of Arthropod Circulatory Systems [42] | OARCS | An ontology for the circulatory systems of arthropods. | [107] |
Ontology of Biological and Clinical Statistics [43] | OBCS | An ontology to describe statistical tools and methods used in biomedical investigation. | [108] |
Ontology of Biological Attributes | OBA | An ontology for biological traits. | [109] |
Ontology of Medically Related Social Entities [44] | OMRSE | An ontology for entities (roles and organizations) related to healthcare. | [110] [111] |
Ontology of Microbial Phenotypes [45] | OMP | An ontology of phenotypes of microorganisms. | [112] |
Ontology of Organizational Structures of Trauma centers and Trauma systems | OOSTT | An ontology for the organizational structures of trauma centers and trauma systems. | [113] |
Ontology of Precision Medicine and Investigation | OPMI | An ontology for concepts related to precision medicine. | [114] |
Ontology of Prokaryotic Phenotypic and Metabolic Characters [46] | MICRO | An ontology of prokaryotic phenotypic and metabolic characters. | [115] |
Ontology of RNA Sequencing | ORNASEQ | An ontology to annotate RNA Sequencing experiments. | [116] |
Ontology of Vaccine Adverse Events [47] | OVAE | An ontology for adverse events of vaccines. | [117] [118] |
Pathogen Host Interaction Phenotype Ontology | PHIPO | An ontology of phenotypes that occur in pathogen-host interactions. | [119] |
Pathogen Transmission Ontology | TRANS | An ontology for disease transmission processes. | [120] |
Pathway ontology | PW | An ontology for annotating gene products to pathways. | [121] |
Performance Summary Display Ontology | PSDO | An ontology for concepts related to performance information for teams and organizations. | [122] |
Phenotype And Trait Ontology | FOBI | FOBI (Food-Biomarker Ontology) is an ontology to represent food intake data and associate it with metabolomic data. | [123] |
Planaria Ontology | PLANA | An ontology for the anatomy and developmental stages of the planaria (Schmidtea mediterranea). | [124] |
Planarian Phenotype Ontology | PLANP | An ontology for phenotypes of the planaria (Schmidtea mediterranea). | [125] |
Plant Experimental Conditions Ontology | PECO | An ontology for concepts related to plant biology experiments. | [126] |
Plant ontology | PO | An ontology and database resource that links plant traits to genomics data. | [127] |
Plant Phenology Ontology | PPO | An ontology for describing the cyclic phenomena of plants. | [128] |
Plant Trait Ontology | TO | An ontology for phenotypic traits in plants. | [129] |
Platynereis Developmental Stages | PDUMDV | An ontology for life stages of the annelid Platynereis dumerilii. | [130] |
Population and Community Ontology | PCO | An ontology for describing groups of interacting organisms. | [131] |
Porifera Ontology [48] | PORO | An ontology for the anatomy of sponges (Porifera) | [132] |
Protein modification [49] | MOD | An ontology for protein chemical modifications. | [133] |
Protein Ontology [50] | PRO | An ontological representation of protein-related entities. | [134] |
Rat Strain Ontology [51] | RS | An ontology for laboratorial rat strains. | [135] |
Relation Ontology [52] | RO | An ontology for relations between terms in the ontologies. | [136] |
Scientific Evidence and Provenance Information Ontology | SEPIO | An ontology for the provenance of scientific claims and supporting evidence. | [137] |
Sequence types and features ontology | SO | An ontology for annotation of sequences. | [138] |
Software Ontology[53] | SWO | An ontology to describe software applications with a focus on bioinformatics tools. | [139] |
Spider Ontology[54] | SPD | An ontology for anatomy and behavior of spiders as well as spider-derived products. | [140] |
Symptom Ontology | SYMP | An ontology of disease symptoms. | [141] |
Taxonomic rank vocabulary | TAXRANK | An ontology of taxonomic ranks in systematics. | [142] |
Teleost taxonomy ontology [55] | TTO | An ontology for the taxonomy of teleost fish. | [143] |
The Data Use Ontology [56] | DUO | Ontology for conditions of data use. | [144] |
The Drug Ontology [57] | DRON | An ontology for drug products. | [145] |
The Ontology of Genes and Genomes | OGG | An ontology of genes and genomes of biological organisms. | [146] |
The Oral Health and Disease Ontology [58] | OHD | An ontology for the content of teeth-related health records. | [147] |
The Prescription of Drugs Ontology [59] | PDRO | An ontology for concepts related to prescription of drugs. | [148] |
The Statistical Methods Ontology | STATO | An ontology for statistical methods, such as tests and experimental designs. | [149] |
Tick Anatomy Ontology [60] | TADS | An ontology for the anatomy of the tick families Ixodidae and Argasidae. | [150] |
Uberon multi-species anatomy ontology | UBERON | An integrative, cross species ontology for anatomical terms. | [151] |
Unified phenotype ontology (uPheno) | UPHENO | An ontology for unified phenotypical descriptictions. | [152] |
Units of measurement ontology | UO | An ontology of metrical units, couplet to the PATO ontology. | [153] |
Vaccination Informed Consent Ontology [61] | VICO | An ontology of clinical informed consents focused on vaccination procedures. | [154] |
Vaccine Ontology [62] | VO | An ontology for concepts related to vaccines and vaccination. | [155] |
Vertebrate Taxonomy Ontology | VTO | An ontology for the taxonomy of vertebrates. | [156] |
Vertebrate Trait Ontology | VT | An ontology for traits covering vertebrates | [157] |
VEuPathDB ontology | EUPATH | An ontology for the support of the Eukaryotic Pathogen, Host & Vector Genomics Resource. | [158] |
Xenopus Anatomy Ontology [63] | XAO | Ontology of the anatomy of the African clawed frog (Xenopus laevis). | [159] |
Xenopus Phenotype Ontology | XPO | An ontology for anatomical, cellular, and gene function phenotypes in African clawed frogs (Xenopus laevis). | [160] |
Zebrafish anatomy and development ontology | ZFA | Ontology for the anatomy and development of the zebrafish (Danio rerio). | [161] |
Zebrafish developmental stages ontology | ZFS | An ontology for developmental stages of the zebrafish (Danio rerio). | [162] |
Zebrafish Experimental Conditions Ontology | ZECO | An ontology for experimental conditions used in zebrafish research and described in ZFIN. | [163] |
Zebrafish Phenotype Ontology | ZP | An ontology for the phenotypes of the zebrafish (Danio rerio). | [164] |
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