Social:Pela language

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Short description: Burmish language of Western Yunnan, China
PronunciationIPA: [pə˧˩la˥]
Native toChina
Ethnicity1,000 (2001)[1]
Native speakers
400 (2000)[1]
  • (Tibeto-Burman)
    • Lolo–Burmese
      • Burmish
        • Maruic
          • Pela
Language codes
ISO 639-3bxd
Lang Status 60-DE.svg
Bola is classified as Definitely Endangered by the UNESCO Atlas of the World's Languages in Danger

Pela or Bola (Chinese: 波拉; autonym: pə˧˩la˥, exonym: po˧˩no˥˩), is a Burmish language of Western Yunnan, China. In China, Pela speakers are classified as part of the Jingpo ethnic group. Pela may also be spoken in Burma.


There are about 500 speakers as of 2005.[3] The ethnic population is distributed as follows.

  • Mangshi
    • Santaishan (三台山乡)
      • Yinqian (引欠村[4])
      • Kongjiazhai (孔家寨, representative dialect; Pela: tsɛ˧˩kʰauŋ˧˥tam˧˩)
    • Wuchalu (五岔路乡)
      • Mengguang (勐广村[5])
      • Nongnong (弄弄村[6])
      • Gongqiu (贡丘)
    • Xishan (西山乡)
      • 2nd cluster (二组), Banzai (板栽[7])
    • Chengjiao (城郊)
      • Huashulin (桦树林)
  • Lianghe County
    • Bangwai (邦外)
  • Longchuan County
    • Shuangwopu (双窝铺)
    • Wangzishu (王子树)
    • Palangnong (帕浪弄[8][9])

Yinqian (引欠, or Yunqian 允欠) and Mengguang (勐广) have the largest Pela populations.


Further reading

  • Dai, Qingxia 戴慶廈; Jiang, Ying 蔣潁; Kong, Zhi'en 孔志恩 (2007) (in zh). Bōlāyǔ yánjiū. Beijing: Minzu chubanshe. ISBN 9787105089932. 

External links